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Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.5


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Thank you for the hotfix. Can you please reconsider reverting the "vanta black" skins "bug". Its in no way harmful for the game and its actually a fun way of fashioning the only 3 frames capable of making this work. Also it makes no sense how you only adress the Warframes with this "bug", when there are tons of other weapons that have had the same  "problem" for years

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25 minutes ago, LupoDWolf said:

tho I doubt Leyou purchase was related to warframe. so maybe they won't interfere too much

Leyou didn't have all that much I doubt Tencent did it to make Enemy territory style games or Brink

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17 minutes ago, LupoDWolf said:

tho I doubt Leyou purchase was related to warframe. so maybe they won't interfere too much

Tencent and other companies, as recent aquisitions show, why companies are buying other companies. It is about their IP.


Tencent owns Digital Extremes.

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11 minutes ago, iHeuksal said:

Tencent and other companies, as recent aquisitions show, why companies are buying other companies. It is about their IP.


Tencent owns Digital Extremes.

12 minutes ago, AntiKhaos said:

Leyou didn't have all that much I doubt Tencent did it to make Enemy territory style games or Brink

I know that. What I am saying is that warframe isn't what influenced that purchase tho. Was probably more related to Splash damage, certain affinity share and like that. Warframe/DE just happened to have the same owner

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Laeton mode switching takes forever. Please make switching firing mode instant. And also, when Incarnon mode runs out of bullets, can it switch automatically back to Semi mode, please. And is there some sort of indicator when Incarnon mode is about to run out of bullets?

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Has anyone else noticed that Front and Rear Sigals aren't staying on their frame when using Khora? Fairly sure this has started recently as it was fine last time I played her and other frames like Ivara don't have this problem. I wonder though if maybe folks are seeing it on other frames too?

On other issues still getting missions failing to update and thus can't end without aborting. Both times this happened today was during a Wake the Angel bounty when the exterminate mission was finished while the Angel was in play if that helps.

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11 hours ago, FSK41 said:

I dont enjoy them either but that is the entire point, if you bypass the only ability of the new mini bosses then that makes them kind of pathetic aside from the amp phase maybe at higher levels and we already got shieldgating for that so people dont get one hit. it is one week and people already ask to make the game easier again it is ridiculous.

You're entirely missing the point made in the latter part of that same quoted post; you're sacrificing one of your arcane slots to be able to avoid that happening - one that could otherwise contribute to survivability, damage, crit, mobility, etc. If it works for Eidolons and Profit Taker, there is zero reason it shouldn't work on the new Zariman-based enemies. As multiple people have already said, it functions as a magnetic proc and thus should be treated as one - being able to be resisted or nullified thanks to Arcane Nulliifer. Consistency is something preferred here, not more inconsistency.

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20 hours ago, Deekkru said:

those of us who disliked void dash before have existed this whole time. XD

 "This Whole Time"? You mean the Less Than An Year you have played the game? EksDi

Constructive feedback is good, but if you barely used it how can you give one..... EksDi

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55 minutes ago, muziqaz said:

Laeton mode switching takes forever. Please make switching firing mode instant. And also, when Incarnon mode runs out of bullets, can it switch automatically back to Semi mode, please. And is there some sort of indicator when Incarnon mode is about to run out of bullets?

There's an orange bar under your reticle that depletes as you use up ammo. Mag size mods work on incarnon mode ammo count. Haven't tried refill-while-holstered effects.

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40 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

 "This Whole Time"? You mean the Less Than An Year you have played the game? EksDi

Constructive feedback is good, but if you barely used it how can you give one..... EksDi

alright, higher than thou. some people who are veterans of like 5 or 6 years could be disliking void dash before you know? i dislike void sling, but don't pretend that EVERYBODY dislikes void sling. or loved void dash. 

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18 hours ago, Naroxas44 said:

I think the changes overall will result in more operator use, but they do still warrant improvement; the points that come up are valid, but they also need to be built upon (most people I've seen are just calling for a total reversion, which doesn't really explain what specifically about either system they like or dislike).

 So how is "more Operator use" actually measured? I can bet you it will be :Time spent in Operator" right? So with Sling slower and added animations, ability casts slower than Void Dash or Void Blast animation time wise and that pesky transference delay that can total but not limited to 2 seconds lets see if my crude napkin math can put it in better perspective. Lets say you want Zenurik energy regen:

- Pop out 0.3s;
- Dash that triggers equivalent of 2 cast Wellspring 0.5s;
- Pop in 0.3s;

- Pop out 0.5s;
- Cast Wellspring 0.8s;
- Cast Wellspring 0.8s;
- Pop in 0.5s:

Before - (0.3s x 2)+0.5s=1.1s Total
Now - (0.5s x 2)+(0.8s x 2)=1s+1.6s=2.6s Total

Albeit based on feel, I think im not far off the mark that the new mechanical system takes on average 120%-130% more time for the same action, and that is not considering if you wanted to Lockdown while getting the energy regen. If you want to lockdown, you did not need to do anything more before, but now you have to perform additional action of a Sling, and that just adds time to the Now while adding absolutely nothing to the Before time.

So I hope you can see how that will in fact look like "More operator use" since "Time spent in Operator mode" has been forcefully more than doubled for the same action. So yeah statistically it would have done what DE claimed, tho not for the players, but for the Investors that look at the Graphs of "Time Spent in Operator Mode".

Also Yes those things can be rectified with animation speed improvements and Sling speed improvement, but we are talking about what is available now, not what could hypothetically it can be, because that form of it does not exist Yet.

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34 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

 So how is "more Operator use" actually measured? I can bet you it will be :Time spent in Operator" right? So with Sling slower and added animations, ability casts slower than Void Dash or Void Blast animation time wise and that pesky transference delay that can total but not limited to 2 seconds lets see if my crude napkin math can put it in better perspective.

I'm referring to "operator use" not as time spent in that mode, but rather the intractability / usage of the abilities and features in that mode. You listed out some good timings that demonstrate prior to this change you'd just pop out, dash, pop back in, and solely use operator in this manner as a utility. I do personally think the timings / animations of some of the new implementations could be sped up (this game is rather fast-paced and having to wait a few seconds for anything can sometimes be an annoyance), but it's presented in a more streamlined way that allows the player choice to separate their actions and utilize different abilities in tandem with their frame (even the change to abilities is in line with frames, making it easy to understand you press a button to use a skill, just like with frames). The point of the change is to make operator more viable to do so, and the ability assignments (and changes), dissociating them from dash, buffing survivability, and other changes are means towards that end. I understand that the counterpoint to this is "OK but now you're just spending more time doing the same thing", but outside of animation timings that feels like people are trying to treat operator the exact same and still disengage from the system outside of utility when the direction operator usage is headed is to make more impactful usage with abilities and coordination with the frame.

45 minutes ago, Do_High_Go said:

Also Yes those things can be rectified with animation speed improvements and Sling speed improvement, but we are talking about what is available now, not what could hypothetically it can be, because that form of it does not exist Yet.

Correct, this is a discussion about what is currently available, but it is also about how to improve it; there are some good suggestions I've read, but my main gripe (and point of original post in this thread) is that people are demanding a revision or criticizing the change going "it's bad change it back" without considering how to improve the current system, or even have the best of both systems combined. I'd ideally like the latter, as I've been asking for operator changes for probably 3 years now since outside of limited content the old system felt extremely disengaged. Like I mentioned earlier, people were not using unairu wisp, lighting dash damage, void strike, or a lot of focus nodes (DE even stated a lot of people straight up turned off focus nodes in some trees) in regular mission content; the only major concern I've repeatedly seen is void sling time and transference cooldown being annoying, both of which I also think should be adjusted.

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On 2022-05-03 at 2:06 PM, iFlu said:

Still no news about Revenant's Mesmer Skin being canceled when transfering to Tenno?

On the bright side this only seems to be occurring on the new tilesets.  But it sure does suck to be punished by mesmer skin dropping when you are forced to kill some of the new enemies via your operator.

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Am 3.5.2022 um 22:45 schrieb Berzerkules:

After all the feed back you're really going through with this void sling thing?

Why not just give void dash to operator and and void sling to drifter?

Without knowing the coding aspect i am  very sure they want us to spend more time in operator and maybe even use the stupid sprint arcanes they coded 4y ago coz literally no  one used it when u can dash 1000% faster. Void Sling is a sling around our feet to make us slower but i am actually fine with it because for most missions there are faster options anyway if u want speed(titania).

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10 minutes ago, FSK41 said:

Without knowing the coding aspect i am  very sure they want us to spend more time in operator and maybe even use the stupid sprint arcanes they coded 4y ago coz literally no  one used it when u can dash 1000% faster. Void Sling is a sling around our feet to make us slower but i am actually fine with it because for most missions there are faster options anyway if u want speed(titania).

Sure, Titania is an option but I'm not a speed runner and low lvl fissure bore the hell out of me. I'm fine using Titania hitting 30-40 second ukko/hepit farmin relics for new primes, I'm not pushing, or hunting specific tiles though. Fissure I run xaku because it's more fun and I end up waiting at extract anyways.

What I do enjoy is farming axi in sp disruption. Really I just like disruption and new prime release gives me an excuse to run what I like. Operator is just one tool in my bag of tricks, it's not just how fast I can get from point a to b. Speed is important though, I need to execute specific tasks as quick as possible to keep my frame safe. I can still do what I did but it's just slower, clunky and not as enjoyable as it was a week ago. I didn't play this game for 5k+ hours because I enjoy slow combat, I'm a fn spazz when I play, I'm using all my abilities, all my weapons and switching back and forth from frame to operator constantly. I can't play at that pace anymore, the game isn't the same. I'm lookin for the whe package, they might as well have added a charge up time to bullet jump or removed aimglide or sprint as far as I'm concerned. Gimp one part of the kit and every frame suffers.

It's all about an instant reaction to my input. Any delay is unacceptable imo, when I hit a button I want to move now, not .5 seconds later. When I want my operator or frame I don't want it on a cooldown. 

In the end It doesn't matter, I'm just one player. DE will still get new players to join and dump cash. They'll be fine. 

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On 2022-05-03 at 4:57 PM, ArgetKnight52 said:

No changes in bounty rewards still giving 1 at the time, void sling  as bad as ever and transfer colldown. This is how to kill game 101. Just do overhyped updates and dont give f what players say where did "we lisen to our playerbase" went  shame :/

It went to tensent. Gotta fluke out of contract rather then break it. /J

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En 4/5/2022 a las 11:42, iHeuksal dijo:

Good morning, sweetheart. If you have been living under a rock for a couple of years ... the newest shareholder is not Leyou anymore, it is Tencent (technically, Tencent bought Leyou and thus owning now most of the parts of Digital Extremes). Check the news. If you don't know how Tencent works and what they do, then don't reply in any regard.

still, the ones making these decisions are DE, not tencent, because tencent owns the father company of the father company doesn't mean anything, sweethearth.

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6 hours ago, ByMIC said:

still, the ones making these decisions are DE, not tencent, because tencent owns the father company of the father company doesn't mean anything, sweethearth.

You clearly don't know how shareholding works, don't you?

You, as a company, who got bought out on the holding of your own company, is signing a contract to DELIVER a proper dividend for your shareholders. There is no way that you will pay off that dividend with your own money. How else do you think to pay your shareholders, hm? By saying "aw, well, we are still a free2play business game. if people are going to buy stuff or not, it is up to them" - you will lose that shareholder, who is investing tons of money into your company, immediately, and also the benefits came along with it.

DE might be "independently" acting, but they are not independent anymore. You should learn more about business tactics and how these things work, before posting nonsense like "father company owning is not owning this and that".

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On 2022-05-03 at 4:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed Gyre Rotorswell lightning strike cooldown being permanently decreased in certain cases when the electric arcs chain to other enemies.

    • This potentially also fixes Cathode Grace randomly disabling itself - please let us know if this issue continues post-Hotfix. 

I have consistently had Cathode Grace turn off during a Void Fissure mission - I cast the ability with the doubled power strength (with the buff on gyre). All of my abilities were doing Orange crits, but as soon as the void reactant buff wore off, Cathode Grace stopped applying its buff to everything. Not even just reduced power (although with every other ability not recast you keep the buffs, like Warcry).

Edit: It appears the wonkiness is separately applying to the energy regen and the crit chance parts of the ability. I kept the buffed energy regen for a while after losing the crit buff, then that completely stopped while I had 40 seconds left on the timer for Cathode Grace.

Second Edit: I appear to have had this ability completely disabled after taking a magnetic proc and losing all my energy as well. 30 seconds left on timer with no benefits.

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2 hours ago, Kemi337 said:

I have consistently had Cathode Grace turn off during a Void Fissure mission - I cast the ability with the doubled power strength (with the buff on gyre). All of my abilities were doing Orange crits, but as soon as the void reactant buff wore off, Cathode Grace stopped applying its buff to everything. Not even just reduced power (although with every other ability not recast you keep the buffs, like Warcry).

Edit: It appears the wonkiness is separately applying to the energy regen and the crit chance parts of the ability. I kept the buffed energy regen for a while after losing the crit buff, then that completely stopped while I had 40 seconds left on the timer for Cathode Grace.

Second Edit: I appear to have had this ability completely disabled after taking a magnetic proc and losing all my energy as well. 30 seconds left on timer with no benefits.

I am having the same issue when it comes to casting with more strength than what the warframe is modded for.

Example. I using both Arcane Molt Vigor and Zenurik Hardened Wellspring, to bump the Strength up, but once I exit the Wellspring, it jumps from doing crits to doing no crits.  

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31 minutes ago, Firedtm said:

I am having the same issue when it comes to casting with more strength than what the warframe is modded for.

Example. I using both Arcane Molt Vigor and Zenurik Hardened Wellspring, to bump the Strength up, but once I exit the Wellspring, it jumps from doing crits to doing no crits.  

Glad I'm not the only one, we might be on to something here.

It appears Energy Conversion and Growing Power work properly though.
Energy conversion applying its buff to the cast of Cathode Grace works fine, as does the Growing Power buff - it isn't causing the ability to stop working when those are consumed or run out.

I might have to test with an Equinox or Nidus buffing my power strength to see the other triggers.

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