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Best frames for steel path



I have recently unlocked steel path and have quite a bit of plat to spend since i got a discount pretty recently. i was judt wondering what are the key frames to use for steel path. currently got gauss, mesa p, equinox p, wukong p, octavia p and nidus p. looking at zephyr, mirage, wisp, banshee and ash and hildryn maybe baruuk rn. also for weapons, what is the real secret to damage. is it the modding or the weapon. i see many weapon builds online and i realise that most of them have a riven and i dont have that much plat to spend to buy multiple rivens but then i get other people saying if you use this build you should be able to do steel path and they give me a build that accompanies my situation and it doesnt do the damage i see online. then there are others saying that it is purely modding of the weapon even if you dont have a riven? just generally really confused. 

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3 hours ago, mrhapps said:

Ya... i think you might just need to understand damage in this game better.

I think you don't understand a single thing I just said.... 🤔

3 hours ago, mrhapps said:

what you are missing here is that there are weapons, like the sporelacer for example that without a riven easily do lvl 150 enemies but because it is a crit based weapon it doesn't scale well into level cap. There are other reasons its not ideal for level cap but the main takeaway is that it doesn't have good scaling damage like a status based weapon.

Then you built your Spore Lacer Wrong....

It's a Kitgun.... If you need more Status then build it for Status... 👀

3 hours ago, mrhapps said:

rivens will always enhance your experience, but they are by no means necessary to complete any of the intended content (including eidolons which people always seem to think you need a riven for)

The Reason why people think they need Rivens for Eidolons is because they would like to to complete More than a single Tricap in one night....

I hunt with The Velocitus.... And although it's Technically Possible to Complete a Hunt without a Riven.... It's highly Inconsistent Because of the mods Archguns have access to....

Can you fix this with Helminth Abilities or Applying more Forma to fit an Augment.... ? 

Maybe .... But in all Honesty it was Easier and Faster to just Get a Riven.... I still don't Have enough Multishot But atleast now I'm Consistently Up 1 Crit Tier and that does more than just Make Eidolons Possible.... It almost Makes Them Practical....


This is what you are Over Looking ...people don't Care if it's merely possible to do Steel Path Without Rivens... They want to know if it's Practical or even Fun....

Hence why Rivens are the Secret to Achieving That....

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21 hours ago, Lutesque said:

The Real Secret is.... Rivens....

You don’t need Rivens. A number of accessible weapons can handle Steel Path without Rivens.

21 hours ago, Lutesque said:

 I have legit Copied a Build Exactly as it was Shown to me and It wasn't even Enough for The Sortie....

With all due respect if you have problems with Sorties I don’t think you have a sufficient grasp on modding weapons.


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1 minute ago, Duavey said:

You don’t need Rivens. A number of accessible weapons can handle Steel Path without Rivens.

I'm sure they can....

One way or another.....

However.... This wasn't the case when Steel Path Initially Launched....

2 minutes ago, Duavey said:

With all due respect if you have problems with Sorties I don’t think you have a sufficient grasp on modding weapons.

With all Due Respect.... Sorties became alot Easier when I started Modding Weapons My own way....

Well.... Specific Sorties did....

Lephantis Sortie Always Trips me Up because it Seems Highly Inconsistent Regarding How We're suppose to Damage it....

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On 2022-05-15 at 9:30 AM, Lutesque said:

The Real Secret is.... Rivens....

Rivens help push the maximum damage a weapon can do, but it is not the secret to doing damage in steel path. Majority of my strongest weapons don't use rivens because their disposition is too low and there's just as good option if not better to just use regular mods. The main reason to use a riven on a low disposition weapon is for adding utility stats without sacrificing the damage stat so you don't waste a mod slot for utility for example - +90%cold, +1 punch through, +40% reload speed. Just to prove my point I included a video i saw the other day that explains a lot of ways to buff damage in a much stronger way than rivens. This guy also has plenty of videos where he goes to 9999 enemies and even kills the demolysts without rivens (ivara's 4 was one of the options for this)


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13 hours ago, mrhapps said:

Rivens help push the maximum damage a weapon can do, but it is not the secret to doing damage in steel path.


But they are The Secret To Doing Steel Path in a Comfortable Time Frame....


As is always the case with people who Disagree with me.... They forget the fact that is a Game.... 

It's not enough for it to be merely Possible to beat the Steel Path with a Mop.... I would like to Have Fun too...

That's where The Rivens Come in.



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On 2022-05-15 at 9:30 AM, Lutesque said:

The Real Secret is.... Rivens....



rivens, while sometimes helpful, are entirely unnecessary.

the real secret...is warframe abilities.

even middle of the road warframe abilities are several orders of magnitude more powerful than any weapon in the game. some warframes dont need any weapons at all...like none. titania, xaku, khora (yes yes...she likes a good stat stick...not the same)...you can complete steel path missions with any of those and never use your equipped weapons at all.

rivens are just not necessary for anything...id go so far as to say they are a scourge and should be removed from the game entirely. rivens are just loot box gambling with extra steps....but they are a constant revenue stream sooooo....it is what it is.

the takeway here is that forget about rivens. if you have decent ones you like...great, use 'em....but i wouldnt waste my time going out of my way to get them...and i definitely wouldnt go anywhere near the toxic, cancer inducing warframe trade nonsense.

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On 2022-05-17 at 7:29 AM, Lutesque said:


But they are The Secret To Doing Steel Path in a Comfortable Time Frame....It's not enough for it to be merely Possible to beat the Steel Path with a Mop.... I would like to Have Fun too...That's where The Rivens Come in

its only really a factor for weapons like the stug that have a really good riven disposition and really bad initial stats. Guns that are already good, like the sporelacer kitgun, can near one shot enemies up to lvl 300 in steelpath without a riven and without stupid slash or viral effects. The same sporelacer kitgun won't get any stronger with a riven because it has a low disposition and the standard mods for it are higher value than whatever combination you can get on a riven for it.

the nataruk is another weapon that will oneshot any steel path enemies without a riven that is easy to obtain. Obviously there are plenty other good options but i figured i would just name a couple here so you won't always believe everything feels like a mk-1 weapon in steel path without a riven. Like just today i went to level cap in survival (level 9999 enemies) and was still killing them with the Laetum without a riven (i don't even know if you can get a riven for it tbh)

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On 2022-05-17 at 8:15 PM, cha0sWyrM said:

the real secret...is warframe abilities.

That's not a Secret Though....

Also We are now at a Point where they are so many Situations where Warframe Abilities are getting Nullified more than Ever Before....

One way or another.... You need a Solid Weapon....

On 2022-05-17 at 8:15 PM, cha0sWyrM said:

rivens are just not necessary for anything...id go so far as to say they are a scourge and should be removed from the game entirely.

I agree....

But that doesn't mean they don't make Difference.... Because in reality they do.... Yes... Even the Garbage Disposition Ones....

As it turns out there's always going to be one Riven Roll Type that's Guaranteed to be Useful on almost Every Weapon....


Dual Elemental Rolls are massive Game Changers for so many Weapons as Mod Real Estate is probably the biggest limiting factor on most weapons....

To be Clear.... Getting those almighty CC or CD God Rolls would be nice.... But free Viral in a Single Slot is pretty Damn Nice too...and doesn't get affected by Disposition Nerfs as easily as the "God Rolls"...

There isn't a single Regular Mod that can Compete with That other than The Akbronco Prime Augment sold by Father...

On 2022-05-17 at 8:15 PM, cha0sWyrM said:

the takeway here is that forget about rivens. if you have decent ones you like...great, use 'em....but i wouldnt waste my time going out of my way to get them...and i definitely wouldnt go anywhere near the toxic, cancer inducing warframe trade nonsense.

Neither would I...

But if you want to know The Secret... there it is.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 hour ago, mrhapps said:

its only really a factor for weapons like the stug that have a really good riven disposition and really bad initial stats.

Rivens can not Save The Stug....

General Speaking you actually do want a Weapon with Garbage Disposition as Getting a Nice roll on that ensures you that Riven will never ever be useless as it can only get Better....

Obviously the Exception to this rule is Weapons like The Ignis Wraith or Kuva Ogris.... Weapons that have gotten popular for Reasons other than how powerful they are.

1 hour ago, mrhapps said:

The same sporelacer kitgun won't get any stronger with a riven 

It will.... You just have know how to use the Roll you get instead of trying to go For MS, CC and CD like everybody else....

1 hour ago, mrhapps said:

the nataruk is another weapon that will oneshot any steel path enemies without a riven that is easy to obtain. Obviously there are plenty other good options but i figured i would just name a couple here so you won't always believe everything feels like a mk-1 weapon in steel path without a riven. Like just today i went to level cap in survival (level 9999 enemies) and was still killing them with the Laetum without a riven (i don't even know if you can get a riven for it tbh)

You can....

I haven't seen one but I did see a Phenmor Riven... Atleast I think I did....

Quite Frankly I don't care if whatever Weapon anybody says that can One level 200+ Enemies with or without Rivens....

Watching Aznvazion's Videos has shown that this is not always as Straight Forward as people claim it is....

Like how The Arsenal Divide Update means you don't need to Run Serration on your Weapons anymore....

Yeah I tried that.... It technically works and it's Noticeably better but it's definitely not Consistent.


I don't want a Build that can Kill level 10 000 Enemies based on a Set of conditions that need to be met first.... I want a Build that Can Consistently kill Level 150 Enemies no Matter What Else is Going on...

I think that's my Issue with The Arsenal Divide Update....

It's way too Situational compared to how Melee Works....

Condition Overload and Bloodrush don't need to get any Kills... Which means you can use them on Trash Mobs and Bosses Alike....

I could care less how good the Galvanized Setup Works as that is Useless against so many bosses...

You know.... The Parts of The Steel Path where people actually will get Stuck since so many of them are Immune to whatever Cheese works on Trash Mobs....

Rivens don't have this Problem....


Now go back to One Shotting Level Cap Enemies.... I don't Care.... 😝

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On 2022-05-19 at 11:04 AM, Lutesque said:

I don't want a Build that can Kill level 10 000 Enemies based on a Set of conditions that need to be met first.... I want a Build that Can Consistently kill Level 150 Enemies no Matter What Else is Going on...Condition Overload and Bloodrush don't need to get any Kills... Which means you can use them on Trash Mobs and Bosses Alike....I could care less how good the Galvanized Setup Works as that is Useless against so many bosses...You know.... The Parts of The Steel Path where people actually will get Stuck since so many of them are Immune to whatever Cheese works on Trash Mobs....Rivens don't have this Problem....Now go back to One Shotting Level Cap Enemies.... I don't Care.... 😝

Ya... i think you might just need to understand damage in this game better. There are builds that require a set of conditions to be met first to be viable in level cap, and you are right meeting all these conditions on regular lvl 150 enemies is not fun because it takes too much effort against such a weak enemy comparatively.

what you are missing here is that there are weapons, like the sporelacer for example that without a riven easily do lvl 150 enemies but because it is a crit based weapon it doesn't scale well into level cap. There are other reasons its not ideal for level cap but the main takeaway is that it doesn't have good scaling damage like a status based weapon.

rivens will always enhance your experience, but they are by no means necessary to complete any of the intended content (including eidolons which people always seem to think you need a riven for)

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On 2022-05-14 at 3:49 AM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

You don't need Rivens. Weapon modding is going to be of greater value. You don't necessarily need to be optimal in all areas, and understanding why that is, can help you when making your choices. What I mean by that is, a good Melee can carry you, or a good Primary, and thus you could use a less optimal Warframe. Alternatively a Warframe thats strong at certain mission types, can let you get away with average weapons. 

There are also playstyle preferences, and worth mentioning, that there are intermediary levels of game difficulty. Like for example, I wouldn't recommend going from the standard Star Chart straight into Steel Path. I would recommend doing some Lich/Sister content instead, doing Sorties, so on. Steel Path Incursions are also good as far as playing with others. Arbitrations as well. You will want Galvanised Mods. 

Also, unless I misunderstood, I wouldn't spend any Plat to buy Warframes. Some of the Warframes you mentioned, can be a grind to get, like Wisp, but being able to do Ropadoparollyropalyst casually, can help you prepare for Steel Path. Plus its generally just not worth it. Might be nicer to get cosmetics or something, anyway, I don't mean to tell you what to spend your Plat on. 

Personally, I like use and like a lot of different Warframes for Steel Path, so mix it up a lot. I really like Lavos against Corpus and Infested for example, because I just don't have to worry about Nullifiers or being drained of Energy, plus his abilities can hit a lot of them, I can take in some of my favourite single target guns, to finish off enemies my powers don't kill. Nidus I like against Grineer and Infested, especially Survival because building stacks is easy, you are tanky, and you can clump enemies together, which males some of my favourite weapons even better. Vauban I like for Interception, Excavation and Mobile Defence, Zephyr too. Their abilities are great CC, which can assist in killing, or just letting you ignore the enemy to get the objective done, or focus on priority enemies. 

Gauss, Mesa, Equinox, Wukong, Octavia, Nidus the Warframes you mentioned are a good selection. These Warframes have good damage mitigation, so its just about your mastery/understanding of them, and whether you enjoy them. 

Weapons that are generally popular, would be weapons like Kuva Bramma, Kuva Zarr, Cedo, Tenet Arca Plasma, Glaive Prime, Redeemer, Stropha. I would also recommend some (relatively) underrated weapons like Phantasma, Probiscus Cernos, Tenet Flux Rifle and Kuva Hek (though with some of the latter, its more single target focused). If you are struggling, you are going to want to mod for enemy weaknesses as well. Like, if I take Lavos against Corpus with a Phantasma or Cedo, do I need to mod it for just Toxin? No, not really, if its viral or corrosive, it can usually kill, build Galvanised and Arcane buffs etc to kill even better. Some weapons like say, Aeolak, was better to go Toxin, especially as I had not Forma-ed it, and if I don't have a Warframe that can kill with abilities, then... 

Again though, if some of what I am saying is confusing (Galvanised Mods? Why mod Toxin for Corpus? etc) could also just mean some of that other mid tier difficulty content might be better. Liches are a step up from regular enemies, especially if they hit rank 5, its good practice IMO for Steel Path. 

Good luck! 

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

i personally never used Rivens and literally had not a single problem in SP. 

i think Rivens ruin the greater choice of weapons the game had before the introducement of said mod type. 

And it's always funny to see people claiming that "you're cheating" when they ask for my build and it has no rivens in it. 

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I have really abandoned my own post at this point and I really don't feel like reading everything (hope you guys understand).


I am at a 60% Toxin Kuva Zarr and am using Cryo Rounds to get viral.

This is the build - https://overframe.gg/build/321147/ - (took me a bit since it was my first time using overframe).


I am able to do SP pretty good without merciless stacks and one shot most mobs with at least 9 stacks. This is on Earth so I am wondering if I will be able to do the same in the void.


I am looking to get into Arbritrations for mods.


I have progressed quite alot in the last week since I did like 5 or 6 Kuva Liches to get my Zarr and I also have a Kuva Nukor, Kuva Ogris and Kuva Bramma to max too (gonna do Kuva Bramma next).


I have a stupid Rabvee riven that I got by transmuting and I am doing daily sorties.


Looking to get Sepfahn, Laetum, Epitaph, Proboscis Cernos and Phenmor (I heard these were really good)


I had gotten a 51% toxin bramma that I sold for 170 and I bought galvanized chamber with.


Now I am sitting at around 112 plat and trying to buy unmaxed Galvanized and Primed mods for cheap.


I have Saryn Prime, Wukong Prime, Nidus Prime, Equinox Prime, Mesa Prime, Octavia Prime, Zephyr Prime, Garuda Prime and am at MR13 nearly 14.


I also have recently unlocked the Helminth and am subsuming Banshee (I heard her Silence is pretty good).


Just wondering if any of you guys have any advice for

What Focus Tree I should get?

What Warframes I should get?

Any other Weapons I should get?

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14 hours ago, Lutesque said:

🤔👀I think you don't understand a single thing I just said.... Then you built your Spore Lacer Wrong....It's a Kitgun.... If you need more Status then build it for Status... The Reason why people think they need Rivens for Eidolons is because they would like to to complete More than a single Tricap in one night....I hunt with The Velocitus.... And although it's Technically Possible to Complete a Hunt without a Riven.... It's highly Inconsistent Because of the mods Archguns have access to....Can you fix this with Helminth Abilities or Applying more Forma to fit an Augment.... ? Maybe .... But in all Honesty it was Easier and Faster to just Get a Riven.... I still don't Have enough Multishot But atleast now I'm Consistently Up 1 Crit Tier and that does more than just Make Eidolons Possible.... It almost Makes Them Practical....

This is what you are Over Looking ...people don't Care if it's merely possible to do Steel Path Without Rivens... They want to know if it's Practical or even Fun....

Hence why Rivens are the Secret to Achieving That....

this is the last time i'm responding to you because i'm losing too many brain cells repeating the same thing different ways so that you understand you don't require rivens to have fun in this game. Also its derailed to talk about rivens when this thread is about the best frames for steel path.

my sporelacer is not built wrong, its a purpose built for critting which is known to not scale into level capped enemies without other buffs which you said you don't want to do simply because crit builds for guns do not have scaling damage.

my lanka build without a riven can do easily 3 tricaps by myself playing trinity, again if you understand how to build weapons against enemies this is not hard to achieve, the part that takes the longest in eidolons is getting rid of the shields when playing by yourself. Hell, even a standard heavy attack redeemer prime everyone seems to have modded will 1-2 shot eidolon limbs without any other buffs.

i agree archguns suck because of their mods. If you struggle the most with doing damage to the main body of eidolons u can just use the 4th ability on voidrig and if thats built right it will 2-4 shot the eidolon body. A properly built imperator is actually one of the easiest ways to kill the steel path lephantis though if you wanted to know that (5 minutes total mission time).

you can also easily do steel path with ignis, bramma, sporelacer without rivens from my personal experience in comfort. My dps is actually worse with my ignis riven so i don't use it. Plenty other weapons will one shot enemies in steel path without rivens in comfort without using warframe abilities. You are just being difficult for no reason with accepting that this game is easy because you are being too ignorant to learn how to mod properly. Copying peoples builds from overframe.gg is not learning how to mod properly. I know you are not modding properly because you think it takes too long to kill base level steel path enemies.

rivens will bring more comfort for most weapons but your main point was that you can't do good damage without a riven which is just wrong (as many other people mentioned).

warframe abilities really are the best way to speed up steel path though. For example, steel path exterminate with a maim nuke build you go kill 10 enemies with any weapon and then run into a group of enemies and push 4, easy room deletion with minimal setup and you can finish a 130 enemy steel path exterminate in under 3 minutes.

just to be clear, the bramma excels in low level enemies (below level 200) but once you get to higher level enemies (200+) you will start running out of ammo on bramma before things are dying to replenish it and thats because the bramma uses a crit build that doesn't scale. You can somewhat remedy this with hunter munitions because slash bypasses increased armor values but in order to slot this mod you lose base damage mods and will do slightly less against enemies less than lvl 200, the tradeoff here is it will scale better.

helminth is a another completely optional system, level cap was still easy and possible before it, we just have more options now. My last level cap run i took octavia would doesn't have a helminth ability equipped and i just basically afk'd steel path survival for 8 hours. The kill per second speed really doesn't change much because octavias 1st ability scales with enemy damage. Octavia is a perfect example for damage in this game. Comparing mesa peacemakers for the second example, they do crazy high damage to enemies but there is a cap at how much dps there is. Octavia has no cap on damage (except integer overflow but realistically you won't reach that with octavias first ability) so it can infinitely kill ever higher level enemies in the same time frame.

comparison for people that don't get it yet with octavia vs something like mesa:
lvl 100 enemy with 100k ehp
scaling damage- 10k initial dmg, 1000damage gained per second from redirected enemy dmg
base/crit dmg build - 100k dmg/s

in this scenario base/crit dmg will one shot the enemy and the level cap scaling build will take at most 8 seconds

lvl 9999 enemy with 10m ehp (no armor corpus)
scaling damage - 10k initial dmg, 1m damage per tick at around 3 ticks per second from redirected enemy damage
base/crit dmg build - 100k dmg/s

in this scenario it will take at most 3 seconds to kill level capped enemies with scaling damage in a mass AOE, 100 seconds for the base/critdmg build PER ENEMY if you don't run out of ammo first and thats assuming you are doing 100k dmg per second. The numbers are simplified for understanding purposes but they aren't too far from actual in mission values. What this shows is that octavia with her damage that scales by the damage enemies do she will actually kill faster with higher level enemies. You are closing in on 15 thousands posts on the forums.... it might be time to start actually playing and learning how to be stronger in the game instead of just complaining about how underpowered you feel on the forums without OPTIONAL rivens. Whatever you respond to this post with, i'm not going to respond because after looking at your profile you always seem to only argue what anyone else ever says even if you are wrong and multiple people point it out. Hope you learned something from my explanations.

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Le 13/05/2022 à 16:50, __Kazizty__ a dit :

i was judt wondering what are the key frames to use for steel path.

There is no key frame or best frame for Steel Path. Every single frame can do very nice on Steel Path. Use the frame you like the most and just have fun.

And Rivens are just for QoL, they aren't necessary at all.

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9 hours ago, __Kazizty__ said:

What Focus Tree I should get?

They're more balanced than they used to be and each contains useful things now. It really depends on the rest of your loadout, the main things they provide are:

  • Energy regen from Zenurik
  • Armor stripping from Unairu
  • Healing from Vazarin
  • Melee support from Naramon
  • Power strength + significant operator damage from Madurai.

I would probably prioritise one of Madurai and Unairu and Zenurik. There are many sources of healing (weapons, mods, arcanes, abilities, etc) and you can get a decent combo counter duration (21 seconds) with arcanes (primary/secondary dexterity) and an aura (swift momentum). There are also many sources of energy (arcane energize, dethcube, protea's dispensary, emergence dissipate, gara's splinter storm augment, equilibrium + synth set mods), so if you have access to those Zen becomes less of a priority. 


What Warframes I should get?

Your list of frames is missing defence + healing (well there's a bit of defence on Zephyr). Gara would probably be a good choice to cover both of those. I'd get and subsume Protea for Dispensary to round out your energy and healing options.


Any other Weapons I should get?

You have more than enough damage, so I'd go for some utility weapons. Maybe some more sources of healing: Daikyu + amalgam mod + nikana, Basmu, Rakta Dark Dagger, Hirudo

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13 hours ago, __Kazizty__ said:

What Focus Tree I should get?

What Warframes I should get?

Any other Weapons I should get?


Depends a little because Warframe is such a massive game. Like for doing the Sortie and Relic cracking missions? I would recommend Zenurik, because you will get a lot of free and extra energy this way. So its really convenient. However you mentioned you wanted to get the Laetum and Phenmor, which are really good and strong, and also you get them by doing the games newest content (Angels of Zariman), which by itself is an incentive... in that case though, you would probably want to go for Madurai. Since it will give you a big advantage in that content. Also great for Eidolons. 

Except then you also have Unairu, which is really nice in Steel Path or Liches/Sisters. Which it sounds like you are doing a lot of recently. Unairu has abilities which can 100% armour strip and 100% shield strip most enemies. Like the Steel Path Acolytes, and the Sisters of Parvos and their Hounds (I am not sure about Liches). Also it gives you a passive thats similar to Prime Sure Footed, for around 40 seconds, whenever you pop into Operator, which means if you go into Operator a decent amount, you almost always have active... 

Again though Warframe is a huge game, as far as things to do, its a bit hard to just tell a person what exactly they should do and pick, because a lot of it is really up to you and what you might prefer or enjoy. That can help you determine the order of abilities or weapons or content to focus on (like which Focus). Knowing what sort of content you are doing right now though and plan to, I would say Zenurik, Madurai and Unairu are good picks, as per above, prioritise what you think you will do more of. Also remember that Passives from each School are worth trying to build towards too. 

In my opinion, you have pretty much all the Warframes that will allow you to succeed far enough into the game, to then be make informed choices as to which others you should get. I personally really like Lavos quite a bit, because you can create any element with his abilities with his combinations, and some are AOE, you can always use effective elements to target whatever faction you go against, you don't use energy, so situations where no energy is an issue, like Sortie Modifiers, high level Infested draining you, Energy Leeches etc won't slow you down at all. When you do pick up an Energy Orb you get a temporary version of PSF as well (stronger version, as it makes you status immune, but it only lasts 10 seconds). Lavos is sort of my lazy pick, Saryn and Zephyr will just as well if not outright better in most situations. There are others I like, but won't mention, they are more personal flavour. Once you get to the stage you have all the Warframes, you'll just be able to decide your favourites yourself etc

The weapons you have and plan on getting are really good, not much more to add. I'd just mention maybe Cedo, Stropha, Redeemer Prime, Rubico Prime, Glaive Prime, Kuva Hek. Can't recall from your first post if you have them already or if I already recommended them. Some of these are for niche uses. Like if you plan on doing Eidolon's, having a good Sniper Rifle helps. It also is good against certain other bosses too (and their Steel Path versions). Glaive Prime and Stropha are basically long range melee options. Like with the Glaive Prime, without a Riven, you can go into any Steel Path room, and throw and explode it, and most things should die. If you are unfamiliar with Glaive Heavy Attack builds you might want to research around though. Kuva Hek is a really good Lich/Sister killer. So if you plan on doing more of that content... If you shoot them in the head with the Alt Fire they die fast. If you grow to like Nidus, you will love the Stropha, since his larvae will group them up, and then you can combo into a heavy attack and watch the enemies melt and die with red crits (in Steel Path, no Riven). 

Good luck! 

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On 2022-05-21 at 12:41 AM, Lutesque said:

This is what you are Over Looking ...people don't Care if it's merely possible to do Steel Path Without Rivens... They want to know if it's Practical or even Fun....

Hence why Rivens are the Secret to Achieving That....

i understand what youre saying, and i dont necessarily disagree with you...but i feel that you are vastly overstating the actual in game effect and feel of rivens. i am currently maxed out on rivens. i can not buy more riven slots. them rivens is full up. ive dissolved or whatever its called about 15-20 rivens the past couple of months because i just cant have any more. so im not a stranger to rivens. and i can assure you...i can and have taken rivens off my favorite weapons to test things, these are weapons i use all the time, i know how they function yeah?...and sometimes i would forget to put them back before going on missions. not only have i not ever noticed that the riven was missing...but i didnt even notice the mod slot was entirely empty on more than one occasion.

rivens dont make bad weapons good, and if the weapon is already good...you wont really notice the riven that much anyway.

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Every frame is good for Steel Path; which imo is weird with the power gap between frames.


Frame decision for SP more boils down to Arcane and Mod options:

1. Frames with minimal armor, no health restoration, good ability spam (Gauss, Mag, Gyre etc.) - Arcane Aegis + Rolling Guard + Auger set

2. Frames with good armor values, high health values, and decent health regen (Inaros, Grendel, Nidus, Garuda etc.) - Arcane Grace + Arcane Avenger

3. Frames with incredible utility and/or restoration (Harrow, Trinity, Khora etc) - Arcane Guardian/Aegis for either health or shield gating builds + Rolling Guard


...that's how I approach SP with all of my Frames anyways. It's really up to your preferred playstyle and available arcanes, since the Arcane system can elevate all warframes to SP viable with the right setup.


Edit: Looking back on it, I really regret only buying Arcane Grace over Aegis... Shield Gating is just too bloody amazing.

Edit2: Also, don't sleep on Rolling Guard for non-shield gate builds, 3-seconds of invulnerability + cleanse is game changing in any scenario.

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I use Inaros modded for survivability. Melee I use is kronen prime. Modded for combo stacks and corrosive (for acolytes) otherwise viral, kuva nukor midded for radiation, and Proboscis Cernos modded for viral. None of which have a riven. I'm sure there are better guns but im a bow user and I was able to clear steel path easily. Bosses I used a well madded Ivara but with her I have multiple Artemis bow builds for different boss weaknesses 

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6 hours ago, __Kazizty__ said:

I have recently unlocked steel path and have quite a bit of plat to spend since i got a discount pretty recently. i was judt wondering what are the key frames to use for steel path. currently got gauss, mesa p, equinox p, wukong p, octavia p and nidus p

I would say focus on what you got first.

Out of those frames, Wukong Prime and Octavia Prime do pretty well at Steel Path Levels. No need to go grabbing extra frames just to do Steel Path content.

As for weapons, you generally don't need rivens. You are probably looking at high-end guides on youtube is my guess. There are many other guides out there that don't use rivens or tell you what a good alternative is for the riven mod slot. Just follow the guide except replace the riven with whatever the alternative option is. And yes you do need to mod your stuff so please don't be expecting to go into steel path if you don't have an orokin catalyst and orokin reactor equipped on your loadout items. 


Another thing that I have to tell people is that sometimes you aren't always ready for steel path. Which may just be the case if you are asking for help on steel path. 

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gauss is really good for endurance

mesa is strong with her peacemakers and 95% dr as long as you don't get hit with melee or aoe

equinox is good all rounder tho she cant tank

wukong just cheeses sp with free revives and an ai with aimbot along other stuff

octavia can go invis to survive and is good for afk endurance

nidus is invincible as long as you have stacks

zephyr is good bc of 3 and 4 and passive

mirage is ok

wisp grants good buffs and has invis with passive

banshee is kinda squishy but is good with the right build

ash does disruption

hildryn is ok

baruuk can kill everything with reactive storm

for weapons just use an aoe kuva weapon like zarr tonkor chakkhurr or bramma. you don't need a riven. leyzargamingviews makes good build guides for new players and veterans.

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Steel Path enemies start at higher levels and have inflated health and armor values. 
The frame you use will depend on the mission. Most of the frames you listed should be able to handle SP.

The primary power of weapons come through modding, though having good base stats matters as well. You don’t need Rivens.

If you’re not sure what you’re doing check some recent build guides on YouTube to point you in the right direction.

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Right now I run either Lavos, Banshee, Garuda, Saryn, Protea or Ash for the most part in Steel Path. Lavos with Roar (augmented to skip cooldown) instead of his #2 and Banshee, Garuda, Saryn and Protea with Gloom instead of their #1/1/2/4, and then Ash with either Gloom or Silence instead of his #4. It also depends on what arcanes and auras you have access to. Combat Discipline aura allows for nice sync with arcane Avenger, Grace and Guardian, since you can proc survival or offense without having to get hit, which allows them to be active 24/7 more or less. Which is what allows me to run Silence on Ash if I want, since Grace is enough to keep him alive through self procs.

For weapons I just use Kuva Zarr, Laetum and a Plague Kripath modded for Contagion and finisher use. Just have to remember to not mod Laetum for crit chance, since Avenger gives it enough to still allow you to proc the evolution for the extra damage stacks on non-crit and non-status. Those weapons give you crap loads of AoE and insane single target damage as needed. Then to top it off I use a Panzer Vulp for extra healing sustain and AoE viral DoTs.

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For frames, I use a bunch. Anything can work really.

My personal picks:

  • Saryn
  • Nyx
  • Baruuk
  • Vauban
  • Frost
  • Zephyr
  • Gauss
  • Wisp
  • Nezha
  • Loki

For weapons just bring decent ones.

My personal picks:

  • Phantasma vs everything
  • Vermisplicer (Primary) vs infested
  • Sporelacer (Primary or Secondary) vs everything

But anything with hunter munitions/viral or heat/viral can make short work of this mode. Don't need Kuva weapons. I pick all sorts of weapons not limited to the ones above. Those are just weapons that perform well and I personally enjoy using. Currently working on the Laetum, but I haven't tried that in Steel Path. That thing is a monster though so should do well too. Rivens aren't necessary. Take note of the Steel Essence you get from Acolytes and turn get the arcanes and unlock the slot to fit them on your fav weapons for an extra damage boost. Also, check the Galvanized mods you can get through Arbitrations.

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