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Would a Universal grappling hook work in Warframe?


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Every time I fight the Jackal (not the one in Duviri) I'm reminded of the fact we can clearly be seen using the Parazon as a grappling hook and it makes me think. "Why can't we use this elsewhere?" or "What if we could use it as part of the parazon system?" and having a Jackal sortie reignited that thought.

The only thing I can see this negatively effecting is the Archwing and Valkyr Ripline, but I always felt they should be reworked anyway.

Though I can admit with how free Warframes parkour system already is, that this wouldn't add a whole lot in the grand scheme, but it could be fun if instead of using it just to pull yourself to a wall, ceiling or etc. You could use it to swing vertically and horizontally around anchor points. Similar to something like Spiderman, or even Attack on Titan's ODM gear.

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Strongly disagree. Operator mode has already ruined any need for skilled parkour play.

True, Archwing Blink and Operator are objectively the fastest universal method of moving around fast but that doesn't invalidate the use of other movement systems.

Personally I only ever find myself using the Operator in large open spaces without any obstacles or in places like the Circuit when I fall off with my warframe to get myself back up without the black screen thingy resetting my Warframe abilities.

Warframe parkour feels much more fun to me than Operator parkour and I tend to rely on that a lot more.

I even built two seperate Nezha Primes, one for a Warding Halo build, and the other for a full Sprint build which I find extremely fun with Warframes parkour system.


Here's one instance where I could imagine a grappling hook enhancing Warframes parkour system.

Imagine you've got a corridor with a 90 degree turn. Instead of running and turning 90 degrees, imagine anchoring your parazon at the turn, and using your Warframes slide to go around the corner without losing any momentum or speed. Not only would it feel cool and fun to pull off but you could probably continue firing your guns while doing it.

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7 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

Here's one instance where I could imagine a grappling hook enhancing Warframes parkour system.

Imagine you've got a corridor with a 90 degree turn. Instead of running and turning 90 degrees, imagine anchoring your parazon at the turn, and using your Warframes slide to go around the corner without losing any momentum or speed. Not only would it feel cool and fun to pull off but you could probably continue firing your guns while doing it.

You can already do this somewhat by rolling, though with some caveats... You have to have not used it up already, be pretty quick with snapping your camera sideways (good luck with that, console players) and you have to turn your aim far back enough that the roll works against your forward momentum. Rolling does have one advantage over a grapple-hook, though, and that is not requiring a wall or needing to aim at a wall to accomplish that

Edited by Pakaku
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While the idea of grappling hooks is always cool, I'm afraid it would just bloat the controls of the game to not really add anything since we already have lightning fast parkour. I could see if it is added as an optional hold function to the jump key, but it would have to come with an option to disable it.

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41 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

True, Archwing Blink and Operator are objectively the fastest universal method of moving around fast but that doesn't invalidate the use of other movement systems.

Personally I only ever find myself using the Operator in large open spaces without any obstacles or in places like the Circuit when I fall off with my warframe to get myself back up without the black screen thingy resetting my Warframe abilities.

Warframe parkour feels much more fun to me than Operator parkour and I tend to rely on that a lot more.

I even built two seperate Nezha Primes, one for a Warding Halo build, and the other for a full Sprint build which I find extremely fun with Warframes parkour system.


Here's one instance where I could imagine a grappling hook enhancing Warframes parkour system.

Imagine you've got a corridor with a 90 degree turn. Instead of running and turning 90 degrees, imagine anchoring your parazon at the turn, and using your Warframes slide to go around the corner without losing any momentum or speed. Not only would it feel cool and fun to pull off but you could probably continue firing your guns while doing it.

To be fair I'm being a Debbie downer, it would be fun to have a grappling hook.

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If DE made Valkyr's Rip Line her subsume like they should have then we could have one right now :)

1 hour ago, CatboyPrincess said:

a grappling hook would be incredible. I'm not sure how that would work button-mapping wise, but it would increase the skill-ceiling for parkour dramatically while enabling some sick moves

Long distance interaction prompt? It wouldn't be dynamic but it wouldn't need any new bindings. Could maybe be done procedurally depending on how ledges and such are marked up.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Strongly disagree. Operator mode has already ruined any need for skilled parkour play.

Whilst I would agree that the Operator definitely introduced an option that made it far too easy to cover long distances, I would disagree that a Grappling hook would ruin parkour at all. Certainly it wouldn't be any worse for 'Parkour' than Bullet Jumping is. By which I mean that Bullet Jumping is antithetical to 'Parkour', which I would certainly define as a much more environment dependent sort of mobility. Like, Titanfall has Parkour because to do most of the big movement techs you need to use the walls in some way, whilst something like Monster Hunter Rise, generally doesn't. Warframe is in the second camp Like you need to touch a wall every now and again but in general, the most effective way to move is to interact with the environment as little as possible.


Which, to be clear, isn't an inherently bad thing, it's just that the Game's level (and enemy, but that's a tangent) design generally doesn't account for it, and even when it does, it often does so by opening the space up even more. So, I think a grappling hook, properly implemented, could actually make the game more parkour focused than not.

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2 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Oh, and making Kulervo's teleport his Subsume.

Not to make light because Kullervo's subsume makes it much more accessible but this has technically been an option for a while. the Twin Basolk has an augment that functions exactly the same (but without the crit from using it)

I used to rock it for a short while. Even renaming the weapon to "Teleports behind you"

I think I even made a forum post in the past about how Twin Basolk's teleport is inconsistant, allowing you to teleport through glass in places like the Kuva Fortress, but not allowing it with the Deadlock Protocal Corpus ships

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3 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

I'm going to assume this is the important part.

I was saying warframe is a frame by frame copy-paste of metroid, right down to the loading screen and the sexuailzation you see in the final gif.

... so why not go all the way and including ball mode, grappling hook and advanced movements such as super speed.

I was assuming you'd laugh but also be a little sad when you noticed how everything was an unoriginal clone of a superior game from 1994.

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58 minutes ago, Surbusken said:

advanced movements such as super speed.

The game's movement is pretty advanced from the start I don't think we really need universal super speed. Plus that would kindof take away from the entire point of warframes with movement abilities. What we do need is a damn auto-sprint option tho.

But I would really love if we had some movement-dedicated mods slots. Cus right now not a single person uses movement mods for anything other than obstacle course times and racing eachother. Parkour velocity is insanely fun but completely impractical to put on builds. I understand that was kindof the point of the exilus slot.... but that's just not what exilus is anymore.

Edited by PollexMessier
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6 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

The game's movement is pretty advanced from the start I don't think we really need universal super speed. What we do need is a damn auto-sprint option tho.

But I would really love if we had some movement-dedicated mods slots. Cus right now not a single person uses movement mods for anything other than obstacle course times and racing eachother. Parkour velocity is insanely fun but completely impractical to put on builds. I understand that was kindof the point of the exilus slot.... but that's just not what exilus is anymore.

To be honest I thought that's what Parazon mods were going to be for. All of them being unranked.

But no more have been added since the first batch, and even if more were added, it is rather limiting with only three slots.

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I think a grapple hook is unnecessary. Movement in the game is pretty enjoyable as is and we have all the tools we need to get anywhere.

DE also seems to absolutely hate when players take high perches to pick off enemies, given the number of places in the game with a high ceiling and an obscenely low kill-plane or invisible ceiling underneath it. Most notably Hydron has that big section of raised ceiling right above the defense target that you use to be able to get up into and stand on a ledge, but now there's an invisible wall blocking you. And it's a dice throw on if you can actually reach the ceiling on any given orokin tower, derelict, or lua tile. Which is what makes the hidden room that's 20 million miles above you in that one elevator room which a cache, ayatan sculpture, and/or syndicate medallions can spawn in so damn stupid because noone would suspect you could even get that high up without hitting an invisible wall or kill-plane given how height is treated in the rest of the game, but I'm digressing a bit. A grappling hook would make reaching and discovering "exploitable locations" (according to DE) like that way easier. I just don't see DE putting in work to give us a movement tool we don't really need that would facilitate us doing things they don't want us to. If they cared that much about us having fun movement options they wouldn't have nerfed void dash into being the most unfun movement mechanic in the game

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