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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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Like all other conclave gamemodes, Lunaro doesn't give any worthwhile rewards. While I'll still personally play it because it's extremely fun, I doubt that it's going to last due to the lack of rewards.

Rewards could be as simple as making the Conclave XP gain alot higher than what it is now. Or even make Lunaro only points which could be used to buy Arcata skins or maybe even put on sale different variations of Arcatas with different stats (which should obviously be balanced like a Arcata which makes the ball travel faster but also has a much smaller time window before the Lunaro explodes).


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Hey just a heads up everyone - we are going to deploy the first Lunaro Hotfix soon that has some fixes as well as changing Lunaro to 3v3 just to see if people prefer that. It significantly reduces the chaos. We also have a growing to-do list in regards to Check spam, etc, so stay tuned! I mean it when I say thank you so much for all the thoughts so far, and thanks to anyone who played with me!

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1 hour ago, Zeroseer said:

6. There is to many people on the field! 4v4 is way to chaotic and crowded, though this may be more of an issue with #3... consider 3v3 or maybe even 2v2

This wouldn't be such an issue if a player on each team dedicated their match to guarding their team's goal. I've encountered some people who do this and I have tried myself but man the melee spam mixed with terrible hosts makes it chaotic to say the least. 

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Like all other conclave gamemodes, Lunaro doesn't give any worthwhile rewards. While I'll still personally play it because it's extremely fun, I doubt that it's going to last due to the lack of rewards.

Rewards could be as simple as making the Conclave XP gain alot higher than what it is now. Or even make Lunaro only points which could be used to buy Arcata skins or maybe even put on sale different variations of Arcatas with different stats (which should obviously be balanced like a Arcata which makes the ball travel faster but also has a much smaller time window before the Lunaro explodes).

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13 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

rewards parkour skill in a few areas, especially trying to catch flyballs

The problem is you cant use some advanced parkour skills, but you are more used to pvp parkour so i would expect an answer like that from you. many use air-slide for mid-air-control and the short aim-glide is also annoying.


16 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

It's the worst possible feeling when you end up throwing it for a goal and a teammate behind you catches it.

this is probably the biggest problem right now, there should be 2 controls, one to pass and the normal throw.

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I'm going to keep my opinions on Lunaro short and not-so-sweet.

I don't like it. Why don't I like it? Because I could not find and finish a single game since the update came out without being outnumbered and having one or more opponents stunlock me in a corner with the absolutely ridiculous swing spam while the other member(s) just casually kept scoring goal after goal. I cannot bullet jump away. I cannot swing back a single time. I cannot roll away. On the RARE occasion they stopped swinging JUST long enough for me to get away- they just shoulder rushed straight back into me and stunlocked me again.


You want Lunaro to be successful? Get those dedicated servers out. Do not let a game happen without even numbers and full teams. Reduce the insane swing stun spam. And for the love of all that is holy- do NOT put mods that are going to give people an advantage in it like you did with conclave 2.0.


As it is now- in my eyes- unfortunately, Lunaro has failed miserably. Maybe that's to be expected from an initial release but having been gone from the game for a couple+ months since I couldn't stand the toxicity and lack of content anymore- and deciding to give U19 one last chance to draw me back into the game after pondering quitting for a year- this is the worst result that Lunaro possibly could have had for me.

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A better audio/visual que to indicate we have the ball would be great.  It's easy to tell when someone else has it (which is great), but it's difficult to tell when I end up with the ball.  Maybe a nice metallic ring only we can here when we catch the ball.

Checking is also really spammy.  Everything just becomes a mosh pit in front of the goal until someone manages to chuck the ball to the other side.  A cooldown or only allowing slide attacks (just examples, not saying these are the only options) would encourage defense to aim a bit more and allow offense to walk a step or two without getting bodied.

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1 hour ago, lvl999ArchNecromancerIRL said:

It's just players spaming melee and continuously staggering one another, as soon as you pick up the ball you immediately get staggered, you can't even pass the ball or anything before receiving a stagger move. Only the host ever manages to ancoplish anything due to the lag allowing him enough time to actually launch the ball before getting staggered. There is no strategy whatsoever in this state. Only players that are currently carrying the ball should be able to get staggered by melee strikes and there should be a 1 second invulnerability period after picking up the ball so you have at least enough time to finish the the ball pass animation.

I think I played with you (as a Host) and I have to say: I was having a VERY hard time actually making myself able to throw that ball.

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Only thing I can think to add (though its likely mentioned above, I didn't read everything) is its difficult to know who you teammates are and more pressing is people seem terrified to keep the ball for long and/or pass it.  Mostly because you can't really tell who you are passing it to.

Specifically whenever I see someone get the ball (on either team) their first action/instinct is to throw it as high and far as they can to the other end of the arena (court? whatever) where it will inevitably be intercepted.

One more thing, despite the tremors of holding the ball and being unable to pass sensibly I get the sense that people are more interested in getting goals/points for themselves rather than actually being a team player.

If standing is increased based on who gets the goal, it should be removed, it demotes team play.  I would much rather see my team pass it amongst ourselves to keep it away from the opposing side rather than feebly (or even successfully) trying for an out-of-zone-extra-point goal.  

The 5 second hot potato rule is nice but if the points don't reflect team-play then people won't bother with it.  In fact, give more standing for successful passes before goals or something.  Give bonus points/standing based on how many passes between teammates occur before said team scores a goal.

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I might recommend doing the pass only when you are using left click to "aim" then fire to pass. That way you can shoot with it being packed around the goal with out it throwing to a team mate that is on the screen.

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To be fair, it's probably so chaotic and clumsy mostly because people  haven't developed many strategies yet. It was said by the devs that skilled players will assign roles and position themselves around the field to work together. This would probably cut down on the insanity.

It will be interesting to see the match during the devstream to see if it's any deeper when played by experienced people.

That being said, it's not really my thing either. Probably just going to pass on it completely.

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7 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hey just a heads up everyone - we are going to deploy the first Lunaro Hotfix soon that has some fixes as well as changing Lunaro to 3v3 just to see if people prefer that. It significantly reduces the chaos. We also have a growing to-do list in regards to Check spam, etc, so stay tuned! I mean it when I say thank you so much for all the thoughts so far, and thanks to anyone who played with me!

Yah! Sounds great.

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1 hour ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Hitting the ball with the melee should not send it across the damn map.

This was made more for defence like in soccer: dont dominate the ball, just kick it away from near your goal. It would make better if there was someone on the other side waiting for someone on your team to grab it should you do that, because right now: people are clustering on top of it.

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39 minutes ago, ViralN9 said:

Issues I've had thus far.

  • Stagger spam, it's horrible and way, WAY too spammable.
  • There's a slight issue of teammate having their glove in vortex mode right behind me and when I throw a shot that could land in the goal they end up catching it through me.
  • Lag.

I have to agree with you , once I get the lunaro it gets knocked out of my arcata

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The biggest issues by far that I've noticed are:

1. The host has a pretty clear advantage.

2. More times than not, people don't know what goal they're supposed to be going for. More times than not, people have just been passing the ball to the enemy who are waiting by our goal to cap and easy point. There needs to be a better and clearer way to define this, especially with half time.


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for what its worth:

I played a few matches and am left wondering why I would ever want to play it again (for some reward begrudgingly perhaps). I agree with absolutely everything above...

bottom line is I don't think the warframe mechanics or engine are robust enough to handle something like this with grace at the moment. why didn't you work on those instead of creating a minigame showcasing their shortcomings i wonder?  Impossible to play without it feeling clumsy.

devalues the general badassery of warframe to me.



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The only problem I have with Lunaro so far is the slow movement speed. Yes we can charge and use other movement boosts, but the default speed just seems a little too slow for the game type. Right now it feel a bit too clunky.

Also, changing the melee so that you can't be stun locked in one place by a troll would be welcoming. It hurts my soul. 

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2 minutes ago, FrostBittenHero said:

The only problem I have with Lunaro so far is the slow movement speed. Yes we can charge and use other movement boosts, but the default speed just seems a little too slow for the game type. Right now it feel a bit too clunky.

Also, changing the melee so that you can't be stun locked in one place by a troll would be welcoming. It hurts my soul. 

The arenas are small though. If everyone is super fast then it would make it even worse D:

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5 hours ago, taiiat said:

immediate problems:

throwing the ball is bound to Melee Channel... would really be nice to have a completely separate Control Binding scheme for Conclave only or Lunaro only, or something.
for now to go between playing Lunaro and the rest of Warframe, i need to change my Controls...

trying to Air/Ground Dodge, either sideways or backwards still moves forward rather than the direction of the action. these are integral parts of Movement in Warframe, but in Lunaro they don't work?

i tried throwing the ball three times in a row at one point, and the ball didn't go anywhere, just stayed in the fishball of Players. the autopickup when being near a Ball might be involved? makes it really hard for anyone other than the Host to get the Ball out of a group of Players.

Bullet Jumps feel slightly sluggish. just a tiny bit faster would feel good. at this speed something feels wrong. perhaps even just animation wise.

color blind people will have a small nightmare seeing who is on what team while playing.



Latency causes enormous issues for Lunaro. getting the ball on your screen, but then it magically vanishing out of your hand a moment later and halfway across the map, Et Cetera.
someone even said they saw two balls for a fraction of a second.

just like everywhere else in Warframe, Animation Lock is Cancer.
if you get interrupted while performing [u/]any[/u] Animation, once the interrupt wears off, you will play the Animation again.
but in a PvP scenario this causes more of a problem, since every millisecond is crucial.
also can be beneficial for the Player, if i say, Shoulder Charge, get stunned, and then when the stun wears off i'm forced to Shoulder Charge again (instantaneously, basically robot reflexes for a second Charge) and get to hit more Players.

it's just really imperative that this gets fixed, finally. after 3 years and some change.



i kind've wish when the Ball was in view of the screen there was still some sort of HUD indicator of it's location. fast paced, so needs lightning fast identification of location.

when the Ball isn't on the screen, i wish the marker told you the Range from the Ball, so you know where you are vs it's location.
come to think of it, maybe it should tell you that when you're looking at it too.

if there's a bit of a melee going on or just Players close to each other, it's easy to end up with the Ball in your hands but not realize it.



i don't really think it's necessary but chances are someone will want a Minimap that shows the two Goals, Player locations, and Ball location.


by the by - i'm sure something'll happen to address the 'problem' with Melee - just make Players invulnerable to getting Staggered or Knocked down until they have fully recovered from it.
problem solved without just making the game boring due to lack of strategic options.

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Reposting my feedback from Reddit in the hopes that some of these things are addressed.



TL;DR is in the title (Lunaro Feedback: Nerf Checking, Add Warmups, Speed Up Progression)

Lunaro is alright, but it's already showing that DE didn't actually test with trolls and people that want to win.


Checking is stupid in it's current form. You can easily be stunlocked and there's no penalty for doing it to another player. Additionally, everything can be spammed, so people (obviously) spam their attacks. Several times I got the ball and was immediately checked, because it's beneficial to jump-kick straight into people and that's exactly what my opponents did. When the ball is thrown and lands most of the players rush to it, jump-kick into the middle, and throw the ball up again.

Some solutions:

  • A penalty when hitting a player that's been recently downed. This is a sport, after all. Teshin is a terrible ref! Give us a time-out box for players who are being particularly nasty.
  • Check immunity after standing up for a short time (1s).
  • Add check immunity for a short time after picking up the ball (1s).
  • Add Stamina for conclave. Bullet jumps and checks should drain stamina, as should being checked and throwing the ball.
  • Along with Stamina, add a block when you have the ball that can survive 1 check and drains stamina heavily

Match Size/Warmup Periods

Matches should never start 2v1. Being alone is a massive handicap because you can't guard and attack at the same time, while the enemy can play man-in-the-middle and totally ignore you. Additionally, a player could easily decide to stunlock you while his friend scores repeatedly.

This is supposed to be a sport, so matches shouldn't begin until the teams are balanced. To help with imbalances occurring mid-game, add an additional quitting penalty if the player quits during the match and provide a chance to bow out during halftime for an additional warmup period.

The warmup would also be a swell place for players to do sportsmanlike things like shake hands. Because this is a sport steeped in tradition, isn't it? Heck, give us a little standing when we do sportsmanlike things so there's a reason not to be a $&*^.

Spotting your Teammates

It's very hard to spot your teammates at a distance. We should have our frames team-colored or have some sort of constant UI marker.


Several times I went to throw the ball into the goal (at point blank!) and ended up passing to a teammate behind me. The auto-targeting needs to be reined in a little.


I feel like there should be a specific piece of equipment for dedicated goalies, but that's just me.


I played my first match with 2 goals and got second place, and earned a little over 1,000 standing. I feel like this is pretty slow, since I have to grind (there's that word again) a whole 70,000 standing just to rank up, much less purchase mods. I'll try again and update when I've got an idea how fast this will be progressing.

This is kind of the same with all of conclave, and isn't a problem DE can fix very easily. After all, when I purchase something in conclave I never need to purchase it again. A good solution would be purchasable equipment like energy pads and so on that can be used outside of conclave and a higher reward speed, maybe 2x or 3x.

There also shouldn't be a cap on standing-per-day in Conclave, especially if it's to be an alternate way to play the game. If you want us to play this junk, let us.


I really like these, and I like that there are several versions that progress in form. However, with leveling up to Typhoon being my main priority there's no way I can afford to spend my standing when I gain so little. For example, the Riv Min-Guard set costs as much standing as I need to make Hurricane, and that's just the first armor set!

Misc Things

Where is all the cheering coming from?

There's no way to check the individual scoreboard.


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It needs some balancing plus its kinda difficult to see whether you have the ball or not with all the bright lights and everyone smashing into each other

Plus I think they should add an option to track the ball instead of the arrow pointing

Other than that it is pretty fun

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