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Why are all the frames female?


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1. All the frames are split roughly in half when it comes to gender, nearly equal amounts of male and female frames

2. Initially there were plans to have both genders for each frame, but that was scrapped as it would require double the work for every model and skin (remnants of this can be seen with Nyx having a female version of Excalibur's model)

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49 minutes ago, BatVenomPL said:

2. Initially there were plans to have both genders for each frame, but that was scrapped as it would require double the work for every model and skin (remnants of this can be seen with Nyx having a female version of Excalibur's model)

That would've been so cool ngl i hope they revisit this idea one day

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4 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

why would your operator's gender affect the warframe they are using? 

The person is likely confused

Considering the person thinks that the Operator is "cannon" female and the Drifter is "Male"

Both are laughable and false, the Operator and Drifter are what YOU think they are.

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12 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

The person is likely confused

Considering the person thinks that the Operator is "cannon" female and the Drifter is "Male"

Both are laughable and false, the Operator and Drifter are what YOU think they are.

Actually operator is canon female and drifter is canon male

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21 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Actually operator is canon female and drifter is canon male

There isn’t a canon operator or Drifter., they just chose that for the cinematic trailers.


Operator and Drifter are whoever the player wants them to be, the way Eternalism works in game means all possibilities are happening at the same time and all are accessible. Meaning there’s no set canon.



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Ugh... this again.

2 hours ago, (PSN)iMeeji said:

Why is that?

DE answered this question a long time ago. Frames have canonical gender because of story reasons you discover in The Sacrifice. Everything from Zephyr being female, Nezha being male, both the Day and Night form of Equinox being female, and Xaku being three frames and referred to as non-gendered or just 'they'.

Frames don't adapt to the Operator or Drifter, because it's more accurate to say the opposite, that the Drifter and Operator adapt to the frames.

DE do not sculpt a contrasting gender to the frame because of two other practical reasons: The first is that it would double the dev time for the Art and Modelling team. The second is that (and this is something they directly said on Stream) they can use that opposite model to make a new Warframes.

It's not going to happen, DE have told us it's not going to happen.

25 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Actually operator is canon female and drifter is canon male

Oh, and even though some of the media from the game, such as previews or trailers, can show a female Operator and male Drifter, there is no canon for their gender. In the same way that good-old Mass Effect has a male and female Shepard, both of which appeared in trailers and box art for the games, meaning that both can be considered equally viable for the canonical gender of Shepard.

Drifters and Operators are the player character and can be set up either way.

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To @(PSN)iMeeji

Since Vanilla (2013),

  • [DE] release rules are 1 female frame release for 1 male frame release. CF WIKIA
  • There were NO operator at this time; So all players can have a Warframe that fits their gender preferences.
  • Operators and Drifters can be what you (can) design as @Circle_of_Psi remind us.
  • The operator or drifter models for trailer are different for the same reasons that you have difference gender frames : DIVERSITY.


Designing a Frame need tons of resources, having a male or female variant for the same set of power is TOO MUCH TIME CONSUMING.

It is also against an old (almost gone) rules : Male Warframes have better stats, lowers Abilities. (Rhino typically)

Female Warframes have lower stats but Higher Abilities. (Ember typically)

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8 hours ago, (PSN)iMeeji said:

When you start playing you have an operator who is a female so logically having a female frame just makes sense.

But if you change to the drifter (who is a male) the frames don’t change. 

Why is that? (As I prefer things to match).

Drifter and Operator are whatever gender you want because they're supposed to be your character as opposed to a specific person. 

As for why you are using frames opposite of your gender, the tenno were already used to using different frames before they even awakened their operators so they don't feel alienated or unlike themselves from using other frames. These frames are also made as specific, 1 to 1 copies from blueprints and (spoiler, each frame had a a corresponding human used in their creation), so it's basically impossible to make a gender swapped one. 

The idea is the tenno don't care about what frame they use the same way I could put on a virtual reality headset and feel comfortable using a variety of avatars that aren't actually me IRL.

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I think the OP is indeed confused on multiple levels.

There aren't only female frames , 

The operator(s) aren't exclusively female and the drifter is also also not exclusively male.

There is also no obligation or requirment for operators and frames to "match" , if one wants to do so they have the roster to choose from.

As to why DE doesn't have both male and female variants of the same frame ? Lack of interest I would say. 

But it doesn't go against the lore , as most frames are talked about as individuals , but the tenno are usually considered as a collective.

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb (PSN)iMeeji:

When you start playing you have an operator who is a female so logically having a female frame just makes sense.

But if you change to the drifter (who is a male) the frames don’t change. 

Why is that? (As I prefer things to match).

There is no logic.
And if you try to understand that, the danger of ending up in an insane state is very big.

Because let's take people, animals, etc. as examples.
Males and females perform specific functions. So multiply your own species and act in a certain way. Bodies also have different functions. Males cannot produce milk.

but what about female warframes????????? omg what nonsense is this. As a skin it might still be ok. but just don't turn your brain on.


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18 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Actually operator is canon female and drifter is canon male

in this case the issue is still solved, since they are the same person, so frames being either is covered.


9 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

Males cannot produce milk.

that's just wrong.

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Warframes are all inherently and innately nude, not counting Armor or Syandana. 

The clear and present absence of accurate male physiological genitalia between their thighs, therefore, defaults all Warframe as female. 

Its just basic biology 101, 102, 103, and 107. So when you think about it? At first it doesn't make sense. Then you think about it some more, and then some more after that. Then you look at the pictures, and think a but harder. Then it makes a little bit of sense. Then you look at what I wrote and think about it? Then you really understand and get it. Then you read what I wrote backwards and upside down? Makes less sense, but also, some sense, just less sense. Then when you read what I said, upside down and backwards... upside down and backwards the other way... then it makes perfect sense, and you will never be troubled by uncertainty and not understanding or not knowing ever again. 


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Pretty much exactly half the warframe are male and half are female (+1 Xaku). You've probably just been finding majority female frames for the particular play styles you look up. Female frames have a really disproportionately high amount of AoE damage casters, While male frames have a much higher amount of tanks for instance.

The Operator and Drifter are whatever sex you choose to make them... IF you can figure out how to do that. The face you give them determines what their body type is, and there's no indication of what faces give what body type outside of just selecting them and seeing your character's body shape change. It's a really needlessly ambiguous system that I think DE's kept this way to try and be non-binary about it. But it ultimately comes off as just unnecessarily opaque and even more hetero-normative then just a toggle, because they're tying body type to facial features.

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Thought this would be the 3rd time I recount how many male and female frames there's in the game but that's not really your question.

I'm not sure if you've done the Sacrifice yet but the quest pretty much makes it clear that Warframes were individuals so their sex is gonna be what they were before becoming a frame, the operator/drifter are only controlling their body so it shouldn't affect their physical appearance.

Warframe the body and Operator/Drifter the mind.

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21 hours ago, RLanzinger said:

Designing a Frame need tons of resources, having a male or female variant for the same set of power is TOO MUCH TIME CONSUMING

I disagree about too much time, if they wanted they could totally outsource different gendered skins, the recoup the outsource costs selling the new "gender" versions of existing frames as skins,

you probably be surprised how many people will avoid playing a frame due to it's gender/appearance, that said I don't see DE doing this at all even as much as I would like it, its more like one of those low effort gacha things where you *unlock character* you don't get to choose the traits of it even though you can still buy it clothes.

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