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Ignis Wraith Bp research, a 2 year endeavour


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Shortly after the update i noticed some players on reddit still in the hate train, thinking that finally the sellers are no more, so after 2 years i guess i need to bring the actual facts just like i did with DE.
This is a pure informational topic, you are free to dismiss what's in here, this is the story, the facts and the rality of things, i have no other info to provide so if you don't like it, nothing i can do.
The following information is actually 2 years old, you're just now getting caught with it. Player names are blured or partially removed to avoid identification

Ever since the release of the research on 10% of clans, the game was plagued with toxicity, not only when players sold the bp, but also when asking one for free as it was considered begging and some users heavily disliked that, you also had fake 100% research posts

Now, asking for the research in a video or a topic was not going to work (since all failed), why release the research when players trade it right? yes, that is correct, giving for free or just trading the bp actively halted the release of the research, it's delayed because it was given for free, something some players were somehow proud of, however, this charity was often tied with negative or selfish behavior, namely:

These are mere examples, but there are 4 or 5 year old topics with the same thing, even with a topic made with these examples, DE would simply dismiss them, clans may have died out, changed leaderships, users were banned or stopped playing, yet the same thing kept happening, the research and the toxicity was the issue.

How to bring back the research?
Simple, you sell the bp, intentionally, because while you contribute for the research not to be released, you expose said toxicity and this is done voluntarily by said users on a scale that is much bigger than a single topic.

But before this can be done, there are a few steps prior to this, this means it requires a niche group of users with no selfish interests, a full clan (so that the excuse that is done to advertise the dojo/clan can't be used), a clan with the research (so you're not doing it to gain said research) and must be the warlord, making the user unkickable regardless of false info sent to the clan, yes, haters will lie, to anyone, including DE, in order to get a player banned, shocking i know, but i wasn't the warlord by chance.

With that done the "sale" began and pretty much nothing else, causing the multiple videos you can check out on youtube, dozens of topics, hundreds of comments and well over 1000 reports, fun fact, all reports are logged on your account, so, this also provided DE not only player information, but clan aswell.
Some clans had way more toxicity, they lied to fuel the members to mass report, they faked charity, i knew this, i believe 1 warframe.market moderator contacted atleast 1 alliance in regards to fake reports on the matter, asking the alliance to educate the players and so, with the reports done, DE can have that same idea simply by sorting the players in those reports by clan.
I regret to inform that the clans, mainly those with giving out for free, bragging left and right about being the "main supplier" were some of the ones i noticed, keep in mind players reported voluntarily and so shamed the clan voluntarity, this can't be undone.
Players and clans voluntarily shamed themselves to other players, i am not responsible for any misleading/false/cringe content that was circulating online and i tried numerous times to dismiss them, which often resulted in more cringe, again, don't blame me.
Even the biggest clans outthere had 1 or 2 users that knew the entire thing, this may range from the common member, all the way to the leaders, if you ask in your own circle (like a discord server) and ask who knew about this, there might be a couple hands raised, not naming them, this is something they do if they want to.

The buyers were rewarded, atleast 99% of them, i actually lost plat, because the trade was essentially a 2 year long giveaway (the longest in the game?), for each 50pl, you would receive twice as much in gifts or i would redirect the gifts towards users mentioned during the trade, so 50pl got you the bp and 9 forma. Now players know why some users bought for 100, 150 or even 300 pl said bps. Many boosters, over 1k forma was given and there are a few warframe bundles aswell, the players not only knew about the research aquisition issues, they were instructed not to tell anyone, not friends, not clanmates, to keep the reactions and the feedback genuine, also my platinum isn't infinite. The less sales i got, the better, i also gifted users outside certain time frames to prevent them from leaking the stuff in their alliance, so i may have waited until they got kicked from said clans to get in contact with them or gifted them in random way to prevent a connection with the purchase

This giveaway was not RNG based, it was conduct based, it was the trade itself that determined who would receive goodies and who didn't and i have to admit, many players went really close to doing the trade, but trolling is not something i will reward, these gifts are an extra motivation for the players to continue to behave like they did during the trade and to keep them playing the game, 1 by 1.
This means, everyone could participate really, you want to buy something for 500 pl, then spend 250pl with me, it was made available for hours every single day for 2 years, except maybe 2 weeks or so when i was away, the opportunity was there, some took it, some didn't.
The players apreciating the trade were not kidding, it was that great, obviously they didn't specify details.

If you bought bps and didn't get anything, please ensure the following:

  1. that you bought the bp at some point, simply provide username or usernames so i can compare with a personal log, no you cannot cheat your way into receiving free gifts.
  2. you have gifting enabled (i'm looking at you @--OTC--Wisp.VE )
  3. You didn't get ignored or ignored me, listening to users in trade chat that i was scamming and believing them to the point of halting contact was your choice, as such, no gifting will be done even if you made the trade

I also advertised the trade in a featured dojo and in the forums, players believed the buyers were bots, alt accounts and even that the established clan tax was actually raised intentionally, again, the idea of these haters was to mislead users as much as possible, remember, some users didn't like me for other reasons, their accounts may have been banned, so lying to everyone so they would hate on sellers was a more appealing thing they could do, i mean, who would question them? they were hating on the ignis wraith seller, so surely they were right? right? Sorry to disapoint, Alot of the stuff said was lies if not everything, you're free to question me on any particular matter.

In other words, preventing players from trading with me not only made me save plat, but also prevented players from receiving gifts which could include rather expensive warframe collection bundles, i guess it sucks when instead of receiving stuff players instead showed to the entire community how toxic they really are, including to DE.

DE[Helen] got the tip, took the dojo message down and messaged me that changes were comming.
With those changes comming there was no point in bringing more awareness as a couple youtube videos were already to much, DE got the idea and so moved forward, while containing the issue, i do not know exactly how many users were warned or suspended from the game.
What changes were going to be made? Well, i think you know, ticker sold the bp on valentines, bp was added on railjack and............the release of the research. I didn't know what changes were going to be done or when, so i had to wait.
I waited 2 years since the 1st message in trade chat and now finally the research has been added
Unlike some cringe youtubers that would make yet another ignis wraith video to anounce the changes, the goal wasn't that, i wasn't going to make clickbaity videos anouncing information given to me, but i'm sure another, more selfish user would do it

However, this wasn't entirely on my own, some buyers also helped out, they knew the issue, so why not thank me in the forums, that should provide more feedback, so i want to thank to each and every player in this topic and any player that actually did try and sell the bp, i understand some did it for fun, to collect memes, others to check how sad the players and clan were and some simply to make that feedback surface.

This is unlikely to be accepted by everyone, how can a veteran recognize that a mere MR9 player did more than said veteran? It's true, even if a veteran gifted 100 bps, that pales in comparison to a user that makes the bp available to ALL clans, there is no longer a gap in clan xp, everyone can have the bloddy bp just by researching it in any dojo, no more fake 100% research and fake charities, no more lurking RMT oriented forums for said clans to add to the alliance, no more harassment towards the users asking one for free or those selling it.
So the users that did this were newbies by your definition? You'll just have to deal with it.
It's impressive to say the least that a newer player, buying the BP, made a better impact than entire collections of alliances who gave the bp for free. While the alliances motivated players to be the npc that provides the bp (and as such giving DE the idea that no research is needed), my buyers knew what was at stake and displayed the purchase, knowing the toxicity would arrive in a natural and voluntary way for DE to see.
These players deserve my upmost respect, they did something few would try and so the outcome of the research being available is in no small part thanks to these guys, they bought the bps and went the extra mile by thanking me.

I also want to thank @[DE]Helen for adressing this situation in combination with other DE members (january 2021) and @Letter13for dealing with certain users (which i know you hated) alongside other moderators, trust me i met my share of moderators that were not only the root of the problem as players were messaging me in discord due to info they found on......let's say, a "non official discord" (altough clan and alliance discords were also the root for it)
There are moderators i respect and there are some i wouldn't even trust with a paper clip, i don't intent on harassing those users despite them luring users to do the same on me, i just won't waste time with them, it's sad really and i pity them.

Users also targeted the clan members, i guess they assumed the clan was all on it? when this began to happen a topic was created in the now defunct group/clan section of the forum, you can check it now. (this is 2020/2021 +-)

Remember, these were things established 2 years ago, a few users knew that's true, but if you only know about this now, then you have lagged by 2 years. You can perceive the entire ordeal online, there are maybe 6 videos about, you can use specific reddit search engines (which will show you removed content) and you can search your favorite discord, you'll see how i saw things from the very start, a sad display that is now available to all.
I have alot more info than this, but those i keep for myself, from twitch stream chat logs, asian forums, 4 chan, reddit (including deleted stuff), i been checking where things were going and i also apreciate all the users that sended me stuff via PM, i apreciated the info provided.

You are free to ask me any questions, but i will not reveal any names if it's tied to shamefull behavior (like what clans faked charity to lure users in, or what alliance the RMT alliance leader is in)

Did i enjoy this? Well a litle bit on ocasion and it was rewarding when the haters were seeing the light and changing their mind, ofcourse not all were like that, most of the time it was just sad and cringy, even warframe partners/streamers were mocked due to their videos, but that was the data, that was the culmination of years without the research in the clans, someone would be that cringe, but the community would never know who until it happened.

I guess i can now finally sell other items, that was a long wait, DE for the love of god, don't make content research to a few clans, took me 2 years to show you how bad it was, death threats, players asking to hang myself or calling me "worse than a monster", this pretty much every single day, i didn't think it would take this long and midway i even doubted that changes were comming, but props to you DE.

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To provide our fellow players with some insight OP is a certified trusted Ignis Wraith BP seller and sells BP for 50P each in trade chat. I'm not calling him out here because it's acceptable trade behavior under DE's rules of trade chat. And his Ignis Wraith BP is just as genuine as any other.

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13 minutes ago, CavaleroForKhorne said:

I figured it was something like this. 

There was an earlier post blaming "bad actors", for this change. I'm starting to wonder now about all the clan dissolving DE did within the last year...

My clanmates also knew something didn't add up, a 50p sale was very hard to do, why insist in it over and over? Why not sell, anything else?
It was never about the sale, there was another thing fueling the motivation back in 2020.

I admit my expectations was christmas 2020 (boy i missed that timeframe), it would be a nice gift right? but things dragged a litle bit.

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9 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Many boosters, over 1k forma was given and there are a few warframe bundles aswell

Out of all possible collections, i got cursed with the damn Yareli one. /s


Jokes aside, thank you for your efforts, subjecting yourself to all this abuse to finally get rid of this stupid XP gap and all the other related issues, for the benefit of everyone. The time of my inbox also checks out with the time of my comment on the forum thread, in case anyone doubted that I actually bought 6 blueprints.

22 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

and ask who knew about this, there might be a couple hands raised

hi yes here. even a WFM mod knew.

Now let's just hope we never see something like this again, exclusive research is just bad. And it was tied to Defection of all things...

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I wish this change game sooner so I would have saved billions of Credits. Better late than never though. Thank you :)

At this point DE should just rip off the bandaid of exclusivity and achievements, tackling everything with the Ignis Wraith perspective. Since Primed Chamber's return and now Ignis Wraith, I don't see the point of keeping around any exclusive achievements/rewards anymore. Anything, and I mean anything that isn't Founder's Gear should make a comeback. All the Operation/Event Cosmetics (Tethra's Doom Emblem, Gold Skull Kill's Leaderboard Badge, etc.), Ancient Fusion Cores, Placeholder Mods, Void Keys, Fusion Cores, Arcane Helmets, Vay Hek Triangulators, Corpus Void Keys, Phased Skins, etc. Put completionism on the same step for everyone. Don't halfway-it with only devaluing some achievements. I earned Ignis Wraith for my clan with a (I don't even recall, maybe 6-7 hours) long defection mission, and I expected that achievement to be devalued in some manner since the return of Primed Chamber and Kireek's attention to Ignis Wraith. 

This isn't me being sore, I've fully accepted my time isn't valued, neither are any achievements I earn for myself (Original Ephemeras? Plains of Eidolon Remaster? Railjack? Kuva Liches? Tusk Thumpers? Lmao). I just want this mentality of Ignis Wraith applied to everything so I can earn anything others have that I don't. That's not unreasonable if the general playerbase asks and receives the same from me. If my achievement in 2017 isn't valued more than a slight restriction, why should we respect the rest of them? I'm a completionist with this game and you're always behind unless you started in 2012. I'd really love an update that just rips off the rest of the playerbase so there's a level field.

I've felt this way since many things were done that pushed the sort of players I hung around with away from playing this game anymore; the biggest blows being situations like the removal of Trials. The lack of clan Operations doesn't help either. There are probably more players actively in Conclave these days than the type of player I identify as, but at this point the only thing related to this game that sets my account apart from the average Wukong Bramma Andy is my Forums reputation. Even the Riven Mods I've grinded for and whaled on aren't safe from this approach to hard-earned items. You can even draw parallels with the toxicity surrounding Riven Mods, Riven Trading, and Ignis Wraith. I've already lost hundreds of thousands of Platinum in Rivens due to the nature of a live service game always changing and evolving, so it's not like these have been valued either.

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yeah… this just feels like damage control lmao. your image has been ruined so you made this huge post for some image repair in light of des recent change

in all seriousness im not even trying to throw shade… you could be telling the truth lol. i have no way to know. but even if you are there are better ways to make a point than scamming low level players into buying things they dont have any second guesses to refer to. i personally got into giving away free ignis specifically to combat against you. granted, i never contacted you and “saw the light”, but why should, or would, anyone? all we saw was someone who frequently posted about how they were a “certified” seller of a rare railjack reward, not free blueprint you can acquire in 1/3 of your trade chat requests. why under what reason would anyone think there was more to your shtick than that? as i said, there are better ways to do what youre claiming you were doing here. the fact that people formed such an image of you is a direct result of your miscommunication. i dont condone or support any harassment of course, but its more than fair for people to view you as a scammer. thats how you presented yourself

i can only speak for myself but if youre willing, or even care at all, to provide more im open to having my mind changed about your intentions. but regardless it doesnt change the fact that you failed to accurately demonstrate that point. sure judging books by their covers is always a bad idea, but its something we all do, and the worse the cover, the easier it is to judge

either way, the change de made is great. im glad you agree 😊

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Haters will always hate, nothing i can do about it, it's a personal decision you must take, info was placed, now players pick whatever info they want to read.
As for being viewed as "X" by some random user on the internet, that isn't exactly something i should care, because if i did care about it, you wouldn't had the research, you either want things done or you get things done, if you knew of a better way, let me know.

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18 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Haters will always hate, nothing i can do about it, it's a personal decision you must take, info was placed, now players pick whatever info they want to read.
As for being viewed as "X" by some random user on the internet, that isn't exactly something i should care, because if i did care about it, you wouldn't had the research, you either want things done or you get things done, if you knew of a better way, let me know.

hard to tell who this is directed at as its not a reply. some parts seem directly in response to me and others, clearly not. you obviously didnt read my post specifically and view me as a hater, thatd be an intentional misunderstanding. though to answer your question, use a sign, not a molotov. admittedly, yes, scamming people is a good way to show a flaw in a system, but mere communication is an option, and while it may be slower, if enough of a flurry is whipped up, de will take note of it. advocating for community wide discussions of this issue, in my opinion, wouldve actually been faster and less harmful

i wrote my message before seeing that you gifted someone, which does add credibility, so thats nice of you. however, we didnt see that, did we? you call people haters, yet all you did was present yourself as someone to be hated. you must understand that rationale— you seem to be smart given your elaborate advocation for this change. and as i said, im not talking about harassers. those people are in the wrong no matter their stance on you

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Look, I'm glad they released the Ignis Wraith to the community as a whole, unlike most other exclusives in the community, Ignis always felt like a sore thumb, and caused a lot of drama. That being said, there's no way in hell I've giving any credit to this clown. This is purely a damage control stunt, that I'm sure he's worked on meticulously for years, anticipating the day they'd unlock it.

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15 minutes ago, Archaocity said:

This is purely a damage control stunt, that I'm sure he's worked on meticulously for years, anticipating the day they'd unlock it.

Sorry to burst your bubble here, but having known about this for about a year, I can assure you that it's not some stunt, but just really well planned, because as was proven time and time again, DE doesn't care about issues if they can just let the community deal with them (see: trading as a whole, and distribution of ignis wraith for the past FIVE years).Drastic measures like that are unfortunately the only option left to provoke any meaningful change in a situation like this, and even then it took 2 god damn years.

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-Scam people in-game
-Create a convoluted story to somehow justify scamming people
-Ask your friends to provide feedback and back up said cover-up story
Stonks: Veja O Que Significa o Meme Usado na Internet

In all seriousness, if this really was supposed to be a long, well-planned research, you could at least have presented the results in a clearer, more convincing way.

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10 minutes ago, Archaocity said:

Look, I'm glad they released the Ignis Wraith to the community as a whole, unlike most other exclusives in the community, Ignis always felt like a sore thumb, and caused a lot of drama. That being said, there's no way in hell I've giving any credit to this clown. This is purely a damage control stunt, that I'm sure he's worked on meticulously for years, anticipating the day they'd unlock it.

This is not to give me credit, the buyers mentioned in the topic were given a short explanation of the entire ordeal after the trade, 1 by 1 and the PM that most got specifically says that when the research was released, i would personally thank everyone that posted in the sale topic.
The trade was quick, but talking to them + the message in the forums could make the process last 20 mins, each user received my full attention.

Those users knew that it was indeed the only solution and were asked to keep it between us, there were a few that leaked a few things yes, but there was a reason why explaining things to random users that messaged me out of the blue was vague and had content left out, as some users would simply turn the bucket, ruining the entire ordel and potentially messaging me to buy 20 bps, which scared me a few times when those numbers popped up

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2 minutes ago, Luxpluff said:

-Scam people in-game
-Create a convoluted story to somehow justify scamming people
-Ask your friends to provide feedback and back up said cover-up story

I can sorta kinda see where you're coming from, but at the same time, it's about the least profitable "scam" one could have ever imagined. Not even talking about the whole "giving back things worth twice as much after the trade" thing, just in general, it would be so much easier to just sell random Prime sets 50p above the average price. Probably at least 10x the trades with a fraction of the backlash, if any at all.

Also quite a bold claim to make that he's asking friends to "back up his cover-up story", you got any proof for that? because unlike you, he does at least actually have proof for his claims

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My mind is still boggled about why people thought it was a scam, honestly. 

Yeah to me the concept of selling the blueprints felt like an ethical gray area--I wouldn't have done it personally--but it was a tradeable item and a free market. No rules were being violated nor were there any indications of you acting in bad faith.


This thread was a good read, but mostly I'm pumped about not having to moderate your thread anymore... 😂

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