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How am I supposed to think as a Veteran? Am I a Monolith?


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I'm posting this in my PC account, because that is the first account from 2013, just in case anyone doubts my status. But the question, issue, etcetera I have is I don't like being pigeonholed, told or expected to be to think a specific way. Me being a Veteran shouldn't be questioned just because I don't think the way some of these non-vets think a person (who is a Veteran) should think, regarding the game. I get this all the time in the in-game chat, AND with 100% repeatable success if I enter the following conversation, opposing the "expected" veteran answer (This POST is NOT ABOUT THE topic of the following conversation EXAMPLE! Please resist starting a debate about what is the best Warframe, or this conversation! Its just an example of how people think Veterans all think alike):

Noob_Dude_47: "Which Warframe is the best?"

Monolithic_Vet_2013: "All frames are equally good and viable..."

Me: "Not true, and here's why..."

Any_Idiot replies: "Are you new or something?" (I must be new, because I'm not agreeing with the other Veteran... right And saying something EXPECTED of Vets, many of which state that when players ask that question...)

Me: "If you call 2013 as new, I guess I'm a new player..."

Any_Idiot "I looked up your profile, dude, your a liar..."

Me: "Look up my PC profile, my experience is there, not on PSN"

Any_Idiot: "..."

I'm not tripping over them questioning my experience, but to be so rejecting of a Veteran who doesn't talk like others is freaking annoying. To those who weren't there - there were ALWAYS different factions in the community. We didn't agree on everything! On the above subject, there were fights at times, someone would say "They are all the same", and another would tell them to stop being arrogant, or an elitist. There were all kinds of disagreements and because you become a veteran doesn't mean you suddenly change your opinion. There were people who liked certain frames and other who didn't. There were people who defended every decision and others who voiced opposition - and guess what? They all became veterans (just by sticking around), with different BRAINS and differing opinions. So if your a star struck newb or neophyte with ideas of what a Vet is "supposed" to be like, just discard those ideas. We are not a monolith.  We are just like you - human, and have our individual likes, dislikes and opinions. We don't all know everything, either (I sure as heck don't). Sorry to disappoint you, but at no time do we trade our brain in and start thinking like ants! So please, stop with the goofy stuff in chat and at least pretend your talking to another HUMAN...

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40 minutes ago, magusat999 said:

I'm not tripping over them questioning my experience, but to be so rejecting of a Veteran who doesn't talk like others is freaking annoying. 

"Veterans" should be neither defended nor attacked as a faction. Veterans are fallible humans, so are noobs

Humans will dig in their heels over stupid opinions (rare steak tastes and feels terrible; slice that beef paper thin and deep fry it in chicken gravy, fight me) and just being around longer is no guarantee over having all the facts or enough experience to use the facts correctly. Or even if you have the right answer, you might come to that conclusion in a weird way. And on top of that, you still need to define your terms correctly. Are all frames viable? Viable for what?

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I mean, real, actual, authentic Veterans know that the way to keep the Many Angled Beast subdued and in perpetual slumber is to make nonsense and inaccurate claims about what Veterans supposedly know and claim, and its the lies and confusion that keeps that Great Old Angled Beast at bay, resting under the heavy and comforting pressure of nonsense and inconsistency. Its a vast hive mind of dissemination and collaboration, but I wouldn't expect you non vets and beginners to like.. get it. You have to have like.. a really high IQ, Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, and the super secret MK1-Kunai Prime and be MR L4 to understand what I mean. Then even then, such thoughts can only be understood for a fleeting moment, that may have already passed, as free, as dust in the solar wind. 

To be real though, I get what you are saying, its... just yeah, humans, we tend to use language in all sorts of odd ways, as far as what we think will sound or seem convincing, and or... just appeasing to ourselves at any given moment, and that in turn often motivates the sort of rhetoric and generalising we do. I do it with long run on sentences that over explain, some other people do it by generalising what they think veteran means and how/why its coincidentally similar to what they personally think/believe, almost as if that gives more weight or authority to what they are saying. There can be ways to cut through this though, just depends on the circumstance. Often it can be pretty harmless though, as we can all be guilty of wanting to be a bit lazy with our generalisations/claims. Even if I personally wished we were all a bit more careful and nuance with our generalisations. I personally agree that there is a lot of variety and range with Warframe players outlooks, opinions, advice and perspectives, that often gets overlooked when some people try to make points, especially when its to bolster their own highly specific opinions or views. 

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25 minutes ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

Nuanced opinions are in the same boat, but this isn't a WF problem. I have this problem trying to talk about not liking Morrowind.

I have the same issue when trying to talk about banjo tooie. Banjo-kazooie folk will condescend and scream down my neck about im wrong for liking that one...

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You think how you want to, if someone else wants to assume you're part of some nondescript hivemind then ignore them.

Though at the same time don't go putting too much stock behind the "vet" title anyways. The term doesn't actually hold much of any meaning and as you've seen the meaning others assign to it varies between players.


Also just as a word of advice the whole "my main is on a different account/platform" reasoning never flies even if it's true. Can't lean on an account for credibility if the other party can't actually get proof of said account.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

I have the same issue when trying to talk about banjo tooie. Banjo-kazooie folk will condescend and scream down my neck about im wrong for liking that one...

This is so amusing to me. because two of the biggest Banjo fans I know of aren't huge fans of Tooie. One almost outright hates it. I never played, but I watched one of them play their first run... I can understand both sides, more or less.

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Here's something that helped me deal with those kinds of players. Reminding myself that odds are good we're playing with kids, teens and/or people with nothing else better to do with their time. Might get myself in trouble with this one (considering recent events in my own personal experiences) but the vast majority of players here are pretty chill. Don't take a few for all players or most. Hell, most of the time they don't even talk when i'm in a mission. :P

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11 hours ago, magusat999 said:

I'm posting this in my PC account, because that is the first account from 2013, just in case anyone doubts my status. But the question, issue, etcetera I have is I don't like being pigeonholed, told or expected to be to think a specific way. Me being a Veteran shouldn't be questioned just because I don't think the way some of these non-vets think a person (who is a Veteran) should think, regarding the game. I get this all the time in the in-game chat, AND with 100% repeatable success if I enter the following conversation, opposing the "expected" veteran answer (This POST is NOT ABOUT THE topic of the following conversation EXAMPLE! Please resist starting a debate about what is the best Warframe, or this conversation! Its just an example of how people think Veterans all think alike):

Noob_Dude_47: "Which Warframe is the best?"

Monolithic_Vet_2013: "All frames are equally good and viable..."

Me: "Not true, and here's why..."

Any_Idiot replies: "Are you new or something?" (I must be new, because I'm not agreeing with the other Veteran... right And saying something EXPECTED of Vets, many of which state that when players ask that question...)

Me: "If you call 2013 as new, I guess I'm a new player..."

Any_Idiot "I looked up your profile, dude, your a liar..."

Me: "Look up my PC profile, my experience is there, not on PSN"

Any_Idiot: "..."

I'm not tripping over them questioning my experience, but to be so rejecting of a Veteran who doesn't talk like others is freaking annoying. To those who weren't there - there were ALWAYS different factions in the community. We didn't agree on everything! On the above subject, there were fights at times, someone would say "They are all the same", and another would tell them to stop being arrogant, or an elitist. There were all kinds of disagreements and because you become a veteran doesn't mean you suddenly change your opinion. There were people who liked certain frames and other who didn't. There were people who defended every decision and others who voiced opposition - and guess what? They all became veterans (just by sticking around), with different BRAINS and differing opinions. So if your a star struck newb or neophyte with ideas of what a Vet is "supposed" to be like, just discard those ideas. We are not a monolith.  We are just like you - human, and have our individual likes, dislikes and opinions. We don't all know everything, either (I sure as heck don't). Sorry to disappoint you, but at no time do we trade our brain in and start thinking like ants! So please, stop with the goofy stuff in chat and at least pretend your talking to another HUMAN...

This is the way life tends to go in various fields and facets. Strange as it may sound, there are people who do not understand others have differing opinions. Less surprisingly is that they also struggle to be open to other opinions, stifling their own potential growth in understanding. 

We should all try to remember what is said and why it is said, is far more important than who says it.

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For me a veteran is someone that actually has knowledge to share, other longtime players are simply "old timers" in my eyes. They've been there for long but never really bothered to collect knowledge about the game and the ins and outs. Veterans have been there and done that and know it well, and can help newcomers with actual good advice. This isnt something I apply specifically to games etc. this is something that for me applies throughout life.

In your case OP, the "Monolith" would be the old timer and not the vet. Since the answer he gave is a vague bull answer to the question asked and very untrue. But I cannot say for sure that you would have answered properly either, since that information was not given. A veteran would have likely answered the newcomer that it depends and that it is also quite a long answer to fit into a chat. And the "idiot" is likely a neo-god evangelist and holds about as much worth as any other type of evangelist.

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15 hours ago, BroDutt said:

You can start by not calling yourself veteran, LR3 or tell how many hours (and plat) you spend on a forum. And just post what you think the best for this community. It's good for your mental health too.

Oh, I don't do that - that only happens when someone assumes I'm "new" after looking at my PSN account. I don't think being an old skool player lends any credibility, just that some people seem want to challenge my experience because it doesn't sound like what they think a "vet" would say.

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15 hours ago, Surbusken said:

I mean if you are sitting there trying to lord your MR over people in the chat... lol, don't be surprised when things do not go your way.

I dont do that and hope I didn't come off that way. Only time it comes up is when someone foaming at the mouth, starts by asking me (no MR but length of play) - after looking at my profile, and then tries to insult me by making comments about me as if I have no experience. I really have to be pushed to  start talking about my experience, but its happening so often, is why I posted here about it (although it really wont accomplish anything...).

16 hours ago, Leqesai said:

What the heck... Are you new to the internet or something?



I get it - hilarious!

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I mean, like you said, were all human, we all make mistakes. Sometimes that mistake is being plain old ignorant and don't realize it. Some people like blowing off steam at randos on the internet. Just don't respond to those people when they start actin a fool, makes life much easier lol.

16 hours ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

Nuanced opinions are in the same boat, but this isn't a WF problem. I have this problem trying to talk about not liking Morrowind.

Your opinion made me so I angry I just had to swing my fist point blank at your face. You're just lucky my Hand to Hand is only 15 so I managed to miss even though I'm standing directly in front of you.

16 hours ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

I have the same issue when trying to talk about banjo tooie. Banjo-kazooie folk will condescend and scream down my neck about im wrong for liking that one...

My fellow Tenno I don't how it happened, but growing up my brother and I managed to log over 600 hours on 1 save file and still have never beaten Banjo Tooie. And then proceeded go get another 100 hours on a different save file. Still never beat it. Love that game

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19 hours ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

This is so amusing to me. because two of the biggest Banjo fans I know of aren't huge fans of Tooie. One almost outright hates it. I never played, but I watched one of them play their first run... I can understand both sides, more or less.

Banjo-kazooie is a game people who love it over banjo tooie played it as a child and then either never played tooie and semi-blindly hate it, or they have this wierd deep seeded grudge against the game for being more difficult, bigger, and more refined than the one they grew up with. 

Its craaazy how banjo kazooie stans hate an objectively superior game. x3

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I happen to think you'd make a very pretty monolith.

Maybe one made out of basalt.

Although... be careful. You could be taken for granite.


Example response I would have taken from the other theoretical veteran and not questioned: Not all frames are good. All frames are viable. The reason being that all frames have uses and functions that can be taken to any level. Some are not good at it. Some are good at it. But all of them are viable.

Hopefully the X-tweet from Pablo a little while back about Hydroid is something that will lead to a frame becoming becoming better, too.

Edited by Birdframe_Prime
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3 hours ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

Banjo-kazooie is a game people who love it over banjo tooie played it as a child and then either never played tooie and semi-blindly hate it, or they have this wierd deep seeded grudge against the game for being more difficult, bigger, and more refined than the one they grew up with. 

Its craaazy how banjo kazooie stans hate an objectively superior game. x3

Tooie is proof that Bigger =/= better

The WR for 100% Tooie is more than double the time of the first game. I can complete the first game in 4 or 5 hours. The second game takes me upwards of 20 (yeah I'm slow, wanna fight about it?) because I can never remember all the backtracking progression and order you're supposed to do things in Tooie.

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2 hours ago, Leqesai said:

Tooie is proof that Bigger =/= better

The WR for 100% Tooie is more than double the time of the first game. I can complete the first game in 4 or 5 hours. The second game takes me upwards of 20 (yeah I'm slow, wanna fight about it?) because I can never remember all the backtracking progression and order you're supposed to do things in Tooie.

Literally every level in banjo tooie (including the overworld) was better than every level in kazooie, and game time (which you admit is because you dont know tooie) is because you play kazooie more, proving my point. xD

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39 minutes ago, (PSN)ARC_Paroe said:

Literally every level in banjo tooie (including the overworld) was better than every level in kazooie, and game time (which you admit is because you dont know tooie) is because you play kazooie more, proving my point. xD

Opinion does not a point justify. 

Also does it stink in here? Smells like you might be talking out your poopie. 

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