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confuse about deimos arthur/entrati...


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We all know that the warframe story is too complex and full of gaps...

But what was presented today left me quite confused! I had the impression that I was watching another game in front of me.

At the end of the presentation I could not come to any conclusion!

What I noticed is that there will be a new warframe and a new necramech...that's what I managed to extract from the video. The transfer to a giant body using a very human-looking computer left me really unsure what to make of it all.

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Let’s be real here : they don’t know either. Beginning of the demo was cool, until us transferring to the Sleeper.

but after that ? Random stuff thrown randomly. Just to get some winks and laughs by playing the memory card.

i hope it’s just Wally fcking with us for the last part.

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Don't worry, everyone is confused. The whole 1999 thing makes 0 sense in Warframe, at all. None of that fits into the game, none of it makes any sense.

Does it look cool? Sure.
Is it Warframe? Not one bit, and no matter what DE says, they can't convince me otherwise

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32 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

Don't worry, everyone is confused. The whole 1999 thing makes 0 sense in Warframe, at all. None of that fits into the game, none of it makes any sense.

Does it look cool? Sure.
Is it Warframe? Not one bit, and no matter what DE says, they can't convince me otherwise

You get new stuff, and complain you want more of the old stuff.

You get more of the old stuff, and you complain its boring and monotonous.

You get a blend of the new and old, and you complain its not like the old stuff anymore.

Conclusion: You dont actually know what you want.

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hace 59 minutos, kamisama85 dijo:

You get new stuff, and complain you want more of the old stuff.

You get more of the old stuff, and you complain its boring and monotonous.

You get a blend of the new and old, and you complain its not like the old stuff anymore.

Conclusion: You dont actually know what you want.

Nobody knows what they want, everyone complains that it is Warframe and that it is not Warframe, a fight as ridiculous as the console war.

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10 hours ago, kamisama85 said:

You get new stuff, and complain you want more of the old stuff.

You get more of the old stuff, and you complain its boring and monotonous.

You get a blend of the new and old, and you complain its not like the old stuff anymore.

Conclusion: You dont actually know what you want.

Forums in a nutshell these days. We're getting some stuff to be excited about and then you come to forums to share that excitement only to be met with misery and entitlement. 

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10 hours ago, kamisama85 said:

You get new stuff, and complain you want more of the old stuff.

You get more of the old stuff, and you complain its boring and monotonous.

You get a blend of the new and old, and you complain its not like the old stuff anymore.

Conclusion: You dont actually know what you want.

What the hell are you even talking about?

The "new" stuff we saw, I generally liked, other than the unnecessary inflated cost of the heirloom skins and the Warframe 1999 which makes no sense in Warframe, and has no relevance to Warframe from any sort of aesthetic standpoint.

You're just saying random stuff to try and white knight. There's not really any other way to say it.

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11 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Don't worry, everyone is confused. The whole 1999 thing makes 0 sense in Warframe, at all. None of that fits into the game, none of it makes any sense.

Does it look cool? Sure.
Is it Warframe? Not one bit, and no matter what DE says, they can't convince me otherwise

It is Warframe.


I don't mean this metaphorically, it's literally core Warframe gameplay except the frames have human heads. They bullet-jumped in the demo, they spin attacked with melee weapons, they used frame abilities. Whilst, maybe, this'll get adjusted to be more like Drifter content, as currently shown this is literally just core Warframe content but set in an alternate 1999.

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6 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

It is Warframe.


I don't mean this metaphorically, it's literally core Warframe gameplay except the frames have human heads. They bullet-jumped in the demo, they spin attacked with melee weapons, they used frame abilities. Whilst, maybe, this'll get adjusted to be more like Drifter content, as currently shown this is literally just core Warframe content but set in an alternate 1999.

Just becuase it uses Warframe game mechanics, does not instnatly mean that WF1999 fits into the Warframe universe in any way.

That's the same argument people make about Bloodborne being part of the Souls universe, or Demon Souls being part of the Dark Souls storyline. They use the same mechanics, they aren't in the same universe or connected.

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1 hour ago, Almxce said:

Forums in a nutshell these days. We're getting some stuff to be excited about and then you come to forums to share that excitement only to be met with misery and entitlement. 

Still I'll take forums over other 'Social' media cesspools any day.

I'm intrigued by the Wally play - it seems we're to some extent just playing in the Matrix.  Wally can decide which 'path' we take it seems.

Perhaps though, the 1999 thing was triggered by Loid (Disgruntled employee?  Thought Albrecht was corrupted by Wally?) smashing Albrecht's (or Wally at that point?) pod caused some weird time thing and so created a 1999 timeline where Y2K went real bad.

I have no idea where they're going with the giant sleeper thing, other than maybe 1999 is a game it its head...

Edited by headsoup
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23 minutes ago, headsoup said:

Still I'll take forums over other 'Social' media cesspools any day.

I'm intrigued by the Wally play - it seems we're to some extent just playing in the Matrix.  Wally can decide which 'path' we take it seems.

Perhaps though, the 1999 thing was triggered by Loid (Disgruntled employee?  Thought Albrecht was corrupted by Wally?) smashing Albrecht's (or Wally at that point?) pod caused some weird time thing and so created a 1999 timeline where Y2K went real bad.

I have no idea where they're going with the giant sleeper thing, other than maybe 1999 is a game it its head...

I saw this thread on reddit: 


The premise being that the Vessel contain Albrecht's mind that has been infected by the MITW, the Tenno will be transferring in there to help remove TMITW's influence, so it'd be something similar to Duviri but a tad different. It would make sense, with Loid smashing the statis pod that Albrecht entered so they can be sure that TMITW cannot leave using his body. Question is then how Warframe 1999 is connected. 

In the showcase Loid mentioned having moved into the realm of monsters, the Tenno transferring into the vessel and it seemingly waking up and moving a bit did make me wonder if DE had taken some inspiration from the Eikon fights in FF16 and wanted to incorporate something similar into Warframe. There seem to be multiple Vessels in varying stages of progression/creation throughout the video which also made me wonder if these things were being built to fight monsters from the void quite literally. It would be in line with the Entrati creating weapons to fight off other monstrosities only this time you're dealing with nightmares from another dimension entirely. Considering how wonderfully weird that entire presentation was I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being something else entirely lol.

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13 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Don't worry, everyone is confused. The whole 1999 thing makes 0 sense in Warframe, at all. None of that fits into the game, none of it makes any sense.

Does it look cool? Sure.
Is it Warframe? Not one bit, and no matter what DE says, they can't convince me otherwise

I'm assuming it's a reference to dark sector where the main protagonist literally wears proto Excalibur armor. 

Except this time, our new main protagonist is wearing regular Excalibur armor. 

Are they from the same universe? Does this mean Excalibur Proto suit actually ended up in the Warframe universe because of void shenanigans?  

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Trying to make sense of a small sequence taken from a whole unrevealed narrative arc is pretty much futile, but fun speculation nonetheless. Could be a flashback, could be a simulation, could be time travel, etc, etc.

The Entrati secret lab was sealed for a long time. I'm surprised that desktop wasn't covered in dust and still worked.

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17 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

We all know that the warframe story is too complex and full of gaps...

That's the neat part, it really isn't. Most thing are pretty well explained once you have the scattered jumble of pieces all put together, piecing it together is a lot of work but it is mostly there. I find that the hardest part of understanding Warframe lore is dropping your assumptions and head-canon.

I know its hard, but trust DE. While the execution has continued to be iffy (not explaining major points like the use of Kuva in TNW, or leaving Eternalism's mechanics to collectable lore in Duviri), the meat behind the story/lore for years has been consistent. For me Kullervo's lore perfectly confirming a bunch of theories and solidifying the Proto-Warframe to Zariman to Tenno-Warframe to Fall timeline installed a great bit of trust in DE's ability to make this whole thing work.

Edited by DrBorris
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I mean there are some big friggin hints that this might not be your standard garden variety time travel. For instance the writing on walls and posters is no language I know of. Maybe I'm wrong and it's like sanscrit or something but it seems different with elements of cyrillic in there. Secondly is that this all done through transference in a way. 
Also mention that Entrati guarded his collection gives me Trayzin vibes where gathers stuff and has retro-fetish vibe. 

While the most likely scenario is that this is more or less a simulation, we do have time travel in the canon for years now: Lua Spy missions. What we do here is that the Vessel acts as an anchor or transfer point between different versions of Arthur or other characters back in time in different timelines as we try to track down "Dr. Entrati". 

But as was said by others before: We have jack-all to go on to really guess as to what the story is. 

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6 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Just becuase it uses Warframe game mechanics, does not instnatly mean that WF1999 fits into the Warframe universe in any way.

That's the same argument people make about Bloodborne being part of the Souls universe, or Demon Souls being part of the Dark Souls storyline. They use the same mechanics, they aren't in the same universe or connected.

this is more like you're trying to argue that shadow of the erdtree is in a different universe from the rest of elden ring just because you arbitrarily don't like the idea of it when it's not even out yet. you can't say it doesn't fit when we know nothing about how '99 fits into the narrative or lore. every theory is blind speculation. there's literally no history or lore of the world this far back to contradict or build off of

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18 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

But what was presented today left me quite confused....

At the end of the presentation I could not come to any conclusion!

Honestly that's 100% fine, and was surely the intention of the presentation.  We were clearly not intended to understand what was going on based on these teasers alone; they serve to merely whet your appetite for what is to come.

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7 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

What the hell are you even talking about?

The "new" stuff we saw, I generally liked, other than the unnecessary inflated cost of the heirloom skins and the Warframe 1999 which makes no sense in Warframe, and has no relevance to Warframe from any sort of aesthetic standpoint.

You're just saying random stuff to try and white knight. There's not really any other way to say it.

If looking like Excalibur, doing a bullet jump, launching radial javelin, and swinging a Skana in a segment serving as a prequel to explain the origins of Warframes have no place or relation to Warframe, then I get the impression you dont even know why you made this statement in the first place.

Just a knee jerk reaction, the same way you think anyone who opposes your opinion and logic is a 'white knight'.

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4 hours ago, Anemone.Antimony said:

you can't say it doesn't fit when we know nothing about how '99 fits into the narrative or lore.

People need to hear this one more


I saw the same kind of posts about Duviri before it even came out, (albeit to a way lesser extent), saying Duviri "has no place" in the game, "makes no sense lorewise", or the most popular that I'm sure everyone saw at least once: "It isn't warframe"; now, everything we know about Duviri is things we actually saw since quests like The Second Dream & onward, just all of them put together in a coherent manner

Same thing is happening here, it doesn't make sense to you @Stormandreasbecause you know nothing about it yet, you only saw 6 minutes of gameplay out of context, grow some #*!%ing brain cells & use them

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