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Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable


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The elephant in the room are procs, I say DE need to review the procs formula for high level stuff, to be one-shot by a proc that auto-seeks you+bypass shields+ignore objects in between its just dumb design.

I'm all about having chunky enemies and difficulty progression, but make the struggle fun and rewarding, no just an insta death galore.


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I have an old and new account. I am "not" running into the problems of, "OP" people are suggesting. Eximus on low end 1-10 may take an extra melee swing to kill perhaps 2. High end Eximus frankly "do" need an assessment before committing to the action. In my opinion I think it's a good call. (CC be damned.) Last night I did a Sortie Interception with "Eximus stronghold" PS4 and got wasted thoroughly. (Ok, having a frame rate of 2 didn't help.) The team had to all rely on one another. Pablo mentioned in the last Devstream (paraphrase:)  "if cc worked on Eximus we'd be back to square one." I agree whole heartedly. I like the aspect of seeing an Eximus and feeling a little fear or trepidation. When a game subjects you to the high and low the experience becomes richer / fuller. I for one applaud DE for some difficulty spiking. To be honest before the Eximus Rework I was falling asleep in my chair sometimes. 

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4 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

Only DE knows, and decides, what Warframe is about... Not you.

Not you either and DE doesn’t update the game for their own closed door meetings. It’s ultimately about the players and the long term growth of the player base.

Now you go get some cold shower. 

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9 hours ago, Battle.Mage said:

no, there is. only here you have to invest a lot.
I bet you don't play long and don't have all the warframes at the moment.

Only missing Caliban and Gyre.

9 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

a few rare enemies not being cheesable isn't the end of the world, stop being dramatic

I find the more you play against harder enemies you end up learning how to deal with them and become better, yes at times I even pull my hair out but it makes you a better player.

8 hours ago, vitreloy said:

Did you solo it? May be you just being carry by others

I Solo 99% haven't found a problem yet, that I cannot learn from, if I fail a mission I go back to the drawing board and revise my tactics, I'm old and yes an old dog can learn new tricks.

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10 hours ago, vitreloy said:

Eximus immune to everything plus tanky is unreasonable.

We can't get a warframe like this why should NPC had such OP permanent ability.

PS: This game is fun because we can had a lot of powerful weapon and ability to play with. If I will to play a game without using ability I will go else where.

meanwhile reddit 

If you are a super casual player who doesnt have any build and just play for fun, you can just skip that mission. Not a big deal

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I did the sortie with a very nimble , energy dependent and not so tanky frame with heavy dependence on channeling abilities ,

I managed it well enough but i did die a few times and cleared the mission at 80% enemy score.

It was close , but it 2as fun as well.

Feels like you need to read the descriptions in sorties and plan accordingly ?

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Eximus are immune to CC effects. Not every ability. Damage and debuffs still work. There are some exceptions (that maybe count as bugs) e.g. CC effects that work, and debuffs that depend on CC so don't work. The damage amp of Equinox's day form Rest and Rage doesn't work (and probably should), but the damage amp of Nova's M.Prime does work. So does Banshee's Sonar.

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8 hours ago, George_PPS said:

Not you either and DE doesn’t update the game for their own closed door meetings.

Except they do do that. Oh, most certainly they do. Say, did anyone ask for archwing/railjack/open world (as well as an extensive list of other things) before DE showed that they were working on it already so it'd be too late to complain that "this ain't warframe, buster"? I doubt it.


Why they seem to be doubling down on railjack for some inexplicable reason, even though it's as "popular" as all the other attempts to put other games into warframe, is beyond me. Then again, i suppose open world's here to waste 10x the time compared to doing the old warframe missions would take, so they must know better than me or whatever.

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It's kind of hilarious and tragic that in order to increase difficulty, DE made it so that there is an extra bar you have to go through in order to stun them. Which in turn made Eximus units stupid strong since the whole point of Crowd Control is to pre-emptively suppress enemy units, but since it's an extra health bar that massive damage can just bypass it. So it provides almost no difficulty to experienced players that plays DPS frames to begin with, but causes so much issues for those who cares about CC.

If you really think about it, enemies with Warframe shieldgate provides more difficulty than whatever overguard provides since it is something you can't just 1 shot it with a bramma.

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb MqToasty:

I just tried the sortie mission to see what you're talking about, and while it was not exceedingly difficult, I did find a few instances where some enemies seemed to take way longer to kill than others, and a single instance where my speed was slowed down to a crawl (I was using Wisp and had motes up).

Honestly, it seems to me like there is a (buggy?) multiplying effect when multiple Eximii show up at once.  It seems like there were always Corrupted Ancient Eximii around when the others gained super armor / health on their overguard, and that multiple Frost Eximii would stack slow on you until you slowed to a crawl.

Overall, I do not think Eximus units ignoring CC is a problem.  However, when so many show up, maybe DE should check to make sure the buff/debuff auras are stacking as designed...

It's the Corpus/Corrupted Guardian Eximus Unit, that causes the problem, because it not only has rotating shields around it (with the spaces in between are hard to hit with certain weapons), but also gives damage reduction to all units surrounding it. I did the Interception with my Grendel and a variety of my strongest weapons, trying to hold point D, but with sometimes three of them spawning simultaneously, it was simply impossible to keep it captured at certain times. It was a hardcore weapon test and the most fun mayhem, that I had in the game for quite a while. I did about 50 runs with random teammates, but only two or three of them went smoothly with some Mags, Xakus and Mesas as partners. All other runs were a mess with teammates constantly dying or getting overwhelmed completely. So overall, I think that CC immunity plus Guardian Eximii and the shere ammount of other enemies is a bit too much for most players. And as much as I like a challenge (apart from level cap runs, which I'm not interested in), I think, that the CC immunity contradicts the whole design concept of Warframe and massively hurts the game in the long run, especially if newer players get the feeling, that their frames "don't work" and either abandon the majority of the roster or stop playing completely, because they get bored of Rhino, Nezha or Inaros. Not to mention, that all of this was initially DEs' fault by making Gloom a Helminth ability and now they desperately try to bring the Dschini back into the bottle... 

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14 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

An enemy that lives for 1 second has more chances to deal damage and retaliate than an enemy that dies as soon as it spawns.

We are so overpowered we need massive bullet sponges just so we can feel there are enemies in the room trying to kill us. How can you have challenge when you can do infinite CC and one-shot level 999 enemies otherwise?

I like enemy to be more tricky to deal with than just a dum ass stand there absorbing all damage all ability you throw at them. I also like enemy with counter to and counter by, for example the grineer shield guy, he counter bullet but counter by bullet with punch through. This is just an example in fact I think player need deeper than that, example, enemy will react to warframe differently, like those melee enemy they should had gap closing ability and always pick the weak, warframe with low defend, warframe with little hp left etc. You can design an enemy with reduce damage taken, why can't you design an enemy with damage % max health or damage % missing health or ignore one ability every interval of time or cap damage taken for certain time with cooldown. You also can design an enemy that rage on low health with increase armor + increase damage + increase speed and will go all out to the one that deal highest damage to him/her, of cause this raging thing will end at some point, big bada boom i guess XD, and you had to roll or die.  You see challenging doesn't necessary need to be dum ass bullet sponges or ability sponges or by numbers.

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31 minutes ago, schilds said:

Eximus are immune to CC effects. Not every ability. Damage and debuffs still work. There are some exceptions (that maybe count as bugs) e.g. CC effects that work, and debuffs that depend on CC so don't work. The damage amp of Equinox's day form Rest and Rage doesn't work (and probably should), but the damage amp of Nova's M.Prime does work. So does Banshee's Sonar.

One of the things I've noticed is that if you do manage to CC them, they still continue to do their skills. Also, if a leech is starting to do a load of bubbles, they will still remain after it's dead. That's kinda annoying at times, especially on maps that are lots of very thin corridors with corrupted enemies that tend to spawn with nullifiers on top of their overshields.

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17 minutes ago, (XBOX)Kuhl MC said:

It's the Corpus/Corrupted Guardian Eximus Unit, that causes the problem, because it not only has rotating shields around it (with the spaces in between are hard to hit with certain weapons), but also gives damage reduction to all units surrounding it. I did the Interception with my Grendel and a variety of my strongest weapons, trying to hold point D, but with sometimes three of them spawning simultaneously, it was simply impossible to keep it captured at certain times. It was a hardcore weapon test and the most fun mayhem, that I had in the game for quite a while. I did about 50 runs with random teammates, but only two or three of them went smoothly with some Mags, Xakus and Mesas as partners. All other runs were a mess with teammates constantly dying or getting overwhelmed completely. So overall, I think that CC immunity plus Guardian Eximii and the shere ammount of other enemies is a bit too much for most players. And as much as I like a challenge (apart from level cap runs, which I'm not interested in), I think, that the CC immunity contradicts the whole design concept of Warframe and massively hurts the game in the long run, especially if newer players get the feeling, that their frames "don't work" and either abandon the majority of the roster or stop playing completely, because they get bored of Rhino, Nezha or Inaros. Not to mention, that all of this was initially DEs' fault by making Gloom a Helminth ability and now they desperately try to bring the Dschini back into the bottle... 

Well, I don't recall seeing the rotating shields, but things were so chaotic I could have easily missed a few.  I only managed to do this mission once before the sortie expired, but I held D for the most part, only losing it once or twice during Round 2 when the hard-to-kill guys showed up.  The other players in the PUG mostly held their own, but I did notice a few other control points lost and regained through both rounds.

To be honest, though, I'm quite okay with how Eximii are right now.  Maybe tone it down a notch for lower levels so newbies don't get put-off?  But Sorties are really not low-level missions, so...

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10 hours ago, Mieo_Mio said:

I have an old and new account. I am "not" running into the problems of, "OP" people are suggesting. Eximus on low end 1-10 may take an extra melee swing to kill perhaps 2. High end Eximus frankly "do" need an assessment before committing to the action. In my opinion I think it's a good call. (CC be damned.) Last night I did a Sortie Interception with "Eximus stronghold" PS4 and got wasted thoroughly. (Ok, having a frame rate of 2 didn't help.) The team had to all rely on one another. Pablo mentioned in the last Devstream (paraphrase:)  "if cc worked on Eximus we'd be back to square one." I agree whole heartedly. I like the aspect of seeing an Eximus and feeling a little fear or trepidation. When a game subjects you to the high and low the experience becomes richer / fuller. I for one applaud DE for some difficulty spiking. To be honest before the Eximus Rework I was falling asleep in my chair sometimes. 

You falling asleep because the enemies are dum didn't react to situation and don't had interest skill to deal with warframe, they just shoot bullets and shoot more bullets, absorb bullets and absorb more bullets, call in buddy and call in more buddy and call in more higher level buddy that shoot bullets and absorb more bullets and on and on. Repeat this sentence severer times you already start to falling asleep.

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The Eximus Stronghold Interception Sortie was hilariously good fun. Granted, I went in with Wisp, so cc immunity didn't catch me as bad as other frames. I was also sporting some unpotatoed gear I was leveling, which of course made it harder. Our squad pub failed the first attempt on the second round and some were getting downed often. I also did lose my point 2 or 3 times (the northern point), at times being overrun, at times it being lost when helping on other points. The second try was a success, but not a walk over. All-in-all it was a good time.

I do appreciate that it was a tougher challenge, but I still think the way DE went about making it tougher is pretty bad and they could've done a lot better with the Eximus rework.

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vor 37 Minuten schrieb MqToasty:

Well, I don't recall seeing the rotating shields, but things were so chaotic I could have easily missed a few.  I only managed to do this mission once before the sortie expired, but I held D for the most part, only losing it once or twice during Round 2 when the hard-to-kill guys showed up.  The other players in the PUG mostly held their own, but I did notice a few other control points lost and regained through both rounds.

To be honest, though, I'm quite okay with how Eximii are right now.  Maybe tone it down a notch for lower levels so newbies don't get put-off?  But Sorties are really not low-level missions, so...

I mostly agree with you, I'm just wondering, how to deal with the AoE Meta, that even got reinforced with the Eximus rework. All I see nowadays is Brammas, Zarrs, and Acceltras with Nukors as backup... Making Eximii AoE resistant would be the final nail in the coffin for many players, I guess. It's sad, that DE put themselves into a corner and now they have to find a way to get out there again. Maybe boosting the damage of hard hitting single target weapons against Overguard could do the trick...

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1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

I like enemy to be more tricky to deal with than just a dum ass stand there absorbing all damage all ability you throw at them.

How can an enemy be tricky against larva, ensnare or any other grouping/cc ability that locks the enemy in place until the ability expires?

1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

I also like enemy with counter to and counter by, for example the grineer shield guy, he counter bullet but counter by bullet with punch through.

His counter is useless against a 60-meter-wide map nuke or a Bramma/Zarr spam. He can only counter if he lives long enough for you to notice, which means outliving your min-maxed nuke damage.

1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

enemy will react to warframe differently, like those melee enemy they should had gap closing ability and always pick the weak

Again: They can be hard cc'd and map nuked at their spawn points. How do you think they have a chance to get close other than flat-out immunity or a health pool large enough to survive as many nukes as needed until it closes the distance from their spawn point and you?

1 hour ago, vitreloy said:

You see challenging doesn't necessary need to be dum ass bullet sponges or ability sponges or by numbers

Yet, enemies need to live long enough as to present any form of challenge, whatever form that challenge takes regarding approach, movement, damage, defenses, and/or counters. All of that is meaningless if they can't survive long-enough as to use those tactics. This inevitable results in flat-out immunity, or absurd HP in proportion to our absurd damage.

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12 hours ago, Mieo_Mio said:

Pablo mentioned in the last Devstream (paraphrase:)  "if cc worked on Eximus we'd be back to square one." I agree whole heartedly

I'm... so... over... with this bs.

Thread upon thread people are complaining that "enemies die too easily", WHAT LINK CC HAS WITH BAZILINIONS OF DAMAGE THAT CURRENT META CAN OUTPUT???

CC abilities should come in to RESTRAIN Eximus, because they are TOO TANKY TO KILL EASILY. CC doesn't work, so, the solution is more and more damage? More powercreep?

Cue the Bramma users, that need 5 shots to kill high level eximus instead of 1 shot, telling you how eximi are now "challenging".

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9 minutes ago, Hayrack said:

Thread upon thread people are complaining that "enemies die too easily", WHAT LINK CC HAS WITH BAZILINIONS OF DAMAGE THAT CURRENT META CAN OUTPUT???

...Maybe the enemies die too easily because CC abilities are so abundant? I think every frame has one right? It doesn't matter how much DMG you output if the enemy cannot shoot back.

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