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[PLEASE] Stop companion revive simulator.


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Since new content of Steel Path and so on came, companions have not been changed. 

I don't know if nobody is doing Steel Path endless or arbitration but actually all companions but 1 or 2 types are useless to go there. 

Please, stop this "revive the kavat" simulator that steel path endless became (for example)

My opionion and I ve said many times is companions should not have HP or being killed, they would just act as complementary to our builds. Just that. 

But please, do it, I ve counted 1-2 revives per minute in Mot survival steel path and it is really annoying. Just try it, and do something, PLEASE.

I ve got +100 companions and I would like to stay using them as normal.

Edited: I add video where I decided to go Forum, game with 2 revives per minute to the kavat and you can see HP I have my kavat with 8 forma: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1132049244 

for those saying that "companions doesn't die in steel path". Maybe I am playing another game.

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34 minutes ago, str4dlin said:

My opionion and I ve said many times is companions should not have HP or being killed, they would just act as complementary to our builds. Just that. 

But why though? You are not providing any logical justifications for it here. It does not make sense to have them invincible - you might be forced to sacrifice certain useful mods for that, like Charm. By letting pets die DE mitigates some of the effects on special loots (vitus/steel essence).


36 minutes ago, str4dlin said:

I ve got +100 companions and I would like to stay using them as normal.

I don't know what "+100 companions" means. But using them as normal includes them dying. Having them be invulnerable to damage would not be using them as normal.

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I mod my companions for maximum survivability and I rarely see them go down, even in Steel Path or Arbitration. However, on long runs it does occasionally happen and the loss of Vacuum is particularly bothersome.

I think something that would help a lot for Kavats is if they could be set to be passive so they avoid drawing aggro. With sentinels you can just not give them a weapon.

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Make all Companions immortal, have them enter a (cool)down state when taking "lethal" damage
during which regular offensive capabilities are halted but stuff like Animal Instinct / Vacuum continues to function.

Vulpaphylas show that this is not game-breakingly OP, they haven't become the one Companion type everyone uses or anything.

Like, there's only so many times you can see Squad members' poor Pets go down before something breaks inside you,
I didn't wanna get fully desensitized to (even "just" digital) animal plight, but you've done it. Feels bad man.
Please save at least newer players from that.

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I was Carrier 4 Life my whole time playing this game because I was an endurance runner. This isn't a new problem.

It's been a thing since Damage 2.0 and the the primary offender is Enemy Damage Scaling. Which has continued to be one of the game's biggest flaws over the years causing much of it's balancing problems. It caused the CC meta because players could still kill enemies who one-shot them then it caused the massive eHP gap between frames, caused the creation of much hated enemies like Nullifers and others. Yet, it's the one thing they didn't change when they reworked Enemy scaling.

As an old Endurance runner I won't bother with new scaling. It was bad enough doing 3 hours Solo no specters.
Least back then there was a balancing act between Defense & Offense to get that optimal performance. Stealth frames must die of old age now.

DE just doesn't want players to do it. It's been made crystal clear over the years and since that was the only way for choices to matter, I don't really play.

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22 hours ago, krc473 said:

But why though? You are not providing any logical justifications for it here. It does not make sense to have them invincible - you might be forced to sacrifice certain useful mods for that, like Charm. By letting pets die DE mitigates some of the effects on special loots (vitus/steel essence).


I don't know what "+100 companions" means. But using them as normal includes them dying. Having them be invulnerable to damage would not be using them as normal.

Because having a pet die due to situations and systems outside of player control (besides "equip panzer vulpaphyla") adds nothing to the game.  You can put every survivability mod available on your kavat and it will still decide to stand in a flame vent on Jupiter or in a toxin cloud against infested and then die.  Standing over my idiot cat every few minutes and emitting green gas from my hand for a few seconds isn't, in fact, good gameplay.


Nezha Prime (w/ Safeguard) is on his way to becoming my most used frame, largely because I hate reviving things so much in this game.  Teammates usually have enough sense to avoid nully bubbles so they get more use out of my protection.  But my idiot cat doesn't.


DE loves bandaid mods instead of overhauling entire game systems, so maybe they should just release a bandaid mod for pets: "Pet cannot attack but becomes immortal."  I'd miss the armor stripping on my cat, but it would be worth it to never have to revive her again.  I would prefer a pet overhaul, but I don't think DE has any intention of doing that.

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En 28/8/2021 a las 19:05, Schwitzer dijo:

I mod my companions for maximum survivability and I rarely see them go down, even in Steel Path or Arbitration. However, on long runs it does occasionally happen and the loss of Vacuum is particularly bothersome.

I think something that would help a lot for Kavats is if they could be set to be passive so they avoid drawing aggro. With sentinels you can just not give them a weapon.

I would like to listen real opinion. Not inventions. If u say you go steel path and u have not problem u are not playing this game. I have got it recorded, and I recorded how I went here to ask in forum also. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1132049244


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En 28/8/2021 a las 16:28, krc473 dijo:

But why though? You are not providing any logical justifications for it here. It does not make sense to have them invincible - you might be forced to sacrifice certain useful mods for that, like Charm. By letting pets die DE mitigates some of the effects on special loots (vitus/steel essence).


I don't know what "+100 companions" means. But using them as normal includes them dying. Having them be invulnerable to damage would not be using them as normal.

I am saying that every endgame content changed and we playing with same squishy companions. 

I don't really say "my opinion is what must be" I said because I ve thought about it yet and for me companions shouldn't have HP., But there are also many other solutions.

+100 companions means that I ve got +100 compations if u count kavats, kubrow, carrier... etc. And im forced to use companions that revive themselves cause others are useless is what I mean. 

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More annoying is:

1. While in a middle of reviving other player's pet, it teleports away in a middle of revive and often stops reviving.

2. When both player and pet is down and very close like less then 1 inch form each other, difficult to know who am I reviving, and difficult trying to get the game to revive player and not pet, especially when the bleeding out timer for player is almost out of time.

3. Free roam: Player2's pet bleeding out and I am reviving it, Player2 use archwing launcher. Pet disappears in a middle of reviving. I am still reviving for very long time like several minutes while holding down revive button. When Player2 soon exits archwing mode, then the revive completes.

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I want you to consider something:

DE recently made a change to Steel Path and the acquisition of Steel Essence. This change was two-fold, the first was that the base gain was effectively increased on non-endless missions by ensuring that the spawn window of Acolytes was shorter so they would spawn more often in short missions, they also increased the base Essence gained for the Alerts. The second change was that Steel Essence now automatically de-spawns after 5 minutes.

Why do you think they made the Steel Essence de-spawn after 5 minutes?

This is a very fun interaction with Kavatts, specifically the Charm ability. This ability has a function that, if you get lucky with the buffs, gives you 120 Seconds where resource pickups are doubled. A lucky player could actually get this effect to appear twice (since the Kavatt can buff every 27 seconds, and the buff is 2 minutes, so you could get a point where you have double or even triple the Charm buff).

Players were deliberately farming Steel Essence from Acolytes in a location where it would not be automatically picked up by them, then waiting for the Charm buff to proc, at least once, if not twice. With a Booster active, this meant that every pickup would be worth a minimum of 8, and could be worth 16. So players would pick up 10 drops of Essence and acquire 160 Essence.

Do you know what's important about that? It means that players are able to go for Steel Path survivals long enough to have more than 10 Acolytes appear (that's just under an hour), while keeping their Kavatt alive the entire time, then wait for the ability to buff them.

So DE made a nerf to the Steel Essence, making it despawn quickly, specifically because enough players were getting their Kavatt to not only survive the Steel Path, but to do so in such a regular and reliable fashion that it was breaking DE's internal metrics of how much Steel Essence players should be gaining.


I understand that every player treats the game differently.


Those other players must have been doing more than reviving their Kavatt every thirty seconds. Because if they were, they wouldn't have done this tactic so reliably and visibly enough to make DE nerf it.

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hace 21 minutos, Birdframe_Prime dijo:

I want you to consider something:

DE recently made a change to Steel Path and the acquisition of Steel Essence. This change was two-fold, the first was that the base gain was effectively increased on non-endless missions by ensuring that the spawn window of Acolytes was shorter so they would spawn more often in short missions, they also increased the base Essence gained for the Alerts. The second change was that Steel Essence now automatically de-spawns after 5 minutes.

Why do you think they made the Steel Essence de-spawn after 5 minutes?

This is a very fun interaction with Kavatts, specifically the Charm ability. This ability has a function that, if you get lucky with the buffs, gives you 120 Seconds where resource pickups are doubled. A lucky player could actually get this effect to appear twice (since the Kavatt can buff every 27 seconds, and the buff is 2 minutes, so you could get a point where you have double or even triple the Charm buff).

Players were deliberately farming Steel Essence from Acolytes in a location where it would not be automatically picked up by them, then waiting for the Charm buff to proc, at least once, if not twice. With a Booster active, this meant that every pickup would be worth a minimum of 8, and could be worth 16. So players would pick up 10 drops of Essence and acquire 160 Essence.

Do you know what's important about that? It means that players are able to go for Steel Path survivals long enough to have more than 10 Acolytes appear (that's just under an hour), while keeping their Kavatt alive the entire time, then wait for the ability to buff them.

So DE made a nerf to the Steel Essence, making it despawn quickly, specifically because enough players were getting their Kavatt to not only survive the Steel Path, but to do so in such a regular and reliable fashion that it was breaking DE's internal metrics of how much Steel Essence players should be gaining.


I understand that every player treats the game differently.


Those other players must have been doing more than reviving their Kavatt every thirty seconds. Because if they were, they wouldn't have done this tactic so reliably and visibly enough to make DE nerf it.

I used to do that and not only with steel essence. And I know about the nerf.  But after the nerf there is no reason to don't let me go with kavat. Or any other companion. If I go with Helios, after minute 2 I know my companion will die. Or any other. The reason of the post is because game changed and companions didn't. Actually companions are not adapted to the content of the game and this is a problem. If they are going to nerf everything "out of the box" I will go play league of legends with "premade" characters instead of trying to play and build something different. Cheers mate and thanks for your answer :)

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56 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Those other players must have been doing more than reviving their Kavatt every thirty seconds. Because if they were, they wouldn't have done this tactic so reliably and visibly enough to make DE nerf it.

You wanna know why they didn't have issues with companions going down? Because they had either

  1. Tile-wide CC
  2. Invisibilty
  3. Invulnerabilty

You can add in that the mission of choice was typically low enemy density as well.

So yea, when you use strats that completely cut off all enemy interaction your companions have no issue.

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51 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Those other players must have been doing more than reviving their Kavatt every thirty seconds. Because if they were, they wouldn't have done this tactic so reliably and visibly enough to make DE nerf it.

Of course: using invisible frames or constantly spamming melee for [Pack Leader] or [Bodyguard] are reliable to avoid pets down. Which are limited choices in a game whose paradigm is experiencing diversity while grinding the same thing. In light of the recent changes made by DE 1) to promote the use of other warframes than invis in high level content with the introduction of shield-gating and 2) to promote the use of fire weapons in high level content with the introduction of galvanized mods and weapon arcanes, i would say that non-self-reviving companions (the majority) were blatantly left behind in this balancing process.

I'm not calling for immortal companions but some changes on AI and survaivability are due.

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Personally I never liked that Kavats affected special resources. I hated having to use one to Kuva farm instead of DE just creating an average.

It's the same issue with loot frames like Nekros, Hydroid. As a player you're not actually winning by using these. DE excepts you to. I got into a discussion a long time ago about how these meta-game skills should be replaced with more functioning skills because of this. DE actually promotes the meta loot frame tactics.

As to tricks to making a Kavat survive. It's pretty easy since we hardly need as much DPS now. I wonder if Trinity's Blessing still stacks. I made a group with Trinity, Gara + Ancient Healer going over 1 billion eHP. By comparison a lvl 9,999 Bombard does about 1.4mil with it's rocket. Game was over a long time ago for groups.

That's why most of what I did was Solo runs, no specters.

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3 hours ago, str4dlin said:

I would like to listen real opinion. Not inventions. If u say you go steel path and u have not problem u are not playing this game. I have got it recorded, and I recorded how I went here to ask in forum also. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1132049244


Did you just call me a liar because you can't fathom someone keeping their pet alive in Steel Path?

How dare you.

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10 hours ago, str4dlin said:

But after the nerf there is no reason to don't let me go with kavat. Or any other companion. If I go with Helios, after minute 2 I know my companion will die.

Nobody says you can't, companions have died instantly at higher levels for years now. The game has always had that problem with them since they were introduced.

Here, another player puts it in more concrete terms:

9 hours ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

You wanna know why they didn't have issues with companions going down? Because they had either

  1. Tile-wide CC
  2. Invisibilty
  3. Invulnerabilty

(Althought their comment does forget that Steel Path is always maximum density of spawning, regardless of the map, so there are things I would add to this.)

While both they and @DebrisFlow bring up the actual realities of the situation, there are more options than these.

For example, I posted a 3 hour Steel Path survival result to Twitter with Zephyr, why? Because large area CC combined with Damage potential and an innate survivability option that works flawlessly if you're able to lay down the CC.

Other frames used include Khora, another wide area CC with ramping Damage potential and innate self-heal. Or Vauban, with wide area CC, ramping Damage potential and... well he has to use Operator healing if he wants to be safe, same as Zephyr, but you see the point.

Melee is, even after the nail-trimming nerf to the scaling mods, still an incredibly effective option to scale in Steel Path and combines with mods that heal up your Companion.

Invisibility with scaling damage options, like Loki with an Exodia Zaw, or Octavia with infinite sustain, these options are all there to keep both you and your companion alive.

Now, (I pretend to hear you ask) doesn't that limit the pool of frames that I can use?

A little, yes.

And that's the thing; Warframes are not made equal, they are not all equally able to do the same things. Some frames will always be more effective at killing large bosses fast, some will be better at clearing rooms fast, others will be better at locking down rooms for Interception and Defection to ensure you just wait patiently to win instead of having to constantly kill things, while others are better at single objectives like Spy, Exterminate or Mobile Defense.

The same is true for companions.

The latest iteration of companions shows some promise, they took the idea from Djinn (where it can come back with a mod), and applied it to the Vulpaphyla as a whole with mods for each, where instead of death, they become a Sentinel for a short duration with reduced capabilities, and respawn as the pet after that duration. The pets themselves are not exactly useless either, with the Panzer being a literal Viral primer for your session to help with con/gun-dition overload setups.

Reworking pets is a definite must, but it's not a priority right now (according to the last DevStream) and it will take time.

Until then, there are options and there are strategies to do what you want to do; keep your companion from needing constant revives.

That's the point of my earlier post, it's not impossible. It's been done to the point where DE actually made a nerf to a specific aspect of the game to prevent that from being an exploitative interaction.

So, with only the mildest of insult meant, it really does sound like a 'you' problem if you don't at least try those other options until the rework comes.

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1 hour ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

(Althought their comment does forget that Steel Path is always maximum density of spawning, regardless of the map, so there are things I would add to this.)

So I guess you wanna say that sabotage has the same enemy density as Interception or Survival? 
Interesting that you say map when that has nothing to do with the mission type like I originally said.

You’re gonna have the similar enemy density on Grineer Galleon and Corpus Ship on a survival sure.
You’re not going to have similar enemy density on a Sabotage vs a Survival.

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Am 29.8.2021 um 08:26 schrieb NinjaZeku:

Make all Companions immortal, have them enter a (cool)down state when taking "lethal" damage
during which regular offensive capabilities are halted but stuff like Animal Instinct / Vacuum continues to function.

Vulpaphylas show that this is not game-breakingly OP, they haven't become the one Companion type everyone uses or anything.

I really like this.

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hace 4 horas, Birdframe_Prime dijo:

Nobody says you can't, companions have died instantly at higher levels for years now. The game has always had that problem with them since they were introduced.

Here, another player puts it in more concrete terms:

(Althought their comment does forget that Steel Path is always maximum density of spawning, regardless of the map, so there are things I would add to this.)

While both they and @DebrisFlow bring up the actual realities of the situation, there are more options than these.

For example, I posted a 3 hour Steel Path survival result to Twitter with Zephyr, why? Because large area CC combined with Damage potential and an innate survivability option that works flawlessly if you're able to lay down the CC.

Other frames used include Khora, another wide area CC with ramping Damage potential and innate self-heal. Or Vauban, with wide area CC, ramping Damage potential and... well he has to use Operator healing if he wants to be safe, same as Zephyr, but you see the point.

Melee is, even after the nail-trimming nerf to the scaling mods, still an incredibly effective option to scale in Steel Path and combines with mods that heal up your Companion.

Invisibility with scaling damage options, like Loki with an Exodia Zaw, or Octavia with infinite sustain, these options are all there to keep both you and your companion alive.

Now, (I pretend to hear you ask) doesn't that limit the pool of frames that I can use?

A little, yes.

And that's the thing; Warframes are not made equal, they are not all equally able to do the same things. Some frames will always be more effective at killing large bosses fast, some will be better at clearing rooms fast, others will be better at locking down rooms for Interception and Defection to ensure you just wait patiently to win instead of having to constantly kill things, while others are better at single objectives like Spy, Exterminate or Mobile Defense.

The same is true for companions.

The latest iteration of companions shows some promise, they took the idea from Djinn (where it can come back with a mod), and applied it to the Vulpaphyla as a whole with mods for each, where instead of death, they become a Sentinel for a short duration with reduced capabilities, and respawn as the pet after that duration. The pets themselves are not exactly useless either, with the Panzer being a literal Viral primer for your session to help with con/gun-dition overload setups.

Reworking pets is a definite must, but it's not a priority right now (according to the last DevStream) and it will take time.

Until then, there are options and there are strategies to do what you want to do; keep your companion from needing constant revives.

That's the point of my earlier post, it's not impossible. It's been done to the point where DE actually made a nerf to a specific aspect of the game to prevent that from being an exploitative interaction.

So, with only the mildest of insult meant, it really does sound like a 'you' problem if you don't at least try those other options until the rework comes.

How to start...

First of all, in your two posts you talk about making me unfamiliar with the state of the game saying things like "this has always been like this" The typical stupid people's argument-  or talking about changes that I obviously know. First of all, I will tell you that I have been playing warframe since 2012-2013. I played beta then changed to Steam account in 2013. And I am very aware of the changes in the game.

With which you can save yourself from treating others as if we were newbies and you the true connoisseur of reality.

Well, the second thing I will say is that I do not post in this forum because I am tired of coming with consolidated opinions and that there are people whose only intention seems to be to oppose it by showing off their games, how they play and how good they are and how much they know without paying even interest to the initial argument nor testing it.

Curiously, you will find that certain changes in the game have come from people like me, that we do not spend the day here to gain a reputation, but we come when we really consider a real problem in the game or we want to give solid feedback on a certain topic. .

For instance:
The names in the loadouts:

Changes in the reactant:

Or the weaponry slots:

Things that we all currently enjoy and do not usually come from the people who come here to show how good they are at refuting without argument by inertia to farm reputation.

Well now we go on to demonstrate why what you say does not make sense.

You say that warframes have their role, perfect, I agree. Now, ALL the warframes have adapted to the content that has been released. And isn't it true that warframes have been changing to adapt to new content? do I need to be specific?
Because there are new mods, because there are new damage reduction mechanics and because the developers have guided them towards the current content.
Have the companions changed at all? I answer you. No.

With which it does not make sense that you say that "colleagues also have their role" if the problem is that they have not adapted any to the new content.
New content bring new needs. Did steel path existed when kubrow released (for example)? No. Anybody using kubrow actually? No. Is a problem? YES

Going with a 1500 health pet to kill level 300 enemies is like going on a steel path with a Lato. I explain?

I do not know the content that you play and I do not care enough, but for the content that I play my pets have been useless. And I do not care if I have safe options that I do not want to use, what I am looking for is versatility and being able to use my pets the same in low tier as in endgame missions or I will find  useless to have a slot to put a partner.

The reason for this post is to adapt the pets to the new content, not to tell me your story about how you farm and tell me that it's just my problem. If I come here I can assure you that it is not because I think it is just my problem.

The problem is that you surely what you are doing is giving an opinion having an absolute ignorance of the real state of this situation and you will not even have gone to test to see if what I say is true. Have to gone to test what I said? Answer to yourself.

I do not care which pets you use and obviously I know that there are options, but in the same way that different warframes have adapted with damage reduction or dodge or survival mechanics in general, what I am looking for is that this is done adaptation to pets.

And I am not saying that it must be now, but it should be. And it is a suggestion that affects everyone playing the same content I play (maybe not you, but it is in your game if you don't know) and totally valid. Not for you to come and tell me, after telling me about your life and how good you are, that it is something that only affects me.

You're welcome for all the improvements you suffer thanks to players like me who have to put up with the ego shoots that this community has manifested for a few years in this forum.

I will return when I have something to say for real not to raise my reputation and my ego, like others.

Consider this also my slight insult as you mention.

All the best.

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8 minutes ago, str4dlin said:


It is regrettable that when you come with such an obvious point of interest for many that would make a lot of people happy without having any significant impact on "balance" you are met with such disrespect.

Your concerns are valid and i hope the dev notice and do adress this as it would simply be for the betterment of the game. +1

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4 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Nobody says you can't, companions have died instantly at higher levels for years now. The game has always had that problem with them since they were introduced.

Here, another player puts it in more concrete terms:

(Althought their comment does forget that Steel Path is always maximum density of spawning, regardless of the map, so there are things I would add to this.)

While both they and @DebrisFlow bring up the actual realities of the situation, there are more options than these.

For example, I posted a 3 hour Steel Path survival result to Twitter with Zephyr, why? Because large area CC combined with Damage potential and an innate survivability option that works flawlessly if you're able to lay down the CC.

Other frames used include Khora, another wide area CC with ramping Damage potential and innate self-heal. Or Vauban, with wide area CC, ramping Damage potential and... well he has to use Operator healing if he wants to be safe, same as Zephyr, but you see the point.

Melee is, even after the nail-trimming nerf to the scaling mods, still an incredibly effective option to scale in Steel Path and combines with mods that heal up your Companion.

Invisibility with scaling damage options, like Loki with an Exodia Zaw, or Octavia with infinite sustain, these options are all there to keep both you and your companion alive.

Now, (I pretend to hear you ask) doesn't that limit the pool of frames that I can use?

A little, yes.

And that's the thing; Warframes are not made equal, they are not all equally able to do the same things. Some frames will always be more effective at killing large bosses fast, some will be better at clearing rooms fast, others will be better at locking down rooms for Interception and Defection to ensure you just wait patiently to win instead of having to constantly kill things, while others are better at single objectives like Spy, Exterminate or Mobile Defense.

The same is true for companions.

The latest iteration of companions shows some promise, they took the idea from Djinn (where it can come back with a mod), and applied it to the Vulpaphyla as a whole with mods for each, where instead of death, they become a Sentinel for a short duration with reduced capabilities, and respawn as the pet after that duration. The pets themselves are not exactly useless either, with the Panzer being a literal Viral primer for your session to help with con/gun-dition overload setups.

Reworking pets is a definite must, but it's not a priority right now (according to the last DevStream) and it will take time.

Until then, there are options and there are strategies to do what you want to do; keep your companion from needing constant revives.

That's the point of my earlier post, it's not impossible. It's been done to the point where DE actually made a nerf to a specific aspect of the game to prevent that from being an exploitative interaction.

So, with only the mildest of insult meant, it really does sound like a 'you' problem if you don't at least try those other options until the rework comes.

You're wrong

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hace 12 horas, Schwitzer dijo:

Did you just call me a liar because you can't fathom someone keeping their pet alive in Steel Path?

How dare you.

I have not said you are a liar. I said is an invention to say that there is not problem with pets dying in steel path. You said there is not problem I show the problem exists. Go steel path, test it, record it, bring the video and show us all how there is not problem with pets dying in steel path. Instead of invent that you do it without problem.

Don't tell me there exists a config you can use then u have CC, blah blah blah because probably we all know it. It is not the point. Game is being adapted to give versatility of warframes in endgame content not to force us to play 1 specific config cause is the only way to do something. It was it yet.


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Id like to say that I love Gauss and run around with 720 health so with the health link mod I'm looking at a 900 health Kavat and I love you Albert Wiskers but I've stopped using my kavat because I'm sick of reviving him very 20 seconds when farming steel essence 

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On 2021-08-30 at 10:28 AM, str4dlin said:

Don't tell me there exists a config you can use then u have CC, blah blah blah because probably we all know it. It is not the point. Game is being adapted to give versatility of warframes in endgame content not to force us to play 1 specific config cause is the only way to do something. It was it yet.


In my experience, it was becoming much the opposite.

At one point I had lvl 300+ Solo runs with every frame in the game. This was pre-Adaptation. Even ones like Banshee and pre-rework Ember.

The issue that started was certain frames couldn't deal with certain factions which got progressively worse with new enemy additions and short-cut designs that ignored mechanics. Hyeka Masters were one of the first I recall. Their Firebomb is a projectile, yet not. Mesa gets obliterated by it, Chroma's Ice Ward can't bounce it. Then there was Nox who butt slides at you because the game doesn't know if it's knocked down or not. His projectile is blocked by Volt's Shield but not Garuda's. A long time offender are Napalms. DE fixed it so Frost's Snow Globe would block radial damage from Bombard rockets but didn't fix Napalm shots.

Most the community at the time didn't really seem to care that lazy inconsistency was getting progressively worse, limiting frames at high levels more and more. Zephyr is a good extreme example. I did a lvl 2,000+ Solo old-scaling Corpus with her. She can't die... Yet a lvl 100 Hyeka Bomb will poof her.

Old design flaws never fixed. New ones added. I can only imagine it's gotten worse.

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