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One Tenno VS One Earth Nation During The 20th Century


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Suppose we stick one Orbiter with a Tenno and a complement of Warframes onboard a couple thousand years back in time. The vessel arrives in Earth orbit any time between about 1935 and 1995. 

The Orbiter is fully stocked.
They have Archwing capability, awakened Focus, and heavily upgraded 'frames.

That one Tenno is instantly the most powerful military force in the solar system, right?

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There is really nothing that could stop it.

I mean, we are litterally able to eat rounds to the face from highly advanced weaponry. Things that are still at a planning stage these days or stuck in massive cannons on ships, or mounted on airplanes/tanks. Not to mention, what would any army do when you stand there against an invisible foe that just made your weapons disappear, followed by friends around you suddenly getting turned into body parts of different sizes. Or who would stand their ground after having seen allies eaten and regurgitated back at them by a massive mass that just used the sabot shell you planted in his chest as a tooth pick for his bellymaw?

And then for the nations that think they have air superiority, well Titania says hello.


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It depends. If we're putting a frame like Yareli there (from a lore perspective) then she could definitely cause some mass casualties, but would probably lose.

A frame like Saryn, Lavos, Limbo, or Atlas would totally win though. The thing's their capable of is stupid.

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Just now, Mazifet said:

It depends. If we're putting a frame like Yareli there (from a lore perspective) then she could definitely cause some mass casualties, but would probably lose.

A frame like Saryn, Lavos, Limbo, or Atlas would totally win though. The thing's their capable of is stupid.

Probaly mostly from weebs fapping until their hearts stop.

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A Tenno would likely bring about world peace, because it'd likely take the cooperation of every government on the planet to figure out how to stop a Tenno with their full Arsenal. They'd likely have to bomb the Orbiter, out of orbit, if it's not hidden in the void. If the orbiter is void hidden, the world would be doomed. They'd have to bomb the Orbiter so the Tenno is stuck to a single loadout with no respawns. Even if the Warframe was destroyed I think Spoilers are void immortal so, that'd also be unstoppable even if less destructive.

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I don't like involving Warframes in versus battles. There inevitably comes a point where the question switches from "can a Tenno kill something?" to "how much of a Tenno's arsenal and what level of questionably-canon gameplay shenanigans does the Tenno need to abuse to kill something?" It's not IF we win, but WHEN

What mods do we get to use? Arcanes? How many Focus Schools? Are Archwings and Necramechs allowed? Does the Railjack get involved? How much of the gear wheel is fair game?

How does shield-gating work in this versus battle? Going by the gameplay rules it makes us literally invincible against a megaton nuke, after which we can be killed by a couple bullets to the face. Are glitches and exploits canon? What about the laws of thermodynamics where the game would otherwise turn us to a perpetual motion machine? What "level" is our opponent, how do we calculate armor?

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8 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

That one Tenno is instantly the most powerful military force in the solar system, right?

I'd say so, though it still takes one tenno a while to massacre an army; sure, many veteran players have kills in the millions, but that's from YEARS of constant slaughter. even a Tenno can't end a nation overnight. also, your timeframe is rather generous, maybe too much, as tech in 1935 is very different from tech in 1995.

if we're talking WW2 era tech, speedy frames like Gauss and Volt can probably outrun artillery crews' targeting and easily destroy older armored vehicles with most weapons. as you get close to the 21st century though, we have advanced missile systems, satellite imagery, drones etc. that would be more effective at targeting the tenno. also EMPs could be a thing that fries a warframe's systems. the only thign that might actually stop them is scorched earth protocol/a nuke, and luring the Tenno into the location where you're going to drop your bomb(s) and pray that the tenno doesn't escape somehow.

the Tenno would obviously win, it's more just a question of how long would it take to overthrow an entire nation singlehandedly; I think it's be in the months, perhaps over a year of non-stop fighting, even more in the case of the largest nations (more ground to cover): no breaks, no downtime, no gear changes, a literal year long survival mission. it'd be intense even for a master tenno, but it could be done IMO.

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A single tenno ?

Hah , no,

the problem wouldn't be the ability to cause chaos and destruction for short term ,  the problem would be logistics on the long term.

Let's not forget that the frames require maintenance, maintenance requires resources , resources which may not exist at that time and if frames started killing the populace they wouldn't magically start replenishing your existing stock.

You would also run out of ammo quickly , limiting yourself to melee until they too become less effective over time.

Your warframes would also need to return to the ship allowing limited tracking , with potential of shooting some nukes at you during entry or exit.

You will definitely be a force of great power , but against an entire planet , you may be outpaced in your ability to execute operations.

You will absolutely need the backing of atleast part of the planet that shared your ambitions and has the resources to support you for this to be fruitful.



No , i don't make these plans in my head and then debate with myself to check their viability everyday , that would make be crazy.

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16 hours ago, Mazifet said:

It depends. If we're putting a frame like Yareli there (from a lore perspective) then she could definitely cause some mass casualties, but would probably lose.

A frame like Saryn, Lavos, Limbo, or Atlas would totally win though. The thing's their capable of is stupid.


all she needs to do is summon a big water vortex and it's game over

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8 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:


all she needs to do is summon a big water vortex and it's game over

Look, I love yareli but again going from a lore perspective, she had a lot of trouble taking down 1 enhanced grineer, meanwhile frames like atlas can punch planet destroying asteroids so hard they become dust. Imagine how many hundreds of millions would die if he did that to earth.

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1 hour ago, Mazifet said:

Look, I love yareli but again going from a lore perspective, she had a lot of trouble taking down 1 enhanced grineer, meanwhile frames like atlas can punch planet destroying asteroids so hard they become dust. Imagine how many hundreds of millions would die if he did that to earth.



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I think since we often just blast our way through things, we tend to forget that a lot our tactics are Hit and Run. It's strange but killing over like 100 people in less than Five, or even Ten Minutes in a kilometer long ship isn't a small feat and would probably cripple the important places or even military and war efforts especially in the 1900s.

One small trip to a millitary rations warehouse or even weapons manufacturing factory and destroying it, before just dipping would be incredibly demoralizing for any army.

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Prior to the capability of nuclear missiles, there'd be effectively no chance. It's worth remembering that even Grineer firearms are still most likely better than modern firearms since Kahl with a Grakata can go up against a Sentient, which even if we assume it's just regular steel (which it isn't) is pure metal all the way through. Yet Kahl can damage them with firearms and a Machete. And we can tank them fairly easily, even lore-wise. So our modern day weapons would be helpless let alone mid-1900's ones. Tenno infantry weapons can also canonically destroy vehicles (consider the opening cutscene, which shows shooting down Bolkors is canon), which means that a Tenno can shred tanks. The Helminth will eventually figure out what it likes to eat in our modern world, so we'd be able to repair Warframes eventually, even if other material could be destroyed, and a fully-equipped Orbiter has more munitions than most anything else.

Then there's Tenno stealth systems. The Tenno, against roughly up to the Corpus, can't be detected unless somebody manually inputs their location. Sentient and Orokin sensors can detect them fairly easily, but any 1900's security - hell any modern security - wouldn't be able to do anything. Even early computer locks would be crushed, the Tenno are highly competent hackers even without the Parazon and a Tenno probably uses more processing power in their ammo count HUD than the whole of early NASA. 

And that's just a Tenno's infantry capabilities. Between the Archwing and the Railjack, the Tenno could not be stopped in an aerial battle. Normally the Railjack doesn't operate in-atmosphere, but given that there's intact parts on planets it's likely they can, it's just way less effective. But a 'way less effective' Railjack is still superior to pretty much any aircraft in modern operation, and we don't really know the speeds an Archwing could be capable of. But that's irrelevant - the Tenno have unique access to easy space flight through landing craft and the orbiter. Before the 1950's we couldn't put anything into space, and it's only in 1969 (nice) that we could even think about visiting another planet. Meanwhile a Tenno could quite comfortably appear effectively anywhere on the planet in, what? An hour tops? Probably at most 30 minutes.

Screw 'one earth nation' - a single Tenno capable of speaking Earth Languages could probably stop the Cold War through intimidation tactics, showing up in the middle of the Pentagon and then the Kremlin to say "yeah, no."

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9 hours ago, Loza03 said:

 And that's just a Tenno's infantry capabilities. Between the Archwing and the Railjack, the Tenno could not be stopped in an aerial battle. Normally the Railjack doesn't operate in-atmosphere, but given that there's intact parts on planets it's likely they can, it's just way less effective. But a 'way less effective' Railjack is still superior to pretty much any aircraft in modern operation, and we don't really know the speeds an Archwing could be capable of.

Yep just look at what we can do in the highest possible proximas with a fully pimped out RJ. We can just sit there in swarms of enemies and practically never get critical or much less destroyed due to the highly advanced shield systems and insane amounts of armor and hull structure. So just being able to get into the atmosphere and then sit there would be enough. We'd likely end up seeing something as in some Sci-Fi movies where the governments *cough*merica*cough* decide to nuke the alien ship only to see it sit there untouched when the smoke clears. And that is if the RJ would just sit there visible and not just scorch everything around it as it slowly moves across the landscape shrouded in a void cloak.

I also thought a bit about Atlas and his story. The tenno should according to that story be able to use Atlas as a tactical precision weapon dropped from orbit, much like how Cobra drops tungsten rods from space in G.I Joe 2 in order to destroy cities. Horrible movie, cool concept though. 

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On 2023-05-19 at 5:03 PM, SneakyErvin said:

Probaly mostly from weebs fapping until their hearts stop.

People think like oh muh saryn would muh spread le spore and destroy world in 1 second.
No, we would just shoot her from airplane, her range is what 50m? we can shoot her from 4km away from normal rifle.

Also it is not true that they could just tank the dmg, in warframe we get shot at from high-tech looking but low effectivity weapons, they are pretty much just AK47 with led lights...
and those already  destroy us. Now in actual fight vs warframe it would be tank rounds, anti-material rifles, nuclear strikes... unless we go with interpretation that tenno is just immortal time traveling god then yes we could rekt them in matter of single day.

Also toxin dmg is so good against us ingame, that one shot from arrow would probably end this fight, with frog's poison on the tip. We can also remove air(survival mission proves that we get rekt with no air) we have bombs that remove air and poison it.

Warframes also can not destroy any walls, so we could just throw shipping container at them and they die of old age, or we fill the container with gass.

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and i totally forgot that just throwing some stones at warframe would make it stuck and after they type /unstuck they end up in earth's core melted for infinite damage/second... do not even get me started at host migration.

warframe is useless against sweaty balding men, we would rekt them so quick that the only concern is preserving enough of them to advance our own technology. So we would probably go for the shipping container+poison method.

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6 hours ago, ---Merchant--- said:

Also it is not true that they could just tank the dmg, in warframe we get shot at from high-tech looking but low effectivity weapons, they are pretty much just AK47 with led lights...

Partly, but we do also eat things that are considered next gen weaponry in this day and age, like railgun rounds from things like the lanka, aswell as direct explosive hits from rockets and explosive rounds. And as to tank rounds, we already eat those from Thumpers and we eat air to ground cannon rounds from both grineer and corpus ships. And old Jackal used to try and inpregnate us with full rocket salvos.

However there are things that would cripple frames. Magnets, small rocks and even sand grains if we sit on a "horse", doorframes (the most unstoppable frame of all), doors in general, water with magnets in it, 

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7 hours ago, ---Merchant--- said:

People think like oh muh saryn would muh spread le spore and destroy world in 1 second.
No, we would just shoot her from airplane, her range is what 50m? we can shoot her from 4km away from normal rifle.

Also it is not true that they could just tank the dmg, in warframe we get shot at from high-tech looking but low effectivity weapons, they are pretty much just AK47 with led lights...
and those already  destroy us. Now in actual fight vs warframe it would be tank rounds, anti-material rifles, nuclear strikes... unless we go with interpretation that tenno is just immortal time traveling god then yes we could rekt them in matter of single day.

Also toxin dmg is so good against us ingame, that one shot from arrow would probably end this fight, with frog's poison on the tip. We can also remove air(survival mission proves that we get rekt with no air) we have bombs that remove air and poison it.

Warframes also can not destroy any walls, so we could just throw shipping container at them and they die of old age, or we fill the container with gass.

It's worth remembering that while the Karak is certainly appears to just be an AK with shiny lights, most Grineer weapons show indicators of being subtly more advanced. Consider the Grakata somehow fitting 120 rounds in a tiny, screw-on bulb. That suggests even Grineer tech uses matter compression technology, and if the lowest-tech faction in the game is casually carrying around tech that is that sci-fi, it's pretty likely that under the hood there's a lot of other changes that make them more deadly. And that is assuming that mods aren't a thing for most Grineer, which there is some lore to suggest that at least some Grineer can use them (though mods probably have some measure of difference in lore vs gameplay). Chances are that a Grineer or Tenno bullet just outright hits harder than a comparable 20th century one. Especially since they're roughly comparable or even equal to far more deadly weapons like superheated blades and plasma blasts.

Then there's the fact that any Warframe can take at least one hit from an orbital bombardment thanks to shield-gating, and most can no-sell them entirely through other means. So Warframes have some crazy durability.

We also need to consider that Warframes can destroy walls and rip apart structures and do so regularly in gameplay, just only when the game devs want us to (which is not very often). It's a gameplay contrivance. In the same way that trying to argue damage numbers to the impact of real-world weapons (for example, most Tenno weapons have higher damage numbers than aforementioned orbital bombardments, but that's due to player/enemy health disparity and gameplay fairness). Ordis comments that the void beam could breach the hull of the Orbiter, and probably most other similarly sized ships, so canonically, Tenno can pierce walls, the devs just want there to be walls, so the player can't break them. There's a number of such contrivances (That vault's armour is too thick for my Archgun that can canonically punch through armour fit for a kilometer sized battleship????).


Toxin damage, however, that definitely does seem to pierce shields canonically, and poison gases were somewhat of the talk of the time in the early 20th century. So, certainly, if the occupying force doesn't mind losing all the other soldiers in the area, they could conceivably damage a frame, though given that frames canonically can survive in space for much longer than a normal human would without any signs of distress even (there are multiple cutscenes of us floating about in space just chilling, and if we assume that the absence of life support means space-like conditions in survival, a Tenno can probably survive for around two and half minutes in a vacuum before beginning to experience negative health effects), chances are that even nasty gases would take a lot longer to start having a seriously negative effect, and many frames could reduce or even negate the effects entirely.

@SneakyErvin does also make a valid point that Tenno show clear and major vulnerability to significant electromagnetic fields and EMP's. Though it is worth noting that the effect itself was only discovered in the 1950's, and the earliest I can find information regarding Non-Nuclear-EMP's as weapons is 2003. Obviously the tech probably existed earlier, but there wasn't really much need or use for the tech before the digital age beyond communication disruption, so it's pretty unlikely that any nation would have that many options to produce an EMP other than detonating a nuke in orbit, or manually connecting an extremely powerful magnet to a creature capable of running up walls as fast as a car (at base). Even then, EMP's only shut down a Tenno's shields, scrambles their internal information systems and if it's strong enough, shuts down their powers briefly. They still have full access to their mobility, manual weapons and absurd physical strength. Key word being briefly. It's a disruption and a disorientation at best, so there'd need to be a lot of co-ordination to capitalise. Possible, yes, practical no.


But still, that's two options to say that it's possible. I'd still say that a Tenno would have the overwhelming advantage, since you'd need to set up the attack in advance, and the Tenno effectively controls where they get into a fight. And that's probably the biggest kicker overall. There's ways a co-ordinated military strike could take out a Tenno, but the Tenno can appear effectively anywhere on the planet with no way to confirm their location until they're already there. What are you gonna do? Flood the Pentagon or the White House with Mustard gas? And have that be ready at all times since you will have no warning for a Tenno showing up? And have it be guarded so well there's no chance the Tenno doesn't find and activate it first? AND have enough guards and defenses that you actually keep the Tenno in the gas long enough for it to die? Multiple times potentially since Revives are canonical (though we don't know how many most frames get in lore vs gameplay). Now expand this to every single potential military and governmental target on the entire planet, including every single governor's place of residence and transport between them.

And then if you succeed in killing the Warframe? Congrats, you killed a Warframe. OP specified a complement of frames on an orbiter, so do it another 51 times. And the Tenno on board knows what you're capable of now and is going to ask their computer with quite probably more computing power than the entire planet below (depending on when in the 20th century we're talking here) for ideas on what to do. 

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