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Bladestorm rework feedback


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All them suggestions and they chose not to change Bladestorm at all. I don't want to bash the devs but they came up with a solution like this...... really? (-‸ლ)

I mean if I have the time to mark enemies than I can also kill em' with my weapon which would be faster or by the time I finish marking enemies I'm pretty sure my team will kill em for me.

Sorry if I sound condescending but I'm sad and disappointed.  :(

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2 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

Turning the ability into marking a single target, then killing it,


2 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

Yes but almost any weapon kills faster than marking a single target, then doing the BS animations

Their prototype is not single target. Why do you keep repeating this idea? You're misrepresenting the ability. And don't give me that "it'll be impossible to use on more than one enemy" nonsense. You hold down your 4 and sweep across enemies. If you can't do that to more than one enemy, no rework will be able to help you. You're grossly misrepresenting how hard things are just so you can complain about them. And may I remind you that you haven't ever used the ability?


2 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

Yes.... that is not "freaking out". That is suggesting that the rework will take it from too good to not at all useful. It's an opinion.

Just because it's an opinion doesn't mean it isn't an overly melodramatic one. Now you have to sweep your mouse around for a second, and it's line of sight, and you're crying "literally unplayable!"


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They'll most likely go with a toggle. Us PS4 players would have to hold R1 + triangle if holding was the case. 

That means we wouldn't have access to our right hand to actually move the right joystick and be able to change our view to sweep the reticle over targets at all. Not without some serious hand-cramping finger yoga, anyways. 

Edited by (PS4)HAHAHA-OH-WOW
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what i want i reckon is alot better, and this is coming from an ash main. what i want is a radial shuriken throw, imagine jumping into a group of enemies press 4 ]and throw out a few shurikens, lets say 10, then press 4 again, those that got hit(marked) by the shurikens, ash will bladestorm them and kill them. this will only work along the zx plane. this will inturn slightly make bladestorm less annoying, and trust me, i hate to see that this is what ash has come to, i personally play him as a sniper and a melee dealer, ive focused alot of time and modding for stealth and shuriken armor stripping for easy kills with my vectis p, i was 1shot lvl 400s before, and for my melee i use nikp with a combo build with a naramon focus, and i honestly love this playstyle. only time i use bs is when i get overwhelmed, and that is honestly what i think bs should be, but many noobs picked him up and abused the S#&$ out of him. but anyway, i think this double press idea will be a bit more effective while also being less annoying than the current suggested idea. i see the whole marking and toggle thing to just take to long, maybe in solo play this is nice, but in group play its terrible. but anyway, i would love to see something like my idea implemented, is less chaotic as it targets enemies along 1 plane unlike before when it was full 3d, and its slightly more controlled, a toggle option to deactivate would be nice. 

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Definitely. Looking at my keyboard, the finger I use for four is my index which usually rests on D. If I have to hold it down to mark targets, then I'm gonna be limited in movement and probably also gonna get a sore finger if I have to hold it down too long. Definitely certain that if an enemy goes out of Bladestorm's range it should lose its marks (Maybe only half energy returned to discourage players just willy nilly marking)

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If this is the direction they want to go then I'd honestly just use a smokescreen + teleport build. I find it more practical to use than just standing in one place and tagging multiple targets. Also, how exactly do they expect that kind of set up to work on controllers?

Edited by mikeisbored
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6 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

R.I.P. Ash... time to replace it.

don't be sad, Mirage first power and synoid will follow you soon

All what we will have left in this game is Oberon :XD

Long live the new king

Good. Hope they don't tweak those 2 too much until it seems like a huge nerf though.

Oberon was always the king, people just didn't like how he couldn't cheese or do his job supremely well even though he can fill all roles. All the king needs now, are some minor tweaks/buffs.

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You just had to have Ash + BS rework in the title didn't you. Cheeky lol.

Honestly this doesn't look like a huge nerf. Mesa got hit hard and it took months before they adjusted her to be workable again. This looks like old bladestorm but with manual aiming, and to prevent enemies from being invincible only attacks the number of times you tagged them. Though the current method will cause hand cramping, especially on console where you'll need to claw grip to do it effectively. A toggle would be the easiest method.


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Guys don`t you think Ash`s bladestorm should be pressed instead of healed down? think about it for some people when you hold it down it will be hard to look around because you will have to take your finger off the moving stick to look around (depending on the button config) and the enemies could kill you (sortie missions) however if you press it it would be easier. What do you guys think?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Guys don`t you think Ash`s bladestorm should be pressed instead of healed down? think about it for some people when you hold it down it will be hard to look around because you will have to take your finger off the moving stick to look around (depending on the button config) and the enemies could kill you (sortie missions) however if you press it it would be easier. What do you guys think?

Yeah, I agree actually. I'm a bit worried about usability because of the way this works.

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Guys how I feel about the current direction of the Ash rework that could possibly make its way to the game is extremely underwhelming. 

I know DE is busy with other things and they are probably looking for a quick fix. Honestly I would rather wait longer for an ash rework that has more substance 

The current form they are proposing looks like basically mesa peace makers without guns. Where you mark targets and execute, using the same broken animations from the old days. When one of those DE people in the Dev stream was showing it off, they had to use smokescreen just to show it off.

Too many people have posted innovative ash reworks, for them to basically have the same ability but just nerfed.

I am not one of those people who feel the previous bladestorm was good. It was terrible looking, boring after repeated uses, and frustrating to play with. 

Ash is abeautifully designed frame that has the replay value of Oberon. I know DE has the potential to provide us players with better content then what as shown.

I will link my rework suggestions and others below when I find them so you guys don't think I'm ranting without providing any suggestions. This is my opinion.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)BIGHEBREW said:

Is it going to have the same disorienting animation or its going to be the shadows that do the kill

In the video, you do the kill yourself (same animations). If you mark 5 targets, you will have to see the animation 5 times.

The shadows only do the extra hit for the multi-marked enemies, so it will takes a lot more time than current bladestorm (3 instances attack).

But your targets will probably be killed by your teammates first.


Edited by aerosoul1337
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i think the problem is that far too many of those "innovative" reworks that players come up with, just aren't viable. afterall, players are good at pointing out whats wrong, but they're horrible at coming up with ways to fix them. i guess that comes from the fact that very few of them even understand game development

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Wow... lotta threading... MegaThready...

Since I literally don't have time to read this through to see if anybody has said what I'm going to say... I'll just say it and go ^^

The manual aiming function didn't kill Mesa, she's actually still in a really good place right now with her other abilities. If you think of this Rework as a mobile and stabby related version of that, you may like it more.

Mesa used to have an aim-botting 360º ability that you could just prop a weight on your mouse and forget about her while you poured a drink. Ash is pretty much the same function, since you do literally nothing while the animation runs. Fixing Ash in the same way as fixing Mesa is actually a fair move. Just like her, per shot consumes energy up to your limit, but unlike her if a target dies you get it refunded for use on another enemy, and just like her, all you have to do is activate, spin around, and everything in range is marked.

The idea of a toggle would potentially be better than a hold, for all concerned, because holding an ability while attempting to move is clunky unless you have those mice with keys on the side. Although something I definitely like is that the individual enemies are attacked by Ash, and the multi-marked enemies are attacked by his clones, this will speed things up greatly if you only mark two or three enemies several times, as you'll be back and running around before the damage is finished being dealt.

So BS is far from dead, they aren't changing the damage (that I've heard them say) and the damage is still Finisher damage, which means a max-energy, max-strength build will still kill everything in the game up to stupid levels. I mean, currently, 20k finisher damage will do for most enemies up to level 150, no matter the faction, and if you double-mark them the way the new ability seems to function, then that's twice over you'll be dealing that much damage.

I find it very, very unlikely that this will make Bladestorm worse, just that it will make it more deliberate to cast on the things you want to actually kill, and not just something you sit on your backside for.

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40 minutes ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:


Guys how I feel about the current direction of the Ash rework that could possibly make its way to the game is extremely underwhelming. 

I know DE is busy with other things and they are probably looking for a quick fix. Honestly I would rather wait longer for an ash rework that has more substance 

The current form they are proposing looks like basically mesa peace makers without guns. Where you mark targets and execute, using the same broken animations from the old days. When one of those DE people in the Dev stream was showing it off, they had to use smokescreen just to show it off.

Too many people have posted innovative ash reworks, for them to basically have the same ability but just nerfed.

I am not one of those people who feel the previous bladestorm was good. It was terrible looking, boring after repeated uses, and frustrating to play with. 

Ash is abeautifully designed frame that has the replay value of Oberon. I know DE has the potential to provide us players with better content then what as shown.

I will link my rework suggestions and others below when I find them so you guys don't think I'm ranting without providing any suggestions. This is my opinion.



Honestly, I don't think we've seen or experienced enough of how this ability will work to be criticizing it just yet. I'm interested, [DE]Rebecca seemed to be doing just fine with it on the stream and I'm going to try it out once the rework goes live. It may some getting used too -- after all, most Ash players have been leaning hard on their ability to just press a button and go make a sandwich -- but it could end up working really well with a little practice.

The biggest issue I can see coming up, as many Tenno have been worrying about, is that holding down the 4 key while marking targets will slow Ash's gameplay to below the pace of the game. If this problem occurs, they can easily fix it by turning Bladestorm from a hold-and-release ability into a press-twice toggle: hit 4 once and Ash marks enemies his reticle passes over up to a cap, hit 4 again to go to work on all the targets he's marked.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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12 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

You just had to have Ash + BS rework in the title didn't you. Cheeky lol.

Honestly this doesn't look like a huge nerf. Mesa got hit hard and it took months before they adjusted her to be workable again. This looks like old bladestorm but with manual aiming, and to prevent enemies from being invincible only attacks the number of times you tagged them. Though the current method will cause hand cramping, especially on console where you'll need to claw grip to do it effectively. A toggle would be the easiest method.

I wasn't thinking in that way at all; which seems, got caught in your eyes ;)


Exactly everyone will say the same this just as you and no it cant be considered as a nerf to him. As I stated at first, its not user friendly at all where WF is fast paced hordes massacring ninja game but how will it appear to see a ninja walking in the battlefield taking preps aiming enemies and losing lofe while doing so or rushing to kill 1-5 enemies to allow the team/mission to be at risk while you lose energy in the process. So I thought something different to ensure team work and power synergy at the same time.

Edited by AhmadIYE
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