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Newest Wave Of Incarnons Will Be Purchasable With Platinum

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Just now, Friede said:

Don't worry 🙏 DE has listened to our prayers at the circuit loot limitations of 2 a week and gave onto us the ability to purchase everything for platinum! They're really listening!! Even skipping the circuit bugs too!! Two objectives completed in one! That's efficiency.

I think you are being purely ironic, it's not possible. In my opinion, is she listening to her players when she improves the game, and not when she monetizes the content? or am i crazy?

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43 minutes ago, Friede said:

I just want to say thank you for making the Incarnons purchasable for platinum in the future update. I no longer need to deal with the buggy circuit and host migration. 😉 Lets keep pushing this great change community! 🙏 Lets make our voice heard! All incarnons purchasable!! Tauforged shards too!

"Thank you for creating a problem and then selling me the solution. I appreciate it just as much as the Italian mafia selling me protection from arson".

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10 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

"Thank you for creating a problem and then selling me the solution. I appreciate it just as much as the Italian mafia selling me protection from arson".

How did you know? I really do appreciate them a lot!

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

Five new Incarnons will be added in Echoes of Duviri, all of which will be buyable from the market. Kinda funny. Part of the reason being that they don't want to make people wait too long to get them. Who could've seen this coming, that locking weapons to a particular week backfires pretty hard when you plan to add more.

Wait, fear of FOMO? Am I hearing right? Correct me if I'm wrong. 

I saw that one from an airplane without binoculars. It was way too obvious. The RNG selector imposed on players is a displeasure that could be monetized. DE is smart, way too smart making mistakes on purpose. That's why I critique them without remorse. 


3 hours ago, Kaiga said:

That 5 week time gate was designed by a fool. 


100 percent correct. 

3 hours ago, Kaiga said:

You should have access to the full pool, but only a couple of picks per week, especially if they're adding more.

Common sense that always comes late on purpose. 

Looks like DE takes some economical boosts with these supposed mistakes and then correct them on the run while they fleeced few players on the process. As I said, DE is clever in the business but is not that dextrous designing the game. They could do much more if their game were at the height of their economic tactics. Just saying. 

19 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

"Thank you for creating a problem and then selling me the solution. I appreciate it just as much as the Italian mafia selling me protection from arson".

Jarriaga HE WAS SARCASTIC. It's easy to detect but you worded it better. :P

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1 minute ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Classic example of creating a problem so that they can sell you the solution.

Sad to see DE become just like every other gaming company.

Welcome to their market model. I've been saying this for ten years. 

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Just now, ShogunGunshow said:

Classic example of creating a problem so that they can sell you the solution.

Sad to see DE become just like every other gaming company.

Next in line: Selling mastery ranks for platinum! Now anyone can truly skip the game. Don't worry though as a lot of people in this thread have said: You'll get there for free eventually it will just take time😉 Just pay to get there earlier!

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Just now, Friede said:

Next in line: Selling mastery ranks for platinum! Now anyone can truly skip the game. Don't worry though as a lot of people in this thread have said: You'll get there for free eventually it will just take time😉 Just pay to get there earlier!

If that happens then you will know for sure that Warframe IS an IOS PHONE game. 




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2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

If that happens then you will know for sure that Warframe IS an IOS PHONE game. 




Can't wait for the feature when I can pay for tau shards to skip the grind! Don't worry though there's a free path you can take that is weekly timegated like circuit with RNG so it's all excusable!

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3 minutes ago, Friede said:

Can't wait for the feature when I can pay for tau shards to skip the grind! Don't worry though there's a free path you can take that is weekly timegated like circuit with RNG so it's all excusable!

That's DE's free exit and the blank check for almost everything. They can get away with it because that option is included. As I said DE is clever but their cleverness is on the wrong place. If that cleverness where put in the game then the story would be entirely different instead of getting what we are having now. Their priorities, for better or worse, is their income, not the quality of the game. It hurts but that is how it rolls. 

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Gorgon, Angstrum, Boar, and Gammacor I think.

hmm, interesting. the Augment for the Gorgon we go in the last nightwave season actually made it pretty good IMO, so adding an Incarnon Genesis for it as well should make both Wraith and Prisma versions top tier, at least as far as hitscan LMGs go. 

Angstrum is an interesting one, I reckon either it'll have either cluster grenades, or a powerful laser Alt-fire for precise killing. 

kinda figured Boar would get something, it's good but not the greatest auto shotgun.

Gammacor's a strange choice IMO, expecting maybe either energy grenade launcher or semi-auto laser alt fire. 

as for them being available for plat, it doesn't surprise me that DE would monetize Incarnon Geneses, because that's what they do when something is successful, they exploit it for profit (which sounds evil but in this case it's not, DE has to make money somehow.). personally I'm fine with it, as long the new modes are interesting, even if they aren't that powerful.

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

hmm, interesting. the Augment for the Gorgon we go in the last nightwave season actually made it pretty good IMO, so adding an Incarnon Genesis for it as well should make both Wraith and Prisma versions top tier, at least as far as hitscan LMGs go. 

Definitely looking forward to the Gorgon. The augment has been a lot of fun, and while it's not the most meta thing ever as a single target rifle it's pretty great.

Also there's the Anku which I forgot, as someone else pointed out.


Anku: Heavy attacks throw disks that bounce off terrain

Gorgon: Shots embed in targets and explode with Heat damage

Angstrum: Shots bounce and explode with Heat damage

Boar: Shots become chaining beams that deal Heat damage

Gammacor: Shots become projectiles that pull in enemies

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Pay to Win? Do you need those Incarnon weapons to do all of the missions in this game? No.

I think the term Pay to Skip is the right one for this.

DE ignoring the feedback about the weekly cycle definitely means they are happy with the current system. Skipping the grind for money is DE's bussiness model since day one. So, them pulling another one of these off doesn't surprise me. Is this scummy? You'll be the judge. At the end of the day, they want your money. They are NOT your friends, unless you know them personally of course. They are a company after all.

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45 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Pay to Win? Do you need those Incarnon weapons to do all of the missions in this game? No.

I think the term Pay to Skip is the right one for this.

DE ignoring the feedback about the weekly cycle definitely means they are happy with the current system. Skipping the grind for money is DE's bussiness model since day one. So, them pulling another one of these off doesn't surprise me. Is this scummy? You'll be the judge. At the end of the day, they want your money. They are NOT your friends, unless you know them personally of course. They are a company after all.

Yup. That is completely true. 

DE developed the concept of Pay to SKip the time sink. 

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1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Classic example of creating a problem so that they can sell you the solution.

Sad to see DE become just like every other gaming company.

With the games economy, Platinum isn't an issue. It could be faster to trade and use that Platinum to get incarnons without spending any money.

I don't see the problem. You still have to complete The Circuit if you want all the other rewards within it (which some are decent enough to warrant your time to do it).

The marketplace is still very player/consumer friendly, it's not a big deal at all.

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2 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

"Thank you for creating a problem and then selling me the solution. I appreciate it just as much as the Italian mafia selling me protection from arson".

Pfft what do you expect, DE to just sell "incarnon adapters" instead and make the 2 free weekly incarnon adaptors just work for any compatible weapon ala arcane adapters? That would make too much sense

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4 hours ago, (PSN)EntityPendragon said:

Wouldn't that make it pay 2 rush rather than p2w since you are not required to pay for everything and would end up in the same position as someone who whales the game without a dollar.

Well, it comes down to semantics, but it depends a lot on the game and also how you define P2W. In a game where the community places a lot of value over the world first of a raid, the ability to skip the grind on obtaining powerful gear, IE rushing it, is clearly P2W because it gives a distinct advantage to players who pay money over those who don't and why it's seen as an issue in games where people care more about the hardcore side of things. Warframe gets away with it because people really don't care that much about the speed running aspect of the game and we don't have raids, (yet).

I think people would complain about it more if we had content that people cared enough about to race to complete, which we might in the future. But I still consider it P2W now because I do consider giving players earlier access to powerful gear if they spend money a distinct advantage over those who don't spend money. But like I said before, it doesn't feel egregious with the current state of the game. But that's not set in stone and could change if DE adds content that people care about being the first to complete.

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I rarely ever make post's here but tonight's dev stream conversation about incarnon's made me at least want to try and make people question the idea of such a high power items just being purchasable.
I think its a horrible idea to be blunt and let me give you a few reasons why.

*These weapons are leagues ahead of anything else short of tenet or kuva weapons which are locked behind a helluva grind, both requiring a certain combo of words from relic requiem runs and having/owning a railjack and also just farming lich acolytes till you get the one you want and even then you might just need to farm duplicates to get a usable stat element percentage. WIth incarnons being plat items a new player only has to craft lets say a latron bp from the market and then buy an incarnon adapter and bam they have one of the best primaries in the game as soon as they start duviri and finish duviri.

*This feels very not warframe, warframe has always been about fair grind. You either pay with your time or plat and they've never directly locked us out of non-cosmetic content because we refuse to pay. Straight up locking players out of a very cool and interesting mechanic like incarnons even if its just a few of them and for only a few weeks feels icky not just because its just time gating but because it sets a precedent. What happens in a year or two when suddenly the new frame or prime is locked behind an arbitrary time limit all while being offered for plat day 1.

*Duviri and particularly the circuit is not in a good place right now, as someone who has done so many runs in duviri and more then half of them end in the quest breaking, the host disconnecting or a mix of both which leads to hours of grind/progress being erased, offering to just let people skip the buggy grind for plat feels dishonest. There is no reason or incentive for them to bother to fix the grind path if they make more money just selling it to us directly and it just feels bad.

In short please DE don't go down this route, it feels gross. I adore duviri even though i thought I wouldn't as someone who doesn't enjoy either roguelikes or souls type gameplay and I'd hate to see one of my favorite games become another money first player last game.

(TLDR: Incarnons should stay a fair farm)

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I did see this coming ,

pretty sure anyone with a functional brain and common sense saw the problems with these time gates.

I was really hoping they had some checks and balances in place to avoid powercreep , but nope , clearly they don't care as much ,

going out to say that it's to make money is something I can respect for it's honestly , but it does also smell of lack of foresight if they are going to wait almost a few months to implement it.


This is really .... Poorly planned on multiple avenues.

I wonder if there will be a weekly gate for the platinum purchase too (it's possible but unlikely i suppose) 

As to the F2P vs P2W debate , DE does need to make profit , and i guess a suitable plat sinks were getting used up (I mean trading between players doesn't really help DE much , there needs to be an actual sink - real or virtual - so players have to buy new platinum with real money) 

Is it P2W - it's definitely easier to win if you pay ,but it 2asnt hard to begin with.

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Really? Incarnons specifically are going to require a ton of playtime for a new player to get to the point where you access them. 

This really isn't any different then having Warframes and weapons on the in-game market. New players won't have access to Incarnons. 

This is really a non issue, not when the Warframe market already has items you can spend platinum on that bypass time-gates. 

Or the fact that the game also has an economy where....you can trade for platinum. You don't need to even go into your wallet to get it. It's really not hard to earn platinum.

Plus you still have to get through The Circuit to get all the rewards, like arcanes that are worth your time to still do (depending on rotation) 

No one's getting fleeced here, this isn't any different then having weapons or warframes in the games market.


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6 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

It's a free to play game and I'm actually surprised more stuff like this isn't in the game. There is a fair bit of convenience we can't skip with plat like alot of other f2ps.

Mostly because they try to maintain a more "ethical" stance to the microtransactions, skirting the edge so they don't get the controversial "Pay to Win" label.

I'd say the paid icarnons are going a bit too close.....

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27 minutes ago, (NSW)Justarius said:

WIth incarnons being plat items a new player only has to craft lets say a latron bp from the market and then buy an incarnon adapter and bam they have one of the best primaries in the game as soon as they start duviri and finish duviri.

This has always been the norm, for better or worse. I don't agree with it, but I'm honestly surprised DE didn't cash out from the beginning

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This isn't new as a concept , it is only new in its scope.

We have always had plat as a way to skip time. Where in the past it was to skip a few hours worth of farms or days worth of build times.

Now it's weeks or months instead.


Do I like it ? No , not at all , but am I glad there is an alternative to having to wait months ? A bit   hopefully it gets applied to all incarnons.

But this is very much digging a moat and charging people to use the bridge situation , though they are also the ones that have made things on the other side of the moat so it's kinda .... Understandable .

You can technically still cross it but it may take longer and you may get wet in the process.

I am only pissed that they seem to not plan ahead with such things.

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