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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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2 hours ago, Duskztar said:

I'd like to see someone complete Veil missions with just their archwing, they're all but completely useless in RJ missions for anything other than getting from point A to B.

It could technically be done but it would be a pointless slog because arch weapons do next to nothing to RJ enemies.


I like doing it more in archwing than with the railjack honestly..

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3分钟前 , --Leyenda-yight6 说:

for me the problem is that they leave the content abandoned after launching them, the biggest problem with khal is how absurdly repetitive it is, it has the same map (2 of the 3 don't even have the ideal scale for khal), there is a lot Fixed number of enemies and they are always in the same position, the weapons are exactly the same and are obtained in the same order. In railjack many complain about the part of the corpus, and ask for more missions like the Grineers, in addition to the fact that the infested are missing, the void storms are too long to be worth it and it also has one of the worst farms that are the corrupted holokeys . These game modes aren't bad as such, the problem is that they don't come back to them to deliver new content and fix bugs (most of railjack's bad reputation is that it had a horrible launch and didn't deliver much of what was promised).

I believe the problem with Corpusjack is partially due to the community feedback of "I want more traditional warframe gameplay instead of two part away crew/RJ crew missions", so DE haphazardly (and stupidly) brute force the old exterminate/defense/survival into Corpusjack and call it a day. The only new mode for Corpusjack that felt integrated with Railjack game mode is volatile. 

And it turned out the community hated Corpus taxijack even more. 

After that DE more or less abandoned the entire railjack because no one wants to touch it, especially now after Steve was gone - The entire "mission-to-mission moments where you go from a Node to another Node via Railjack" was Steve's vision of the perfect Warframe experience.

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hace 7 minutos, cute_moth.npc dijo:


I like doing it more in archwing than with the railjack ^^;

lmao, I also use the velocitus, I had to kill enemies in archwing because I'm interested in completing the codex using the archmele to scan them, it was fun!!

hace 3 minutos, RichardKam dijo:

I believe the problem with Corpusjack is partially due to the community feedback of "I want more traditional warframe gameplay instead of two part away crew/RJ crew missions", so DE haphazardly (and stupidly) brute force the old exterminate/defense/survival into Corpusjack and call it a day. The only new mode for Corpusjack that felt integrated with Railjack game mode is volatile. 

And it turned out the community hated Corpus taxijack even more. 

After that DE more or less abandoned the entire railjack because no one wants to touch it, especially now after Steve was gone - The entire "mission-to-mission moments where you go from a Node to another Node via Railjack" was Steve's vision of the perfect Warframe experience.

exact, volatile was the only mode that feels new, the others were exactly the same but with a taxi at the beginning.

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I already knew it would a horrible gameplay, Drifters was a MISTAKE, slow, boring and generic gameplay and nothing unique or original like Warframes. Operator was a great idea for the mechanics, Void powers and movement, Drifter has absolutely NOTHING interesting.

I'm just going to play this because probably it will have new weapons that I will use with Warframes, after the embarassing New war quest which for me was a joke I didn't play with Drifter anymore and I have no interest in playing with him again.

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9 hours ago, Lokryn said:

Yeah, biggest problem I see is no feedback from enemies being hit.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what do people want as " feedback from enemies being hit" I play a wide range of games, so I have a lot of examples I can think of but not what others think. To give you a game I play as of recent is "Dying Light 2" and "Destiny 2" 


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7 hours ago, L3512 said:

There seems to be a sort of reverse transference where the drifter can use a frame briefly from what I saw. Makes sense as we see the drifter trying to control a frame with Teshin so there will be bits of frame use in normal free roam Duviri I'm guessing.

Hm, I see, cuz as far I recall from the "Demo" I saw that there is a section that you jump into (some portal-looking thing) where it just goes back to the standard gameplay loop of Warframe, but outside of that realm, you have a very short window of Warframe use, during free roam of Durvri, as you said.

Also, am I the only person who kinda wants that in normal WF gameplay, running around as Drifter with Swords and a Pistol and a robot horse, then having the reverse transference where the drifter can use a frame briefly? (like a Nercmech) 

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34 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hm, I see, cuz as far I recall from the "Demo" I saw that there is a section that you jump into (some portal-looking thing) where it just goes back to the standard gameplay loop of Warframe,

Yeah I believe that's the undercroft, so standard warframe play with at least one mission that is a mash up of the current endless missions type per rotation. While you can play there directly from what DE were saying they seemed to enter it as part of a bounty or whatever DP has.


34 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Also, am I the only person who kinda wants that in normal WF gameplay, running around as Drifter with Swords and a Pistol and a robot horse, then having the reverse transference where the drifter can use a frame briefly? (like a Nercmech) 

I certainly don't think I'd use it much in normal WF as it seems slow, I am interested in playing DP though.

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6 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

for me the problem is that they leave the content abandoned after launching them

This to me is explained by the simple fact that up until now, DE have had a backlog of promised expansions that they've needed to fulfil, which kinda limits how much support they can give them. Once Duviri is out, I wouldn't be surprised if the next few development projects were focused on fleshing out what has been "abandoned".

Not helped by the fact that players seem to suffer from some sort of long-term memory problem, where they apparently forget all of the post-launch support that the new game modes did receive (Railjack in particular had multiple changes made post-launch, even discounting the Corpus Proxima expansion). Hell, even Lunaro got an extra map later on.

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1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what do people want as " feedback from enemies being hit" I play a wide range of games, so I have a lot of examples I can think of but not what others think. To give you a game I play as of recent is "Dying Light 2" and "Destiny 2" 

Not a stupid question at all, but how about this, at a minimum?  Even a simple stagger / wince animation like this from enemies hit by a 1-handed sword is a good start, though clearly there should be a larger variety encompassing at least a light-medium-heavy amount of stagger from corresponding weapons/attacks.

All I saw in OP's video was a knockdown animation from the severed hand's beam attack, and a death animation.  No reaction whatsoever from the hammer hits, which is quite worrisome.

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19 hours ago, Felsagger said:

If you strip down the warframe taking out the cards (Mods, arcanes, rivens) then the player may notice the A.I. However enemy design for this game is simply awful and needs a revamp. At least Steel Path helps on such things and Eximus special troops helps too. But again If Warframes are way up then the only way for a counter is power restrictions caused by enemy devices that they bring up canceling warframe powers. 

That may be an alternative, if any. 

The one thing that did help was indeed the Eximus revamp. However only one out of all the Eximus units really change things up and that is the Guardian. Like I said back around the rework, all Eximus units should have been the Guardian at baseline.

I do however hope the lacking A.I of the Duviri video is more a dev build hitch than anything. We do have way faster reacting mobs in the game..If the enemies will be as slow as they are in that video I'll likely fall aswell playing Duviri.

16 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Either way, folks still gonna believe that it's just that, DE is moving away from Warframe to Soulframe (or so people feel).

I could care less lol, I just like watching a fire burn (maybe a little too much, even actual fire makes me go "ooooh")

ᵖˡᶻ ʰᵉˡᵖ ᵐᵉ

True, but what is also true is that people are clueless in general. I mean just in this case people throw up their arms and scream the heavens are falling, as if a company cannot have more than one project to work on at a time. For the most part people dont really know what goes on in development, it is like the people that go "can they stop make frames and focus on fixing bugs/releasing new content?" as if everyone at DE is Da Vinci and can do/does everything. And it isnt that the mentality is unique to WF, the "stop make X and focus on Y" is everywhere.

I mean, the only justified "complaint" right now come from the people that dont appriciate that extremely different gameplay that Duviri will bring, the people that want more core WF, since the two go hand in hand and can actually be interchangable regarding where development focus should be placed. And I'm with them, even if I wouldnt mind some new spice in the gameplay. Because for me, the off-core development has been too damn much lately, holding back core content for the game, and none of it so far has provided actual replay value. It just ends up as islands more islandish than anything else in the game.

The thing I hope for though is that when Soulframe is released, DE will have enough experience from WF to not make the same mistakes over again with that game, and keep it inline from day 1 and onward so they can both produce gameplay that is true to the core and make it worthwhile and balanced. Atleast in Soulframe they wont have to worry about the "my powah fantsi!" crowd.

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26 minutes ago, MqToasty said:

All I saw in OP's video was a knockdown animation from the severed hand's beam attack, and a death animation.  No reaction whatsoever from the hammer hits, which is quite worrisome.

There were staggers from hits for what looks like the same enemy in the Devstream 168 gameplay section. The lack of reactions in this footage is surprising, but it sees unlikely to be what they intend to release.

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43 minutes ago, MqToasty said:

Not a stupid question at all, but how about this, at a minimum?  Even a simple stagger / wince animation like this from enemies hit by a 1-handed sword is a good start, though clearly there should be a larger variety encompassing at least a light-medium-heavy amount of stagger from corresponding weapons/attacks.

All I saw in OP's video was a knockdown animation from the severed hand's beam attack, and a death animation.  No reaction whatsoever from the hammer hits, which is quite worrisome.


To be honest the game doesn't look fun and looks like a PS3 game in comparison to this


If I want to play Elden Ring, why not play the Original one. :D

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Il y a 19 heures, Circle_of_Psi a dit :

Remind me

The circuit is pure WF gameplay, but inside that void thingy, that acts like a normal mission node, right?, cuz during Duviri Isaw you was able to temp jump into your frame for a very short time to do super high (whatever)

On the Devstream, they've shown the complete Duviri experience (story, side objectives, drifter and warframe..everything), but The Circuit let's you have a "Duvirian" Warframe-only gameplay.

They've announced this :

Depending on your goals for your gameplay session, you’ll have three different ways to experience the open landscape:
- The Duviri Experience (Story and side objectives together!)
- The Lone Story (No side activities - only story.)
- The Circuit (Warframe-only Mode in the Undercroft)


In addition to Duviri, there are other ways to impact Dominus Thrax’s influence on the world: through the Undercroft. This can be accessed through portals on Duviri, or via The Circuit option in your Duviri Navigation.

Here, you’ll make full use of your Warframe to take on foes, and still have the benefit of your Drifter’s Decrees. Your time in the Undercroft for your Duviri missions will be short, but The Circuit will give you access to an endless form of the Undercroft.

With The Circuit, you’ll play through a variety of endless missions one rotation at a time: 5 minutes of survival followed by 5 waves of defense, and so on. Players will still be able to unlock Decrees to impact their gameplay in The Circuit, and Steel Path versions of this mission will earn you Incarnon Adapters for our new Incarnon Genesis system.


That's why they were on the warframe mode only for a short time : on the Duviri Experience, the Undercroft is a side-objective, but on the Circuit, the warframe mode is the main (and only) kind of gameplay.

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7 minutes ago, drnlmza said:

The lack of reactions in this footage is surprising, but it sees unlikely to be what they intend to release.

Not a developer, so take this with a massive grain of salt.  With the certification process, it seems safe to guess that Duviri is already functionally complete and sent off to the console powers that be (otherwise they would miss their April release date).  Any changes made based on our feedback would likely require hotfixes or another cert update.



1 hour ago, Corvid said:

This to me is explained by the simple fact that up until now, DE have had a backlog of promised expansions that they've needed to fulfil, which kinda limits how much support they can give them. Once Duviri is out, I wouldn't be surprised if the next few development projects were focused on fleshing out what has been "abandoned".

I wish I shared your optimism.  Even if they eventually deliver on their teased content and no longer have a "backlog of promised expansions," the game will still be live service.  The only way for DE to sustain interest, make money, and appease their shareholders is to continue shoveling out updates in varying degrees of polish.  I don't think we can blame Duviri alone for Phorid and the Sergeant being essentially placeholders for years and years.  Similarly, I don't think we can expect DE's QA to suddenly vastly improve after Duviri launches.

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4 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


To be honest the game doesn't look fun and looks like a PS3 game in comparison to this


If I want to play Elden Ring, why not play the Original one. :D

Fun or not I will reserve my judgment until I get my hands on it.  But given that we are just a month away from release, I would imagine a dev would show us something very close to the final product, and at least looks good.  What we saw here is rather worrisome.

26 minutes ago, drnlmza said:

There were staggers from hits for what looks like the same enemy in the Devstream 168 gameplay section. The lack of reactions in this footage is surprising, but it sees unlikely to be what they intend to release.

I hope you are right.  I really hope you are right.

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Based on the footage, the enemies are not aggressive in their attacks they just stand their waiting for you to attack them. Also instead of make a rubbish souls-like they should of made it like a hack & slash game if that was the case it would be more enjoyable hands down. DE just jumped on the ban wagon, they could of just gave them melee 2.0 to me that was somewhat better.

One thing I'm irritated about is ppl have been asking for operator melee or years, the drifter is getting but not the operator and with the drifter it`s only on duviri plus they removed void blast and now they can`t defend themselves.

If I were to make operator melee it work like excals 4 which I call "void melee" based on what stance mod u equip with determined the weapon you use, they would also have a D trigger mode which I call "void rage" where for a few second they are more powerful and will temporarily do thing that warframes can do, as for combat it would be similar to DMC GOW hack & slash pulling off sick stylish combos.

You can`t tell me if you like the operators you wouldn`t want this for them.

Operator Narissa with blades 1. by Aaronj-c

Operator Narissa with blades 3 by Aaronj-c


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hace 2 horas, Corvid dijo:

This to me is explained by the simple fact that up until now, DE have had a backlog of promised expansions that they've needed to fulfil, which kinda limits how much support they can give them. Once Duviri is out, I wouldn't be surprised if the next few development projects were focused on fleshing out what has been "abandoned".

Not helped by the fact that players seem to suffer from some sort of long-term memory problem, where they apparently forget all of the post-launch support that the new game modes did receive (Railjack in particular had multiple changes made post-launch, even discounting the Corpus Proxima expansion). Hell, even Lunaro got an extra map later on.

I really hope they do something with the useless gear we have, like arch-melee or k-drive, and if I'm even more optimistic, a pet overhaul.

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1 hour ago, MqToasty said:

Fun or not I will reserve my judgment until I get my hands on it.  But given that we are just a month away from release, I would imagine a dev would show us something very close to the final product, and at least looks good.  What we saw here is rather worrisome.

DE is not experienced in the Soul genre. They may get a satisfactory product but for that type of game I prefer From Software proven trajectory of successful games in the genre. There will be an update for Elden Ring. 

Sorry but that's how things are. 

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13 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

DE is not experienced in the Soul genre. They may get a satisfactory product but for that type of game I prefer From Software proven trajectory of successful games in the genre. There will be an update for Elden Ring. 

Sorry but that's how things are. 

Good for you.  I do not like any Souls game, but I will still reserve judgment because DE has a history of delivering more hits than misses for me.  And I would guess it is the same for you too, because otherwise, why are you wasting your time here?

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27 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

DE is not experienced in the Soul genre. They may get a satisfactory product but for that type of game I prefer From Software proven trajectory of successful games in the genre. There will be an update for Elden Ring. 

Sorry but that's how things are. 

Except they arent aiming for a souls like experience, neither with Duviri or Soulframe as they've straight up pointed out. Steve said that Soul in Soulframe does not refer to Souls like, it refers to a theme in the game itself. Much like WF being named after the tools we use. Blocking and dodging at a slower pace does not make a game souls like, alot more goes into it. Otherwise DMC, WF, ESO, GW2, Outriders, Wayfinder, Neverwinter Star Trek Online (lol) and several other action games would be souls like since they also have active blocks and dodges and are punishing aswell. 

I'm fairly sure that Soul in Soulframe will refer to a mechanic tied to the whatever they call it "operator" there. Where instead of chasing frames we harness the power of different souls.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Except they arent aiming for a souls like experience, neither with Duviri or Soulframe as they've straight up pointed out. Steve said that Soul in Soulframe does not refer to Souls like, it refers to a theme in the game itself. Much like WF being named after the tools we use. Blocking and dodging at a slower pace does not make a game souls like, alot more goes into it. Otherwise DMC, WF, ESO, GW2, Outriders, Wayfinder, Neverwinter Star Trek Online (lol) and several other action games would be souls like since they also have active blocks and dodges and are punishing aswell. 

I'm fairly sure that Soul in Soulframe will refer to a mechanic tied to the whatever they call it "operator" there. Where instead of chasing frames we harness the power of different souls.

It's obvious from both duviri gameplay and soulframe gameplay, they are both blatant rip offs. Of course DE isn't going to admit that, and taking their word on things is extremely naive.

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