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Nezha prime access weapon predictions

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My guess would be Guandao Prime and Zakti Prime are most likely.
Guandao, because it's Chinese based and Nezha was depicted in legends to have a polearm, more specifically a spear, as one of his weapons. Plus, we haven't gotten a new polearm in a while either, with the latest one being Pupacyst from 2018, I believe.
Zakti, because it appears to be a sidearm counterpart of Guandao as both share similar theme and both also belongs in a bundle together.
The ribbon that hangs on both weapons further proves it, and they do look similar to the ribbons on Nezha's helmet.

Though it's not unusual for a Frame to come with an entirely different Primed weapon, as seen with when Mirage Prime came with Akbolto Prime, even though an Akzani Prime would've been more fitting instead.
It's also common for weapons of the same theme to be released on different Prime Accesses, such as Soma Prime and Aksomati Prime, or Boltor Prime and Akbolto Prime. If it's not Zakti Prime, then my other guesses would be either Kunai Prime, Talons Prime, Afuris Prime or Akmagnus Prime, or maybe we'll get an brand new Primed weapon perhaps. (I personally wish for Kunai and Akmagnus to get Primed the most, though)

Regarding Attica Prime and Shaku Prime, I honestly find it very unlikely since we already got Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime not long ago and I don't think it's a good idea to release another nunchaku and crossbow combo for another Prime Access again.
A Daikyu Prime however, I can see it being more possible, though we already got Kuva Bramma a few months back, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea to release yet another bow in such a short time either

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The Gruudo Prime I'm sure is a lock.. but the Dykiu Prime would likely be the primary since it took was a Chinese theme & makes sense to pair with him.. + we ain't had a prime bow in quite some time & the Dykiu Is a very good bow a prime version might be better then the Bramma!


That said we are due for another prime sentinel, Shade or Dijinn Prime would make for awesome primes! 

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Isn't the Daikyu Japanese?  Nezha comes from a Chinese myth, as I understand it.  Conflating the two seems like a huge misstep that I don't think DE would make.  Like others, I think the Guandao is a likely melee weapon to be primed.  As for his second piece of primed equipment, why not a surprise with no other existing variant, like the Euphona Prime, Dakra Prime, or Reaper Prime?

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I think it would be a shame if it weren't Shaku prime, even if i'm pretty disinterested in nunchucks. Guandao is very much a possibility, as I thought they'd release that with wukong. I suppose it might be something from left field as well, like a prime-only chakram type weapon (like glaive or halikar)

I'd love to see Taxon Prime one of these days, but I'm going to guess they'll do another primary/secondary. I have no idea what would fit, maybe the zakti? 

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

I know the usual answer is "Guandao Prime" but since Orthos Prime already exists I would not be surprised if DE went for a melee category that doesn't have a prime instead. Namely Lacera Prime, Gunsen Prime, Pennant Prime, or a new Prime whip. 

If not Guandao Prime, I’m getting the popcorn out...

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The obvious one: Guandao or Shaku.

Kunai, Daikyu or Attica.

Not much else (in my opinion) fits the 'asian style' theme or they already have a prime (hikou, spira). But of course it doesn't have to fit that theme and could  just be something that's old without a prime version. Since Nezha's theme kinda is fiery (chakram setting things on fire, halo being a 'ring of fire', fire walker) Ignis or Atomos Prime could possibly make some sense.

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10 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Sancti Tigris and Tigris Prime came out less than a year apart

But still not the same year. It seems you don't have an example that adheres to the criteria as provided. 

1) Variant and Prime the same year (Lacera). 

2) Prime less than a year after base (Pennant). 

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On 2020-06-21 at 8:13 PM, Scruffel said:

Guandao Prime

It's the closest that we have to a Spear-type weapon, it's of Chinese origin, and it even has a ribbon on it, similar to Nezha's sash within his legends.

And... I don't know. I'm just gonna guess Zakti Prime.


Combined with Nezha, you get Ribbon Prime <3

dance elephant GIF

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6 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

But still not the same year. It seems you don't have an example that adheres to the criteria as provided. 

1) Variant and Prime the same year (Lacera). 

This seems extremely fallacious to me. Eleven months apart is still "within a year" to me, even if it's a different calendar year

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40 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

This seems extremely fallacious to me. Eleven months apart is still "within a year" to me, even if it's a different calendar year

At no point did I write the word "within", as in, within a time frame. I wrote same year. That means actual same (2015 > 2015; 2016 > 2016) calendar year. 

Sancti Tigris > 2015

Tigris Prime > 2016

Not the same year. 

Close to a full year in time frame? Yes, I give you that. But not the same year. You added the word within to change the context of my request. The word same is in the first post I asked for examples to sustain your argument of DE having done that before.

They haven't. 

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On 2020-08-07 at 1:50 PM, TARINunit9 said:

I know the usual answer is "Guandao Prime" but since Orthos Prime already exists I would not be surprised if DE went for a melee category that doesn't have a prime instead. Namely Lacera Prime, Gunsen Prime, Pennant Prime, or a new Prime whip. 

Pennant would b crazy(cool)...gunsen maybe since there's 2 warfrans now...a new whip, hell yeah...lacera got a variant with scarlet spear(forget the name)...but how bout, wait for it, Machetes...Prime Gazal Machete with prime Djinn...now that'd b crazy

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32 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

At no point did I write the word "within", as in, within a time frame. I wrote same year. That means actual same (2015 > 2015; 2016 > 2016) calendar year. 

Sancti Tigris > 2015

Tigris Prime > 2016

Not the same year. 

Close to a full year in time frame? Yes, I give you that. But not the same year. You added the word within to change the context of my request. The word same is in the first post I asked for examples to sustain your argument of DE having done that before.

They haven't. 

Have you ever heard the expression "distinction without a difference"? Because this is a distinction without a meaningful difference

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16 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Have you ever heard the expression "distinction without a difference"? Because this is a distinction without a meaningful difference

Quantifying how meaningful a difference may be is besides the point because you then introduce subjective value to a specific request in order to meet an proximate value even though the request was absolute based on the wording provided as is without having to add additional words that were not present in the request.

DE have never released a variant and a Prime version of the same weapon the same year. Within a year of each other? Yes, but not the same calendar year.

Lacera Prime is not happening in 2020. Not for Nezha. Not for Octavia.

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23 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

Quantifying how meaningful a difference may be is besides the point because you then introduce subjective value to a specific request in order to meet an proximate value even though the request was absolute based on the wording provided as is without having to add additional words that were not present in the request.

DE have never released a variant and a Prime version of the same weapon the same year. Within a year of each other? Yes, but not the same calendar year.

Lacera Prime is not happening in 2020. Not for Nezha. Not for Octavia.

If I had better internet and could actually load the wiki, I could probably prove this wrong

Fixating on a tiny technicality to avoid having to admit you are wrong isn't healthy

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12 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

If I had better internet and could actually load the wiki, I could probably prove this wrong

Fixating on a tiny technicality to avoid having to admit you are wrong isn't healthy

Have your own advice with regards to changing the context of an argument/request in order to find a way to be right at all costs. 

I even conceded that if we go by a time frame within a year, then you are right. Yet you are unable to do the same and acknowledge that you answered something that was not asked because you wanted to be right in some way, shape or form.

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