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Nights of Naberus: Update 30.8.0


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10 hours ago, TTraw said:

Numerical value change makes for an easy fix. DE pls.


Thanks for the bump, DE please get this sorted out. Months now I haven't been able to use one of my fav. melee's... I've tested this bug in the simulacrum with no mods, and it's not a visual bug, the actual explosion damage is doing half what it should!

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14 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Made FX improvements to Blast proc explosions. Additionally the explosion FX for Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt have been updated.

this ruin my eyes. just saying if you guys could like made this into a setting where you can turn on/off

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14 hours ago, fdge said:

When do we get the changes to Forma-ing?

According DE's trackrecord of "when do we do stuff", it will probably take 1-3 years.

E.g. Commander Intrinsics Tree (took 2 years), Melee Ner... I mean Changes (took 2 years), Multishot consuming more than 1 bullet (being talked at 2016-ish and still not being applied), and so on.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Nights of Naberus: Update 30.8.0  



Commemorate the Orokin tradition of immortality with the return of the frighteningly fun Nights of Naberus on October 6th!

Daughter has dressed for the occasion in her most gruesome Naberus accoutrements and set up a shop full of festive wares in the Necralisk on Deimos. 

Stop by for a visit and exchange Mother Tokens for all-new Naberus treats like the monstrously macabre Nyctalus Ephemera! Daughter’s offerings have been expanded this year to include additional Customizations, as well as Blueprints for some delightfully devilish Weapons.

Naberus Rewards include:

  • Nyctalus Ephemera
  • Stalker Noggle 
  • Basmu Blueprint
  • Ceti Lacera Blueprint
  • Ballroom Simulacrum Scene 


When Nights of Naberus begins, check out the new Gruesome Glyph Bundle in the in-game Market, as well as an assortment of returning Day of the Dead Customizations including discounted Skins, Syandanas and Armor. And add some festive fearfulness to your Fashion Frame with a traditional Dullahan Mask and Halloween Color Palette, available for 1 Credit each!


  • The Ghoulsaw Blueprints have been added to the Bash Lab in the Dojo for Research. Additionally, the Butcher’s Revelry Stance has been added to the Ghoul Rictus drop table (as indicated here).
  • Dullahan Mask now fits in the Helmet slot, instead of being an "Auxiliary" customization.
    • This also fixes the spooky bug of having a headless Warframe once the Dullahan Mask is removed.
  • Made FX improvements to Blast proc explosions. Additionally the explosion FX for Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt have been updated.
  • Updated ‘From On High’ Challenge description to include Orb Vallis and the Cambion Drift.


  • Fixed a rare crash in the Presence, Relay, Town, and Dojo servers.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if you put your laptop to sleep immediately during game startup.
  • Fixed a case of memory corruption that could cause all kinds of weird crashes.
  • Made micro-optimizations to memory footprint and rendering on all platforms.
  • Made micro-optimizations to level loading.
  • Made a micro-optimization for Windows.


  • Fixed inability to Mercy downed Hounds.
  • Fixed a functionality loss that could occur as a result of using the Helminth chair.
  • Fixed Clients seeing open weak spots on Sargas Ruk but deal 0 damage after initially dealing some damage.
  • Fixed Eidolon Lures not having a base level of 30 in non-Steel Path missions.
  • Fixed the Tenet Tetra semi-auto mode breaking if a -magazine capacity Riven is equipped. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1280237-tenet-tetra-mag-cap-riven-disables-semi-fire/
  • Fixed incorrect duration/debuff percent values being used for Theorem Contagion.
  • Fixed magazine of the Ambassador flickering after reloading when equipped with the Ambassador Tenet Skin.
  • Fixed missing reload sounds when the Nusku Pistol Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed some overlapping textures on the Ogris Unreal Rocket Launcher Skin.
  • Fixed Void Sabotage portal appearing grey. 
  • Fixed Sisterhood Emblem icon appearing stretched in the Arsenal. 
  • Fixed the Prime Laser Rifle icon image in the Inventory appearing the same as its normal variant.
  • Fixed incorrect Armor positioning when equipping the Hexis Armor to Inaros Prime.
  • Fixed top row of the Relic selection screen being cut off if a Chat Linked item was opened while present in the Relic screen. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1282721-repro-masking-issue-on-relic-selection-screen/
  • Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you deployed a Spector or On Call Crew member right as you entered Railjack warp.

Please add Infested kdrive in some kind of event. the races difficult on a different level

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1 hour ago, Darkmatt3r said:

Please add Infested kdrive in some kind of event. the races difficult on a different level

You realise you don't have the Infested K-Drive from Deimos, Cambion Drift, it's called Feverspine it's a hidden item in your profile, only shows once you get it. SeMz4.gif

The parts drop from these Cambion Drift Races.


Dead Drop              16    Reputation 3,200    10,000    Feverspine
Exocrine Flow          15    Reputation 3,000    9,500    Nodulite
Muck and Mire        14    Reputation 2,800    9,000    Gristlebuck
Pride Before a Fall   14    Reputation 2,800    9,000    Steeba

Good grinding Tenno.

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19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:
  • Made FX improvements to Blast proc explosions. Additionally the explosion FX for Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt have been updated.

No. You didn't.

This is just like the mining tool locator sound being changed.
You've just worsened accessibility again.

Revert the blinding/buggy visuals.
Revert the mining detection sound changes.

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19 hours ago, touc said:

oh i'm fully aware that they never committed to anything; they never do. i just want to call them out for lying about it only being "slight adjustments"

Neither were they lying, compared to other work it could be "slight" doesn't mean that the surrounding steps to get something into game aren't also without cost. also doesn't mean it doesn't need to be scheduled, for all we know that dev got the go-ahead to look at it in their "down time" which may not have happened yet due to the New War and/or the Pandemic. Or maybe they have done their part and it's waiting on dev time at some other point in the asset chain.

There is literally nothing for them to gain by "lying" and the suggestion is simply foolish.

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21 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

The Ghoulsaw Blueprints have been added to the Bash Lab in the Dojo for Research. Additionally, the Butcher’s Revelry Stance has been added to the Ghoul Rictus drop table (as indicated here)

boo. This belongs in the chem lab, as its grineer in origin, not "fortuna". This is why the bash lab is pointless, everything you can stick in there, already had a place to go before, this just feels like forced usage of a bad decision.

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22 hours ago, AlphaSonicNova said:

Just my opinion, I think having the Ghoulsaw in the Dojo at all is a bad idea, why not make it a drop from the Ghoul Purge Bounties like the Quartakk and Stubba? If the Ghoulsaw MUST be in the Dojo, please change it to the Chem Lab instead of the Bash Lab, why is an Earth Grineer weapon in the crib of a bunch of Venusian Solaris K-Drive junkies? I know that you can can ride on a Ghoulsaw but that's only accomplished by a very strong and highly dexterous Warframe and I doubt a tiny Ventrat could do the same thing.

It's just DE desperately trying to justify the existence of a dojo room that they had zero plans for to begin with. They have no business being in a Warframe Clan space station.

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6 hours ago, DuskieHeart said:

After this update energized munitions no longer works with the tenet tetra semi-auto mode. Previously it would only consume a portion of the magazine when energized munitions was active but now it consumes the entire magazine.

Seems to be how they "fixed" -mag rivens breaking the alt-fire, which I didn't even know was an issue because I had heard stories of people using -mag rivens before this patch in order to improve the alt-fire's ammo economy. I was pretty bummed because I literally just finished farming my Tetra up to 60% this morning, only to find out Energized Munitions doesn't work with it anymore once I went to start leveling it. Really hope they revert this change or find a different fix to allow both -mag rivens AND energized munitions to work with the alt-fire.

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On 2021-10-04 at 8:09 PM, Jh0n69 said:

Did you do something to Acceltra effects? It physically hurts my eyes and I was forced to change the energy to black because of it.  

I have the same issue, using the Acceltra hurts my eyes, the rapid and overly bright flashes it now makes cause a sort of strobe effect.

I was already using muted energy colors to lessen the blinding effects that can fill up the screen when using this weapon, but after this new change my eyes still feel wrong 15 mins later, I feel like I just stared into the Sun. I don't even want to try and see if this affects any other explosive weapons for the sake of my own vision, so I ask, have other people been having this issue?

We need a way to toggle new FX like this or a way to reduce their in game brightness/intensity.

I don't normally post on the Forums but this feels like it needs to be addressed, before it affects people who may be sensitive to this kind of effect.

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so  can some one tell why is the wing so big and why cant it fold in mission and unfold while sitting still like a wing  the dam thing covers the whole screen and dont give the dam that it becomes transparent when u aim  its still a bit like the bird gif i'm ready let's go GIF by Great Big Story

ITS looks cool tho  

Edited by Reakacemrz
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Still no fix for:

-Being unable to dismount K-Drives with the "use" key unless you have no melee equipped.  

Currently using "quick melee" is the only way to dismount, if you have a melee equipped

while riding a K-Drive, I believe this is unintentional.

-Being unable to fly down while using Tranq Rifle in Archwing, "fly down" key will not work,

this only seems to happen while flying in Archwing with the Tranq Rifle in-hand.

-Being unable to equip Ash's Shroud Helmet in Conclave, option is not available in Conclave

Arsenal, equipping in normal arsenal and going to Conclave resets it to his default helm.

Would like to see changed:

-Bring back "hold melee for heavy attacks" instead of wasting a key just to swing a sword

harder.  Bring back as an option for those who prefer it, but also leave the option of

binding a key for heavy attacks.

-Ash's Bladestorm: To join Bladestorm should be "hold 4" rather than "use teleport on any

enemy"  Currently his Teleport is unusable for the duration of Bladestorm, this is

inefficient and wasteful.

-Ephemeras need to have their own color channel, not be tied to armor attachment colors.  

Using any armor attachments completely ruin ephemeras like the Eos and Nyctalus wings, as the

wings would color themselves like the armor, completely killing the look.

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Probably the worst "holiday event" to exist, and you brought it back. It's incredibly lazy, there's not even a mission or quest, or ANYTHING TO DO. It's just go do some deimos bounties that most everyone is tired of.

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