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What's your top 3 changes DE ever made?

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My personal 3 are:


• the melee range changes, making more weapons than just heavy blades and polearms viable 

• the sentinel/pet changes which made it so they can't permanently die, since then I've been using Helios Prime non-stop 

• auto melee. Previously, I couldn't play longer than a few minutes without my hands starting to hurt from using melee. Now I can actually do longer sessions again without any issues.


I literally couldn't play without those changes anymore 😅 

What's your top 3? 

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It's been a while since I really liked any new stuff or changes.

The only area of the game I think needs a real hard kick-in-the-pants is the trading system, so I guess my change would be

  • Dojo spawn pad (it doesn't fix the "spawn in railjack" bug that made trading a pain but at least now there's a way to bypass it for slightly-more-reliable trading)
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Posted (edited)

1. Allowing Lycath's Hunt to work with Ulfrun's Descent on Voruna. Makes it a lot easier to stack Blessing and gain energy through Equilibrium.

2. Being able to build up Vex Armor with Ranged and Melee kills. Never thought I'd see the day so thank you, Dante.

3. Keeping the bug that let everyone in a squad gain Requiem Murmurs from Thrall Kills. They almost patched it out for good.

Edited by TeaHands
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Posted (edited)

Probably alone on this one: void sling. Void dash while undeniably faster, felt a little unpolished to me. Sling just feels smoother and better punctuated.

The nerf of heavy weapon ammo. (See all threads regarding wukong afk themed rants.) (Still makes me smile and laugh.)

Steve's various lighting fixes through all the years.

Edited by PrideB4TheFall
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Honestly there are so many great changes that have been made over the years that it's a challenge to narrow it down to just 3; the game has truly come so far.  But here goes:

#1 is probably Parkour 2.0.  I really love the way movement feels in this game, and as cool as they looked, getting rid of the canned wall-runs and adding bullet jump, aim glide, double-jump, etc is so much of what I love about playing Warframe.

A close #2 has to be auto-melee.  As a person with arthritis, I was severely limited in which weapons and builds I could use because your average well-built weapon required mashing the button at a rate that ranged from uncomfortable to painful for me.  Now I can use any weapon and I'm loving it.

Picking #3 is where it gets really hard, but I think I'll go with the recent Pet Rework.  Pets are in an amazing state right now, and giving how much support they can offer, that impacts just about every Warframe experience I have.

(I anticipate that in a few months #3 will be the damage rework that Pablo was teased.  But that obviously hasn't happened yet, and we won't know how that goes until we get there)

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1. Moving from void keys to void relics

2. Diversifying arcane acquisition; going from exclusively obtained from raids  to what we have have now

3. Moving derelicts to Deimos instead of having to craft a key all the time, god send for newer players

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Bullet jump. Or the parkour rework in general. But I probably wouldn't be still playing wf without the movement in this game.

More of a mindset change then one specific thing but acknowledging that portion of the playerbase that likes to push the difficulty a bit further and getting content based around that. Arbies were the test run for this type of content. And we got stuff like archons, sp, netracells, and deep archimedea etc cause player reception was positive.

Vacuum changes. Went from a single sentinel, all sentinels, all companions. And man I can't imagine going back.


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1. Changing Garuda's passive from how low her HP% is to keeping her kills coming.
No more dying to a unit that hit me with a toxin weapon because I was sitting at 2hp or thinking I shouldn't bother increasing max hp since I'll just being sitting at 2 anyways.

2. Companions not being limited on revives.
Just the fact they can revive without any mods equipped opened them up more, plus the bond mods.

3. The Gearwheel Teleport.
Plenty of times I've gone to my dojo to do a trade and had to navigate to the nearest teleporter because it didn't put me near the trading hub. Now I just open the gearwheel and choose Trading Post and I'm there.

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Archwing launcher being reusable as opposed to crafting hundreds of them.

Helminth system. So many builds, and in general my favorite system

Void relics. Fair, fun and easy primes? Yes please.

Those are my top 3, but there's so many good changes. Fixing / reworking frames could be it's own thread. Things I wasn't around for like parkour 2.0, or paid self revives. Open world's or like scarlet speR

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I agree with the 3 points from OP and I wanna add.

1. The latest improvements to disruption

2. Incarnon Adapters

3. Helminth (everything tied to the system)

4. Melee Arcanes

5. SP

6. SP  Fissures

7. Omnia Fissures

Sorry for a top 10. There are more aswell but limiting it to below 10 was just too difficult.

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  • Dodge / Roll

Not specifically bullet jumping and I miss wall running but the ability to actively dodge incoming attacks was a game changer.

  • Endless Missions

Even though they're pretty much dead now it still makes up some of my favorite times playing the game instead of spamming.

  • Removing Ability mods

It was so limiting having to choose which abilities to use with limited mod slots. Most often picking two at most.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb sly_squash:

It's been a while since I really liked any new stuff or changes.

The only area of the game I think needs a real hard kick-in-the-pants is the trading system, so I guess my change would be

  • Dojo spawn pad (it doesn't fix the "spawn in railjack" bug that made trading a pain but at least now there's a way to bypass it for slightly-more-reliable trading)

definitely shards. Because the company has no idea about Blanace anyway. But at least with shards, many Warframes are finally playable in SP...

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Melee 2.99999996. I am no longer stuck in attack animation.

Eclipse changes. Finally, my squishy frames have some decent and reliable damage reduction.

Moddable Exaulted weapons. Wow this changed everything since Exaulted weapons can be specialize. 

Titania controls. I prefer the old control scheme. So much easier to circle an enemy.

Self damage removed. Yeah launcher weapon and Arbitration don't mix.

Blueprint changes in Cetus. Yeah it was annoying before the changes. One less hurdle to jump before getting an item.

Standing cap changes. 20k Standing daily cap is great. Sure beats 1000 x Mastery Rank.

Railjack. There's too many to list.


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12 hours ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

My personal 3 are:


• the melee range changes, making more weapons than just heavy blades and polearms viable 

• the sentinel/pet changes which made it so they can't permanently die, since then I've been using Helios Prime non-stop 

• auto melee. Previously, I couldn't play longer than a few minutes without my hands starting to hurt from using melee. Now I can actually do longer sessions again without any issues.


I literally couldn't play without those changes anymore 😅 

What's your top 3? 

1: moving weekly archon shards to Cavia, thereby putting an endpoint on the most hateful grind in the game (Kahl). 

2: nerfing Maiming Strike, enough said. 

3: automelee. 

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  1. Parkour 2.0
    Warframe wouldn't be what it is without its movement system.
  2. Token shops
    The relatively recent proliferation of token shops is a huge step forward in reducing the negative impacts of RNG.
  3. Cinematic quests
    Less because they're cool, more because they're one of those big technical leaps forward that changed what the game is.
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1. Abilities being a permanent part of your kit and rather than being "mods" that you equip.

2. Companion rework (things beyond charm and vulpaphyla immortality being useful).

3. Primed Chamber added to Baro rotation. This mod was trading for somewhere north of 40k platinum at one point

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