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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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57 minutes ago, (XBOX)RodigoSilva said:

I find it very difficult for you to transfer your banned account, because if they take a BAN to transfer items you would have to do the same with everyone, including those who used hack programs, some benefit to acquire PLs illegally.

so it's better to settle for not being able to transfer

Okay. Its just sad though. I put $3k into that account between doing giveaways for my clan and alliance and getting new skins and prime sets. I did an appeal unban before and they declined. I understand what I did was wrong but I never exploited anything in the game other than launching across Fortuna on a K-drive which i only did because it was dumb and hilarious.

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On 2021-08-22 at 6:57 AM, (PSN)SHINOBISERPENT said:

Well if a person is master rank 30 with 1000+ caps, they'll still be a liability to play with on a phone or switch. Yes, they are a competent player which may mislead a person into believing they are well equipped. Not only are phone controls going to be a little iffy in theory, the loading times would be a problem. There's no desire to be seperate from other communities, just a fear of this cross contamination. I suppose that yes, player skill and competence is a good measurement to matchmake based on. But platform power and efficiency is a factor that isn't so easily determined without the option to include/exclude players that may be a liability. This is just for high tier gameplay, but it's an even bigger reason to have an option. Pc load times are nearly instantanious while ps4 times take up to a minute. And having a liability in a time gated game mode is a major nuisance. 

Addition: Who knows? Maybe phones have enough processing power to beat pcs xD. Or DE can make it be efficient. But let's be honest. It's very unlikely. And isn't switch missing two bumpers compared to other controllers?

Console aiming is an issue, but as someone who plays both on a beefy PC and on a Switch, not as much as in the past. Switch (along with other systems I presume) has an option for gyroscopic aiming that helps with headshots and using snipers in general. I'll be perfectly honest, I doubt hardware plays that much of a role considering that there's a wide variety of PCs and phones out there. Here's an example of gyroscopic aiming to help you get the idea. 


Also, platforms and equipment are no indication of a player's quality. People can still have bad aim or just be tired when they get into the game. No need to be exclusionary. 

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Almost two months since announcement, I'm just looking forward to the features a whole lot.

An Idea for Merging, how about choosing one account as master and with every "secondary" account item that uses slots are just thrown into the foundry as ready to collect like Kuva / Sister weapons? If you have dupes, you could have an option cancel the build (I forget if that feature is open for "done" items).

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On 2021-09-02 at 11:59 PM, galaknight said:

My son literally cries every time I tell him Cross-Play isn't out yet...

Well, considering this is suppose to come out with New War and it's already been 2 months and still no update in sight, I can't see it being this year, with the rate they handle their release dates. They can NEVER hold them.

So, your "Son" will be upset for months to come. 

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4 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Well, considering this is suppose to come out with New War and it's already been 2 months and still no update in sight, I can't see it being this year, with the rate they handle their release dates. They can NEVER hold them.

So, your "Son" will be upset for months to come. 

Actual conversation I had with him:

Him: "Why didn't they just make it cross-play from the start?  Didn't they know people will want to play their game with family and friends.  It's so good, why can't we play now?"
Me: "I don't know man, they are a smaller company, it takes time."
Him: "I wish they would hurry up already... it takes FOREVER."

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I'm not even holding for the actual feature, I just want to know HOW it's going to play out. I got a PS5, and I don't know if I keep playing on this account that I may just trash when I get access to my "good" account. If they confirmed with us "yes it will be a merge" or "no it wont" I would know what to do

We have a tweet from Steve, but that's just what he WANTS to do. There will be a lot of lawyer talk before that is really decided. Tech-wise it's not that daunting.

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5 hours ago, galaknight said:

Actual conversation I had with him:

Him: "Why didn't they just make it cross-play from the start?  Didn't they know people will want to play their game with family and friends.  It's so good, why can't we play now?"
Me: "I don't know man, they are a smaller company, it takes time."
Him: "I wish they would hurry up already... it takes FOREVER."

Put him ina  fron of a PC and search some videos about coding, networking protocols, 3d design and how business contracts works (I'm 100% sure Tencent did something in that regard, look for the Epic games VS apple lawsuit), he probably will understand why "it takes FOREVER..........."

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)GizmoDuckX3 said:

I dont know how D

estiny does its cross platform saves and account issues but why doyou simply get with the poeple whe did the cross over with Immortals: Fenyx Rising, the have cross platform down to a tee. No offense to the Devs here.


DE staff has revealed over the years that they had contracts with each platform separetely to host their game free on their servers (for console players mostly, of course). The payment for that "rented space" was in form of digital purchases made by users (platinum, mostly). DE had a cut, each platform had a cut. They couldn't change those contracts until recently when they were "bought" by Tencent, Tencent is related to Epic Games too and if you read the next articles maybe you will understand why they couldn't before this was made public:




Destiny had the possibility to make different contracts with platforms since they cut ties with Activision.

Just because someone or a company does it doens't mean that everyone is free to do it. To put it more simple: You can fly a plane? But that pilot over there can! You should be able to do so if he can!

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I'm afraid one thing. Plat prices. Commonly known that the PC side, the plat could be dirt cheap if you get a 75% off. However, the PS folk can buy tennogen from plat, while we cant. I dont know the Xbox side of the game, but probably the same as other consoles. So 2 things could happen. Everyone get the same as the PC (Plat discount and not store discount) or the PC players will get ripped from the plat system. Because far share, if people can travel platform to platform, they can abuse the plat system. Or the crossplay will be restricted. So you started on PS4 but you switched to PC. You can play on it, but you cant trade on PC and buy plat. I think this is why it takes that long.

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3 hours ago, Dreadlox said:

I'm afraid one thing. Plat prices. Commonly known that the PC side, the plat could be dirt cheap if you get a 75% off. However, the PS folk can buy tennogen from plat, while we cant. I dont know the Xbox side of the game, but probably the same as other consoles. So 2 things could happen. Everyone get the same as the PC (Plat discount and not store discount) or the PC players will get ripped from the plat system. Because far share, if people can travel platform to platform, they can abuse the plat system. Or the crossplay will be restricted. So you started on PS4 but you switched to PC. You can play on it, but you cant trade on PC and buy plat. I think this is why it takes that long.

they probably could just slap a twice a year platform hop for accounts and also make it so all plat turns into the free non tradeable plat when you hop. They could also make it so the plat can only been used in some parts of the market once you hop. Also could just make it so you have to use all plat beside 100 to be able to platform hop. There are probably a ton of ways to prevent it. 

They could also do what you said and just make the market the same on all platforms by either making PC players like console or vice versa to make it easy.

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18 hours ago, vanaukas said:

Put him ina  fron of a PC and search some videos about coding, networking protocols, 3d design and how business contracts works (I'm 100% sure Tencent did something in that regard, look for the Epic games VS apple lawsuit), he probably will understand why "it takes FOREVER..........."

I don't want to be "that guy" but the networking part is done, aside to pointing to what servers and databases the game would access. There's no PlayStation bits or Nintendo data running on the internet, it's the same game code, we can't connect to each other purely for business decisions. Sure there is different code on each port, but I really doubt they recreated the networking for each one

The issue now, is merging the player databases, as in, if someone had an unique name on PS4 and someone had that same unique name on PC, a problem created precisely because these instances were created separately...

Lawyers and businessmen were the real enemies all along. 

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25 minutes ago, Cbunn said:

I don't want to be "that guy" but the networking part is done, aside to pointing to what servers and databases the game would access. There's no PlayStation bits or Nintendo data running on the internet, it's the same game code, we can't connect to each other purely for business decisions. Sure there is different code on each port, but I really doubt they recreated the networking for each one

The issue now, is merging the player databases, as in, if someone had an unique name on PS4 and someone had that same unique name on PC, a problem created precisely because these instances were created separately...

Lawyers and businessmen were the real enemies all along. 

I'm not sure it's really done the networking part honestly, but I agree that there is a lot of business issues on this, the merging data between accounts it's both technical and business issue.

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18 hours ago, vanaukas said:

I'm not sure it's really done the networking part honestly, but I agree that there is a lot of business issues on this, the merging data between accounts it's both technical and business issue.

The merging is a technical issue on DE's servers since they're all technically different accounts like my (NSW) mrEkli is not (PSN) mrEkli is not mrEkli accounts. But they are still also somehow connected on the forums (who knows). It's kind of a different issue than the networking but more of a storage / verification issue.

It's entirely possible for them to open the gates and allow us to play from any account on any platform and leave merging for later. I wouldn't mind this at all as long as I could be sure my non-primary accounts could be left alone or preserved until merging is ready.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

The merging is a technical issue on DE's servers since they're all technically different accounts like my (NSW) mrEkli is not (PSN) mrEkli is not mrEkli accounts. But they are still also somehow connected on the forums (who knows). It's kind of a different issue than the networking but more of a storage / verification issue.

It's entirely possible for them to open the gates and allow us to play from any account on any platform and leave merging for later. I wouldn't mind this at all as long as I could be sure my non-primary accounts could be left alone or preserved until merging is ready.

This issue is making me so anxious, I'd even be fine to be completely plat locked until the merge is final. I have the option of playing my good account on 720p 20 fps, or my sucky "maybe will be deleted" account on the PS5. Playing when you don't know if your effort is worth it is no fun. It really sucks and I don't know what to do for now. I keep checking this thread to see if there's new info.

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2 hours ago, (NSW)DharakHasaki said:

What will happen for players with dojos on multiple platforms when cross play/cross play goes live? Asking for a friend.

This is a major concern for many of us with multiple dojos across all platforms.

It could either go really well or very badly, I am hoping for really well and we are can unite in one home and see each other - trade etc




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11 hours ago, (NSW)DharakHasaki said:

What will happen for players with dojos on multiple platforms when cross play/cross play goes live? Asking for a friend.

I'm hoping that when we select the main account, the other dojos are converted in resources for the main acc dojo's treasury. But that's just hope. PLEASE CAN ANYBODY DROP US A HINT

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Draxtharion said:

On the subject of Cross save does this mean you can load up your PC save data onto say your xbox series x or does it mean it allows you to continue your xbox save on a pc ?

You can play your PC account on your Xbox same thing for Xbox account being able to play on PC. Basically you keep your stuff when you jump ship

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As we know, they're working on cross-save and cross-play, ill keep it simple.
#1 Will there be any way to merge accounts into one single account for those that would like to use just one account for the entire games future.

#2 With the implementation of cross-save and cross-play will other platforms now be able to use and or obtain those items on different platforms (for example pc players being able to get the jade skins for Xbox)

#3 Will the console users be caught up to current in-game events like baro ki'teer and or anniversary gifts, if so how exactly will it work, will baro simply list his last stock as well as a new stock or will he be put back a cycle to let the others catch up?
that is all, thank you.
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DE has not released any specifics about cross play as of yet. When they are ready to release news I'm sure there will be a major news update about it. 

But yeah, you're not going to get any answers to your questions from DE here on the forum.

Edited by Leqesai
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even tho they announced it, it will take quite some time. even during tennocon they were scared of it not working so obviously it was not a proper build but just a test demo. 

so rest of the stuff you mentioned is already covered by other posts, just search or google the topic if you want to discus further

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