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Detailed analysis of Hydroid


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Hydroid's fundamental problem is he wants to be an invincible puddle that sucks in and murders enemies and for obvious reasons DE doesn't want him to be able to do that. If you aren't meant to be a puddle all the time, the puddle needs to be something you don't have to heavily mod for. It should work right out of the tin and its availability needs to be decoupled from the energy economy. Barruk might be a model for how this could work, or perhaps Hyteria with the cooldown augment.

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1 minute ago, Sojufueled said:

It should work right out of the tin

I feel like it works well as a pause button, wait out status procs, hold down certain enemies, be undetectable, charge your abilities inside of it, and activate finisher or jump + melee slam out of the tin.

It's also kind of cool to just turn into a puddle on demand. I'll never be thirsty ever again with this!

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His ones CC is awful. Stop it. Making enemies flop around like fish out of water is S#&$. The dmg or anything it has to offer, the augment, awful

2nd only good for moving but so what? Worthless

3 is awful, stop the cope. Lack of CC because if you move the enemies leave it. Energy drain is awful. Dmg isn't as good if you actually do anything worth while.


4th? The CC is OK at best but still annoying and obviously the dmg is trash


Let's not forget the range and casting on all the skills is bad too.!


There's other frames that are great so why can't he be one? Why must all water frames be bad? How about this:

1 should be a debuff

2 can stay the same but have a second effect with 3

3 should be a big CC bubble(water) similar to limbo but have the 2 when casted on an enemy, spread the conditions affecting the hit enemy to anyone in the bubble. Possibly slowing everything in it for around 30 or so %(not modable)

4th can have 2 options. Quick cast would be the normal skill or hold which would cost double the energy to send the kraken into your bubble to attack enemies inflicting scaling toxin dmg based on enemy level



Survivability in 2022 doesn't mean anything because of shieldgating as long as you have some CC... Good CC

Edited by (XBOX)Veytok
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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Veytok said:

His ones CC is awful. Stop it. Making enemies flop around like fish out of water is S#&$. The dmg or anything it has to offer, the augment, awful

2nd only good for moving but so what? Worthless

3 is awful, stop the cope. Lack of CC because if you move the enemies leave it. Energy drain is awful. Dmg isn't as good if you actually do anything worth while.


4th? The CC is OK at best but still annoying and obviously the dmg is trash


Let's not forget the range and casting on all the skills is bad too.!


There's other frames that are great so why can't he be one? Why must all water frames be bad? How about this:

1 should be a debuff

2 can stay the same but have a second effect with 3

3 should be a big CC bubble(water) similar to limbo but have the 2 when casted on an enemy, spread the conditions affecting the hit enemy to anyone in the bubble. Possibly slowing everything in it for around 30 or so %(not modable)

4th can have 2 options. Quick cast would be the normal skill or hold which would cost double the energy to send the kraken into your bubble to attack enemies inflicting scaling toxin dmg based on enemy level



Survivability in 2022 doesn't mean anything because of shieldgating as long as you have some CC... Good CC

Agreed regarding his 1. If he ever gets a revisit I wouldn't mind seeing it completely revamped into something new, same for the augment.

Disagree regarding his 2. While it is great for movement, it's also great for snap-CC/clustering enemies if you use the terrain to your advantage (slam 'em into walls). Add on top the augment and you have full status resist for you and any team members that come into contact with it.

His 3 is situational, but defo needs improvement. His 2 is supposed to synergise with it, but it's utterly broken--in a bad way. Using his Surge in Undertow does not drag all captured enemies along which sucks all the arse. This needs fixing. The damage ramp-up while nice at lower levels scales very poorly later on. This also needs tuning. Casting his 4 while in his 3 increases its damage at the cost of his 4 being closely clustered. Good for cutting off corridors, not so good in more open maps. This is moreso an issue with his 4, which I'll go into now.

Agreed for his 4. The damage at lower levels is 'fine', but begins to drop off sharply once you reach the end of the map. Awful damage in SP, unless you subsume Caliban's Wrath and manage to get a power strength Helminth infusion buff. In SP it works fine as CC when paired with an AoE weapon to blast enemies caught into bits, but the damage portion of it is garbo. Granted it's more focused on the CC aspect, but given you're summoning a literal Kraken from the Void(?) you'd want it to hit a bit harder (or tear enemies apart like slash damage does). His 4 also suffers from terrain/mesh guesswork. Very frustrating fully charging (something else that needs to go) his 4 only for it to spawn under the map, or in a wonky cluster. The casting time needs to change as well, if not shortened then removed entirely. Also needs a slight range boost at default values.

Edited by Numerikuu
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В 15.04.2022 в 07:12, Berzerkules сказал:

it's unreadable in dark mode. 

В 15.04.2022 в 22:14, cute_moth.npc сказал:

Basically this, the whole post looks empty except for some colour coded text like Health, Shields, Armor, etc.

The topic of the forum changes in 2 clicks. Change to "light", read, and then return as it was.



В 15.04.2022 в 09:03, Turritopsis_Dohrnii сказал:

Meh. I've seen a couple of people on reddit and the forums still talking bad things about Hydriod. Wanted to link them this page but I don't know. Might come off as annoying and I don't have the time for it. Maybe if a bigger audience comes up and they haven't referenced this thread I might.

I'm really in awe that someone hasn't broken into a discussion with you to be honest.

Even if I do 1000% proof that Hydroid is the best Warframe in the game, and all the other Frames are garbage, there will still be a group of people who, with fierce anger, will hate him. This is normal, the main thing is to refute the lie, and normal people will understand who is right.

I sent a link to Reddit here, so, no longer necessary, thanks.


В 15.04.2022 в 12:54, BDT_Flames сказал:

Hydroid Prime get nerf before longs years and this build  it s too work ,but i use and my  kavat smeta -she give 154 XP Duration with and use all boosters in game

And what kind of nerf are we talking about? I'm guessing what you're talking about, but still, I want to know what kind of nerf you're talking about.


В 15.04.2022 в 15:13, Numerikuu сказал:

Damn, time flew. Thanks for bumping the thread, I meant to respond since I've been playing him once more after the augment changes. Wanted to get a refresher before adding my 2cents.

I guess I'll start with the changes to his augments and my opinions on them:

1) Corroding Barrage: Why? Just... why? The power strength buff makes absolutely no sense given it was never about the damage to begin with, but about the CC. Used to be a great augment until the changes to corrosive. Get rid of the silly power strength buff and have it strip armour once more. if anything the power strength buff was a sad reminder of how the rest of his kit needs buffs to damage scaling, which I'll touch on later. (At the very least the strength buff should affect his entire kit!)

2) Tidal Impunity: Went from one of the least useful augments of his kit to practically mandatory imo. Can now keep up with if not outpace frames like Gauss, Volt, Wukong etc in the speed department (if you're skilled/have fast reaction times and map knowledge). With the reduced cost when chaining the ability it allowed for more CC, reduces the cost of moving his puddle about (which was painful imo), and what's not to love about full status immunity?

3) Curative Undertow: Became a lot more user friendly. Now allies only have to stand on the puddle to be healed instead of interacting with it (ain't nobody had time for that). Also heals Hydroid, so it's nice for oh shi- moments. Still a situational mod however, and sadly doesn't heal rescue/defence targets etc. Imo, there are far better ways of oh shi- healing out there (Operator for example), but it's now a more usable option.

4) Pilfering Swarm: Unchanged. Fine as is imo.


While I 100% agree with you about him being CC focused, it always pained me that his 4--despite being based on the Kraken--hits like soggy noodles. In low level missions it's fine. Later game? Awful. Despite being a CC frame as well, even Yareli hits harder. To offset this I've replaced his Barrage with Caliban's Wrath. Imo it's a far better CC (despite my feelings on lifted), outshines his Barrage augment, and when used after casting his Swarm doubles its damage done (depending on your strength ofc). Other than that, he's one of the few frames where an AoE weapon is actually necessary for him in higher levels. Otherwise have fun trying to single-target each enemy flailing around in his tentacles.

Recently I had a 200% strength/75% parkour helminth infusion for him, and it was the most fun I've had in the game in a long time. Made him a force to be feared (like he should be, being based around a damn riot control kraken) and stood his ground well in Steel Path. Prime example of how a helminth infusion should function on frames imo. Can't wait until I get another. One can debate on if he needs a strength/damage buff. Personally I feel he does, just not some mahoosive one. Just some form of better damage scaling akin to Nidus.

Currently I'm running him with this setup, but will defo be changing it about when Angels of the Zariman rolls around. Looking forward to what potential experimentation it may bring.


You can use whatever Aura. Currently I'm using Brief Respite for the breathing room/survivability. I use his Surge often, so it's rare he doesn't have some shields due to it.

His 1 is replaced with Sentient Wrath. As I said before I find it to be a better CC ability than his Barrage despite my feelings on Lifted. I'd rather that than what is akin to blast procs throwing enemies across the map tyvm--which then also throws them out of the Barrage damage anyway, rendering that new 100% pstrength on the ability even more worthless than it already is lol. With strength in your build it acts better than the augmented ability as well, freeing up a mod slot. Cherry on top is it can near double the damage of his 4 if cast afterwards, depending on your power ofc.

Tidal Impunity acts as his Prime Sure Footed--only it's earned. If I screw up and forget to refresh the status immunity, or I'm not careful and bump into a nully of some kind, then I put myself at risk from my own AoE weapon. How the game should play imo. As nice as PSF is, it was a huge mistake. It should never have been added to the game--let alone be 100% immunity. It needs to be changed from immunity to something akin to Handspring, where the recovery animation is sped up or reduced.

Primed Flow or Stretch can be swapped out depending on the situation. If it's a more stationary/survival mission then sometimes I'll swap out stretch for Curative Undertow or Pilfering Swarm. No need for the range in narrow corridors etc. If it's the opposite and it's more open, then replace Flow.

Speed Drift I'll 100% be replacing when the update hits, as I'll be dumping Zenurik for Mardurai for that sweet, sweet 50% cast speed--something that defo hinders him and leaves him open. You can put whatever you'd like in his exilus slot--though I wouldn't bother with PSF, Handspring etc since Tidal Impunity has that all covered.

As for Arcanes, Energize if you have it since he's a caster frame, but honestly use what you want. I'll be experimenting with the Theorem arcanes on him in the near future. Depending on how that goes, it'll potentially replace Guardian.

Weapons I have at least one with AoE to help out his Tentacle Swarm since it can't kill things effectively at higher levels. Currently using the Wolf Sledge and the Corinth Prime, though I like to use the Scourge on him the most. If things get really hairy toss that baby down amongst his swarm then use the Akarius :devil: (I tend to avoid using the Kuva weapons. Too many particle effects and just complete overkill, same for the Akarius hence the Wolf Sledge instead. Gotta love the Fortuna wrench skin).



Imo Hydroid isn't a bad frame in the slightest, it's the rest of the game that has gone off the walls in terms of balance and power creep that is the real issue. Same for quite a few of the older frames. With a little work, effort and experimentation, he's a damn fun frame to play imo. Looking forward to experimenting with him more with AotZ comes around--same for Operators--though I wish the Saxum mod set bonus worked like I'd hoped it would on him. (There goes my dreams of exploding tentacles of chaos :'( lol)

One thing that really, REALLY needs fixing on him is using Surge while in Undertow. Enemies do not stay in Undertow and get pulled along with him which suuuuucks. Also would like an FOV increase while in Undertow, or at least let him pickup loot while in it so the screen doesn't get cluttered to all hell with drops.

P.S: In light of his recent somewhat buff due to the augment changes, I drew some (slightly spoilery) fanart of him. Enjoy~

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  1. Corroding Barrage was supposed to simply remove all the armor in 1 hit. All. No strength, no corrosion accumulation. Just remove the armor like Oberon, Nyx, Caliban, Ash and so on. Then there would be a meaning in the fashion and debuff of armor.
  2. I have nothing to say because I didn't use this augment. I'll just agree.
  3. The augment has not changed. Generally. He treated the team and treated Hydroid. Just added a description about Hydroid. Yes, he stopped treating the Excavator and the Object of Protection, on the defensive, but this was done a long time ago, and not only with Hydroid. The excavator through Vazarine is no longer treated.


I don't see a problem with Hydroid's ability buff. The main thing is that he should not be given abilities, as suggested by some players who come up with - circling Sharks, near the Hydroid; Bubbles instead of "Undertow"; Riding the "Kraken" like a board.

If he does damage scaling, then you need to build on the percentage. For example, to have the "Tentacle Swarm" deal not 200 true damage, but 10% true damage and 300 magnet when spawned. This is, of course, an example of how many percentages need to be done so that Disabler is not stronger than DD, but also not weak, I don’t know. But, if you remove a single damage and replace it with a percentage, then there will be more damage.

Maybe, like with Nidus, but you also need to think, how.


I have nothing to say from your build other than that it's great. I've been walking around with mine for a year and a half and haven't checked on others. It's good that you've shared yours and it works, so for those who wanted to try something like this – here's an example with a description.

I like your conclusion, but about the "Surge" and "Undertow", I also wonder why they removed it? It seemed to me, I don't know if this is true, but maybe they removed it because it caused performance glitches? Remember how many mechanics were removed from some Warframes, justifying it as a "performance problem". But, I can only guess, DE does not explain anything.


Personally, I hate this skin for Hydroid and I think it ... I won’t swear. But your drawing is great!


В 15.04.2022 в 16:12, TomCruisesSon сказал:

That Grouping + Undertow + Tentacle Swarm combo was pretty sick. This definitely gives me a better understanding of how to play him. Definitely gonna give him another try because I love his fashion and always wanted to make him work at higher levels

Try it, you won't regret it.


В 15.04.2022 в 16:12, BDT_Flames сказал:

You make video in solo Steel Path  Uranus/ Survival Ophelia  how to kil all 130 lv  Good Luck



В 15.04.2022 в 19:20, ant99999 сказал:

I'm sorry, but isn't OP's talk about the role of Hydroid just wishful thinking? It probably was the case some time ago, but since then the game balance went completely off the rails. Why and where would you need to bother with crowd control if you can just kill everyone, and it would be much faster and safer?

I don't mean it as an insult to Hydroid, his kit is certainly unique and deals with his intended role well, but that role is long since obsolete, isn't it?

Who is OP? Do I see it all the time?


Yes, you're right to say that murder, now, is far preferable to control. You have AOE weapons capable of destroying crowds, both on the regular Star Map and on the Steel Path. But, what about me? (I speak only for myself and start only from my game and experience)


I don't use AOE weapons, my equipment is Attica, Pirana and Nikana Prime. I went through the whole game with this gear and Hydroid Prime. We walked with him and my weapons almost all the Steel Path. And they used only control and not AOE weapons. What to do then? Is my case unique? I don't think.

If I took Mag Prime and an AOE weapon but didn't use her CC abilities, how long would I live? I would just be crushed and that's it.


You claim that control is outdated, but then why, all new Warframes have at least one ability with control? Is it because it is needed and without it, there may be problems. Tanks, on long Survivals, do not cope with enemies. Shieldgate saves, but you need to build based on it and be as careful as possible not to take damage when it is on cooldown. What about control? He can, without much trouble, save you and prevent your enemies from surpassing you.

Is not it so?


В 15.04.2022 в 19:42, (NSW)HydroidPrime сказал:

This is very well written and thought out. For me, Hydroid brings out my warframe nostalgia, his prime was my first ever gift in warframe from a clan warlord. We farmed mutagen samples and built the hema, and other recources for dojo purposes. After reaching MR30 im not looking forward to playing Warframe anymore...I'm looking forward to playing Hydroid.

Good story :)

I don’t understand, maybe I didn’t translate correctly, but are you “not waiting for the opportunity to play the game”? How's that?


В 15.04.2022 в 20:43, Hypernaut1 сказал:

I wouldn't mind some buffs to Hydroid, but I hate when people act like he's the worst grand in the game and unplayable. If he IS indeed the worst frame in the game, that means DE has done a hell of a job, because he's still a very good and viable frame

It seems to me that these people simply do not have their own opinion and listen to those who, in their opinion, are authority. I've been on the forum for a year and read a lot of comments about Hydroid, Nyx, Chroma, Loki, Inaros, Ash... They're all the same. Someone said something and people repeat it without even checking what was said.

Is there really a bad Warframe at all? Maybe there's a bad player who doesn't get to play and is mad at the Warframe.


В 16.04.2022 в 07:52, Sojufueled сказал:

Hydroid's fundamental problem is he wants to be an invincible puddle that sucks in and murders enemies and for obvious reasons DE doesn't want him to be able to do that. If you aren't meant to be a puddle all the time, the puddle needs to be something you don't have to heavily mod for. It should work right out of the tin and its availability needs to be decoupled from the energy economy. Barruk might be a model for how this could work, or perhaps Hyteria with the cooldown augment.

Who said Hydroid should play from "Undertow"? It seemed to me that he should play with all his abilities. "Undertow", this is just one of the ways to play, in addition to it, there are other abilities - "Tempest Barrage", "Tidal Surge", "Tentecle Swarm".

DE, it seems, did not rely on "Undertow". Just because they made it possible to interact with other abilities in "Undertow" doesn't mean they want that kind of gameplay. All abilities before interacted with each other, except "Undertow" and "Surge". Before the rework, you just sat in it and waited for the enemies. And now everything is different. "Swarm" and "Barrage" worked anyway, the damage passed. "Tidal Surge" began to drag enemies along, and not just shoot down, and now you can “deliver” enemies to the "Swarm". Everything is working.

As far as energy consumption, you're right. She is tall, even with a lot of energy.

Edited by Zabyr
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3 hours ago, Zabyr said:

Who is OP? Do I see it all the time?

OP is "original poster", i.e. you in the case of this thread.


I didn't really try to claim anything, since I don't have too much experience with Hydroid or any other CC focused frame. And it seems CC by itself isn't really obsolete, rather the warframes who heavily focus on CC are.

Almost all warframes releasing now have at least one CC ability, that is true, and having some quick control is useful, but I can't think of any warframe who was centered around CC since original Nezha probably.

Which says more about the balance issues overall rather than any frame in particular.

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В 17.04.2022 в 09:38, (XBOX)Veytok сказал:

His ones CC is awful. Stop it. Making enemies flop around like fish out of water is S#&$. The dmg or anything it has to offer, the augment, awful

His CC is terrible...

Where are Billy's proofs? What criteria do you use to determine that his control is terrible?



В 17.04.2022 в 09:38, (XBOX)Veytok сказал:

2nd only good for moving but so what? Worthless

"Tidal Surge" is good, not only for movement, but also for collecting enemies. I showed it in the video.


В 17.04.2022 в 09:38, (XBOX)Veytok сказал:

3 is awful, stop the cope. Lack of CC because if you move the enemies leave it. Energy drain is awful. Dmg isn't as good if you actually do anything worth while.


"Undertow", yes, removed the ability of "Surge" to drag enemies to "Undertow". So what? Describe how this interferes with the Hydroid, when you can attract everyone with a tentacle, if necessary.

Energy leakage is terrible because it's a balance. You must understand that any Frame must have disadvantages; otherwise there will be only “imba”. You have a modification system with which you multiply the pros and level the minuses. Isn't that clear? Set yourself more than 100% energy efficiency or duration above 130%, and you will have normal energy consumption.


For a controller, the damage is very good. And the controller, as I have already written, should not cause huge damage, it is average. But, it so happened that Hydroid has good damage, and is able to kill high levels.

Here's another video, on the Steel Path, where 44 enemies, 140 levels, died in 36 seconds. Again, the same 36 seconds. If it's very long for you, then make a strength greater than mine (177%) and you will kill even faster. Do not forget that the more enemies you drag in "Undertow", the higher the damage will be.


"Undertow" does not remove Hydroid abilities. Just in it, the abilities you can use, and also, "Undertow" is made so that you are been invulnerable.


В 17.04.2022 в 09:38, (XBOX)Veytok сказал:

There's other frames that are great so why can't he be one? Why must all water frames be bad?

Just the same, Hydroid is one of the good Warframes. Although, it is worth asking the question, are there any bad Warframes? It seems to me that prejudice prevents you from playing certain Frames. Sometimes you have a bad Chrome, then Nyx. Nezha is already bad, let's rework it (//_-)


В 17.04.2022 в 09:38, (XBOX)Veytok сказал:

How about this:

1 should be a debuff

2 can stay the same but have a second effect with 3

3 should be a big CC bubble(water) similar to limbo but have the 2 when casted on an enemy, spread the conditions affecting the hit enemy to anyone in the bubble. Possibly slowing everything in it for around 30 or so %(not modable)

4th can have 2 options. Quick cast would be the normal skill or hold which would cost double the energy to send the kraken into your bubble to attack enemies inflicting scaling toxin dmg based on enemy level

Your work:


1. Okay, so be it. But, let's move on. If Hydroid Disabler, then let "Barrage" inflict, in addition to shock damage and overturning, 100% cold status. That's great. Water, cold, I would say, icy. In addition to tipping over, "Tempest" will slow down enemies by 10 seconds (adjustable duration). As an idea? That would be a fit for The Disabler.

Also, let the initial duration of the ability itself be also 10 seconds, instead of 5. In turn, the charged version will be 20 seconds. Let the radius of the "Barrage" change from the affected area, otherwise it does not change now.


2. Ok. But, you need to reduce the initial energy consumption from 50 to 25.


3. You take "Undertow" from the Hydroid, offering something in return that replicates the sphere of Limbo. Mind you, “Undertow” is no longer available to anyone (And then you complain that DE ran out of ideas and copied themselves). You take away passive invulnerability and good damage, and offer nothing in return. 30% slowdown? Can completely stop the enemies, because otherwise, without protection, you will die. And you take away the ability to modify the slowdown.

No, if you're taking away "Undertow" and its capabilities from us, offer something that is identical to ebb or better. And this idea is very crude ... So it's not good. Think more.


4. No. No toxins. We have the true damage of the tentacles, and it will remain, but not in units, but in percentages or with a damage multiplier, above the level of the enemy. Leave the ult as it is, but fix the buggies that come with it.

Make it possible to adjust the number of tentacles from the affected area. The higher the zone, the more tentacles. It will be standard, as it is now - 20, but with a zone of 280% - 60 or as the internal calculator of the game calculates. With a zone of 42 meters, 60 tentacles will not let anyone go anywhere.

Edited by Zabyr
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В 17.04.2022 в 17:29, ant99999 сказал:

OP is "original poster", i.e. you in the case of this thread.


I didn't really try to claim anything, since I don't have too much experience with Hydroid or any other CC focused frame. And it seems CC by itself isn't really obsolete, rather the warframes who heavily focus on CC are.

Almost all warframes releasing now have at least one CC ability, that is true, and having some quick control is useful, but I can't think of any warframe who was centered around CC since original Nezha probably.

Which says more about the balance issues overall rather than any frame in particular.

So that's what it means. And I thought it was Over Power :D


You said it right. It lies on the surface. The game has certain problems that cause it to lose all structure in team play, in class and tactical roles. When you have the ability to destroy half the map with one shot and some ability to become completely invulnerable, for a while, what's the point in Frame, no matter what class he is. It doesn't come down to the uniqueness of each Warframe, it comes down to monotony.

That unique experience of playing as a certain Frame is long lost. In New War, we played as a Wanderer with an AOE bow that annihilated everything around it, and we didn't need a Frame to play it quietly. That's what we'll come to, a Warframe game without having to play Frames.

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Pains me to say it, since I did throw 5 forma on Hydro, just to try and make him work.

But word it as you wish, in the current state of the frame, game or w/e, the frame should be renamed to moisturizer.

Edited by Veridian
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7 minutes ago, Veridian said:

But word it as you wish, in the current state of the frame, game or w/e, the frame should be renamed to moisturizer.

That's one way to use him 😂

[Proceeds to soak team in questionable, status-resistant void bath water]

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Focus 2.0 all  youtubers clip is not actuality.For Steel Path-before me idea for up two players+ 2 vdeio clip  - (just dont kill all ,and must with  Tentakle Swarm  kill enemy with Augment :Pilfering Swarm for more loot.When you kill with melee.You lose more loot polymers.I see he play without boosters in one video get around 4k.He lose around 2k  

Now is Focus 3.0 is normal level

My Build  again yet perfect,But have small change.Now use Primary weapon Kuva Bramma on Virial Damage 60%- for Eximus Disco lv Started from 30-96 lv for (50 min)

This Survival -I don't recoomend for Noob


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Nekros is considered the best at grinding resources for the simple reason that he has 0 impact on the gameplay of the rest of the team.

But if someone likes the king of the puddle, let him play with the king of the puddle, no matter how much others complain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2022-04-15 at 12:20 PM, ant99999 said:

I'm sorry, but isn't OP's talk about the role of Hydroid just wishful thinking? It probably was the case some time ago, but since then the game balance went completely off the rails. Why and where would you need to bother with crowd control if you can just kill everyone, and it would be much faster and safer?

I don't mean it as an insult to Hydroid, his kit is certainly unique and deals with his intended role well, but that role is long since obsolete, isn't it?

Indeed. It was the same problem with Vauban, a unique kit and a defined cc role means nothing when every other frame in the game can do your function better, faster, and safer. I love hydroid, and I wish I had a reason to use him, but there are other frames who do his job better and I have more fun with. Post rework Vauban and Zephyr are perfect examples, they are still crowd control gods, but now they have additional layers of utility and damage that let them stand along side other frames rather than beneath the.

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On 2022-03-25 at 9:44 AM, Zabyr said:

Therefore, as a fan and mainer of Hydroid, for the past 4 years and 8 months (I have been playing Hydroid from August 7, 2017 to the present), I will tell, based on my experience and knowledge, who Hydroid is.



Let's take a moment to appreciate how incredible this art is 

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  • 9 months later...
В 15.04.2022 в 07:12, Berzerkules сказал:

it's unreadable in dark mode. 

В 15.04.2022 в 22:14, cute_moth.npc сказал:

Basically this, the whole post looks empty except for some colour coded text like Health, Shields, Armor, etc.

Now try. Formatted for dark theme.

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Killing a Steel Path unit in 36 seconds isn't 'strong' damage.

Unlike Zephyr's tornado, instead of doing damage to everyone in the puddle, shooting hydroid's puddle will take a fraction of the damage of the shot, and then split that fraction of damage evenly across all trapped enemies. It's not very good compared to any similar ability in the game. And when you consider Hydroid has to render himself near immobile to do it, it's just straight up awful.

Controller using area denial that provides loot is done better by Khora, who does it without throwing enemies around and making them harder to hit.

Crowd control in general isn't that important in Warframe, especially with the eximus changes. 

Armor isn't a good indication of survivability these days. And even there Hydroid is just average.

He is VERY NOT PASSIVELY INVULNERABLE. He's not Revenant, here. He has to be in his puddle when in danger, which is very much REactive. And when you're in that puddle, you're not doing very much. 

I appreciate that you like Hydroid and respect that you put a lot of effort into repping him, but this is an awful lot of words trying to reframe things so that the context of Warframe isn't ... what it is.

Believe me, I wish Warframe was still the game where Hydroid's niche mattered. But we haven't been there for many years.

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Hydroid, frost, and limbo are what i like to call "the forgotten trio". No matter how much time passes, despite desperately needing a rework to bring them up to the level most frames are at now, DE seems persistent to let them rot. Limbo just came out of the prime vault, and a delux skin of his was just put on sale for the first time ever. Now would've been the perfect time to rework him, tweak some abilities, fix some stuff with his kit, anything, but DE still chose to do nothing.

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6 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

Hydroid, frost, and limbo are what i like to call "the forgotten trio". No matter how much time passes, despite desperately needing a rework to bring them up to the level most frames are at now, DE seems persistent to let them rot. Limbo just came out of the prime vault, and a delux skin of his was just put on sale for the first time ever. Now would've been the perfect time to rework him, tweak some abilities, fix some stuff with his kit, anything, but DE still chose to do nothing.

Hold up.

With the new Armor strip, Frost is actually pretty good now.

His 1 is like Volts for example, it's useless by itself but it can buff your team with an augment and you need it to pop your Snow Globes.

His 2 is bad, but hey, Helminth is here.

His 3 is amazing for multi-objective modes like Excavation. No other frame can fit this because they can only create one protection field. Even Gara's 90% DR is bad here and the Excavator dies anyway.

His 4 now easily does full Armor strip and freezes enemies solid in a wide area.

His Passive is utter trash though.

Frost has a very niche role but does it well now.


Edited by (PSN)Sentiel
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14 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

Now would've been the perfect time to rework him, tweak some abilities, fix some stuff with his kit, anything, but DE still chose to do nothing.

limbo is perfectly fine, the only problem he has is disruption to teammates. I can use him for just about any mission in the game and do it very easily, solo, btw.

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Eh, I would say Limbo could use some tweaks. For one, the visual indicator for who is 'rifted' could be way, WAY more obvious. And Rift Surge should perform the radial banish if you kill a surged target as well. Would make Limbo far less reliant on Cataclysm, at least. 

Should also probably murder the sacred cow and let players damage enemies across the rift normally, but also fold Limbo's augment Rift Torrent into his passive and let it affect any allies that are in the rift with him. In that case it's literally only a benefit for players to be in the rift.

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26 минут назад, Skoomaseller сказал:

khora with 2 augments and very little investment in strength invalidates hydroid's entire existence.

I'm sorry bro. I, too, wish DE is less hydrophobic. I mean look at Yareli with all her unfixed bugs.

The Hydroid doesn't need strength.

Yareli has problems with bugs, but she herself is normal if you bet on Merulina.

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2 minutes ago, Zabyr said:

The Hydroid doesn't need strength.

Yareli has problems with bugs, but she herself is normal if you bet on Merulina.

Khora doesn’t need strength either though.  She gets scaling damage from Accumulating Whipclaw and her statstick. You can nuke for hours in steel path with below 100 strength. 

And though both Khora’s 4 and Hydroid’s 4 can make enemies harder to hit, a moderately good Khora can use her whipclaw to clear it out. Hydroid has no such recourse. 

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