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I hope by the time That Xaku deluxe comes out DE will finally get rid of these Awful Infested tendrils of Xata's whisper.


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A fashion Killer.

I indeed thought this was a placeholder in the dev build, but they kep it...i don't know why i don't know why it's still there even after feedback, i thought DE cared about Fashion frame more than the frame itself.

But i do hope they remove it.

The void effect itself is very cool, but the infested tendrils are unnecessary, and don't even make sense.

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Why would the introduction of a deluxe skin have anything to do with the visual effects of a frame's abilities?  Especially when those effects are completely independent of the frame?

I mean, I kinda agree that they're ugly, but there's nothing that stops them from changing them before the release of a deluxe skin.

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35 minutes ago, (XBOX)Holy Reaper3076 said:

Yeah I don't know why Xaku has a unique void aura while every other frame has Nidus' Parasitic Link effect, it makes 0 sense.

Oh no Xaku has it too, you just can't see because when he's in skeleton form the void energy is too bright it blocks the infested stuff.

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As with many cosmetic-related things I would like to see a toggle option for it to affect your looks or not.

I understand people may dislike this effect, but I personally like it, and I think it would be even better if it was affected by your warframe's colors.

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7 minutes ago, S074 said:

As with many cosmetic-related things I would like to see a toggle option for it to affect your looks or not.

I understand people may dislike this effect, but I personally like it, and I think it would be even better if it was affected by your warframe's colors.

it's been said that DE can't make a toggle for everything, too much work and effort and resources.

i like gara's glass armor breaking when you cast her second ability, but everyone complained about how it ruins her fashion so they kept it.

other people like me asked for a toggle but they literally said that they can't do it.

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5 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

I think they look like an infested upgrade. Tho it is weird that it looks more Infestedy than Voidy. I've seen you can get impressive damage out of Saryn with Whispers equipped.

Xata's whisper is so good on Saryn. Love those seperate damage instances from venom dose, toxic lash, xata's whisper. The cool part is,  xata's whisper is a great survival tool if you can mass proc status with a weapon. They can't shoot you, just let spores do their thing while you hack everyone to bits. But the best part is, free infested fashion. 

It's also really good on Banshee, proc void status on enemies before they recover from the silence's stagger and just do whatever you want after that.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

Why would the introduction of a deluxe skin have anything to do with the visual effects of a frame's abilities?  Especially when those effects are completely independent of the frame?

I mean, I kinda agree that they're ugly, but there's nothing that stops them from changing them before the release of a deluxe skin.

DE only really cares about a frame when a new deluxe skin releases for them or their prime comes out.

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I fully support the OP on this one. I put the same buff on the same frame a couple of days ago, and was dismayed at how it screwed up all the cosmetics I had (some of which cost plat). A simple glowing aura or similar effect would surely suffice.

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I honestly don't get why it even does that in the first place given that when you activate xata's whisper it also makes the innate 'roots' in/around xaku's skeleton glow. That alone is a nice visual que for it than the infested 'coom' that would be all over.

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