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Why I'm leaving this game


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I'm 24 level and played more than 3000 hours of this game, but eventually decided to leave this game. The main reason for this is that devs keep adding more and more content like this game lacks it. I don't know any other game that has so much content and so many tasks to do. At first it was daily tasks, then they added other things like syndicates, then sorties, then archons and it keeps growing and growing and you have to do so many things that time is never enough. Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on... It's like never ending missions with endless tasks and you get so overwhelmed that you don't even know which one to prioritze and to accomplish all your plans you need A LOT time and farming... And devs keep adding more open world locations with more tasks and content... It's way too much.... Basically you must have no real life, but play this game 24/7 and it still won't be enough. I know adding content for games in general is a good thing, but adding that much content can be even worse and Warframe is a good example of that. In short, devs wants us to play this game non-stop and have no other life than Warframe... But lots of people aren't like that. We have a real life, work, family and sometimes after work we just want to relax and play casually, not being bombarded with those stupid missions and tasks...

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

2. Second issue I have with this game is challanges and difficulties that lead us to frustration... Almost every part of this game is designed frustrate you, even maps are designed to do that, when you run in Void and some block is getting activated in front of you to stop you or the maps are that are hard to navigate... And I'm not even talking about non-mission areas like relays where you walk as snail and you need to use some mannevrues like jumping and sliding to finally reach the destination, but most annoying part of game are mastery rank tests which are not only annoying, but have a 24 hours cooldown after failure. I don't even know what to say about it. It's just horrible... And then let's don't forget about quests like "Waverider", which most of players hate and don't even touch it or let's take Orphix missions, another almost impossible mission to do...

And lastly, devs are also very bad at navigating us, players. Many times, especially on events, you're thrown in a mission without telling you what to do, what's the objective. Good example is a Ten-Zero Jack O'Naut mission.

My final conclusion is that, when devs started making this game, sure it lacked content a bit, but then they started adding more and more and now it's hot mess game. It's like if you would make a pizza and on the top you would put pineapple, then oranges, then potatoes, than strawberries, then carrots, then eggs and in general you get some hot mess non edible pizza. That's how Warframe feels to me right now and that's why I'm quitting it. I'm sorry devs, but I have a life, I like to play other games too and I can't dedicate my whole life to your game and when I come home from work, I wanna relax, not get myself into endless tasks. Farewell.

P.S. Heard you're making new game "Soulframe". Hope you don't mess it up like you did with Warframe, but I can only hope. Good luck with that.

Edited by dendroaspis84
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The reason there is a lot to do is because you are supposed to only engage with the parts you like. If you have OCD and need to complete everything every day, then that’s unfortunate. And you can’t really say a game is bad if you engaged with it for 3000 hours. If a game is bad, I know within the first 10 mins. Take a break and play other games which are mostly garbage in comparison and then you might reconsider coming back. GL

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that's gotta be the longest possible way of saying "I'm constrained for time, so can't play as much anymore".

it is somewhat problematic though, not just for people who insist on doign everything, but also because time spent on new content is time NOT spent revising older content, even when it sorely needs it: we still have placeholder bosses and no 3rd orb mother for pete's sake, but we've had more factions, quests, tilesets etc added repeatedly, and soon we're getting yet another void based faction (even though the Corrupted haven't had ANY new units ever), more story quests etc. DE pile on more and more new content at the cost of not being able to update what's already there.

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

that's gotta be the longest possible way of saying "I'm constrained for time, so can't play as much anymore".

it is somewhat problematic though, not just for people who insist on doign everything, but also because time spent on new content is time NOT spent revising older content, even when it sorely needs it: we still have placeholder bosses and no 3rd orb mother for pete's sake, but we've had more factions, quests, tilesets etc added repeatedly, and soon we're getting yet another void based faction (even though the Corrupted haven't had ANY new units ever), more story quests etc. DE pile on more and more new content at the cost of not being able to update what's already there.

Yep, I forgot to mention that. They keep adding new stuff while we have not completed old stuff and it's growing and growing. Like I said biggest problem for this game is A LOT content. They should keep it simple and if they wanted to add content very much, maybe add something more interesting like new game modes or something completely new, instead of adding more grinding and farming stuff.

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12 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

The reason there is a lot to do is because you are supposed to only engage with the parts you like. If you have OCD and need to complete everything every day, then that’s unfortunate. And you can’t really say a game is bad if you engaged with it for 3000 hours. If a game is bad, I know within the first 10 mins. Take a break and play other games which are mostly garbage in comparison and then you might reconsider coming back. GL

Actually this game is mediocre compared to other games. There are so many so much better games than this. Last week I completed "The Last of Us Part I". I won't even compare that game to this garbage to be honest. It was literally masterpiece. The only addicting thing this game had was farming, but eventually you get bored of farming too, especially when it becomes endless, lol.

Edited by dendroaspis84
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Nolifing until exhaustion has never been the solution. I'll never understand players who want to do everything to the point they disgust themselves (and even more pathetic, reaching the point of insulting people / the game because "it didn't respect their time", while it's only themselves who didn't respect it).

Have a nice one, I guess. But you'll say the same thing about other games in the future if you have pathetic self-control so who cares

Edited by Chewarette
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1 minute ago, dendroaspis84 said:

Actually this game is mediocre compared to other games. There are so many so much better games than this. Last week I completed "The Last of Us Part I". I won't even compare that game to this garbage to be honest. It was literally masterpiece. The only addicting thing this game had was farming, but eventually you get bored of farming too, especially when it becomes endless, lol.

Oh, I know there are other good games, but mostly they are garbage. The issue is that after 4-10 hours, you are done and there really is no reason to play them again. One of the big reasons I play WF is because there is tons to do and they keep adding more stuff. I’m glad you found something you like, have fun.

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7 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Nolifing until exhaustion has never been the solution. I'll never understand players who want to do everything to the point they disgust themselves (and even more pathetic, reaching the point of insulting people / the game because "it didn't respect their time", while it's only themselves who didn't respect it).

Have a nice one, I guess. But you'll say the same thing about other games in the future if you have pathetic self-control so who cares

And here comes fanboys like you who will defend their favorite game no matter what, because they take it personally and can't stand the thought that someone might criticize their precious game, which indicates how childish and pathetic are these fanboys.

Edited by dendroaspis84
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10 minutes ago, dendroaspis84 said:

And here comes fanboys like you who will defend their favorite game no matter what, because they take it personally and can't stand the thought that someone might criticize their precious game, which indicates how childish and pathetic are these fanboys.

To be honest with you Den, you kinda of brought this on yourself.

You should've realized that before posting you'll get people like this and "announcing" you leaving is quite an unintentional bait thread, not saying you did this on purpose but it's kinda of obvious with games like this.  

Either way, hope you enjoy whatever new game you get into o7

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47 minutes ago, dendroaspis84 said:

I'm 24 level and played more than 3000 hours of this game, but eventually decided to leave this game. The main reason for this is that devs keep adding more and more content like this game lacks it. I don't know any other game that has so much content and so many tasks to do. At first it was daily tasks, then they added other things like syndicates, then sorties, then archons and it keeps growing and growing and you have to do so many things that time is never enough. Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on... It's like never ending missions with endless tasks and you get so overwhelmed that you don't even know which one to prioritze and to accomplish all your plans you need A LOT time and farming... And devs keep adding more open world locations with more tasks and content... It's way too much.... Basically you must have no real life, but play this game 24/7 and it still won't be enough. I know adding content for games in general is a good thing, but adding that much content can be even worse and Warframe is a good example of that. In short, devs wants us to play this game non-stop and have no other life than Warframe... But lots of people aren't like that. We have a real life, work, family and sometimes after work we just want to relax and play casually, not being bombarded with those stupid missions and tasks...

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

2. Second issue I have with this game is challanges and difficulties that lead us to frustration... Almost every part of this game is designed frustrate you, even maps are designed to do that, when you run in Void and some block is getting activated in front of you to stop you or the maps are that are hard to navigate... And I'm not even talking about non-mission areas like relays where you walk as snail and you need to use some mannevrues like jumping and sliding to finally reach the destination, but most annoying part of game are mastery rank tests which are not only annoying, but have a 24 hours cooldown after failure. I don't even know what to say about it. It's just horrible... And then let's don't forget about quests like "Waverider", which most of players hate and don't even touch it or let's take Orphix missions, another almost impossible mission to do...

And lastly, devs are also very bad at navigating us, players. Many times, especially on events, you're thrown in a mission without telling you what to do, what's the objective. Good example is a Ten-Zero Jack O'Naut mission.

My final conclusion is that, when devs started making this game, sure it lacked content a bit, but then they started adding more and more and now it's hot mess game. It's like if you would make a pizza and on the top you would put pineapple, then oranges, then potatoes, than strawberries, then carrots, then eggs and in general you get some hot mess non edible pizza. That's how Warframe feels to me right now and that's why I'm quitting it. I'm sorry devs, but I have a life, I like to play other games too and I can't dedicate my whole life to your game and when I come home from work, I wanna relax, not get myself into endless tasks. Farewell.

P.S. Heard you're making new game "Soulframe". Hope you don't mess it up like you did with Warframe, but I can only hope. Good luck with that.

I see some of us leaving again. 

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24分钟前 , dendroaspis84 说:

Actually this game is mediocre compared to other games. There are so many so much better games than this. Last week I completed "The Last of Us Part I". I won't even compare that game to this garbage to be honest. It was literally masterpiece. The only addicting thing this game had was farming, but eventually you get bored of farming too, especially when it becomes endless, lol.

Wow that is not even comparing apple and orange. That is comparing apple and beef wellington. 

Not being offensive. Just saying. 

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For starters, I don't think too much content is a bad thing, especially when people complain that there "isn't enough stuff to do" (ironic, isn't it?). The game is live service, and games like these receive updates constantly, with Warframe being on the calmer end (a couple updates each year) as opposed to games like Fortnite or genshin (1 major update every 1.5 months with a bunch of events thrown in-between). 

As for the game being "frustrating" I don't see how going to objective is that annoying (I personally love the movement), however I will say that MR being daily locked is annoying, but I mean, it also makes it feel like an actual "test" you have to prepare for? Not to mention the only time you get MR quickly is the first week or so of Warframe and by then the daily cap stops mattering assuming you can actually rank up. 

In regards to Waverider and Orphix, people actually loved Orphix until they removed the event shop (the drop rates are what's bad about it now, not the gameplay), while DE has said they will be adjusting Waverider to be less annoying. 

Maybe part of the problem is you (respectfully). Not every game can cater to every person, nor can the person guarantee they feel the same way about a game 3 years after they started playing it. I mean, look at Minecraft, it's still Minecraft, but people come and go and come back regardless of what the most recent update was.  

From what you've said, it seems you prefer "one and done" games with a set amount of content as opposed to live service ones with regular updates.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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Instead of looking at how many things you have to do you should look at how long they actually take to finish per week and if you actually need all. This week I had uhm Archon and Kahl, same as last week. and up until a few weeks back I also had 5 tiers of Circuit to do, prior tot hat 10 tiers and before hitting rank 30 NW I had some of that aswell.

However, even if I had to do all of that over a week I'd look at something like 6-7 hours of gameplay at most, which is a whooping hour per day really. And that is with 10 years of content in the game. Everything besides those "mandatory" things can be done as you see fit based on your prioties within the game. Not everything needs to be done every day, every week or every month, since it goes nowhere and you can farm it at your hearts content whenever you want... besides these few specific activities recently added. And it is really only Kahl and Archons that "must" be done, since the rewards from them are infinite and time gates. Missing some circuit weeks or not maxing your daily standings/focus doesnt matter, since none of it is really infinite. And with circuit you might not even be interested in all the weapons.

So set up goals for those ungated things when you have time to spend. Also, after 3000 hours you shouldnt really be needing more than Kahl, Archons, some circuit and NW.

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37 minutes ago, dendroaspis84 said:

And here comes fanboys like you who will defend their favorite game no matter what, because they take it personally and can't stand the thought that someone might criticize their precious game, which indicates how childish and pathetic are these fanboys.

I'm the very first one to criticize Warframe (and more often than you could think, actually).

I've never been fanboying : I love this game but I can recognize its flaws.

Fanboys are insufferable, but there's one category of gamers who are even more annoying : the doomsayers. You. Now that you nolifed through this game without reaching inner completion (as if completing a videogame was the pinnacle of life's achievements, lol), you decided to S#&$ on it through every single post and insulting everyone who even dare replying to you. All the other games on this planet will be better than Warframe from now on. Warframe is the worst, it's a curse that was sent to Earth by the devil itself. Other games were created for the sole purpose of burying it into the ground. We got it, you hate this game after having spent years of your life on it. Get over it.

I repeat : Nobody cares, you will insult your other "perfect games" the same as this one, when you'll be bored by them.

Dignity mate. Go buy some.

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45 minutes ago, dendroaspis84 said:

And here comes fanboys like you who will defend their favorite game no matter what, because they take it personally and can't stand the thought that someone might criticize their precious game, which indicates how childish and pathetic are these fanboys.

They don't really look like a fanboy, it's true that spending thousands of hours in any game is bound to make you tired of it, especially when you apparently force yourself to do every available content in the game.

If you don't have the time to do everything then don't force yourself to do it, I think your main reason to leave can be fixed by only doing what you need/enjoy more. Taking a break is probably gonna help

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24 minutes ago, dendroaspis84 said:

And here comes fanboys like you who will defend their favorite game no matter what, because they take it personally and can't stand the thought that someone might criticize their precious game, which indicates how childish and pathetic are these fanboys.


1 hour ago, dendroaspis84 said:

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

One of your "criticism" is about how there's too much to do and that "you must have no real life, but play this game 24/7...", but the example you presented has flaws that heavily implies that the players themselves can put themselves in that position. The inexperience/newcomer eyes will believe that at first glance, but the long-term players knows that some of them can be cut out and be done at a later date or even not be involve in their daily runs.

  • Dog Days - At the time of posting, the event has 13 more days left before the game mode and shop leaves; the others, however, do not go through the same thing. If the players finds more value in Dog Days they can ignore most of them and they'll hardly miss out on anything significant.
  • Quest - They're quest, they don't expire and you can leave them indefinitely until you're required to do them and not all of them are required.
  • Alerts - The only alerts that matter the most are "Gift of the Lotus" and others similar to it where the rewards are unique, worth while, and comes rarely. Majority of that are there can be ignored due to how frequent they are and how low-value the rewards are.
  • Invasions - Basically like alerts, but are lesser.
  • Syndicate - Their stores definitely has some worthwhile stuff, but they are there indefinitely. Players feeling the need to get everything is more of their "problem". (i.e. you don't skip a single day without doing all of the syndicate missions and collect all of the medallions, because they're convince that what they would've gotten is more valuable).
  • Fissures - Same thing as Syndicate.
  • Sorties - New players will definitely want to do, with how easy it is this one goes by relatively quickly. To older players it's a bonus, it gets to the point where you can ignore it and what you miss out won't even bother you.
  • Archon Hunts - It's on a weekly rotation. You either finish it in one day and have the rest of the week 1-less thing to do (8 task becomes 7), or spread it out in a manageable state. 

So out of the 8 task: 2 of them behaves as "one and done" with sufficient availability (Dog Days and Quests); 4 are in state of constant rotation with rewards that have little worth or are obtainable at a later date (Alerts, Invasions, Syndicate, Fissures); 1 has daily value up to a point; and the last one is on a weekly rotation causing you're "total" task to go up and down once a week.

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I mean ive 'left' around a dozen games this year. Probably 2 dozen. I dont think it requires an essay, just go. There's plenty of games out there just play something you enjoy more. No ones going to judge. I advise Remnant 2 btw, or Gunfire reborn. Both are great fun.

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