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After over 10 years I've stopped posting to bug reports since it doesn't seem to be worth my time - This is a farce.


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I was playing circuits on public and had the recurring problem of Decree frags not showing up\being to low\showing only aura.
So I echo-locate them like a friggen bat, okay... learnt to live with it... like so many bad design decisions and bug in duviri that would not be addressed - fine.
I was just asking my team mates if they too have this issue or maybe it's just local on my end; one of them responds that they can't see the frags.

Okay, I think, then it's not just on my end but a real problem.



That kind of wonk never existed in any other games I put time into.

No, "/unstuck" didn't help, neither jumping into the abyss.

This quote as guidance:

On 2023-10-12 at 10:53 AM, JohnMorte said:

Good to see that the persistent blaming of the players continues. There are multiple modes that are in dire need of either quality of life fixing or simply being fixed on a basic level. Reactant missions still have spawning issues, and it is blatantly apparent that exterminates also contain similar spawning issues. Instead, the community insists on blaming players instead of just pushing for fixes that are incredibly easy to implement.

The community needs to grow up.

Post if you have something useful to add.

Edited by Tuxu_Holyland
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The main problem with bug reports is that they are ignored by players. The community usually completely ignores the bugs that are reported on the forum, no, rather the community mostly ignores the forum.

There are a lot of annoying problems in the game but people prefer to comment on someone's troll post crying because they want more free platinum than of a detailed report post.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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Your own experience there is exactly why you need to be making bug reports: WF's bugs don't affect all players equally.

If the players experience bugs aren't properly reporting them then it's far less likely for DE to fix them assuming they're even aware of their existence in the first place. It's especially problematic with WF due to how inconsistent bugs are as many times there've been bug that DE simply can't reproduce and thus need more detailed reports from players to figure it out.

Hek there was even a Railjack softlock at one point that DE couldn't encounter themselves to the point that they asked players for full mission recordings in order to get more data.

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They do read bug reports, and then they put the vast majority in a folder named "if the day had 48 hours".

For example after Pablo reworked Zephyr, I reported several Bugs; One of them that her Tornado would kill Zephyr herself, another that Zephyr kills her own Tornadoes. The first one was actually fixed, the second one got straight up ignored - I guess Pablo didn't think it was worth his time.

DE has no ambition at all, at all, to fix bugs in Warframe. They just begrudgingly try a few times when something really major and game breaking gets reported, and if they don't succeed they move on and subsequently ignore bug reports on the matter.

They don't even bother with really simple and obvious stuff, fixed by literally editing a value in the code base - like how they accidentally cut the Pathocyst's heavy attack damage in half in one patch, and years later despite constant reminders they still haven't restored it's damage. And the weapon is terrible even unbugged.

Or, speaking of the Pathocyst, did you know Condition Overload, a staple melee mod, has zero effect on glaive heavy attacks? DE doesn't even care.

Edited by Traumtulpe
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24 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

They do read bug reports, and then they put the vast majority in a folder named "if the day had 48 hours".

For example after Pablo reworked Zephyr, I reported several Bugs; One of them that her Tornado would kill Zephyr herself, another that Zephyr kills her own Tornadoes. The first one was actually fixed, the second one got straight up ignored - I guess Pablo didn't think it was worth his time.

DE has no ambition at all, at all, to fix bugs in Warframe. They just begrudgingly try a few times when something really major and game breaking gets reported, and if they don't succeed they move on and subsequently ignore bug reports on the matter.

They don't even bother with really simple and obvious stuff, fixed by literally editing a value in the code base - like how they accidentally cut the Pathocyst's heavy attack damage in half in one patch, and years later despite constant reminders they still haven't restored it's damage. And the weapon is terrible even unbugged.

Or, speaking of the Pathocyst, did you know Condition Overload, a staple melee mod, has zero effect on glaive heavy attacks? DE doesn't even care.

Friendly reminder that there is still a bug in The War Within that can literally permanently softlock the player's account that is not only well known, but has existed since day one of the The War Within releasing. It has been brought up numerous times, and DE consistently refuses to acknowledge nor even make an attempt to fix it.

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Sad curse of F2P games I'm afraid.

For every one player they lose to, say, the above mentioned War Within bug they get another 6 who don't get the bug.

I can only imagine the code for this game resembles a pile of spaghetti at this point.

The worst bug I came across was with an Arson Eximus knocking me inside a cliff, /unstuck got me out.

I have a limited experience with coding but you squish one bug and you get another 5 popping up in places you wouldn't expect.  

A single typo completely borked the AI in Aliens Colonial Marines.


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after 10 years? nowadays if something isn't addressed in 2 minutes people won't bother with it again. 

nobody can deny the code is kind of a mess sometimes, and we will likely get to see a few new or recurring bugs appearing when the update drops tomorrow. usually it doesn't bother me too much, but on the rare couple of occasions I have reported bugs, I don't think anyone at all has noticed, though one of them did actually get fixed, so maybe the people who needed to see it (DE) actually did.

otherwise I just roll with the punches, not much else one can do.

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10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Friendly reminder that there is still a bug in The War Within that can literally permanently softlock the player's account that is not only well known, but has existed since day one of the The War Within releasing.

Never heard of that

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For reference - I have worked with and on large code bases for over 20 years, mainly in the financial sector.

Why do any of us expect more than 'good enough' from an entertainment vehicle, when the software that runs the world is full of bugs?

I am not advocating for ignoring bugs, far from it, but there is, in fact, a 'happy medium or 'good enough' level at which software works for most of the users.

I can remember entire financial book-keeping systems that had to be restarted from a single bad keystroke taking down the whole system - you could literally only type what was expected or you had to start all over, for example.

I get that a bug jumping up and the system losing a drop you wanted, for example, might cause an emotional response.

But none the less, why do so many people think software can ever be bug free, why do people think that just because a bug still exists it is ignored over elusive, etc.?

NASA still finds bugs in deployment code and they arguably have one of the most stringent software development processes that exist.

I always want to ask, is your personal work product perfect and without flaw? Are the products and services provided by whatever organizations you participate in always on the mark? Are the more well funded products and services any better?

In my experience, you have a choice.

Focus on the fun, or focus on the bugs.

Choose wisely.

Good Luck and Happy Gaming.

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OP, my best guess is that you have misunderstood what reporting a bug means.  Reporting a bug never guarantees that the bug will be addressed.  However, it does make it possible for the bug to be addressed, because DE can't fix a bug they're unaware of.  And over the years they have fixed many bugs — just check the patch notes to see.

There are a lot of reasons that bugs don't get fixed, but at the core is simply that fixing bugs costs dev bandwidth.  Devs who are fixing bugs aren't making new content.  So DE has to find the proper balance between how much effort to spend on making new content versus fixing bugs, because the unfortunate fact is that new content drives sales far more than non-essential bug fixes, and those sales are important to DE being able to keep the lights on and continue developing Warframe.

And this isn't the case just with games, but with all software products.

Hopefully that helps you better understand the situation.  And regardless, here's the bottom line: if you don't report bugs, it makes it more likely that the bugs you experience won't be addressed, and hence more likely that the bugs I report will be addressed instead.  So if that's what you'd prefer, feel free to stop reporting bugs; I won't stop you.

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I've had my share of frustrations with bug reports not getting acted on.  Although what really gets me are the "Is this a bug or intended?" reports, as it's so rare to get an answer from DE on which it is. 

Anyway, my advice is:  Don't bug report if you don't feel like like it.  Instead look for previous bug reports on the same subject and bump those if that feels worthwhile.  Bug report what hasn't been reported already if you feel like it.  And try not to stress about outcomes.

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6 hours ago, -Krism- said:

Never heard of that

The War Within spoilers:


After completing the scene with Teshin at the top of the cliff, there's a bug where the quest breaks and sends you back to the Orbiter with Ordis lamenting his supposed failures (directly after the Elder Queen drills your Operator's head with kuva). This has a chance to happen every time you complete the scene with Teshin at the top of the cliff, and there's no way to bypass it. Not everyone will encounter the bug, some only have to do the loop once, others have to do it multiple times.

Personally, I had to replay the loop multiple times before I lucked out and it fixed itself. However, due to the nature of the bug, it is entirely possible that someone could get stuck in this loop permanently. This means account softlock, because you can't progress without finishing the quest. You'll never have access to Operator, which means you can't get Necramechs, which means half the game is locked out to you. It's literally an account ender.

This bug has existing since day one of the quest going live. DE has never acknowledged it, and it remains unfixed to this day.

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On 2023-10-17 at 4:02 AM, Hexerin said:

Considering your post is just a rant, there's nothing useful anyone can add.

You show lack of insight.

If more people would make it clear for DE that this isn't something the community is okay with then it might change their approach to the community and take the time we put into reporting and showing relevant screenshots more seriously.

You consider it to be a rant because you don't feel you have something to add and maybe you're used to people treating you this way - That's you and yours, not me.


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hace 1 hora, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT dijo:

That is, until de does something they don't like (*cough* Wukong *cough*).

And that is why it makes me so angry when some A******s come and publish their post crying over nonsenses and saying that they have been playing since year 1 but they have only  2 posts. (translation: I don't care about the forum unless I want some nonsense)

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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On 2023-10-22 at 1:37 AM, CosoMalvadoNG said:

And that is why it makes me so angry when some A******s come and publish their post crying over nonsenses and saying that they have been playing since year 1 but they have only  2 posts. (translation: I don't care about the forum unless I want some nonsense)

Some of us only post when we can't find a solution via google - Hence the low post count.
I'd be happy to compare with you other things, I think you'd be amazed.

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hace 8 horas, Tuxu_Holyland dijo:

Some of us only post when we can't find a solution via google - Hence the low post count.

I wasn't saying it for you, sir. It just bothers me that people don't participate in the community. If they did, they would possibly realize that what happens to them is already a known problem in the forum or that it is another problem ignored by the devs.

DE usually changes things when people complain in masses (which doesn't happen enough) as long as it has nothing to do with real money or purchases. Developers need to see what players think and understand that these bugs are not isolated problems, but most of the players are not interested in the forum at all. I can count the number of people I know who speak Spanish (which is my first language) who don't come to the forum to even get information about anything, the number is in hundreds and I'm sure the same thing happens with most of the people here.  

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On 2023-10-21 at 6:37 PM, CosoMalvadoNG said:

And that is why it makes me so angry when some A******s come and publish their post crying over nonsenses and saying that they have been playing since year 1 but they have only  2 posts. (translation: I don't care about the forum unless I want some nonsense)

The best feedback and bug reports I read is often from low post count players who spend their time to make their handful of infrequent posts count the most. It's such a useless metric to gauge game and community impact. Posts are either quality or not, and that's up for the writer to decide. Metrics like post count and reputation are entirely meaningless.

On 2023-10-17 at 2:21 PM, Tiltskillet said:

Anyway, my advice is:  Don't bug report if you don't feel like like it.  Instead look for previous bug reports on the same subject and bump those if that feels worthwhile.  Bug report what hasn't been reported already if you feel like it.  And try not to stress about outcomes.

My favorite feeling is when I try to find a previous bug report on a subject, and the previous post is my own or another player I know. Feelsbadman.

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19 minutes ago, Voltage said:

The best feedback and bug reports I read is often from low post count players who spend their time to make their handful of infrequent posts count the most. It's such a useless metric to gauge game and community impact. Posts are either quality or not, and that's up for the writer to decide. Metrics like post count and reputation are entirely meaningless.

My favorite feeling is when I try to find a previous bug report on a subject, and the previous post is my own or another player I know. Feelsbadman.

That's happened to me, lol. 

Not nearly as funny, but a semi-related feeling is when I've tried to find an old report I wrote on a bug that still exists and...it's gone.  Archived? Merged with another thread?  Bug was fixed but came back?  Bug was never fixed but the report was marked for random deletion as part of a """Bug Fixing Initiative"""?  Did I just imagine the whole thing and I should probably push the call button for my nurse?   It's fun to think about all the possibilities.

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hace 9 horas, Voltage dijo:

The best feedback and bug reports I read is often from low post count players who spend their time to make their handful of infrequent posts count the most. It's such a useless metric to gauge game and community impact. Posts are either quality or not, and that's up for the writer to decide. Metrics like post count and reputation are entirely meaningless.

Bug a report and a crying post are the same for you? ok.

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