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Are there any tiles you are particularly fond of?


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This tile in the Grineer Galleon was the the room of my first 1h+ survival and every time I'm here I think about that mission. 

I had just recently started playing WF would run dark sector survivals for credit farm. I was probably somewhere around MR5-9 and I couldn't run 20 min missions without getting carried for that last rotation. I joined a random pub squad, did my basic 10-20 min run and started heading to extract when the other plays told me to come back and they would carry me. I wanted more credits so I headed back. 

They marked this spot up here where I could safely watch the carnage. This was back when Catchmoon and spin 2 win were kings. Seeing cathmoon fireballs flying all over the place and I knew I wanted that. After the mission I got the rundown on kitguns, got build links and had something to work towards. Got my new shiny catchmoon and DE immediately nerfed it. Didn't matter though, I was already hooked on pushing myself in long runs by that point. I just learned that nothing is permanent in WF. Mean old space mom will break your toys every time you start having too much fun. 

Anyways, this tile is a special place for me since it set me down the path of running stupid long endless missions. 


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pretty much any of the tilesets from Lua onwards, and the Void: the Void holds a special place for me because it reminds me of the old void key farming days (and also make me feel old when I remember that was nearly a decade ago now.. Lua looks fantastic, as does the Sentient Murex Tileset, reminds me of DOOM Eternal in the best way.

my favourite by far though is the Entrati labs: despite running every Netracell there's ever been, the clan event and all the time spent farming there, I'm still not tired of those gilded halls and that mix of Orokin, Gothic and Frankenstein's lab influences, mixed with the neutral-coloured nothing-sands and drab rock of the murmur's influence. it's utterly stunning, and whatever the tileset team are paid, they earned every last cent of it!

weakest members of tileset team and Keith Power's music crew be like:

My Honest Reaction GIF



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3 tiles:

- Void

- Zariman

- Wally


Void is (or at least were) my go-to place to level up in slower time. Enemies are strong enough(30-40). With prime frames you have energy boost (good if you don't want to use pizzass & co). Tleset is simple, without too much noise. It looks amazing.


Zariman were tileset that I spend a lot of time. There were so much time looking for secrets and exploring. We get Angels that were interesting fight. Plus it was rewarding.


Entrati labs (Wally) is interesting one. I wish we got more of it (open world?). There is some places where I go "wow, that's a fingers" or "hmm... that looks like...".


Not tileset but Duviri (Drifter gameplay) looks amazing. It's one of open world that looks alive (a little at least). If we could enter homes, explore ruins etc it would be even better.



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In terms of my favorite aesthetically + gameplay wise? Probably the Murex. It looks great and plays well with large doors and little geometry to catch yourself on. Tiles like the Entrati Labs remind me of the Kuva Fortress to be quite honest.

In terms of nostalgia? Probably a tie between Grineer Shipyard Interception (old Draco tile) and the Infested Salvage tileset that is from The Jordas Verdict. Lots of memories and progression made as a newer player in those tiles.

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2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

In terms of my favorite aesthetically + gameplay wise? Probably the Murex. It looks great and plays well with large doors and little geometry to catch yourself on. Tiles like the Entrati Labs remind me of the Kuva Fortress to be quite honest.

In terms of nostalgia? Probably a tie between Grineer Shipyard Interception (old Draco tile) and the Infested Salvage tileset that is from The Jordas Verdict. Lots of memories and progression made as a newer player in those tiles.

As for aesthetics and gameplay I have to pick the Void. I'm a long term void dweller, Mot is my home away from home while I'm at home. It's not cluttered so there is nothing to get stuck on, enemy flow is great, easy passive relic farm and it's well lit. It's just a pleasure to play on

I also have a soft spot for kuva fortress, Farmed a lot of kuva and rolled a lot of rivens. It was different than other missions in that team comp for kuva survival had roles. I wanted someone to protect converted life support towers, someone who's only job was to deal with kuva guardians, a limbo to banish anyone that needed to stand up and afk for a minute and someone else who was in it for the long haul. 

The tile in the pic also reminds me of orphix venom. That was fun putting together groups and actually using voice chat to coordinate. Spamming abort for tiles sucked but as a whole I enjoyed that event. 

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The Void is pretty much the only tileset that I can play endlessly, every other one while ranging from good to ok will grate on my nerves eventually.

But if there were a tileset I'd like to see massively reworked it would be the Corpus Ice Planet tiles...they're so utterly jagged and irritating to navigate.

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20 minutes ago, Berzerkules said:

As for aesthetics and gameplay I have to pick the Void. I'm a long term void dweller, Mot is my home away from home while I'm at home. It's not cluttered so there is nothing to get stuck on, enemy flow is great, easy passive relic farm and it's well lit. It's just a pleasure to play on

I also have a soft spot for kuva fortress, Farmed a lot of kuva and rolled a lot of rivens. It was different than other missions in that team comp for kuva survival had roles. I wanted someone to protect converted life support towers, someone who's only job was to deal with kuva guardians, a limbo to banish anyone that needed to stand up and afk for a minute and someone else who was in it for the long haul. 

The tile in the pic also reminds me of orphix venom. That was fun putting together groups and actually using voice chat to coordinate. Spamming abort for tiles sucked but as a whole I enjoyed that event. 

The Void is certainly the same vibe as Murex for me. It does feel a little dated though, especially with the lack of added gamemodes to the tile. Lua just doesn't hit the same.

The Kuva Fortess provided me some fun memories back in the day with some stuff, but I just find it to be a claustrophobic Grineer tile at the end of the day.

Yeah, Operation coordination is a rare, yet fun time in this game. It's a shame it has become a thing of the past. Rolling tilesets has always been a problem in events. 

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Void is a place I spent many hours and still get the feels when I go there. It both looked good and played good.

I always had a soft spot for Ceres Grineer Ship yard and of course Galleon, Corpus Outpost/Ship have the nostalgia.

I hate Lua cuz there's so much wasted space to travel through. Don't like Kuva cuz it's too cramped.

Only new tileset I guess I like is Zaramin though it can border on both wasted space and too cramped.

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Recency bias here but Albrecht's Laboratories extraction tile and its backroom. Tons of Vocas because of going there. Nothing else really stands out to me. I'll play with whatever tile I get except for a couple. There is a couple where I know the cache spot is but those are second-hand nature to me now and not ones that I will 100% always go out of my way for.


On the flipside, in terms of tiles I hate with a passion? Oh boy there is a handful off the top of my head I could list.


It looks like some people have misinterpreted your question, tileset refers to the environment pool the individual tiles are used to generate the map whereas tile refers to a specific tile within that batch that always remains the same. One you get a feel for the connections it is easy to distinguish one tile from another. For example, Grineer Galleon is a Tileset whereas something like the Orokin Speed Drift room or an extraction room is composed entirely within a tile.

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That’s a hard one. I love the claustrophobic and enclosed fighting that can happen in Grineer tilesets and stuff like some of the Zariman, but the more-open ones like Jupiter and Void and the new one also have their own appeal due to how much space there is to move and how more long-range combat gets a chance to happen, and in general there’s a fairly good mix of both enclosed and wide open across the whole range of tiles.

 🤔 I do like tiles that have elements of the area being designed for characters that don’t bulletjump everywhere and have to walk, where platforms and catwalks and stairs and stuff are incorporated into the tileset; it makes the area feel lived in, but also provides alternative paths and areas to strike from and hide in, and provides more of a playground for bouncing around in. So with that in mind, I think it’s easier to say tilesets I’m least a favourite of than which ones I like the most, and the tilesets I’m least a favourite of is the massive open ones where it’s just a big empty hall or room; even some of the crates and boxes and stuff on the Corpus ships in the middle of the wide hallway can be appreciated. I get that big empty areas with little to bounce on or snake around have their use, but they can only be so entertaining for so long, and I jump into a different tileset often just to experience some different level design, bonus points if it’s a movement playground

Edited by Merkranire
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5 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

It looks like some people have misinterpreted your question, tileset refers to the environment pool the individual tiles are used to generate the map whereas tile refers to a specific tile within that batch that always remains the same. One you get a feel for the connections it is easy to distinguish one tile from another. For example, Grineer Galleon is a Tileset whereas something like the Orokin Speed Drift room or an extraction room is composed entirely within a tile.

I was kind of getting at a specific tile that people remembered for whatever reason but tileset is fine as well. It would be cool to see pics of a room with a story behind why they remember that specific tile. I know that tilesets have been redesigned and and it's not going to be easy to post pics.

In the pic i posted in OP, I remember standing up there looking down at players farther along in the game than I was and wanting to get to where they were and beyond. I was watching the chaos thinking that if I just got better and farmed better gear I could go as long as I wanted to. Standing up there on that specific tile set me on a path for how I play this game and what I build for. 

I just hopped into a survival fissure when I logged in today and got all nostalgic. Wanted to share that and get others to remember some good times playing WF.

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Back when I first started playing I loved to spend a lot of time on Stribog in the Void and search for the hidden cache, so any Void tileset is my favorite including the derelict void tilesets. However, since completing TNW and having to spend countless hours on Cambion Drift farming for my beloved Voidrig the Drift is my most favorite place of all. That's where I go when I want some "comfort gameplay" lol oddly enough. Also, since I've learned that Helene is a great place to level up any new frames or equipment and I've been spending an inordinate amount of time there I've become pretty attached to that tileset as well. I really like it for defense missions because it is complicated enough to make it challenging (not just open space) but it's not so complicated that it drives me insane (Gulliver, I'm looking at you). That said, I'm also really enjoying the new orokin tilesets in the Sanctum Anatomica.

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Old corpus tile.. I miss it. It's still kind of there on Venus but that's the open version.

I just totally despise new tilesets and their huge empty rooms. I wish they'd go back to making smaller, less bloated tiles. 

Early Warframe was simple in that regard, which was what made the game for me.

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

Old corpus tile.. I miss it. It's still kind of there on Venus but that's the open version.

I just totally despise new tilesets and their huge empty rooms. I wish they'd go back to making smaller, less bloated tiles. 

Early Warframe was simple in that regard, which was what made the game for me.

They make big empty rooms so that warframes like Zephyr and Yareli have more space to manuveur. That said the poor enemy spawn rate and navigation AI make these rooms a headache to play with.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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It would be difficult for me to pick favorite tiles unless they're defense missions.

After spending hours and hours in endless missions I learned to enjoy multiple spots in each of the older tilesets.

Some are iconic like this one which makes me think of R5's.



There was also the Corpus Defense with two railings high above each side of the objective. I haven't seen that one in years.

Ceres Defense where the objective moves back and forth on a rail is iconic too from Dark Sectors though I didn't exactly enjoy that one.
If I recall that same tileset is where the Rift Sigil Event was held which is also why it sticks in my memory.

Oh... How could I forget the Sedna Mobile Defense tile with 3 "Artifact" objectives back in Damage 1.0.
That was the hardest mission back in the day. Grineer running out of all those doors. Seeker units rolling grenades into the room constantly.

To this day. That mission is the only one I failed more than once. I failed that thing like 6 times in a row. Brutal.

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1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:

any tileset that's wide and tall enough is instantly iconic for me because there's enough room for Yareli to just skate through with 0 issue. 

Speaking of, I did a run of Yareli on Zariman the other day (was helping a friend farm plasm). Let's just say... I probably won't do that again.

26 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

Old corpus tile.. I miss it. It's still kind of there on Venus but that's the open version.

I just totally despise new tilesets and their huge empty rooms. I wish they'd go back to making smaller, less bloated tiles. 

Early Warframe was simple in that regard, which was what made the game for me.

The game doesn't support small, enclosed areas anymore. Mobility is one of the core features of the game now, and that necessitates more open and clean environments so the player doesn't wind up smashing into walls and clutter every few seconds.

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Void for the music and was where I used to test run builds.

Zariman for the environment and the lighting as well as AotZ being my favorite update.

The new Wally zones are really nice too.

Overall, I do prefer bigger, more open zones to hide how bad I am at bullet jumping.

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Always loved the void tower tileset, has the bling factor.

Zariman is visually stunning, has the ancient void ship feel with familiarity and ghosts

Entrati labs tileset is pretty cool, DE art and sound department were always the best.

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9 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

WHAT zariman is one of the better tilesets for her. why not? 

So. Many. Edges to get caught up on while zoomin' around. Also, since we were plasm farming, we were doing Cascades... Needless to say, it was quite troublesome in the atrium rooms where the Exolizers would constantly despawn Merulina. I feel like Armageddon would have similar issues (especially in the Relic's chamber), but the rest of the modes would probably be a bit less problematic.

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Entrati Labs are very pretty and I love how it's a hybrid locale with the rocky caverns mixed with the high-tech labs, excited that we're getting more of it soon!

Void Towers, love the design and I love all the hidden rooms/obstacle courses.

Undercroft, love that it's a bunch of chunks ofDuviri ripped into another area of the void, the giant map with all buildings is one of my favorites. And the music is sooooooooo good.

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