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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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2 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

just saying a lot of people will just buy the stuff anyway, or will buy it as soon as it gets discounted or something so devs will never learn. Only paying players not paying and free players not playing will teach them.

Precisely my goal. Scorn those who do buy it.
They're a setback. Nothing more than an obstacle.

I've always been pretty blunt with how I say things, since apparently it's not enough to say it nicely.
People may think it's a small blip in the radar, but as someone who has enjoyed Video Games for well over 20 years?

I am SICK of this. It's been happening everywehere.
One game does it, others slowly follow and it spreads like an actual plague.
It's an insult to me and human intelligence as a whole. Regardless of the game.
I shouldn't have to consider the "lesser of two evils" for EVERY. DAMN. GAME.

It shouldn't be mentally taxing to see what comes out next.
Game of the Year shouldn't have it's top game be the only one who DARED to finish a proper product.

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I missed the boat on this thread because I've been busy walking around the convention, but I agree with the sentiment. The way Styanax was handed out initially is celebratory, selling 2 skins in the same fashion as  Excalibur Prime is not a good look.

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58 minutes ago, (PSN)neuronus20 said:

Dear DE, your team made an amazing job creating these Heirloom skins and yet you wanted to make sure only small amount of players will be willing to buy them.

They've done the math.  There are probably enough whales to make this seem like a good idea.

Bbc Earth Jump GIF by BBC America

It's disheartening, but it's not surprising.

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Well this is how we are going to celebrate 10 years of warframe by making a pack that is purchasable out of game only with legal tender currency euros about 70 usd about 90.
First it started with regal aya that was a one train wreck i thought you would understand we do not want these things in this game but yet here we are.
Than recently you added the incarnon adapters purchasable with plat to the store as a fix for how terrible the circuit has been an long it is the amount of bugs an crashes alone is just shameful. Yet you provided a problem an your fix is to sell it to us that will never sit right with me an honestly it should not with you it is anti consumer . Is this game meant to just spend currency or actually have fun ?
Now on to the the recent one that wow , After the founders packs i honestly thought we would never see something like this again BUT ITS BETTER! Not only are you only allowed to use legal currency to purchase these skins you only have till December to purchase them THATS RIGHT! They are now doing fear of missing out on items (FOMO). This honestly starting to show us you care more about our wallets than our enjoyment in this game i will keep raising a fus until you acknowledge the issues that you are creating we do not want this , you want this. Everything should be obtainable with plat in the game this is unacceptable in any show or form . If we do not say anything now than it will keep coming an it will be the new normal! REJECT IT , MAKE THEM HEAR YOUR FEELINGS WITH YOUR WALLET! I WILL NOT BE PURCHASING THIS OR ANYTHING UNTIL CHANGE!

Lastly sense the acquisition of digital extremes by tencent a known company to do things like this. I think it is down hill form here my fellow tenno because this is what they do .... SHOW ME WRONG DE.

Edited by Daddy.bulbs
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Just now, Voltage said:

I guess time will tell whether Soulframe is a better representation of the values Warframe used to have or not.

I dunno, man... Wayfinder launched with immediate monetization issues, the typical scummy-feeling "you can buy X premium currency, but the item you want costs just a bit more so you have to buy more" thing. From the way they immediately backed off and explained it it sounded like Airship wasn't the one who set the prices, their publisher (DE) was. Airship also talked a big "no FOMO" talk but the shop in Wayfinder has limited rotating offerings. Something something actions and words.

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Just now, PublikDomain said:

I dunno, man... Wayfinder launched with immediate monetization issues, the typical scummy-feeling "you can buy X premium currency, but the item you want costs just a bit more so you have to buy more" thing. From the way they immediately backed off and explained it it sounded like Airship wasn't the one who set the prices, their publisher (DE) was. Airship also talked a big "no FOMO" talk but the shop in Wayfinder has limited rotating offerings. Something something actions and words.

Yeah, maybe it's just copium that all the oldest devs at DE wouldn't stoop to this level, but maybe I'm just wrong given how games go now.

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11 minutes ago, Silligoose said:

They are celebrating it with Tennocon - an event that makes them a ton of money.

Are people really surprised that a p2w game that uses "psychological encouragement techniques" like FOMO and nerfs assets because not because they are too strong, but becayse they are too popular "dominant", is using FOMO to sell skins?

While I don't think DE is some friendly neighborhood developers like some fans think, they have chose to be somewhat better then other companies with f2p games. People can be upset, we can't blame em for that.

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1 hour ago, THeMooN85 said:

Don't like it? Don't buy it. Nuff said.




This mentality is what has driven us to today's discussion on the decline in the way Warframe respects how the monetization is perceived by players.

People like you who brush this off and downplay the issues are the exact reason we almost got Endo instead of Platinum in Prime Resurgence. 

It's one thing to just buy them, it's another to tell players that there's nothing wrong.

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This is disappointing that DE would add such a scummy pack to their game.  I thought they liked people clamoring that they had fair F2P model, guess that's over now.

Edited by -wauf-
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6 minutes ago, Wawus said:

Stolen from @Binket_ but it fits too well...


By all means, the more it gets said? The more it'll burn,
One voice won't light a fire.

Get a few thousand? You'll start seeing something bright form.

16 minutes ago, Veridian said:

Wile I agree, could you have posted this in say.... ANY OF THE OTHER 10 THREADS ON THE TOPIC?

14 minutes ago, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

You're probably right. If there is a way to remove posts, could you inform me of it?

No, the opposite.
Make MORE threads.

Flood the Forums. Make it the only thing DE can see.

We're tired of seeing this in all sorts of Video Games.
We're tired of seeing what we enjoy being disemboweled to feed the money machine.
We're tired. Let us have some fun.

... so if I have to have to witness their bile, I'm going to throw some back and I'm going to make it CAUSTIC.

12 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

It's baffling how often DE refuses to just take the easy win. It wouldn't have been hard to predict that packs like this would cause a fuss, and it caused a fuss immediately when they were leaked, and it's causing a fuss now that they're out. They could have chosen to do plat cosmetics like they do for all the other plat cosmetics and built some good will but now instead of celebrating 10 years they've got to put out another fire of their own creation. 🤦‍♀️

At this point? I expect it.
It doesn't make it any less annoying to see.

It started with a whisper on the wind.
It rose to a whisper in the streets.
It came to become a rumor.
Than it became an uproar.
They allowed tension to build.
The pitchforks are sharpened.
Our blades are honed.


Human history is rife with conflict. It's taken many forms over the eons.
Today? You battle with words.
Make them with vitriol. Leave them scorched, remind how their bile leaves caustic scars by sending it back with same day shipping!!

5 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Yeah, maybe it's just copium that all the oldest devs at DE wouldn't stoop to this level, but maybe I'm just wrong given how games go now.

I didn't want a future where Steve was the thread holding Warframe together.

Yet, did we learn nothing? Seems like it.
Now we repeat the fires of conflict, what comes from it forge? Time will tell.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

While I don't think DE is some friendly neighborhood developers like some fans think, they have chose to be somewhat better then other companies with f2p games. People can be upset, we can't blame em for that.

Aye, people can indeed be upset on this one, especially since this is a bit of a big departure compared to how DE used to handle situations like this.  The last time we had a situation of this magnitude, we only really learned about after they had fixed it by removing the offending issue, and that was the paying platinum for randomizing the natural colours of one's kubrow, because it turned out to be too much of a slot machine.


I can only hope that we, as a community, are able to get through to them and get them to do the right thing.  I just somewhat fear that it may end up being a situation similar to what happened with the Hema research, where they say that because people already got it, they can't change it because it would be 'unfair'.  Granted, that's one that could've been fixed with a script in-game, whereas this one does also involve actual money, so, somewhat different, but similar as well... Hm...

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14 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I guess time will tell whether Soulframe is a better representation of the values Warframe used to have or not.

? It seems the plan is to change Warframe to fully paid with such packs & Regal Aya S#&$, which will cause only hardcore players to remain, so that they can focus on Soulframe which, we can be sure, will be more... up to 2023 gaming world codes, to say politely. Battle Pass with a paid version, deluxe bundles, etc

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Id like to see brainstorm when they deciding put regal aya into pack (for bloating final price), because 10 year players already have everything, so Regal aya have basically zero use for them, also 600 plat is not great sum either

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The timed-exclusivity is the most egregious part of it. FOMO exploitative bull that used to be the kind of thing DE avoided, only doing so for Excal Prime to avoid failure.

Remember when DE realized that the gene code thing they made was basically a slot machine and they put a stop to it? Yeah, the DE of today, owned by Tencent, would have kept that garbage in the game. 

Really sad state. DE and Warframe used to be the example of how to do a live service right, one that respected the players and earned DE a lot of love. Now they're just like every other dev. 

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2 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

This was a beyond stupid decision and hopefully they are paying attention to the players reaction on this one.

If Warframe Mobile news launch tonight, that will far eclipse the issue and it would just be a "minority" of old players leaving. The same happened when Raids got removed.

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