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Specters of the Rail: Hotfix 5


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39 minutes ago, IEpicWolfI said:

Still no fix for:

Look below, they know.

39 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Don't worry folks, we'll keep the Hotfixes coming! I understand there is a lot of frustration with the variety of issues appearing to go un-addressed but rest assured our bandwidth to quickly note and log is at full capacity. We may not be able to respond to every thread but we are doing our best to verify and integrate solutions into our never-ending Hotfixes.


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DE, thanks for the hard work, but ...
...seriously, if you don't break everything, you don't have to fix the whole game ...

It really looks like amateur work. Did you guys test the patch before releasing it ?
There are many bugs that you just can't miss..

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I hate to be that guy, but there's also a problem with transmute. I put in my 4 mods an it just took my 36,000 credits and gave back nothing. Needs a patch or something (Also wouldn't mind my 36,000 back, lol)

Also, the 3rd person view is for left handed players now. If there can be a way to change that, I'd appreciate it :) If not, I'll deal with it.

Edited by LabMan95
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I really hope you will not going to leave flight system in the way it is now...Hitting space is suicide in all cases! One button for up direction and the same button is overcharge engines... every time i want to go up its charge, when i want to charge its going up... making the arch hitting walls again. Hitting space + right or left almost 100% sure you are dead from wall hit... Return the old system for now, the new one is really not ready to fit the game in the way it must be.

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Don't worry folks, we'll keep the Hotfixes coming! I understand there is a lot of frustration with the variety of issues appearing to go un-addressed but rest assured our bandwidth to quickly note and log is at full capacity. We may not be able to respond to every thread but we are doing our best to verify and integrate solutions into our never-ending Hotfixes.

responses like this are why so many of us are still here =] 

this kind of positive feedback with the community goes a long ways, thank you for everything that you do for your tenno Lotus

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10 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

I hate to be that guy, but there's also a problem with transmute. I put in my 4 mods an it just took my 36,000 credits and gave back nothing. Needs a patch or something (Also wouldn't mind my 36,000 back, lol)

Also, the 3rd person view is for left handed players now. If there can be a way to change that, I'd appreciate it :) If not, I'll deal with it.

Press H

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I can live with anything from this update. but please do something about that archwing "movement/navigation/flying system"  or whatever you call it. I was just lvling the new weapons and i stood still on point and the camera started to rotate around the archwing, it`s just terrible...

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2 things that could probably help the game a lot :

1 ) Get the startup-bug-to-windowed-with-crapy-resolution sorted, it's a PITA when you have to type in a deformed window, manage to click on the options with a mouse not pointing the thing "under it", and then it change to fullscreen but ignore the set resolution and have a part of the screen unattainable by the mouse (cannot click "confirm" )

2 ) Give us full bind menu for archwing mode.

We got the much needed "3D spins" (a.k.a. "never again will I have to stop looking up and behind because of phantom neck pain") that add immersion to it,

but right now, with no way to control the "roll", and some weird automatic "roll slightly on the left at every movement" that make the whole map tilt the more you move, it's disturbing a lot of players, including those used to space sims and binding a tonof key and buttons to achieve the movements we can think of.

DE need to consider this :

Pitch : the "nose" of the plane goes up or down : this is achieved by moving the mouse up or down, yet, we could use for some players, a tickbox for "inverted pitch" (some prefer to "dive" by going up with the mouse/stick)

Yaw : the "nose" goes left or right : achieved by moving mouse left or right ; no apparent need for an inverted tickbox.

Roll : one wing goes up, when the other goes down ; Rolling to the left means the left wing goes under... Needs a key for rolling left, a key for rolling right, a speed adjuster slider. AND : a "modifier" key which allow, when pressed, to swap the yaw from the mouse left/right axis and use Roll instead. that key should have an "hold" version or tickbox as well. (as some players hold it for as long as they need it, and others prefer to activate that mode with one tap, and deactivate with another tap) 

This wouldn't be complete with the strafe left and right, simply on whatever key the player wants to bind it to, default to A and D, and the go up/down (relatively to you), currently defaulted to jump and crouch/slide

Those allow free space movement, along with a drift key, which is currently the "slide key", that could probably use the ability to be bound to some other key.

For simplicity purpose (and as it is always helpful when entering hangars in "space games") , have a "put me back in the good angle, head up, feet down" key to help new tennos or players unused to those movement.

Some players already complained of motion sickness with those current movements, and I, for one, can say the best way to beat it, is to actually have a full control over them.

Since we're at the point where a special archwing bind menu is needed, let's put the powers 1-2-3-4 into this as well, I'm sure some would prefer to get access to some of these keys for movement rather than powers, when they're in archwing mode.


My 2 cents

(also, dunno if it's only me or what, but archwing mode effects and explosions seems very opaque, cluttering the view quite completely even in low level missions, perhaps tone it down a bit to avoid blasting our retinas away after 2 waves ? )

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