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Inaros Prime Access Available Now!


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Using this posting as a baseline for social theory all posts after will be counted and correlated for pattern analysis. 

Added criteria:

Wanted Nezha: +/-

Demanding Inaros Rework +/-

Taking a break or not taking a break from Warframe +/-

Wanted Kavat Gear +/-

DE Bad in general +/-




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My personal opinion...
Hope so Inaros Prime will have a better movement animation.
Weapons are useless as f**k... 🤬
Armor set... Meh... 😕
Syandana.... Yay an another one! 🤮
No need of White Knighting. 
Oh almost forgot... Railjack promises when will be fulfilled?

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So... We're giving an immortal Warframe a prime... More life?... That's neat... Who was the speculated prime? Nezha??? The more fun and engaging Warframe? Damn... So you're saying we're giving a prime to the Warframe that needs a rework cause we don't wanna get predictable... Yes famous... But at what cost???

Note: I'm not trashing, just saying that people should invest in more fun and engaging ideas than just leaning on one ability, let alone a passive (talking about Nekros and Inaros, which is why I don't use em) I'm not trashing on them, I get why people use em, but let's face it, this game needs something engaging, and I was really proud that I saw Nezhas on Eidolon hunts either running around with firewalker or with that augment on... But now it seems like I'll be seeing more Inaros sitting in the back snipping the synovia

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11 minutes ago, Flatline125 said:

I do not understand why they would skip Nezha Prime in the first place. It seemed like he was used a lot more than Inaros unless I am wrong about that.

They have a pattern of releasing a Male Male, Female Female in tandem. Last we had Ivara/Titania, and next up looks like it's going to be Inaros/Nezha. They could skip Nezha completely and just go to Nidus but we shall see. They may have wanted more time to work on Nezha, because let's be honest how do you really beat Ligers Deluxe. Which is my theory as to why they have skipped him in this case, but I have no proof. 

There is also precedent for skipping as they did with Zephyr and Hydroid. We know we will have a Nezha Prime that much is certain, but the hour we have it is uncertain. 

Regardless there will be people happy and people unhappy such is the way of things. 

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3 minutes ago, Magus_Tahir said:

They have a pattern of releasing a Male Male, Female Female in tandem. Last we had Ivara/Titania, and next up looks like it's going to be Inaros/Nezha. They could skip Nezha completely and just go to Nidus but we shall see. They may have wanted more time to work on Nezha, because let's be honest how do you really beat Ligers Deluxe. Which is my theory as to why they have skipped him in this case, but I have no proof. 

There is also precedent for skipping as they did with Zephyr and Hydroid. We know we will have a Nezha Prime that much is certain, but the hour we have it is uncertain. 

Regardless there will be people happy and people unhappy such is the way of things. 

It is interesting to know though I never was a fan of his Deluxe personally. I fall into the disappointment camp as I was saving 2 umbra formas to finally use the exius slot. I find it odd though they did not even try to rework Inaros 2 and 3 before putting out a prime. 

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Just now, Flatline125 said:

It is interesting to know though I never was a fan of his Deluxe personally. I fall into the disappointment camp as I was saving 2 umbra formas to finally use the exius slot. I find it odd though they did not even try to rework Inaros 2 and 3 before putting out a prime. 

Oh trust me. Im sitting on my Umbra forma as well. I was gonna use in my main Volt but, I felt Nezha was more worthy. This at least gives me time to get a 2nd potentially during the next Nightwave Intermission. Nezha has become my 2nd most used frame and I adore him. I'm quite the opposite as it was his Deluxe that finally got me to play him, on top of his rework Nezha will become one of the three frames I intend to use in the Hardmode content. 

Also it's perfectly fine to feel disappointed. If you are curious about release orders you can check them out here.



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22 minutes ago, Magus_Tahir said:

Using this posting as a baseline for social theory all posts after will be counted and correlated for pattern analysis. 

Added criteria:

Wanted Nezha: +/-

Demanding Inaros Rework +/-

Taking a break or not taking a break from Warframe +/-

Wanted Kavat Gear +/-

DE Bad in general +/-




Added criteria: 

Wanted Nezha: +/- ( Don't mind which is coming first. )

Demanding Inaros Rework +/- ( Could have some rework, but players could vote down useless changes )

Taking a break or not taking a break from Warframe +/- ( I'm only helping clan mates. Honestly i don't care about what they goof up. I'm not feeding the beast any more. If they are not able simply fix out a fuc*i*g ship size what is smaller from outside than what is inside... Yes the S#&$ty rushed 1/4 content Railjack )

Wanted Kavat Gear +/- Yes would like to see it.

DE Bad in general +/- Yes they goofed up every single large content starting from Plains of Eidolon continuously till now...

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2 minutes ago, Reaver1986 said:

Added criteria: 

Wanted Nezha: +/- ( Don't mind which is coming first. )

Demanding Inaros Rework +/- ( Could have some rework, but players could vote down useless changes )

Taking a break or not taking a break from Warframe +/- ( I'm only helping clan mates. Honestly i don't care about what they goof up. I'm not feeding the beast any more. If they are not able simply fix out a fuc*i*g ship size what is smaller from outside than what is inside... Yes the S#&$ty rushed 1/4 content Railjack )

Wanted Kavat Gear +/- Yes would like to see it.

DE Bad in general +/- Yes they goofed up every single large content starting from Plains of Eidolon continuously till now...

This made me smile. At least this one will be easy for the excel spreadsheet. Ty.

Edit: Only totalling +/- numbers not actual responses.

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53 minutes ago, robojnmasterhand said:

Why does it seem like nobody else is hyped for the weapons, cmon A PRIMED CHAINSAW LAUNCHER ( with the blades bouncing of walls) this will just be alot of fun to play no matter if it doesn't trash the meta

primed weapons have been consistently junk for four packs now.

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51 minutes ago, (NSW)Nadlug said:

Wow DE way to go breaking your tradition of sequence and screwing over every Nezah fan.

Not the first time they have done this.  If anything, this is the third/fourth.  Not only that, but it seems like they want to release Nezha Prime closer to the Chinese New Year (Makes sense, as Nezha was originally from Chinaframe)

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