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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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Will we ever see an Excal variant that's available to everyone?

Let it be the Vandall and Wraith Versions :D

Stories could be:

Alad V was successful at catching a Tenno...

We know its our all-rounder Excalibur... He tried to build one for his own... He was successful there too... U will need to face Alad V and make sure u take all the Warframe Parts with u... He will be a strong fighter....

Tyl Regor, founder of the clone programm extracted the DNA of our Tennos, we could destroy a lot of the DNA sets but we were told he is now building a version of our Excalibur... Make sure he will never start series production...

Maybe change some words that don't fit ^^

Would be awesome to see smth like this

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Thanks DE for your hard work from time to time and we love you guys, about coming up devstream i have several question

1. What the next warframe gonna be? Typhus?


2. Can we keep our old UI and new UI in the setting?

3. About Archwing, is there gonna be "Gundam" battle mechanic in space or you guys have another idea?


4. Can we have passive abilities in each warframe? so its gonna be 5 abilities, for example ember passive abilities can reduce fire damage, or excalibur can run faster with his passive abilities


5. I think i'm really missed NEMESIS from Dark Sector so much, please DE add him again as enemies or as fellow Tenno xD


6. When the new enemies will come?


Thats all for now i really hope Warframe gonna be greater than ever xD

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2. Can we keep our old UI and new UI in the setting?

Question 2. From what I've seen I've noticed there's a lot of people who missed the old UI. Mostly the design of the health, shield and energy tab and the starchart. Would it be possile in the future updates to allow people to switch between the current UI and the old one with a click of a button?

Switches are always good... I wouldnt use it, but I think a lot of players would like it ;)

Edit: added another quote

Edited by creepereater3399
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Hopping back on thr forums just for this question


Will excal get  a REAL buff or rework anytime soon?


His damaging abilities are still sub par  and lack utility  : why use slash dash for travel distance when SUper jump which costs  way less  can get you further if you parkour with it. + Super jump has more versatility.


ANd Radial Javelin : It should puncture or stun enemies at least. + More damage of course.



But slash dash is the ability that has to be buffed somehow 

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People want to know about:


Colorblind friendly new UI (mod colors)


Improvements to the new mods interface usability in general


WHEN are the new Excavation missions and Tactical Alerts drop on the game? 


Are the power cell carriers going to carry Life Support on Survivals (NO RNG for life support)?

(they could be called medics or something)


More balance tweaks, more frequent balance tweaks.


And the next Prime warframe, of course. 


Vectis Prime, WHEN?


Improvements to RNG/drop tables, WHEN?


Have you gouy talked about my idea for a quest for veteran players to procure for a specific part - THAT PART?


Any plans to implement that?

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Only things I care about.

RNG Status problem. It may not be RNG but it sure as hell feels like it when your using the Grakata.

Braton Prime Buf%&^e.
(Status boost, Damage boost, Another Damage boost. Crit boost. Some polarities.)

Secondary waypoint button for direction of Nekroses shadow minions.

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When will we get our fix on continuous beam weapons?

Seriously. They need to do damage per tick, they are beam weapons I.E constantly damage the target, moreover they need to have status applied to each and every damage number (Without nerfing current status chances). Beam weapons have become extremely illogical in relation to the way their damage is applied, It gives the enemies too much time to fight back, and allows for unrealistic enemy activity. And if it is too much to ask for damage to be applied per tick, then at least for the sake of all things holy and Warframe make Status Chance apply for each damage number.

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1 the drop rate of the neroul snsonr is too, low i do maybe 10 missions with onlt getting 1-3 sensors, its easier to get them of normal corpus troops, will you make the drop rate of them bigger?


2 The game is getting to easy for eng game players, especially if you got the right mods on the Boltor P, is it possible to make the enemies harder to kill on the last planets or in the void?

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I understand with Gamescon and Pax resources have been taxed but with those conventions out of the way can we get an ETA on the frustrating Starmap Alert UI bug?


Today I logged into Warframe saw an Alert on Eris with substantial time left, I clicked on a planet with an extractor to see the remaining time.  Upon hitting the ESC key to return to the starmap the Alert was no longer visible.


There are numerous other scenarios that result in Alerts no longer being displayed and the only work around on PC appears to be Quit Warframe and relaunch the game EVERY time.


This is getting very annoying and frustrating.

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1 the drop rate of the neroul snsonr is too, low i do maybe 10 missions with onlt getting 1-3 sensors, its easier to get them of normal corpus troops, will you make the drop rate of them bigger?


2 The game is getting to easy for eng game players, especially if you got the right mods on the Boltor P, is it possible to make the enemies harder to kill on the last planets or in the void?

1- I don't think that salad v was intended to be an 'easy' sensor farm. It should be easier to get rare drops (save for orokin cells) from normal troopers


2- please, no. Just no. if enemies in the game are buffed/debuffed according to one weapon (and of all the weapons, you chose the most unbalanced of them all, Boltor Prime) then this game would just be terrible. not only would players that wanted to play 'end-game' end up being required to use a Boltor Prime, but then every player would feel like they have to have Boltor Prime, or whatever weapon is choosen, which should never be the case.


Point is, if you're finding the game too easy by using the Boltor Prime, then stop using the Boltor Prime for awhile. There are other weapons out there and they're pretty darn good too.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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I believe a few streams ago Geoff addressed the concerns that a number of people had raised about flying enemies by mentioning that aerial attacks were being looked at.

Can we get confirmation whether this will happen and whether things like basic attack while performing parkour are being considered as well, for example slashing at the heads of Grineer while wall running over them?

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What was your reasoning with giving a kubrow a 3 hour recovery from stasis? I've seen this discussed in many threads and one example to change this could be that the kubrow has decreased damage/health during that 3 hour period, still making it usable for the 3 hours.


Also, please buff the Braton Prime. =]

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1.is will it be possible to make the huras kubrow's invis a duration on it instead of going away as soon as user shoots because 90% of the time we are shooting so it's so useless to have it on the off in less then a second.

2.can you make there a way to get back your formal or an unforma option because some of us forms too much and sometimes want to undo that but cannot

3. it to me makes no sense how valkyre can channel while meleeing but the channel mods have no effect on it can that be changed?

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Some questions may be repeats, but I think they are worth repeating.


1: Will there be any new sort of weapons to go with the archwing? Can these weapons be customized like the weapons on our loadouts?


2: Is there going to be a fix for elemental and status chance mods? A particular example is this

North wind (Melee Frost dmg 60%) 

Viscous Frost (Melee Frost dmg 60% + 60% status chance)


Another thing about the status chance mods is that some of them are reletively low like Rifle apptitude (15% status chance) I hope you consider this issue.


3: Is there a new warframe in the works? If so, what will the theme be?

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What the upcoming warframe is. You don't have to say their name, at least confirm there is one coming and maybe if its community made. 


Info on Archwings just like everyone else; I don't want a rail segment in this game.(Possible suggestion, you could start some missions on your archwing and move into the ship, or the opposite.)


New melee weapons that come from lacking weapon types(i.e. glaives, claws, nikanas, etc.)


Also feedback on what makes the Dragon Nikana, a "Dragon" weapon and if there any more Dragon weapons planned. I would love a Dragon Kronen!


Edit: Why can't we steal Regors plans to prevent DNA degradation(?) and use them on our Kubrows? It would make a lot of sense, maybe it can be a special item or drop from him that comes in a blueprint that we have to finish.

Edited by Haden56
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i dont know if someone already asked these questions but regarding the archwing what ideas do you guys have about it?


1st. Will there be different archwings that you can farm parts for and do they have different stats?

2nd. Are there archwing only weapons that you have to farm for or are those included in different archwing types

3rd. Are those weapons and the archwing modable and get specific mods?

4th. Will there be archwing only missions/tiles that you have to fly the whole time on?

5th. Will kubrows be in space too? With cool sunglasses and a kubrow space helmet and some jet engines? or

6th. will there be archwing only sentinels/ turrets

7th. Will there be specific skills for the archwing that you can only activate when you are in the archwing part of the mission and do those differ depending on which warframe/archwing you have equipped?(like a 1/2/3/4 ability that is totaly different if you use archwing A/B or nova/rhino (examples) or maybe A/nova differ from B/nova and youll add a whole new set of skills that you can combine and work with?


P.S: pls add the kubrows plsplspslpslspslpslsplspslsplspls

Edited by Seyenas
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