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Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: Accessibility + HUD Improvements:


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4 hours ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

today I learned o.o damn... just goes to show... you can play this game for 11K hours and still don't know everything xD

There are also the old "Arcane" Helmets as well, that were available before Hotfix 13.2.3 (2014-05-07), that provided bonuses to warframes as well. DE did balance it by removing your access from 1 of the two arcane slots as a balance. Personally, I'd rather have the arcane slot. The Helmet bonuses are pretty weak-sauce.

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On 2023-09-30 at 12:51 PM, (XBOX)ERIVANxt said:

It may be irrelevant, but they could add a way to adjust the scale of the chat window. In addition to just changing the size of the letters, but the general size of the window. Maybe it's because of playing on a big screen, but I personally feel uncomfortable with the chat in the corner of the screen, sometimes you can't even see certain things.

using a mouse u can resize it urself if i remember 

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Im gonna love the highlighting hopefully.  Fighting grineer in PoE was pretty difficult early on.  I don't really have a problem now but I'm definitely going to use it.  I think I will also highlight squad mates just to tell them apart from spectres and clones and stuff.  


Just having unique icons is a huge help to hunting,  no more having to switch back and forth between lures to only see that animal type.   I just did some hunting last night to max out PoE/OV.  

The directional indicator should be insanely helpful.   I love the range finder on the mining lasers.   Just seeing the distance go up or down totally lets you see what direction stuff is.   I would have liked a simple range finder on the tranq rifle.  You do have it on there now... but its audio which is way less helpful than numbers going up or down.  

Now that open worlds have relic packs though Conservation has become important again.  So these changes are HUGE.  

-- I will say OV and Drift are still very buggy.     In OV I will try to track animals via poop but occasionally I will get into fights or I will pick up other animals and the animal I was tracking just completely disappears.   No tracks,  No search radius,  No lure site.    Drift fishing is beyond broken.   Fish rarely even show up but I haven't seen a Flaggelum or whatever in forever... I don't know how newbs finish some of those Entrati weapons.  But I never see the fish that give the rare resources needed for granny tokens and stuff.   Fishing in PoE also sucks...  you toss special bait in the water and 90% of the fish are still common.   Tralok come when using Murkray bait..   its just bad.     You need to do away with "hot spots".  Where ever you toss bait should be a hot spot.  


For highlighting I have a concern...  What will this do when anyone is using abilities that highlight enemies like Nova's Molecular or Nyx's Chaos.    What will happen in void fissures.....will highlighting impede our ability to tell the difference between corrupted enemies and non corrupted?   

( There is no bigger QoL improvement the game needs more than void fissures.........)

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On 2023-09-30 at 11:51 AM, (XBOX)ERIVANxt said:

It may be irrelevant, but they could add a way to adjust the scale of the chat window. In addition to just changing the size of the letters, but the general size of the window. Maybe it's because of playing on a big screen, but I personally feel uncomfortable with the chat in the corner of the screen, sometimes you can't even see certain things.

In the upper right corner of the chat box you can click and drag even on console. 

But to go along with this /\   It would be EXTREMELY useful if are chat box did not get reset each session.     AKA if I expand my chat box to cover the whole screen it should stay like that after I log out and log back in.    

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Something I have been wanting more and more with Warframe.....

-Every time you log into the game (after log in bonus and any inbox messages)  there should be a POP UP screen that asks you to confirm your multiplayer setting AND difficulty mode.   AKA   Every time I log in the game should ask me or inform me whether or not I'm playing solo or public,   if I'm on Steel Path or normal....   

I am constantly changing those things as I play and I can not count how many times I log in the next day and go to do stuff and have the game set up wrong.   

This pop up could be optional so people do not have to see it if they do not want to.   

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On 2023-09-28 at 12:29 PM, [DE]Taylor said:
  • Ally Highlights - Toggling this on applies the Highlight Aura to all allies, including but not limited to: Squad Members, Companions / Sentinels, and Specters.

Would it be possible to have a more nuanced toggle than simply "ally"?

I don't care about my teammates glowing, or their pets, or their Warframe specters. On the other hand, I would really like for any friendly unit that looks substantially similar to a common enemy to get this treatment by default.

Examples would include Nyx/Xaku/Revenant mind control effects, Nekros' ghosts, consumable enemy specters, and Caliban's Sentient summons.

In particular, this would make mind control effects far more useful in a squad because your teammates won't keep immediately blasting them.

Edited by Qriist
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8 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Which summons block friendly weapon fire besides Caliban's?

I believe Nekros' Shadows of the Dead do, although I could be wrong about that. I avoid casting that ability 99% of the time just because of the visual obstruction. I'm fairly sure I remember it blocking shots though.

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15 hours ago, SteveCutler said:

I believe Nekros' Shadows of the Dead do, although I could be wrong about that. I avoid casting that ability 99% of the time just because of the visual obstruction. I'm fairly sure I remember it blocking shots though.

Nekros Shadows definitely block ally fire if they are Nullifiers. You have to pop their bubble to shoot through. I have not noticed it with other mobs.

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21 hours ago, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

usando um mouse, você mesmo pode redimensioná-lo, se bem me lembro 

Yes, but they could add more chat settings, so each player can adjust it the way they want. For example, even with the lowest specifications possible, I feel that the chat still covers a lot of my screen.

Edited by (XBOX)ERIVANxt
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with the addition of auto melee to help avoid constant spamming of a key would it be possible to extend the same change to yareli's surging blades augment, shes one of my favourite frames and id love to bring her into more content but the constant spam causes the same issues i struggled with melee combat (thank you so much for this change regardless its a lifesaver for this chronic pain haver <3)

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Enemy highlighting:

Yes, please. One of THE most annoying aspects of playing Warframe for me is actually picking out the enemies from the background noise. This would help SO MUCH. Being able to customise the colours is a nice bonus.

Request, however. Can we get the option for an actual outline? Right now, enemies are highlighted by a coloured sheen across the edges of their bodies and sharp angles on it. It looks kind of janky to me. Could we get just an edge outline like might be seen in Payday or Left 4 Dead or Monster Hunter or any other similar game?



OH, YES! So much yes on that one. I HATE spamming my melee key. This is why I could never use fast-attacking melee weapons - my fingers can't take it. Being able to just hold the melee key and auto-swing is such a massive improvement to quality of life it's hard to describe.

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For Enemy highlighting: I would suggest to put an option for Aim Down Sights and standard vision modes. Like, when I'm playing normally I may want a dim highlight on enemies and none on allies, but when ADS, I want bright highlights on both because I'm focusing on enemies. Though don't make it instant so it strobes but like it takes 1.5 seconds to brighten or dim between ADS and Standard modes or something. So I don't get a headache if I accidently tap too much while running around.

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I know this is a really minor thing, but could we get some expanded colourblind settings for those who have none of the “Big Three” (deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia) when it comes to the condition? I myself have deuteranomaly, which is often incorrectly diagnosed as deuteranopia.

As much as I find the deuteranopia setting useful, I still have trouble distinguishing between blues and purples (a common issue with people suffering from deuteranomaly), so I hope that perhaps the Dev team will take into account other, anomalous, types of colourblindness in the future.

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Le 28/09/2023 à 12:29, [DE]Taylor a dit :

Hi Tenno,

This is one of our many Developer Workshops for Update 34: Abyss of Dagath. To see what other changes are coming in this Update, check out our other Developer Workshops here:

 Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: Accessibility + HUD Improvements:

There is so much to cover in this Developer Workshop, so we’ll keep this brief! No values are final, and everything outlined is subject to change leading up to the release of Abyss of Dagath. We’ve done our best to communicate all planned changes, but the only way to understand their true impact is to play with them once the update is in your hands.

With that all said, get yourself a glass of greedy milk and maybe a snack, as there is much to go over!

In this Dev Workshop, we will cover the following topics:

  • Character Highlighting System
  • Conservation Accessibility and QOL Improvements
  • Auto Melee 
  • Buffs and Debuffs in Pause Menu
  • Weapon Trait Display
  • New Update History Screen

Character Highlighting System

The enemies you face in Warframe tend to be well-themed to their tilesets -- while this adds visual cohesion to the game, it also means that your foes can sometimes blend into the landscape. To improve enemy and ally visibility, we’re adding a new “Character Highlighting” section to our Accessibility menu

With this new system, players will be able to apply a Highlight on both enemies and allies, with a variety of customization options. Whether you want to improve avatar visibility or simply turn them a fun colour (or both!), you will be able to select the hue and intensity to your liking through the various settings:


In the screenshot above, you can see the full array of settings available to you in our Accessibility Settings Screen:

  • Enemy Highlights Toggle - Toggling this on applies the Highlight Aura to all enemies.
  • Enemy Highlight Color - Select the colour of choice using the Accessibility Color Palette or any other owned Color palette.
  • Enemy Highlight Intensity - Choose how bright you’d like the Highlight to be using this sliding scale. 
  • Ally Highlights - Toggling this on applies the Highlight Aura to all allies, including but not limited to: Squad Members, Companions / Sentinels, and Specters.
  • Self Highlight - Apply the Ally Highlight settings to your player avatar.
    • This will persist anywhere you take your Warframe or Tenno, such as your Orbiter, Quests, etc!
  • Ally Highlight Color - Select the colour of choice using the Accessibility Color Palette or any other owned Color palette.
  • Ally Highlight Intensity - Choose how bright you’d like the Highlight to be using this sliding scale. 

Interacting with the Color and Intensity options will preview the effect on your Warframe in the menu screen, giving you an idea of what it’ll look like in-mission! Here is a preview of gameplay with this system in action:

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Video description: A Grendel, MOA Specter, and Kavat in the Simulacrum with Green Character Highlights applied.  Various enemies from all factions have also been spawned, and have a Red Character Highlight applied. The Accessibility Menu is opened to the Character Highlight section, where the colours of character highlights are changed by selecting different colours via a colour palette. The menu is exited to show the new result: Grendel and his allies in yellow, and enemies in bright pink.

A few key characteristics of note for this system:

  • “Friendly” enemy units such as those seen in Invasion missions or those affected by Revenant’s Thrall / Nyx’s Mind Control / etc. will use the Ally Highlight settings to differentiate them from your true foes.
  • Character Highlight Settings are accessible in-mission should you need to make any tweaks on the fly!
  • The majority of Quest cutscenes will not see Character Highlights in action, except if Self Highlights are applied. 


Conservation Accessibility and QOL Improvements
Conservation has had a long storied history with quality of life and accessibility changes, but we can confidently say that this is the biggest batch of improvements yet! Because there’s so much to cover, we’ve broken it down per Conservation stage: 

Icons on the map:

  • The animal's name now appears when hovering over the trail icons in the advanced map!
  • Holding your Tranq Rifle will now show the icons of the closest Trail Start Points in your minimap!
    • Only one icon will appear per animal, to help you better plan your route on foot. 
  • Each animal trail icon now uses the animal's silhouette (instead of the generic pawprint) and is color-coded for quicker visual identification! The hue matches that of their Echo-Lure.
    • This slipped out a little earlier than planned with Echoes of Duviri (Update 33.6)!
  • Players can now select an Icon on the advanced map to spawn a special waypoint marker to the Trail Start Point. This marker will persist even after putting your Tranq rifle away!

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Video description: Grendel on the Orb Vallis landscape. He pulls out his Tranq Rifle and opens his Advanced Map. A variety of Conservation icons are available for him to choose from. Grendel selects a Bolarola icon and clicks on it. The icon creates a waypoint that persists after he closes his Advanced Map (which he does). The player then summons their Archwing and flies to where the waypoint leads them, which ends up being a Bolarola Trail Start point. Grendel interacts with the start point and footprints spawn, at which point the waypoint disappears. 

Trail Start Points:
It all starts with scat! Unfortunately, many trail start points can blend into the landscape and otherwise be difficult to find. We’ve made the following changes with this in mind:

  • Trail Start Points will now be highlighted with a diamond marker with the Tranq Rifle equipped. Simply holding the Tranq Rifle will show these markers at 20m away, while aiming down the scope will reveal them from up to 50m away.
    • This diamond marker functionality already existed with Echo-Lures, but we are extending it to Tranq Rifles as well. 
  • Trail Start Points will now glow similar to footprints when viewed through the Tranq Rifle scope. 


Follow Tracks:

  • Updated our footprint shader to improve animal footprint visibility and address issues of them disappearing below rocky terrain.
  • Once interacting with a Trail Start Point, a yellow area highlight will appear in your minimap over the last section of the tracks you found. Additionally, we have added diamond markers at key checkpoints in the footprint path that appear when looking down the Tranq Rifle scope.
    • If you happen to lose the trail or get turned around, these two mechanics should help you!


Locate and Tranquilize:

  • Adjusted the audio and visual cues from the Tranq Rifle to play more or less frequently depending on how far away the animal is.
    • The more often they appear, the closer you are! 
  • Ally Character Highlights will apply to Conservation targets as an extra way to distinguish them from the landscape, should you wish to use that system!
  • Added a flashing paw icon that points you to the direction of the animal when looking down the Tranquilizer scope.
    • With the successful use of the Echo-Lure, the replying animal call already comes from the direction that they spawn in. We’re adding this new visual clue for Conservationists in addition to the existing audio cue! 
    • Note: This functionality also applies to free-roaming wildlife you find on the Landscape, no Echo-Lure required!

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Video description: Grendel on the Orb Vallis Landscape with his Tranq Rifle equipped. He aims in on the Trail Start point before him, showing how it now glows the same way that footprints do. He then aims off to the left of him, at which point a flashing pawprint icon appears in the left side of his screen. When moving his reticle towards the direction of the flashing icon, it eventually comes to rest on a Bolarola.  The flashing icon stops once his reticle comes to rest on the Conservation target, as that was the animal that was triggering it. 


Auto Melee 

Adding an Auto Melee button has been a frequently requested topic over the years as a way to mitigate repeated button presses. Your days of spamming E are over with the new Auto-Melee function coming with the Abyss of Dagath. Here’s how it works:

With Auto Melee, players will be able to trigger melee swings through the familiar repeated melee inputs, or they can simply hold the melee input button to repeatedly swing their melee weapon for as long as that input is held. Combos can be executed while auto-meleeing by simply adding the required inputs -- i.e. to start Slide Attacking, simply start sliding while holding the Melee Input, etc.

In short, the Warframe melee that you know isn’t changing -- the only difference is that instead of needing to press your E hundreds of times, you only need to press (and hold!) it once. 

Our goal is not to alter the main way you play Warframe melee if you prefer the precision of individual inputs -- auto-meleeing is an additional way to play the game. This mechanic is releasing as a permanent functionality of the Melee system, as we’ve designed this so that both individual input and auto-melee can co-exist without issue. 

Since Auto-Melee is removing a lot of the active element of meleeing, we are working on an addition to this system called “Perfect Heavy Attacks” that aim to release with Whispers in the Walls. 

Exclusions to Auto Melee
Due to the mechanics of Auto Melee mirroring that of thrown melee weapons, the following weapons will not have Auto Meleeing enabled for them:

  • All Glaive Weapon Types
  • Wolf Sledge


Buffs and Debuffs in Pause Menu
The meme of Octavia players giving their squadmates enough buff indicators to look like an MMORPG screen is real and valid. Worry not -- we’re not changing the buffs you get, we’re simply adding the ability to see what the actual Buff and Debuff Icons mean when entering your Pause Menu:


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Image Description: The Warframe Pause menu. In the upper right-hand corner, below the currency bar, there is a list of buff icons applied to the Warframe in-mission. The mouse is hovering over the Wisp Haste Icon, showing the buff name (“Haste Mote”) and description (“Increased movement and Attack Speed”).

As you can see in the screenshot above, hovering over the icon will show you the effect’s name and possibly the description. Our goal is to eventually add a description for every icon, but at the time of writing, we estimate that there are around 800 icons needing descriptions, and unfortunately, the majority of them require a bit of work to get set up. We will be working on this system and releasing icon descriptions in batches wherever we can!


Weapon Trait Display
Weapons with specific traits or passives will now display this information in the Upgrade Arsenal screen of the respective weapon. These traits were often hidden in weapon descriptions or otherwise required players to learn about them via outside sources -- now you can directly see any special traits a weapon has and incorporate that knowledge into your builds. 


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Image Description: The mouse hovering over the new Weapon Trait Display section of the Upgrade screen, which is positioned to the left of the Stance Slot in this screenshot. There is a custom icon for the Dorrclave (a new weapon), the phrase "Unique Trait", and below that, the title of the Trait ("Rising Vendetta"). The mouse hovering over the section has caused an on-hover description box to appear, displaying the following: "After 20 kills or assists, gain an additional 0.5 Follow Through and at least one guaranteed Status Effect for the next 20 attacks".


New Update History Screen 
Whether you’re jumping straight into a new Update or returning to the game after a break, our New Update History Screen is designed to contextualize and highlight the latest content. This screen offers a variety of new tools for us to showcase everything that is available in our major update releases. 


In the screenshot above, you’ll see various sections designed to contextualize and highlight released in the specific update, including:

  • General overview blurb for the update!
    • Familiar as this is what we’ve done for past updates. 
  • Patch highlights, which can be interacted with to reveal a pop-up window with lengthier descriptions of new features, game modes, etc., released in the update!
  • Direct link to the update notes on our website. 
  • New item showcase to highlight new content available in the market.
  • “How to Play” button that will either direct you to a tutorial or take you straight to the Star Chart to engage with the new content. 
  • Update History at the bottom of this screen, allowing you to look at Update Screens for previous releases.
    • Our goal is to have at least Abyss of Dagath and the Seven Crimes of Kullervo here for launch!

Where to find this screen
This new Update History Screen will present to players the first time they log into the game following an update, but it can also be accessed any time at two locations:

In the pause menu above the Nightwave button.

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Via the new banner over the News console in your Orbiter!

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Whether you took the time to review the entire Dev Workshop, or skipped to the sections that were relevant to you most, thank you for reading! We’re excited for you all to get your hands on these changes and more with Abyss of Dagath on October 18th!


Thos QoL make me SO HAPPY. So THANKS auto-melee is very good thing to avoid hurting my finger while spamming E for combat. But October 18th took me 2 week to wait before gatting auto melee. so disapoint :(

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On 2023-09-28 at 5:29 PM, [DE]Taylor said:


Buffs and Debuffs in Pause Menu
The meme of Octavia players giving their squadmates enough buff indicators to look like an MMORPG screen is real and valid. Worry not -- we’re not changing the buffs you get, we’re simply adding the ability to see what the actual Buff and Debuff Icons mean when entering your Pause Menu:


  Reveal hidden contents

Image Description: The Warframe Pause menu. In the upper right-hand corner, below the currency bar, there is a list of buff icons applied to the Warframe in-mission. The mouse is hovering over the Wisp Haste Icon, showing the buff name (“Haste Mote”) and description (“Increased movement and Attack Speed”).

As you can see in the screenshot above, hovering over the icon will show you the effect’s name and possibly the description. Our goal is to eventually add a description for every icon, but at the time of writing, we estimate that there are around 800 icons needing descriptions, and unfortunately, the majority of them require a bit of work to get set up. We will be working on this system and releasing icon descriptions in batches wherever we can!


Yeah, there's 800, and up till now you EXPECTED PLAYERS TO MEMORISE THOSE SOMEHOW, so yeah, that's something that has been a long time coming! Finally someone that knows what UX should be was added to the team, i guess!

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On 2023-09-28 at 8:29 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Character Highlighting System

The enemies you face in Warframe tend to be well-themed to their tilesets -- while this adds visual cohesion to the game, it also means that your foes can sometimes blend into the landscape. To improve enemy and ally visibility, we’re adding a new “Character Highlighting” section to our Accessibility menu

With this new system, players will be able to apply a Highlight on both enemies and allies, with a variety of customization options. Whether you want to improve avatar visibility or simply turn them a fun colour (or both!), you will be able to select the hue and intensity to your liking through the various settings:


In the screenshot above, you can see the full array of settings available to you in our Accessibility Settings Screen:

  • Enemy Highlights Toggle - Toggling this on applies the Highlight Aura to all enemies.
  • Enemy Highlight Color - Select the colour of choice using the Accessibility Color Palette or any other owned Color palette.
  • Enemy Highlight Intensity - Choose how bright you’d like the Highlight to be using this sliding scale. 
  • Ally Highlights - Toggling this on applies the Highlight Aura to all allies, including but not limited to: Squad Members, Companions / Sentinels, and Specters.
  • Self Highlight - Apply the Ally Highlight settings to your player avatar.
    • This will persist anywhere you take your Warframe or Tenno, such as your Orbiter, Quests, etc!
  • Ally Highlight Color - Select the colour of choice using the Accessibility Color Palette or any other owned Color palette.
  • Ally Highlight Intensity - Choose how bright you’d like the Highlight to be using this sliding scale. 

Interacting with the Color and Intensity options will preview the effect on your Warframe in the menu screen, giving you an idea of what it’ll look like in-mission! Here is a preview of gameplay with this system in action:

  Reveal hidden contents

Video description: A Grendel, MOA Specter, and Kavat in the Simulacrum with Green Character Highlights applied.  Various enemies from all factions have also been spawned, and have a Red Character Highlight applied. The Accessibility Menu is opened to the Character Highlight section, where the colours of character highlights are changed by selecting different colours via a colour palette. The menu is exited to show the new result: Grendel and his allies in yellow, and enemies in bright pink.

A few key characteristics of note for this system:

  • “Friendly” enemy units such as those seen in Invasion missions or those affected by Revenant’s Thrall / Nyx’s Mind Control / etc. will use the Ally Highlight settings to differentiate them from your true foes.
  • Character Highlight Settings are accessible in-mission should you need to make any tweaks on the fly!
  • The majority of Quest cutscenes will not see Character Highlights in action, except if Self Highlights are applied.

Very much in love with this change, thank you!

Suggestion: Could we get a gear item that loads these (and other) settings?

Just an item that you can place multiple times in your Gear Wheel, and have it save current settings; when used in-mission, it loads those saved settings. (The settings would go back to pre-Mission state after completion/failure) The icon could be something like a selectable sigil.

This would solve the problem I'm ultimately concerned with. Namely, that there's not likely to be a color that will work well for all tilesets. In addition though, a shortcut to settings would also be helpful for things like Disruption or graphics-heavy environments.

Obviously it wouldn't save things like cross-platform play or squad/friends/solo, but things like volume, highlight, and graphics would be a huge value-add if it were an in-game save/restore.

Thank you again!

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On 2023-10-09 at 7:09 PM, Fractyr said:

still waiting for the option to make your frame invisible during aiming. I do not want half of my screen blocked when im trying to aim.

This one honestly feels like low-hanging fruit to me since the functionality is seemingly already in the game. So far as I can tell, that's the way the mining laser works right now; it appears your frame is turned invisible on the local client when you use aim-down-sights on the mining laser.

I can see arguments for how it would look weird to have a bow just hanging in the air there when aiming bows or other un-scoped weapons. And admittedly, I'd be not be particularly surprised if there's a legacy(/spaghetti) code reason it's not quite as straightforward to apply that effect to combat weaponry; anyone who's ever worked on a large software project has encountered those "this should be simple, but..." situations. Sometimes far, far too often... *stares into the distance with a haunted look*

But still, at least all of the actual rendering logic seems to already be there. And it would definitely be a very nice (if relatively minor) quality-of-life change to have as a toggle if nothing else at some point, because certain frames (and even moreso, certain cosmetics) are not particularly aim-down-sights friendly.

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