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How has owning Incarnon Genesis weapons affected your gameplay?


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I noped out immediately when seeing the requirements to use them / level them. Ain't nobody got time for that, specifically to transform trash-tier weapons into okay-tier but with a gimmick that you have to suffer through.

It was already S#&$ty having to deal with the basic Incarnon weapons, that are boring to use until you charge, then fun while you unload the ammo, then unfun etc, I don't want to inflict myself the same suffering on the rest. So I'm sticking with basic weapons which do the work just fine.

If not for the stupid bonus for the basic Incarnon weapons, they would sit at 0.0% usage and no kill in my inventory. But they're meta for specific cases so ...

Edited by Chewarette
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Yep my gameplay has changed a bit. No more explosive AoE weapons. Right now I cycle through Burston, Torid, Strun and Boar, with Furis or Dual Toxocyst as secondary. Melee still hasnt been swapped for any incarnon. For Archons I still swap back to Felarx and Laetum since there is no point not running the things that circumvent their DR.

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For me, I've definitely found my new favorite Secondary by replacing the Kuva Nukor with Incarnon Kunai.  It's not even that I think the Kunai is better, just that it's viable and it feels really good to use.  And homing headshots make it a great nuke for high-value targets like Demolysts, so it's also just a nice tool to have.

For primaries, I've transitioned from using pure AoE weapons to using Incarnons pretty much full-time.  I love the Torid since I'm not great at headshots and it's a beast in both modes, and I've also really enjoyed using some of the other weapons as well.  I had actually never used any Braton until I made a Braton Prime to put my Incarnon on, and it's been enjoyable to play around with this basic but enjoyable toy; and since it's automatic in both modes, it's replaced my Phenmor when I hunt Archons.

Like many others in this thread, none of the Incarnon melee have managed to replace my heavy-attack Azothane; weapons that rely on combo counter are the opposite of what I want as a person with arthritis!  The Azothane gives me big results, killing most enemies in most content with a single button press, and so far none of the Incarnons have been able to compete with that.

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22 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Now that we've all had the chance to get our hands on a variety of Incarnon Genesis weapons, what place have they found in your gameplay?  Were they a fun distraction for awhile before you went back to your old favorite weapons?  Or have you settled on one or more of them for regular use when you're playing?  Have some become tools that you only use for certain niche circumstances?  Have some changed the way you play the game?  Have any been the solution to a problem you otherwise couldn't quite solve in Warframe?  Whatever your experience has been having these in your arsenal, I'm curious to hear it!

The melee Incarnons are AWESOME!!! The Sancti Magistar and Prisma Skana Incarnons have been absolute gems and I'm really enjoying the Dread, Braton, Paris prime and Atomos gameplay even more than before. Just got my hands on the Synoid Gammacor Incarnon but I already love it!

For me, the utilities of some of the Incarnons are what make them so great. Firing off a mid air Gammacor ice implosion bomb then diving in with a ground slam from the Magistar is very damn satisfying, while that Dread shot is just bonkers to see in action. However, it's the Burston prime/Magistar combo that is on top of my list. The sounds, power, precision, reach, healing and just overall performances of these two are beautiful all around.

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

none of the Incarnon melee have managed to replace my heavy-attack Azothane; weapons that rely on combo counter are the opposite of what I want as a person with arthritis! 

A bit off-topic, but my favorite thing about Kullervo is he makes hybrid combo / heavy builds so easy.  He can gain a ton of combo with Storm of Ukko with low effort and one button press.  Collective Curse and Recompense are also tools that help with this.

Keeping Incarnon melee weapons in their Fancy Mode is really a snap with him, so it might be worth checking out.


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1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

A bit off-topic, but my favorite thing about Kullervo is he makes hybrid combo / heavy builds so easy.  He can gain a ton of combo with Storm of Ukko with low effort and one button press.  Collective Curse and Recompense are also tools that help with this.

Keeping Incarnon melee weapons in their Fancy Mode is really a snap with him, so it might be worth checking out.


This is my favourite thing about Kullervo. That, and the handy Combo meter that's visible even if you use your guns. I tried subsuming Wrathful Advance but it doesn't have the Combo meter. ☹️

I don't like the ability itself but having the heavy melee attack always ready without having to switch weapons or doing the light attack first is so nice, fluid, and comfortable.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

 . . . having the heavy melee attack always ready without having to switch weapons or doing the light attack first is so nice, fluid, and comfortable.

And that's my second favorite thing about him, or part of it.    That and the tele make true melee heavy attacks fun to use, which I normally find tolerable at best.

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2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

A bit off-topic, but my favorite thing about Kullervo is he makes hybrid combo / heavy builds so easy.  He can gain a ton of combo with Storm of Ukko with low effort and one button press.  Collective Curse and Recompense are also tools that help with this.

Keeping Incarnon melee weapons in their Fancy Mode is really a snap with him, so it might be worth checking out.


Another option I like to do to help with this is to use the melee support gun arcanes. They each add a 7.5 second combo timer bonus to your melee, giving you 20 total seconds to hit something. Add in the bonus gun damage for melee kills and we have a really nice partnership between gun and blade. 

This works insanely well with the Sancti Magistar Incarnon, as it has a very wide hit range and a good blocking angle, making combo management, Incarnon activation and healing, very easy to maintain.

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Well, it's now hard to decide what is going in my Primary slot, since I went from having a couple steel path viable weapons to more than half a dozen in a period of a couple months.

Secondaries are still a tough sell. Most of the good existing secondaries have been nerfed to the point there's no reason to bring them other than utility, which is why everyone's running around with Primer Prime (Epitaph). While a few of the Incarnons are good, most of them have something about them that I really don't like. As a result I feel like I might just run the Lex all the time. Or maybe the Dual Toxocist once I bother to finish formaing it.

Can't say most of the new melee stands up to the Glaives or Wolf Sledge. Non-thrown melee just ate too many nerfs.

Unless I'm playing Kulervo, of course. Some of his best melee weapons are actually pretty odd.

The main way I feel about Incarnons is that I like having more SP viable options, but I wish they didn't nerf so much stuff I used to use into the ground.

Where exactly does the Catchmoon live in a world with the Lex Incarnon?

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They fed meta juice to all my favorite babies and I couldn't be happier. Getting rewarded for landing headshots with an insane burst of power feels veryyyy satisfying. And so far I enjoy using both base and incarnon form, keeps a fun flow for missions.

Latron, my first Primary main. I sold my first Latron a long time ago for weapon space when I realized it wasn't very viable. Got Latron Prime and used that with Double Tap for a while. Then I got a riven I that roll pretty often just to change it up a little. Because of Incarnon I now own the base and prime Latron so I can have armor strip on one and high crit on the other. Gotta say, didn't expect them to give the Latron's Incaron Mode Trumna's balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Atomos was already one of my most used Secondaries, but Epitaph dethroned it for a while. And now the king is back baybee. And I'm so happy the gave it even more range.

Lex Prime feels like a Space Deagle again and it's f*ckin' rad.

And I just got the Gorgon Incarnon and I again, was not expecting this kind of Incarnon form at all, but having the Gorgon turn into a Lenz is pretty sick ngl.

Then there's all the OG incarnon weapons that are still a league of their own, which I still regularly use.

Overall Incarnons have been one of my favorite additions to the game in my massively bias opinion.

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The one thing I value most in my gear is reliability. Incarnons fundamentally, and intentionally, directly oppose this.

They function like mini-rivens that you have to fulfill the conditions to make use of their actual power, multiple times per mission... not one-and-done. I don't have time for that. In a Dev stream, they described the design philosophy behind them, wanting to create an 'ebb and flow' of battle that changes with climaxes when you're using the Incarnon transformations on the weapons.

I also dislike how the melee weapons require wasting your combo count to activate the incarnon mode... I NEVER use heavy attacks because I hate the process of losing all my combo and resetting the power of the melee strikes overall. I much prefer to keep my combo count steady along with the power of my strikes.

So, even if they were the strongest weapons in the game, they bring nothing to the table that I want, and actively try to change how I play to something I don't enjoy.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

I also dislike how the melee weapons require wasting your combo count to activate the incarnon mode... I NEVER use heavy attacks because I hate the process of losing all my combo and resetting the power of the melee strikes overall. I much prefer to keep my combo count steady along with the power of my strikes.

The current system is stupid imo, so I fully agree with this.

The melee weapon should automatically transform when you reach the required combo counter and should remain in the transformed state until your combo counter gets below the required threshold.

Having to reach a certain combo and then using a heavy attack doesn't fit with neither the combo nor the heavy attack melee builds, which are likely to make the great majority of all melee builds.

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On 2023-08-03 at 2:22 PM, Traumtulpe said:

They are the new AoE weapons for me. Melee sucks now, and AoE is falling behind in damage since a lot of stuff doesn't work on them - and since they are prone to run out of ammo. Enter Incarnon weapons, infinite ammo and more damage than ever.

Infinite ammo? I have 10 incarnon weapons many with 3-6 formas and my regular weapons are still better. So to answer the OP:

They haven't affected my gameplay at all

Why? Headshots, laborious charging. By the time I charge im nearly done with the mission. Even incarnon damage is meh vs my main normal weapons (have riven, will travel). Long missions too. Once you run out of incarnon charge you're stuck with a sub par weapon in higher multi-level.hour long SP survival and getting tea bagged. 

I literally don't use any. Opinions vary, i'm sure.

For lower lever they have a fun-factor that creates interest in exploration but again, not used for my mains. 

BTW if you are concerned with ammo I suggest trying some kitguns with 6-7 forma they can wreck like primes and with pax charge the worry of ammo disappears.

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It a weapon type that understands that killing in Warframe needs to b fast, and gives you the option to kill fast by building headshot stacks.

In my eyes it probably the best thing it's added with Warframe's current gameplay, even moreso when it actually incentive some form of skill and rewards you accordingly for it.

For the weapons with good Incarnons anyways.

I still think it's funny people are freaking out about Lex Incarnon being too strong, as if forgetting that you need to be using the LEX to get like... 20 good shots I think.

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Am 3.8.2023 um 21:22 schrieb Traumtulpe:

They are the new AoE weapons for me. Melee sucks now, and AoE is falling behind in damage since a lot of stuff doesn't work on them - and since they are prone to run out of ammo. Enter Incarnon weapons, infinite ammo and more damage than ever.

aoe has been a laughing stock for 1st april for many months or even years?!...
with primed mutation, sentinel, and even aura, i'm constantly short of ammo. and the weapons are maxed out to the point of no more.
how the hell is it supposed to work with unmodded weapons???? and a lot of people don't even buy potatoe...

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17 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

My telos bolter incarnon can trash the SP sentient in a few shot. 

I have the boltor prime with incarnon and 2 forma so far. Had it on the telos version but swapped it a couple days ago. Interesting, I might add a few forma once i have them and use it more. Getting headshots with grineer is challenging on controller.

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20 minutes ago, rodrigerzZ said:

with primed mutation, sentinel, and even aura, i'm constantly short of ammo.

Yes that's the point. AoE was the absolute meta with nothing else coming even close after DE destroyed melee, so they destroyed most AoE's ammo economy next.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

kitguns with 6-7 forma they can wreck like primes

Not really. I still have a Catchmoon with riven from it's glory days, I don't use it anymore because it's just a lot worse than other weapons.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Once you run out of incarnon charge you're stuck with a sub par weapon in higher multi-level.hour long SP survival and getting tea bagged.

You're doing something wrong, literally one shot (2 if you don't have a multishot riven) and you're back at full incarnon. But all the better, the less people use them the less severe the nerfs will be.

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On 2023-08-04 at 10:59 AM, Tiltskillet said:
On 2023-08-04 at 10:35 AM, (PSN)Unstar said:

none of the Incarnon melee have managed to replace my heavy-attack Azothane; weapons that rely on combo counter are the opposite of what I want as a person with arthritis! 

A bit off-topic, but my favorite thing about Kullervo is he makes hybrid combo / heavy builds so easy.  He can gain a ton of combo with Storm of Ukko with low effort and one button press.  Collective Curse and Recompense are also tools that help with this.

Keeping Incarnon melee weapons in their Fancy Mode is really a snap with him, so it might be worth checking out.

That's a good suggestion!  Your post makes me realize I could have said this better, as it's not really the combo counter part that turns me off.  My main is Mag, so whenever I wanted combo for Incarnon it was generally as easy as casting Pull and then doing a handful of attacks on the mass of enemies at my feet.  So I guess it would be more accurate to say that even once melee weapons are in Incarnon mode, they aren't as efficient with kills-per-button-press as a 2h-Nikana.  My arthritis simply doesn't allow me to play comfortably with any weapon that requires a certain frequency of button presses.  I don't expect it, but I really would be over the moon if DE could make an accessibility setting for this someday...

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25 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

My arthritis simply doesn't allow me to play comfortably with any weapon that requires a certain frequency of button presses. 

Scroll wheel, maybe?


26 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I don't expect it, but I really would be over the moon if DE could make an accessibility setting for this someday...

I do expect it.  But I've been expecting it for 5 years, so...

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