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The Age of Narmer Was Pathetic!

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DE should take inspiration from the lich system's whole planetary takeover thing, to have the Narmer forces dynamically spread through the star chart over time.

Starting from a completely clean star chart (which is what is current), they would randomly invade a single random node on a random planet. If you do X number of missions that aren't the Narmer invasions, they will expand randomly to any nodes connected to controlled nodes anywhere in the system. Once a planet is mostly taken over, their expansions can hop the junction nodes to the neighboring planets. They then expand on those planets from there.

In other words, if you don't put them in check, they can end up taking over the star chart through potentially exponential growth. This doesn't grow out of hand however, due to that conditional on their expansion logic. So long as you're hitting Narmer invasion missions occasionally, they can't expand whatsoever anywhere.

In terms of how to fight them back, handle it similar to the existing invasion system. Hit up a Narmer node, and select the Narmer invasion. Run three missions, and the node will cleanse immediately. DE could make Narmer themed rewards, and/or have it randomly roll from a selection list like bounties/sorties.

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56 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Not only did the faction only rule over its territories for about 2 seconds before the real powerhouse factions (Corpus, Tenno, Grineer) bullied them into obscurity. It also marks an off-topic year for Warframe's core expirience lol

I can't be the only one who feels this way

Yeah exactly. And before veilbreaker there werent even any narmer around. Now there are but it feels like were fighting someone thats already defeated. Like whats the point exactly? Lastly, when dealing with archons it feels like a different timeline so its basically irrelevant to me lore-wise. Its like something that doesnt belong to the game, slapped on.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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49 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

In terms of how to fight them back, handle it similar to the existing invasion system. Hit up a Narmer node, and select the Narmer invasion. Run three missions, and the node will cleanse immediately. DE could make Narmer themed rewards, and/or have it randomly roll from a selection list like bounties/sorties.

Exactly this. Redoing the entire starchart is unrealistic (even if it gave that feeling when we "lost" in TNW), but they could have taken advantage of Narmer to expand the Invasion system. Add Narmer invasion nodes, and even a boss à la Fomorian / Razorback. I would say a Railjack fight against Praghasa would be hella cool - I think it was not destroyed (or we don't know at least), right ?

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7 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Exactly this. Redoing the entire starchart is unrealistic (even if it gave that feeling when we "lost" in TNW), but they could have taken advantage of Narmer to expand the Invasion system. Add Narmer invasion nodes, and even a boss à la Fomorian / Razorback. I would say a Railjack fight against Praghasa would be hella cool - I think it was not destroyed (or we don't know at least), right ?

S'far as my memory (which is confirmed/reinforced by the wiki) goes, Praghasa is still just out there (probably dormant like all the Murex).

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The new war and Narmer was a flop, narratively and gameplay wise. But do temper your feedback, the moderators have recently stated that threads regarding the state of the game/negative feedback are prone to feedback they deem nonconstructive and that nobody wants to read anyway, so word it in a way that doesn't let it get *too* negative, or it's liable to be locked.

Edited by Kaiga
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2 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

It did kind of feel like a flash in the pan. Wouldn’t mind some kind of optional modifiers to our more standard missions, sort of like Nightmares, to remind us that they still around

There was a nice idea on the forums to convert the steel path into the Narmer star chart we see briefly in the quest and have Narmer as the high-end enemies.

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Just now, Genitive said:

There was a nice idea on the forums to convert the steel path into the Narmer star chart we see briefly in the quest and have Narmer as the high-end enemies.

Noooooo…. Steel Path is the place for little build variety and unbalanced gameplay. We don’t need them to sit in SP; better to have the rest of the game get them and SP gets secondary consideration due to what it is and how it works. They can be plenty threatening with bigger build variety

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Noooooo…. Steel Path is the place for little build variety and unbalanced gameplay. We don’t need them to sit in SP; better to have the rest of the game get them and SP gets secondary consideration due to what it is and how it works. They can be plenty threatening with bigger build variety

They still could have a place, like Narmer incursions or invasions.

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7 minutes ago, Genitive said:

They still could have a place, like Narmer incursions or invasions.

Sure. Just not exclusive to Steel Path. It’s understandable why they dragged their feet bringing relic cracking to SP, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad decision when they did (though it furthered the idea that SP is where we’re supposed to be or something, which is a weird side effect)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Not only did the faction only rule over its territories for about 2 seconds before the real powerhouse factions (Corpus, Tenno, Grineer) bullied them into obscurity. It also marks an off-topic year for Warframe's core expirience lol

I can't be the only one who feels this way

One of the biggest things I remember from when TNW and Narmer were discussed in devstreams (it could have been at Tennocon?), was how excited DE appeared to be at being able to reuse assets by changing assets superficially all the while I'm thinking: "Yeah we played it. We know most of it was reskinned and yeah, we are still disappointed no actual war experienced. Profit Taker fight has more of a war vibe than TNW.".

It felt like filler to be perfectly honest, as have a lot of things over the last two years.

Edited by Silligoose
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45 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

The new war and Narmer was a flop, narratively and gameplay wise. But do temper your feedback, the moderators have recently stated that threads regarding the state of the game/negative feedback are prone to feedback they deem nonconstructive and that nobody wants to read anyway, so word it in a way that doesn't let it get *too* negative, or it's liable to be locked.

Sounds like a you problem buddy, considering there's plenty of threads featuring criticism of varying levels of intensity on various topics all over the forum.

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"Somehow Narmer(Ballas) return..." Poo Damnroon

When we finally fight Pazuul? I don't care about Narmer, what I want is Pazuul ended up working with wally and bring new story .

Let go of the past

Edited by BroDutt
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10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Sounds like a you problem buddy, considering there's plenty of threads featuring criticism of varying levels of intensity on various topics all over the forum.

He refers to the recent controversary where a thread was locked. Details about it here:



10 hours ago, Genitive said:

There was a nice idea on the forums to convert the steel path into the Narmer star chart we see briefly in the quest and have Narmer as the high-end enemies.

and not just Narmer as the enemies, but as the starter enemies for the inner planets ruled over by Ballas, with the outer planets having progressively stronger amalgams and sentients as the enemies n a constant battle over the front lines - which is where you get stuck around Mars and its 3 satellites.

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10 hours ago, Kaiga said:

The new war and Narmer was a flop, narratively and gameplay wise. But do temper your feedback, the moderators have recently stated that threads regarding the state of the game/negative feedback are prone to feedback they deem nonconstructive and that nobody wants to read anyway, so word it in a way that doesn't let it get *too* negative, or it's liable to be locked.

About my initial thread post:

  • Not posted in feedback.
  • About lore, not the game its self. 
  • Nearly nonexistent negativity directed toward the game. 
  • If it gets locked due to other peoples' comments, that's not my problem. I'll just move on to the next topic. 
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Personally I think Narmer worked fine enough and served its purpose in the narrative.  It was part of a finite chapter in the Warframe universe, a group that for the most part took over the world for an ambiguous amount of time, and then was defeated.  I don't really need anything else from the Narmer faction.

It does seem clear that DE has further plans for the Archons, though whether that will actually be considered "Narmer" as opposed to some new faction is anyone's guess.

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15 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

I can't be the only one who feels this way

you aren't; we can thank COVID and/or bad writing for that.

it's not too late though! DE can make up for the travesty of New War by letting us go to Tau and giving us the entire Tau system, chock-full of Sentients to kill! we can still have our War!! *anxiously sharpens paracesis*


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