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Would a Universal grappling hook work in Warframe?


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34 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

The game's movement is pretty advanced from the start I don't think we really need universal super speed. What we do need is a damn auto-sprint option tho.

But I would really love if we had some movement-dedicated mods slots. Cus right now not a single person uses movement mods for anything other than obstacle course times and racing eachother. Parkour velocity is insanely fun but completely impractical to put on builds. I understand that was kindof the point of the exilus slot.... but that's just not what exilus is anymore.

Oi, I love the movement mods and often throw them on as filler when I can’t think of what else I need/want and/or keep them equipped as long as possible. Motus Signal in particular can be a fun one (though I wouldn’t recommend it for more-narrow spaces)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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in any other game sure, but with parkour and void dashing, we simply don't need grappling hooks; if we did, you'd see a lot more people running Valkyr, and they wouldn't subsume over her 1, and I'd bet my bottom plat 99% of Helminth'd Valkyrs threw away the Rip Line, because what use does it really have? basically none.



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34 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

Which is what makes the hidden room that's 20 million miles above you in that one elevator room which a cache, ayatan sculpture, and/or syndicate medallions can spawn in so damn stupid because noone would suspect you could even get that high up

Oh boy, you should've seen it back before the current parkour system.

You know those games where you can run up a wall a short distance and then you have to jump to a wall directly behind you and keep repeating that until you reach the top? That used to be Warframe's parkour system. And to reach that one room you had to keep doing that off of the cylinderical power generator things opposite the hidden room, then once you got to the top you had to make a jump across the large gap and hope to catch yourself on the lip.

I wouldn't say I hated it, in fact I feel fond and nostalgic for those times but still.

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

in any other game sure, but with parkour and void dashing, we simply don't need grappling hooks; if we did, you'd see a lot more people running Valkyr, and they wouldn't subsume over her 1, and I'd bet my bottom plat 99% of Helminth'd Valkyrs threw away the Rip Line, because what use does it really have? basically none.

People don't hate Valkyr's Rip Line because they hate the concept of a grapple hook. They hate it because it's a waste of an ability slot.

There's a reason Excalibur's Super Jump was removed. Not because Super Jump was bad (heck you could argue it was the basis for Bullet Jumps) but because it needlessly gimped the potential of a Warframe by having an ability that serves no real gameplay purpose.


To bring up a recent example, Kullervo. His ability is essentially just a movement ability. And if that was all it was, it would be what everyone would replace too. But it's not. They tailored it to synergize with his melee playstyle by giving it huge crit potential, along with being a heavy attack, and giving him heavy attack effieiency.


I don't play Zephyr so I don't know everything about her kit, but it's one of the few abilities that is comparable to an Operator's Void Dash and is still useful.

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7 hours ago, Zahnny said:

The only thing I can see this negatively effecting is the Archwing and Valkyr Ripline, but I always felt they should be reworked anyway.

You would definitely have to because their riplines suck.

In a normal game you attach the zip line to a surface and reel yourself all the way to that surface. Valkyr for some inexplicable reason reels herself about two feet, then power-farts in the direction she was reeling and expects her momentum to do the rest of the work. This has always been dumb and no one used it even before bullet jump existed

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3 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

You would definitely have to because their riplines suck.

In a normal game you attach the zip line to a surface and reel yourself all the way to that surface. Valkyr for some inexplicable reason reels herself about two feet, then power-farts in the direction she was reeling and expects her momentum to do the rest of the work. This has always been dumb and no one used it even before bullet jump existed

Oh god. That's even worse than I remembered.

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12 hours ago, CatboyPrincess said:

a grappling hook would be incredible. I'm not sure how that would work button-mapping wise, but it would increase the skill-ceiling for parkour dramatically while enabling some sick moves

Drifter expansion. To further differentiate the drifter from the operator, Kaili and Kahl work with the drifter to create an arsenal of tools unique to the drifter that directly compete with the tenno focus abilities. 
Considering each tenno school contains 2 active abilities and 4 passive abilities, You could easily mirror that with drifter arsenal stuff, by having 2 passives and 1 active ability (but unlike focus, you can have ALL the passives and 4 drifter active abilities) alongside the base 3 skills of the drifter.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

Samus ship looks almost like Liset lander. As well as Gauss' Mach Rush is so similar to Speed Booster. Then there's Grendel's meatball. All that's left is Screw Attack. Which warframe has something that's basically the same?

Heheh, yeah.

There is a bunch of suit upgrades they haven't installed yet.



But screw attack obviously extremely cool.

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It'd be a system that would exist for absolutely nothing but "fun" and forced gimmicks. Plus it'd likely be received poorly, especially when it's an inevitable forced gimmick, as it's be entirely unnecessary and it's been demonstrated that a lot of players don't want to/somehow can't learn niche mechanics.

And since it'd likely be massively underutilized due to these issues it'd also end up neglected as there'd be no return on additional dev investment.

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9 hours ago, FA22_RaptoR said:

I actually really like using Valkyr's ripline. It was also mega fun to rip your team mates off ledges before that got 'fixed' 😆

Count me in!
I'm aware it's a sub-par ability, but I enjoy the extra movement it provides. It also is an excellent "pull me back in from out of bounds" when I misstep (and the invisible respawn trigger isn't half centimeter outside the bounds, that is)

To be on topic: I'd like to see ripline become an "universal tool" like they did with the warp on archwings. Valkyr could definitely enjoy a new 1 in such a case.

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4 hours ago, Surbusken said:

Heheh, yeah.

There is a bunch of suit upgrades they haven't installed yet.



But screw attack obviously extremely cool.

Funny you guys mentioning this stuff, if you look at Valkyr double jumping in Hysteria she looks like Space jumping, just add some electricity (vengeful charge ephemera) and it legit looks like a screw attack 😎

If you ever get the 6 jump reset Helminth, it's all sorts of fun to watch!

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15 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Oh boy, you should've seen it back before the current parkour system.

You know those games where you can run up a wall a short distance and then you have to jump to a wall directly behind you and keep repeating that until you reach the top? That used to be Warframe's parkour system. And to reach that one room you had to keep doing that off of the cylinderical power generator things opposite the hidden room, then once you got to the top you had to make a jump across the large gap and hope to catch yourself on the lip.

I wouldn't say I hated it, in fact I feel fond and nostalgic for those times but still.

That actually sounds intriguing. Make no mistake - I quite enjoy Warframe's parkour system, but it is a little overpowered. Operator movement is busted and as JoylessTuna mentioned, completely trivializes parkour sections in some maps.

As for grappling hooks - I can't really see it adding to the gameplay. I suppose I view it like I would Kaithes: It is another to fly around with, which in itself is fine, but I'd rather DE use those resources to add other frame content or improve balance. A part of me is also worried about DE's tendency to force new mechanics as a method of "encouragement", which is can become quite annoying. 

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18 hours ago, Zahnny said:

But no more have been added since the first batch

There was actually a second wave that brought a couple more mods. IIRC Hard Reset was one of them, and I know for a fact that Malicious Code was another.

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On 2023-08-11 at 10:05 AM, Zahnny said:

Every time I fight the Jackal (not the one in Duviri) I'm reminded of the fact we can clearly be seen using the Parazon as a grappling hook and it makes me think. "Why can't we use this elsewhere?" or "What if we could use it as part of the parazon system?" and having a Jackal sortie reignited that thought.

The only thing I can see this negatively effecting is the Archwing and Valkyr Ripline, but I always felt they should be reworked anyway.

Though I can admit with how free Warframes parkour system already is, that this wouldn't add a whole lot in the grand scheme, but it could be fun if instead of using it just to pull yourself to a wall, ceiling or etc. You could use it to swing vertically and horizontally around anchor points. Similar to something like Spiderman, or even Attack on Titan's ODM gear.

I could see it being a thing. And it might be fun if it was a thing. But i give it about a zero percent chance of happening. 

Between the current parkour system, void sling, arch wings, all the speed buffs we have access to, i dont think theres a need for us to have yet another way to parkour around.


That and i feel like most of the games level design isnt ideal for a grapple hook. 

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On 2023-08-11 at 11:25 PM, PollexMessier said:
On 2023-08-11 at 10:54 PM, Surbusken said:

advanced movements such as super speed.

But I would really love if we had some movement-dedicated mods slots. Cus right now not a single person uses movement mods for anything other than obstacle course times and racing eachother. Parkour velocity is insanely fun but completely impractical to put on builds. I understand that was kindof the point of the exilus slot.... but that's just not what exilus is anymore.

I put Rush on most of my builds. Only Voruna with passive gets aimglide stuff.


The game's movement is pretty advanced from the start I don't think we really need universal super speed. Plus that would kindof take away from the entire point of warframes with movement abilities. What we do need is a damn auto-sprint option tho.

We have auto-sprint already. I think you just need to turn it once per mission (or some per some bugs) but I don't play too much nowadays.

On 2023-08-11 at 5:13 PM, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Strongly disagree. Operator mode has already ruined any need for skilled parkour play.

Wait, where is skill in nowadays parkour? If there is no huge pit you can easily go to places.

On 2023-08-11 at 5:27 PM, Zahnny said:

Here's one instance where I could imagine a grappling hook enhancing Warframes parkour system.

Imagine you've got a corridor with a 90 degree turn. Instead of running and turning 90 degrees, imagine anchoring your parazon at the turn, and using your Warframes slide to go around the corner without losing any momentum or speed. Not only would it feel cool and fun to pull off but you could probably continue firing your guns while doing it.

You can kind of do it with slide melee or some actions that "moves" to target.

On 2023-08-11 at 8:26 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:
On 2023-08-11 at 8:20 PM, Zahnny said:

this has technically been an option for a while

Correct. The difference being that without an enemy in sight, Kullervo can teleport substantial distances faster and more reliably than any frame apart from Nova.

Except for:

- cooldown

- certain places (e.g. doors) preventing you from teleporting

All of those are intentional... as it's not acknowledged as bugs.

Cool ability but it's not perfect either.

On 2023-08-11 at 11:52 PM, PollexMessier said:

I think a grapple hook is unnecessary. Movement in the game is pretty enjoyable as is and we have all the tools we need to get anywhere.



On 2023-08-12 at 3:58 PM, Silligoose said:
On 2023-08-12 at 12:30 AM, Zahnny said:

Oh boy, you should've seen it back before the current parkour system.

You know those games where you can run up a wall a short distance and then you have to jump to a wall directly behind you and keep repeating that until you reach the top? That used to be Warframe's parkour system. And to reach that one room you had to keep doing that off of the cylinderical power generator things opposite the hidden room, then once you got to the top you had to make a jump across the large gap and hope to catch yourself on the lip.

I wouldn't say I hated it, in fact I feel fond and nostalgic for those times but still.

That actually sounds intriguing. Make no mistake - I quite enjoy Warframe's parkour system, but it is a little overpowered. Operator movement is busted and as JoylessTuna mentioned, completely trivializes parkour sections in some maps.

With nature of current Warframe: horde shooter parkour have to be efficient as well. It's like Assassin creed. You jump/run around, doing some parkour without problems. What's important is your understanding of map and enemies.

I like "easy parkour" games but I like "hard parkour" games as well (Mirror edge or Prince of persia). Both type of games has pros & cons.

On 2023-08-12 at 8:06 PM, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:


That and i feel like most of the games level design isnt ideal for a grapple hook. 

On 2023-08-12 at 8:38 PM, Zahnny said:
On 2023-08-12 at 8:06 PM, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

That and i feel like most of the games level design isnt ideal for a grapple hook. 

That's sadly been a thing for most parts of Warframe until they get updated.

What do you mean? You just need any surface to attach grapbling hook.



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2 hours ago, quxier said:

We have auto-sprint already. I think you just need to turn it once per mission (or some per some bugs) but I don't play too much nowadays.

toggle sprint is not auto sprint. Loads of games have them as two separate settings because... they are.
Auto sprint make sprint the default movement. and the sprint button make you walk instead. It inverts it basically. With this setting your character will always sprint unless you want them not to. IE: your sprint can't be canceled for no reason which happens a lot more than just sometimes and I highly doubt they're bugs. And "hold to walk" is now an option with auto sprint.

Toggle sprint just makes tapping the sprint button set you into sprint mode... Until something takes you out of it. Or in some games if you just stop moving.

It's kindof hard to tell if you're even sprinting or not in this game with toggle sprint until you press the button and aren't surrounded by 80million particle effects so you can actually perceive the slight change in animation and speed. Plus with half the stuff that interrupts your movement disabling it, If you want to be sprinting all the time which literally the only reason to not do is Prowl, Auto sprint is objectively just better. It should have been put in the game literally the moment stamina wasn't a thing anymore... 8 years ago.

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1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:

IE: your sprint can't be canceled for no reason which happens a lot more than just sometimes and I highly doubt they're bugs.

Yes, they are bugs. At least some of them.

1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:
4 hours ago, quxier said:

We have auto-sprint already. I think you just need to turn it once per mission (or some per some bugs) but I don't play too much nowadays.

toggle sprint is not auto sprint. Loads of games have them as two separate settings because... they are.
Auto sprint make sprint the default movement. and the sprint button make you walk instead. It inverts it basically. With this setting your character will always sprint unless you want them not to. IE: your sprint can't be canceled for no reason which happens a lot more than just sometimes and I highly doubt they're bugs. And "hold to walk" is now an option with auto sprint.

So imho they are very similar. I'm pressing Capslock (edited) so I toggle sprint (I'm always sprinting). I can walk with aiming or blocking so here is your "hold to walk". OR maybe you mean other specific button that you need to hold but don't do anything else but just let you walk? I guess you can just toggle sprint with single tap without needing to hold button.

1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:

It's kindof hard to tell if you're even sprinting or not in this game with toggle sprint until you press the button and aren't surrounded by 80million particle effects so you can actually perceive the slight change in animation and speed.

Put Rush & co, turn off effect intensify, maybe use classic engine (new one has much more unnecessary flashy thing as fair I can see).


Plus with half the stuff that interrupts your movement disabling it,

What are those stuff? They fixed "ability bug" already. Maybe entering Grineer turret? I don' remember many sources that turn off my speed.

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6 hours ago, quxier said:

Yes, they are bugs. At least some of them.

So imho they are very similar. I'm pressing Capslock (edited) so I toggle sprint (I'm always sprinting). I can walk with aiming or blocking so here is your "hold to walk". OR maybe you mean other specific button that you need to hold but don't do anything else but just let you walk? I guess you can just toggle sprint with single tap without needing to hold button.

Put Rush & co, turn off effect intensify, maybe use classic engine (new one has much more unnecessary flashy thing as fair I can see).

What are those stuff? They fixed "ability bug" already. Maybe entering Grineer turret? I don' remember many sources that turn off my speed.

Why do you even care? This is something I see a lot in the forums where someone will just start arguing against a suggestion that has 0 affect on their experience with the game and requires about as much effort on the developers part as a few simple bug fixes.

Plus we've digressed from the grapple hook topic a bit much

Edited by PollexMessier
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20 hours ago, quxier said:

Except for:

- cooldown

- certain places (e.g. doors) preventing you from teleporting

All of those are intentional... as it's not acknowledged as bugs.

Cool ability but it's not perfect either.

Yeah, that's why Nova's better. Although Nova does have the thing with doors too, because of how doors are separators for Tiles in Warframe. You can literally go so fast with Nova that Tiles don't have time to load...

So not bugs, as such. A cooldown to prevent completely free teleportation, but also an existing limitation in the game from other teleportation functions.

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