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Update 29.10.0: Bug Hunting Megathread (Read First Post!)


Message added by [DE]Danielle,

Please note: All known and fixed bugs, popular and live feedback, and more are being tracked on our Trello board: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu

We will not be updating this forum thread with the above. 


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  • TYPE: In mission
  • DESCRIPTION: Corpus Railjack
  • REPRODUCTION: Play any of the corpus railjack missions that transport the entire team to the corpus ship
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The game to work
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  Various glitches (currently at a 75% glitch rate).  Anytime it transports the whole team to the away mission, it only does 3/4.  The fourth is prevented from entering the corpus pillar or whatever.  So then we try the form-up, and then nobody is able to re-enter the away mission and we have to abort.  If it actually does work out and the away mission is completed, there is still the occurrence that when the host votes for dry dock, nobody else can vote.  It must be forced (and that hasn't even worked either some of the times).
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: about 75-80% for the new corpus railjack missions
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18 hours ago, musicalsocks23 said:

TYPE: In-Game, Railjack, Mission
DESCRIPTION: Locked out of the Corpus Stanchion
REPRODUCTION: One Tenno enters the Stanchion, but cannot progress the mission or leave without the other Tenno but the other Tenno cannot enter the Stanchion after the countdown has finished. If the other Tenno recalls the stuck Tenno, then both Tennos are stuck outside of the Stanchion preventing the mission from being completed.
EXPECTED RESULT: Tennos are able to both enter the Stanchion
OBSERVED RESULT: Cannot enter the Stanchion to complete the mission

I've noticed the same bug. If you leave the objective area or if another player fails to be teleported in, people can be stuck outside. As a workaround, you can still shoot yourself through the door with the archwing slingshot.

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TYPE: Railjack Mission POI Pulse Turbine Level Issue

DESCRIPTION: During a Grineer Railjack mission if an additional objective is "Disable the Pulse Turbine" several doors in the Pulse Turbine interior are closed and do not open for players. This makes the objective and the mission impossible to complete, it also locks several enemies in a stairway on the side of the central room. The doors are not locked and have a green light indicator on them, yet they do not open neither for players nor enemies.

Location metadata:
Z: /Lotus/Levels/Railjack/GrineerRadarShip/AsteroidRadarInteriorIntermediate P: 16, -8.7, 38  H:-89


REPRODUCTION: Start a Railjack mission and have one of the objectives be "Disable the Pulse Turbine"

EXPECTED RESULT: The interior doors should open when a player or enemy is nearby.

OBSERVED RESULT: The doors remain closed despite having a green unlocked status indicator. They remain closed for enemies as well.

REPRODUCTION RATE: Me and several other players ecnountered this bug during this objective.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: I was in Neptune Proxima, completing the new Corpus Railjack missions.  I had just completed the first Defense mission and had selected the next mission (an exterminate).  I thought I might need to replenish my dome charges, so I ran down to the forge and pulled one up.  Right after that, the "Mission Complete" menu opened up over the Forge menu, and I was stuck:  I could not click on any Forge options and could not close the Mission Complete menu.  Clicking on Exit did nothing.  I had to exit the entire game to get out of it.
  • REPRODUCTION: 1. Complete any RJ Mission 2. Go to Navigation and select a new RJ mission 3. BEFORE Mission Complete Dialogue pops up, open RJ Forge
  • EXPECTED RESULT: This was a freak timing glitch; there was no expected result.  I certainly did not intend to have the Forge and Mission Complete dialogues open at the same time.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I was locked in menus and unable to escape.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Unknown.  I expect this will happen 100% of the time someone performs the steps above, but I'm not going to try it again.


Edited by Aekhon
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17 minutes ago, T-bones said:
  • TYPE: In mission
  • DESCRIPTION: Corpus Railjack
  • REPRODUCTION: Play any of the corpus railjack missions that transport the entire team to the corpus ship
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The game to work
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  Various glitches (currently at a 75% glitch rate).  Anytime it transports the whole team to the away mission, it only does 3/4.  The fourth is prevented from entering the corpus pillar or whatever.  So then we try the form-up, and then nobody is able to re-enter the away mission and we have to abort.  If it actually does work out and the away mission is completed, there is still the occurrence that when the host votes for dry dock, nobody else can vote.  It must be forced (and that hasn't even worked either some of the times).
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: about 75-80% for the new corpus railjack missions

Ive had this same glitch. I THINK it might happen whenever someone summons up the necramech and gets into it inside the wait zone, since whenever someone is in one, it doesnt register as present waiting. Also, it locks out the piloting of the RJ when this happens, so the only working bypass right now is to make sure the RJ is looking at the entrance hatch and then shooting yourself through with the catapult.

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  • TYPE: In game, during Railjack
  • DESCRIPTION: When using a custom keybind for 'Use' You can press it to hop on to a railjack station (i.e. Piloting/Gunnery/Artillery), but you cannot press it to leave the railjack station. I can leave using the 'X' key, which is supposed to be mapped to switch weapon.
  • REPRODUCTION: Has happened every time I've been on a railjack using a custom keybind (I use 'E' instead of 'X')
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2 hours ago, Mr.Unicorn said:

TYPE: In-Game

DESCRIPTION: Cannot vote "Yes" for next mission in Corpus Railjack missions; only the "No" option is available. I haven't tried it in Grineer Railjack missions, though it may be the case there, too.




  1. Complete a Corpus Railjack mission as normal with 4 players.
  2. Have a player select the next mission from the Railjack nav console.

EXPECTED RESULT: All players have both "Yes" and "No" options when prompted to vote for the next mission

OBSERVED RESULT: All player only have the "No" option when prompted to vote for the next mission.

REPRODUCTION RATE: This has happened 100% of the time in Corpus Railjack missions for me since the 29.10.0 update.

I've had this happen on Saturn Proxima as well, so its not just the Corpus locations. I don't know that I've had a railjack mission without the issue. The person choosing the mission can force it, but it's still annoying to not have it work normally.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Pulse Turbine door not opening on the last Earth mission.
  • REPRODUCTION: Just play a couple of missions.. It's not a 'rare' occasion.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To walk through the door and finish my objective.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Not walking through the door to finish my objective..


Honestly.. Do you guys (DE as a whole) even take your updates (or own game for that matter) seriously? The bug I'm presenting has been in the game since the start of Railjack, I get that from a simple Google search.
But damn, some of the bugs posted here looks like you guys are not even play-testing your own game properly. I get that bugs are relatively normal to occur with an update.. But to the extend that it happens here is quite shocking, considering such a large amount of players run into it, I highly doubt your play-tests revealed absolutely none of these issues. This has nothing to do with the pandemic either if I may believe some of the older veterans walking around.

Is this thread actually genuinely being looked through in order to fix up the stuff or is it just a thread in order to pick up 2 of the most recurring bugs and fix those so you can tell everyone you care for the state of the game?

I'm just voicing some honest concerns here.
To me it looks like the people in the front (the majority of them at least) are actually passionate and motivated about keeping the game alive and wish to see it grow, but is this also the case for everyone else behind you? It seems like half of DE is just trying to milk as much as they can out of the game. Minimal effort for Maximum profit, just give just enough effort and investment to keep the very hungry MMO community on a leash and invested for a little longer while accepting the game is heading into a downwards spiral. I mean, why move Oberon and Ash into Railjack? Personally I don't mind, but with how unpolished it seems to be, I don't even believe its to integrate Railjack into the rest of the game anymore. I think it's just to keep the people that start now a little bit longer to get a little bit more potential plat-purchases out of them.

It makes me sad. I love the concept of Warframe. 


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After completion of the Defense Mission on Nu-Gua Vector I wasn't able to leave the "Last Mission Result" screen - for normal this works with the ESC button, but even the "Exit" on the low right did not react in any way. I had to use the task manager to end the game. 


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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Sorting Zetki Armaments Broken for at least the new Plans
  • REPRODUCTION: Have Zetki Armament  wreckage on account. Look at it under ALL then look under it at Zetki preselection. The other factions don't have this problem
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Zetki Armament Wreckage should show up when presorting on Zetki
  • OBSERVED RESULT: it doesn't
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  • TYPE: In Game, Mission, Railjack Defense
  • DESCRIPTION: While in archwing, I boarded the Corpus ship that contained the defense objective, this occurred on the Arc Silver mission in the Veil Proxima), there was no defense target to actually defend. The objective UI said that wave 1 had started, but there was no enemies spawning. Additionally, I was unable to aim more than ~30 degrees upwards, and I was able to aim so far downwards that the camera flipped upside down. (Unsure if these 2 bugs directly related)
    Nothing unusual happened in the mission prior to this, had boarded a derelict ship for loot, and took out a few stations/ships (boarded robot production station, another station and 3 crewships) to fulfill the earlier mission requirements.


    Can see that there's no defense target on its normal platform and no enemies have spawned, despite the UI saying that wave 1 is in progress, and the cryopod has a listed health bar.

    This video shows how the camera/aiming broke at the same time, I can't aim any higher than shown in the video, and I can aim so far down that the camera flips.
    Camera bug video

  • REPRODUCTION: Exact method unknown, issue occurred when boarding the large Corpus ship that contains the defense target.
  • EXPECTED RESULTS: Defense target and enemies should have spawned when I entered the Corpus ship. Camera view should not be able to be flipped upside down from aiming.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Defense target did not spawn when the ship was boarded, no enemies spawned, and camera was incorrectly constrained. Was prevented from completing mission and had to abort.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Unknown, only encountered this issue the singular time.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing Lavos - Defence on Arc Silver 
    - After using mech I could not use my breach surge (Helminth ability) as "I had no energy" 
  • VISUAL: http://prntscr.com/10r70um
  • EXPECTED RESULT: lavos doesnt have energy.... 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Unusable ability for the entire rest of the mission

Sidenote: I assume its recorded already but when you're in a mech you get no xp towards Plexus

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  • TYPE: In-game, in-mission
  • DESCRIPTION: In-mission using Zephyr Prime. Using abilities and at some point Energizing Dash ceases to work. Attached video shows that there are no abilities being used and there is no energy regen. Entering and exiting operator does not fix the issue. Unsure of the trigger however it has happened three times, twice in RJ missions and once in Sanctuary Onslaught, all with Zephyr Prim.
  • REPRODUCTION: Unknown 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: With no abilities active that drain, Energizing Dash should provide energy regen.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: With no abilities active that drain, Energizing Dash did not provide energy regen.
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  • TYPE: In-game, in-mission, UI
  • DESCRIPTION: During Hacking and Reactor Meltdown sections of RJ missions, I will stagger and knock over the marked targets (Jamming drone or Corpus Engineer) via Void dash and airburst. The red target market on the UI will disappear even though the target is still alive.
  • VISUAL: See below

Marked drone:



Target is marked



Target is knocked down with void dash



Target is still alive and is missing marker

Marked Engineer:



Target is marked



Target is knocked down with airburst



Target is still alive and is missing marker

  • REPRODUCTION: Find marked target in RJ mission (Jamming drone or Corpus Engineer) > Knock them down (Void dash, air burst, etc) > UI target mark disappears.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Target should get knocked down and retain its UI marker
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Target is knocked down and loses UI marker
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time
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  • TYPE: In game
  • DESCRIPTION: Crew are almost completely useless in Grineer Railjack missions. The pilot; once they reached the objective, stands completely still with the ship, shooting at invulnerable turrets on bases, rendering the Railjack a standing target. Moving the ship manually, then letting the pilot taker over again will simply leave him turning and rolling in a spot, never moving the ship from its place again.
  • REPRODUCTION: Play Grineer missions with Railjack
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Crew should be performing their actions as intended.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Crew did not perform their actions as intended.
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  • TYPE: In-game, graphical
  • DESCRIPTION: I did a mission with a random group (as host) around Venus. We went to another mission, did the Point of Interest first, then when I was piloting the railjack most of the screen went amber (see below). It happened several times during the mission. Sometimes it would slowly fade away, other times it would just suddenly vanish. It just kept coming back throughout the mission. It also seemed like the guns were hitting above the targeting reticle when this effect was happening, but I couldn't tell for sure.
  • VISUAL: i5TwvU.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Sorry, it's only happened once.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected not to have that blinding amber effect filling my screen.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I have that amber effect filling my screen when piloting.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Just once so far.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: I was playing Zephyr in a Sanctuary Onslaught game and dive bombed into the portal. I was then stuck in a divebomb animation, unable to move, cast any ability or swap to operator. I was completely stuck, unable to take any action of any kind. /unstuck command moved me, but still in the perma divebomb. It wasn't until I finally died (which took most of that round) and was revived that I was released from this endless divebomb hell. When I came out of the portal in the divebomb animation I sort of floated over into a wall, but was then stuck, completely stationary floating in the air against a wall in a divebomb animation. 



This only happened to me once, so I don't know if you can re-create it consistently with the portal or if there are other factors involved. It also happened to a friend when he was leveling Zephyr in SO. 

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  • TYPE: In-game, in mission, Locks game
  • DESCRIPTION: When entering a new railjack mission after finishing a mission (in the pilot station both times it's happened so far) the mission reward screen won't go away so you can't do anything and have to force close warframe. The first time I was in a squad (as host) and everyone was locked in the reward screen. Second time I was solo.
  • VISUAL: 0GddML.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Both times it's happened to me so far I was in the pilot station when loading between missions, but it doesn't always happen when in the pilot station.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected the reward screen to go away so I could play.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The reward screen doesn't go away and I have to force close warframe because I can't do anything.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I don't know. It's happened twice so far.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Gunners not firing: NPC crew members in gunner positions stop firing in while you are in certain structures.
  • VISUAL: No visual required
  • REPRODUCTION: Enter mission (solo) normally with Ticker NPCs assigned to gunnery positions.
    Exit Railjack, note how gunners continue to fire.
    Enter the 'side mission' (white marker structure, not yellow marker structure). 
    Complete 'side mission' and exit it. 
    Observe the Railjack, note how it is not firing. This is not due to weapon cooldown, you can wait a long time and gunners will not shoot. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Gunners should be firing. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Gunners not firing. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time so far. 

    Extra information: 
    It appears this is also happening while you are in the structure, as the railjack is taking a lot of damage, when you exit you find a bunch of ships beating on the railjack, none of them have damage. 
    This does not seem to happen on the main mission, when you enter that building the Railjack is greyed out. 
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21 hours ago, musicalsocks23 said:

TYPE: In-Game, Orbiter, Plexus
DESCRIPTION: Attempted to access my Plexus, but the option is missing from the Orbiter, menu and Drydock. I have completed the Archwing quest which says I have the Plexus. I do not have my own Railjack, but am in the process of completing the Rising Tide quest. I have previously done Railjack missions before today's update. 
VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/ZxSBYpQ (borrowed from Wolfizen who is experiencing the exact same issue)
REPRODUCTION: Unknown. Was like this upon log in, and consistently there after. 
EXPECTED RESULT: I would be able to access the Plexus. 
OBSERVED RESULT: Option is not present.

Upon further investigation, I completed the Rising Tide quest and the Plexus is now available to me in all places that it should be. Perhaps this bug is tied to a character having that quest in some state of progress. 

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Clicking on a Railjack mission automatically results in me joining someone else's squad


Expectation: When I click on a mission, I should be able to go to that mission on my own ship

Result: I automatically join someone else's squad, on someone else's ship.

Suggested fix: When a mission is clicked, a context menu should appear, giving the player an option of either starting a squad or joining a squad.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: One of the Orphix Resonators spawned in a location I don't know how to get to. There's a good chance this isn't a bug, it's just that I don't know how to navigate the tile correctly?

I was playing with the map overlay up, so it makes the screen a bit more confusing to see clearly.

The Orphix Resonator indicator (red marker) seems as if it's pointing underneath the tile. The map overlay also has the red indicator with the little down arrow underneath it, indicating it's lower down. But, I really think I'm at the "bottom" of the tile.


  • REPRODUCTION: Ummm .... random map generation, followed by random Orphix Resonator generation?
  • EXPECTED RESULT: An Orphix Resonator in an area that can be quickly found.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I don't know how to find this resonator.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Probably pretty low.
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