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Thoughts on new Focus?


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Here I go 1st, 


Madurai - plenty of damage buffs, plenty of gimmicks as well, will probably still be for eidolon hunters since we don't need more damage as it is but a definite upgrade.

Vazarin - almost every ability heals, shields or outright gives invulnerability. RIP Trinity or any other support frame.

Naramon - doubles down on the melee-centric combat, some hoops to jump through for some ok buffs, so far looks solid.

Zenurik - this entire school is now regen only, with the current AoE meta I don't see temporal shot getting traction.

Unairu - Holy mother of power creep Batman! This is probably the new meta if everything works as advertised, stagger/knockdown immunity, +armor to op and wf, 100% armor strip, 100% shield strip and out of all the new gimmicks reinforced return looks like the best one.


My overall opinion is that they tried to double down on school roles and removed what (I considered) mostly fluff with the void dash damage mechanics.
Madurai, Zenurik and Naramon will still hold their respective places in a build, but they tried so hard to bring Vazarin and Unairu up, that it feels like they might have overdone it, going through my loadouts I had the urge to return drifting contact to all my melees and run Unairu.

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It's frikking expensive. I now have about 25% of the stuff unlocked as I did before. Dunno if that's intended. Obviously people having played since start don't have this issue with billions of focus, but I only had enough to unlock all waybounds and then a bit in my favored trees. Guess I won't be switching focus schools anytime soon.

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Nerfed movement and deleted operator 'e' attack, or least I can't find it

Straight up, the only reason zenurik wasn't the only school I ever worked on, was for the movement passive, which they now nerfed.

Don't know what to tell you, it's the same as before but way worse.


Everyone kept telling them to let people create their own build with unbinding combinations, giving people a reason to not just stick to one school but they just refuse to listen, so here we are, again.

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11 минут назад, RazerXPrime сказал:

It's frikking expensive. I now have about 25% of the stuff unlocked as I did before. Dunno if that's intended. Obviously people having played since start don't have this issue with billions of focus, but I only had enough to unlock all waybounds and then a bit in my favored trees. Guess I won't be switching focus schools anytime soon.

Did you spend the eidolon shards? I came short on raw focus refunds too, but I think focus from pool extentions got converted into shards. Which I got A LOT of.

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1 minute ago, RazerXPrime said:

It's frikking expensive. I now have about 25% of the stuff unlocked as I did before. Dunno if that's intended. Obviously people having played since start don't have this issue with billions of focus, but I only had enough to unlock all waybounds and then a bit in my favored trees. Guess I won't be switching focus schools anytime soon.

If you could before, check if you have any eidolon shards available, I had to use some myself to finish off Madurai and Vazarin myself, I think that the cost is overall the same.

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5 minutes ago, Veridian said:

If you could before, check if you have any eidolon shards available, I had to use some myself to finish off Madurai and Vazarin myself, I think that the cost is overall the same.

I had Vazarin maxed. I now needed to use all focus in there and 40 shards to unlock 80% of it. So no, the cost is not the same. By far not the same.

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7 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

Did you spend the eidolon shards? I came short on raw focus refunds too, but I think focus from pool extentions got converted into shards. Which I got A LOT of.

I have about 40 shards left and I'm missing A LOT of abilities, by far not enough to get close to what I had before.

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I am pretty sure Unairu will get nerfed. It is basically Nyx psychic bolt free-for-all and AOE improvement.

100% armor and shield strip with (practically) ZERO energy cost. Pick any launcher, go into operator, press 1 and 2, go back to warframe, shoot, everything's dead. You don't even need primed firestorm or anything. Hell you don't even need k. Zarr. Vanilla Zarr will do the job.

Any warframe, any builds, anywhere. 

If Unairu is to stay this way, then RIP Nyx. I love you. And Xaku. And especially Caliban - you can't even survive your first year birthday.

I haven't studied every school in details, but overall the focus rework seems very powerful. 

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I think this rework bothers me a lot due to the fact I have been an avid operator user no matter the situation since its release. I personally feel it was rushed, and poorly executed.

First off,

It isn't fluid. You don't add addition buttons and steps and get a smoother transition. That defies logic.

It is very clunky and not nearly as responsive as it once was.

It removed some and added others in terms of abilities. So far. I'd say they removed some of the favorite ones myself and friends enjoyed and got others...that are just more bouncing between warframe additions.

Ultimately I hope they revert it and put it back into the oven. It isn't ready. It definitely hurts my enjoyment when playing. For those of us who have played long enough can remember they did this with melee a few years ago too. They ended up reverting much of it a step back due to this same issue. Ideas are great, but the execution hasn't landed.

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Looks good…expensive and annoying to use on Console.

Trying to pull Naramon’s CC buff consistently is a pain as you need to hug the mob to get the finisher interaction as it’s highly unreliable….press square twice and you get swapped with the warframe…There simply to many combinations for the console to work fluid.

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RIP zenurik pretty much. It has energy regen and the rest is irrelevant. 

Unairu is superior now as its one of the very few ways left in the game to actually delete armor. Most of the stuff in there is actually usable while most of the other schools seem to have a lot of worthless crap. 

The only other school that looks even remotely worthwhile is vazarin as it seems to have stuff to make yourself immortal with shields.

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3 hours ago, Vahenir said:

RIP zenurik pretty much. It has energy regen and the rest is irrelevant. 

Unairu is superior now as its one of the very few ways left in the game to actually delete armor. Most of the stuff in there is actually usable while most of the other schools seem to have a lot of worthless crap. 

The only other school that looks even remotely worthwhile is vazarin as it seems to have stuff to make yourself immortal with shields.

Unairu pretty much doubles down on the Viral META. Corrosive and Magnetic are objectively the worst ways to strip armor and shields in the game....

Viral is still its own unique thing that only has its toes stepped on by Panzer Vulp and the rest of the squad which are gonna run Viral.

This new Focus rework just rubs salt on the wound of the old Status rework. The only reason to run anything other than Viral outside of boss immunities is if DE reworked Cold or Magnetic into energy generation or enemy grouping.


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Please roll this back.

It has less gameplay engagement with slower movement, a lack of void blast and animations with cast times that used to be effects associated with the previously really snappy void dash / void blast, so it's less fun to play to me? I really liked operator combat in 2.0 and hoped 3.0 would just be 2.0 with the actual garbage like Void Radiance replaced, bugs fixed, numbers on energy consumption skills reduced or removed to encourage actually using them and just be an improvement. I don't even like how this flows in operator combat, I'm not sure if I will play it anymore?

It has worse focus costs than focus 2.0, when I thought the point was to try and get players into enjoying operator more? Like, the focus costs being that high before were what was keeping a lot of players from trying it to begin with and now it's worse ^^;

It also houses some crazy power creep egg timer buffs for our Warframes which is a terrible idea when your game is suffering from power creep already to choose to elevate the most powerful elements.

Some of the ideas are great, like I enjoy the new defensive ability for Vazarin but overall this is not a healthy release.

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The way it was before I was able to solo more content and  I only solo. I never did many eidolon hunts because my connection makes it impossible to play with others so I just pretend that content doesn't exist. Despite playing since 2013, I never really got ahead i this game like most people, due to work and other things.  I liked the way things with the focus schools worked previously. It took me years to even get to slightly enjoy them (fairly recent) and now they update really set me back. 

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Basically, I don't mind about the Focus Schools reset since most of 1k Eidolon hunters like myself will just throw all the shards in and max them out. But the new rework is killing 4/5/6x3 hunts (at least for now) and I believe it take time to get use to with the new system.

Few a bit sad overall 'cause Eidolon hunt is my main activity in this game, but it's not the first time they mess with the Boy, so in the meantime me and my buddies will figure out the new play styles, hopefully. 🤕

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Unairu all the way everyday. Only because of the innate Primed Sure Footed. Can't believe I screw up my eidonon shards. Converted all of them to zenurik because I thought I was 'buying' the shards with the excess focus. Once I saw 20 million Focus on zenurik, I knew I messed up. *sigh* welp at least I have something to work toward.

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I was looking forward to this rework, as Focus and the Operator in general did need a rework, but have found the implementation disappointing. The Operator feels even clunkier than before, thanks to the double whammy of Void Dash being massively slowed down and now needing to press extra buttons to do what they did before, and as a result integrates even worse with our regular gameplay. Perhaps time may tell differently, but Zenurik still seems to be the strongest school purely due to its Energy generation, and there is little reason to use the Operator outside of using the 1 ability. This rework almost certainly needs a rework, but I think it should also invite the bigger question of what the point actually is to Operators as a mechanic, given that so much has been done to justify them with so few positive returns.

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I like a lot of what Naramon is doing, but I really feel like the Expose debuff should just be on the dash by default. It's all kinds of cludge to transfer out, hit 2, and sling afterward, especially when you're trying to execute this in midair. The delay to make sure the 2 goes through and then adding on the delay in the sling activation makes it so much less smooth.

Like, I get it, it feels unfinished to have the Operator only have one ability, and you're probably planning to have a 3 and 4 at some point, but right now the 2s feel ill-considered. At least let me hit 2 DURING the sling charge or something

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Madurai is meta. Madurai is king. Madurai is life.


40% ability strength buff, 50% casting speed, ammo efficiency (operator and warframe), enemy susceptibility to damage, and more.

I prefer Madurai over Zenurik (which I've used over these couple of years ... damn too often).

In the past, Madurai served absolutely no purpose nor made any significantly noticeable changes (damage increases) to my builds.

Now it is almost indispensable for insane power builds (be it motes, gloom or anything else spammy).

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