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What made you play Warframe?


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I was an avid destiny player and then started spiraling out of control, lots of ingame chores and grind that made me honestly not want to play, plenty of other games at the time started doing micro transactions and gotcha gimmicks to a point i just stopped playing games. some vets got me to download it on xbox when it launched there and ive been on since 

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Was watching Sony's E3 2013 presentation, then this banger hit:

Then I learned it was the intro (kinda). What a beautiful experience, took Loki for a spin, although it didn't quite click back then.

...until they released Nekros. Then they got me for good :p

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I started in 2014.  My TF2 buddies were looking at other games to play together for a change, and a few of us decided to give Warframe a go because it was free and not PVP.  Most of the others dropped off quickly, I don't know why but they didn't really get into it -- but I loved the movement and the asthetic, so I played a bit solo every now and then.  I got my teenager into it, as it was one of the few co-op games we could find that we both enjoyed... so we sporadically played.

Then a couple of years ago a friend I made in another game was looking for something else to play together, saw we both had Warframe, so we started playing - and that gave me renewed interest to become obsessed :D

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I think it was the fact that you could shoot and hack n slash was the main pull for me. I thought all the characters looked cool and when I saw they could all be heavily customized it pinged that spot in my brain that Bionicles did. And that was it from there. At this point I think I've now played Warframe on every platform besides Xbox Series and Mobile.

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Back in 2013 I saw an open beta for a dark sci-fi shooter. A game that no longer exists.

It was engaging, I still remember how Infested Ancients would let out a screeching roar before they starting charging towards you. I've always enjoyed space so seeing the interpretation of real planets, moons and bodies was really cool. Sadly, the game wasn't very long so I beat it and stopped.

I recently came back from a long nearly 5 year break. I blew through all content, farmed most frames, all primes, all rep. Just blew through what was the last half of this game's life-span in the 10 years I've played about as quickly as that very first play through. I'm down to some long annoying farms and weeklies.

I myself am just stalling from going into another commission or mod job. My last one Conflux took up 4 years.
I have a community waiting for me to do something with BG3 but I don't feel like coding around Larian's bugs right now.

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Back in 2016 I saw a clip on some site which I can't remember , I thought the gameplay and visuals were interesting and considering it was free I tried it out.

Three PCs and 8 years later I am still here, cause it is still fun enough to play and not terrible enough to uninstall.

It's my go to game to just entertain myself with no particular objective in mind.

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I think I had a friend recommend it to me back in 2013, or it's possible I saw the open beta announcement on Steam - I didn't have a particularly good system at the time (one of those cheap acer aspire laptops a friend had given me since the screen got broken, that I hooked it up to a monitor via VGA) but even at like 15fps I had some fun with the stealth mechanics and combat loop at the time, and I liked the idea of the whole "space ninja" theme.

Got back into things again when the plains of eidolon content dropped, and have played some on and off (sometimes there be content drought, it is what it is) ever since!

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Uuuh… I started the game long years ago, at the time when I played Destiny 1 with my Friends. But it didn’t cought me and I always compared it with D1 😅


few weeks ago, after new year, my GF asked me, if I want to play it. „Yeah can try… let’s see, for how long“ 


welp. I just love that game xD 

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I was ignoring Warframe completely when it started poping up on internet, Steam etc. I thought it is some "trash" F2P game. I didn't know that DE is the developer.

But once I saw poster with Excalibur holding Glaive. Memory about DarkSector game popped-up in my mind. I immediatelly installed warframe and start playing.

I really enjoyed DarkSector and other DE games like Darkness 2...

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I started a little over two years ago just after my mom passed away.  I kept seeing ads and stuff for it, started digging deeper and finally decided to give it a try.

Turned to be a really good stress reliever at the time.

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Discussed the state of the game of Marvel Heroes with a former dev from that game and WF was mentioned by him as the game done right at practically all points. And since this was coming from a former dev of MH, which was also the game done right at the time when looking at gameplay loops, monetization, progress and so on I couldnt really doubt what was said. So when MH eventually kicked the bucket after getting lugered by the Mouse, I figured I'm give WF a shot since it was so well spoken of. 

And now going on my 7th year with WF I cant really say I've regretted testing it out. Heck, I've played few other games during these years, it gives me just enough of an MMO fix wihtout being an MMO and it has addicting combat and movement to say the least. It has that thing I cant really place my finger on, the same thing that MH had but games like PoE, Diablo and so on lack. You know that thing that makes you feel a certain way about something. Yeah that exactly.

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Originally, I was looking for an alternative to World of Warcraft because I was feeling burnt out from the game and couldn't justify paying the monthly subscription anymore. So I looked around for any free to play games available and Warframe caught my eye. Both in gameplay and aesthetic. The fact it's a totally free game without any paywalls was immediately attractive as well.

I started playing the Nintendo Switch version but later changed to the PC version due to the terrible performance and load times.


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In 2013, I saw a bunch of thumbnails for ads for Warframe, but never watched any and avoided the game because I generally didn't trust the prospect of free to play.
Later on, a group I was apart of at the time recommended the game to me, so I figured I could try it out because it was free, and if it wasn't good, I'd just back out of it.
So, I gave it a shot the day after Christmas.

Well, turns out it was the exact sort of game I had been waiting for at the time, as I had really enjoyed concepts like Left 4 Dead and Alien Swarm, ie kitting out for a mission beforehand in a team of four, but I didn't like how limited Alien Swarm was, in its balance for coop and few missions to complete, but Warframe was still fun to play solo, and because the missions generated on procedural tilesets and there was more than 1 enemy faction, it had a way to present more variety for generally less work on the devs' part.
Even though it's the same rooms on a given tileset, just the simple layout, enemy, and objective changes, coupled with variety of player loadout, helped keep things from getting too monotonous.
(especially  back when missions had more happenstance, like Battle Damage/Coolant Leaks, and mid-mission objective & faction changes.)

As well, its 'living world' mechanics, like Alerts, Invasions, and Events, coupled with in-mission transmissions from Lotus and the Bosses of the enemy factions, all culminated in a very immersive experience, even without a proper plot at the time.
(I'd even argue, the Quests ended up hurting my sense of immersion to the game, especially as they increasingly focused on the Operator)

And all of it was wrapped up in this exceptionally cool biocyberpunk post-apoc sci-fi setting with a truly unique art style and presentation.

All of that compelled me to continue playing.
Unfortunately, the game's direction now doesn't compel me, as it has become increasingly distracted with things that don't build on that initial experience and otherwise undermine the identity the game used to have, so I only sparsely return to keep informed and play the old things I still enjoy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your answers!

It helped me understand why people started playing Warframe (as I think I already said). Some reasons were surprising (some the way I didn't think about that).
Anyways, it didn't really satisfied my curiosity, but I'm happy a lot answered (yeah, I hoped some new players would answer, but not a lot did).

That's all I have to say. Just, thank you all for answering it and shared with me your little story about why you started Warframe.

If more of you wants to share his story, just share it, I'll always keep this post open on my browser and I'll check it often.

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When this game was new I found it when I was searching in vain for new space sims and some stupid magazine had it listed as a space game that lets you pilot a ship.


But it had throwing stars, so I stayed until my kids got into it and I discovered the spawn-for-plat mechanics, so we dropped it, because I'm just not doing that. I don't mind paying for things I like, but that's just too on the nose, especially when the servers didn't seem to like all of us connecting at the same time back then and the lag/glitch deaths started adding up.


And then years later I came back, my problem with it was long resolved, and railjack was in the game so I actually got to fly a spaceship after all.

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Stumbled into it randomly way back before the current star chart setup.

Got addicted to swinging an Exalted Blade back then, sadly my PC died on me before I got too deep into it, then I ported my progress to the Switch, played on and off on the Switch since it launched there and came full circle recently with cross save dropping.

And I'm still swinging my Exalted Blade like a madman to this day.

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A few different people, as in friends or people in other Communities I frequent would bring it up favourably. Then when I saw the aesthetic and heard about the movement tech, and the idea that the creative people behind the team, were more consumer and player friendly and orientated and seemed more legit and less greedy than many other game devs/companies, I decided to give it a go. 

I actually usually prefer more solo orientated, RPG's, JRPG's, action adventures, story focused games, so in many ways, Warframe is checks a lot of firsts for me, as far as ongoing games, FTP models, grindy style games. Which I am usually weary of, but its also kind of nice to have this game as something to fall back on and look forward to big updates, (even if sometimes it becomes my "main game" for a little white). Which is distressing to my backlog of games. 

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I saw a random Play Station Plus freebie platinum/cosmetic pack, and grabbed it, not knowing what it was. (I had seen advertisements for Warframe in the past, and it always looked like one of those PVP type games, so I had no interest in it.)

Then I decided to check out some gameplay on youtube. I had recently quit Destiny2, as the only reason I played it was because my roommate did, but it was a stinker... (one of the quotes from a video I saw, was, "Warframe is like Destiny, but with your super on the whole time.") and I hate shooters in general... the gameplay, on the other hand, showed plenty of melee combat... and the primary weapon that I saw, that drew me to the game was the Dual Bladed Polearm. You see... I'm writing a book series and coding my own games, and in them, the main characters use Dual Bladed Polearms... it's my favorite weapon type of all time; so I kinda had to play Warframe.

So began my time in Warframe. (apparently, this was shortly after the release of the Plains of Eidolon, though that had nothing to do with why I started playing.)

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