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Perfect World is Selling the Lato Prime


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16 minutes ago, ..atom.. said:

what legal agreements? afaik founders packs were just like prime packs with the added promise of never coming back. the TOS for the game still applies and DE can change anything without any legal implications. it may look bad if they do it but there is no legal claim here imho

Pretty much. I think people are making up the supposed legal agreement of the founder's pack because the idea of it not really being theirs makes them feel vulnerable. DE made a promise and that is all it is from my understanding. They do not ever intend to break the promise, but if they wanted to, they could release the founder's items without legal repercussions i believe -- doing so would just look really bad on them.

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39 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I keep hearing horror stories of Chinese business doing and behaving like this. Like they can enforce rules that benefit them but as soon as they feel the least bit constrained. LOL whatchagonna do? We have largest market in the world. Suck it.'

It's true that the Chinese legislature can be absurd and often corrupt. China enforces laws that benefits Chinese corporations because the Chinese government and economy is mainly socialist, and owns those many of those corporations. But there are other countries that also enforce rules that benefit themselves but then ignore it when it doesn't, mostly the U.S., though. Case and point: Iraq War. Also, if you go by GDP, China doesn't have the largest market, the U.S. does.

53 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

They just take and take and take from the rest of the world then when people come to call you get the middle finger.

Technically, because China has a surplus in their economy, China gives more than it takes. China is also the largest money lender to the U.S. and is also the reason goods are relatively cheap (although they may be lower in quality).

1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

Am I wrong in thinking this?

Half wrong; you have a right to dislike the Mainland Chinese for the way they do things, but you're basing your opinions on incorrect statements.

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13 hours ago, Heckzu said:

I'll play the devil's advocate here, so don't hold anything against me for saying this, but you can't directly compare the Chinese Warframe with the console version. 

The console version and the mainstream PC version essentially share the same player base; at one point some PC players switched to consoles, and there have been console players that started all over on PC. But China is isolated from this player base. If you knew what was going on in China, you'd know they have a national firewall set up, restricting internet usage and denying access to sites from outside countries. In fact, the Chinese can't even use Google. Thus, there's no overlap of players from the mainstream Warframe and the Chinese one.

Console players could have gotten Excalibur Prime if they played on PC before the founder system ended. Chinese players were isolated from the rest of the world, meaning no such possibility legally existed.

Usually when you play devils advocate you need to say something that relates to the argument at hand. This does not. You can directly compare the two versions because the fact temains that excal prime is only in the global pc build. Your point about obtaining excal prime if you played on pc prior to condole before the founders things ended doesnt hold water. Now do i care that i cannot obtain excal prime because i play on console? No. Should the founders care if DE were to release a pack that console foljs to buy into to obtain a console version of excal prime? Also no. People are petty however and forget this is still just a video game

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My opinion on this the DEvs can release the founder stuffs too and make it available the founder packs for the same price or give it to obtainable in alerts events then compensate the founders with non ingame content. They have now enough money to do this but that's time they haven't so much money to give anything than the in game content so they sold this for money. It was a bad practice because a lot of peoples who just joined later or who just not heard about the game or playing different consoles-regions haven't chance to get this. This in game content exclusivity never was good idea in any game because just split the community of that game because you can have others cant have that stuff. I am pretty sure they can give more money worthy stuffs to those whom found the game and they can have the same feeling they did a great help to make this game alive.

Now I mean they could just give statues, real life bades, puzzles, t-shirtsm backpack etc which equal their spent money in the funding process and others can have the in game content or let them buy it with the same term for money.

These are the best options to do this and this should not hurt peoples in feeling because they got their archievements.


Extra: Arguing for in game stuffs is pretty much shown how mature it's community. 

Edited by Sziklamester
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13 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Regarding this OP *specifically*:

This offer (if true, which looks like it is) does violate our requests launching content. There are certain freedoms for the 'games as service' execution our international partners have, but we were able to get some explicit forbidden releases established which included Founder's gear. I can't speak too much on this simply because my involvement is minimum, but for those concerned about this rest assured we did not approve this.

So they've already promised it to their players. Therefore you guys wont make them take it back (nor should anybody ask for that)... its already out there. So basically nothing will happen. They'll do it again at some point, and maybe you guys shake your finger at them.... but again nothing will happen.

So whats supposed to happen when they violate your agreement? PWE owns Digital Extremes so I suspect they'll do what they want regardless, or cause a multitude of issues if you push back too hard.

Lots of finger wagging from you, lots of laughing from them.

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5 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

I keep hearing horror stories of Chinese business doing and behaving like this. Like they can enforce rules that benefit them but as soon as they feel the least bit constrained. LOL whatchagonna do? We have largest market in the world. Suck it.'


And I feel mildly racist for even typing that, but that's how it feels. They just take and take and take from the rest of the world then when people come to call you get the middle finger.


Am I wrong in thinking this?

No you aren't.

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"The recent images showcase Excalibur Umbra, Primed Nikana, and Prime Kunai. ChangYou respected that we have forever exclusive content in the global build, but needed something new to ensure Warframe's Beta Launch in China is a success. Excalibur Umbra is the first of a very limited series of 'Umbra' gear that will be coming to the Global Build. The Primed Nikana and Prime Kunai are also timed exclusives that will be coming to the Global Build."

TL;DR Global Build Founders to remain exclusive to Global only, whereas China Founders will be timed exclusive in China but not Global.

So China Warframe went against the agreement, but can we blame them? Here's China Founders gear:
In Global we got an extra resource drone if we are a Global Founder, but all of Global is/has been farming China Founders Nikana Prime and Spira Prime via void fissures. To Top it off we, Global, are in the process of receiving Umbra Excal that will look like the primed version of China Founders without the "prime" nomenclature.

So, Global has more or less received everything that China Founders received. Period. The question begs to be asked, why can't China Warframe release Global Founders gear in equal stead? Is our playground etiquette that bad?
Respect that their game is a different entity, don't bully/fight over "I can have everything, but you will never have this," and keep to our own playground area of Warframe.

Just my 15 ducats worth.

Edited by LethalAffliction
Gave up on spoiler'ing link and photo. Buggy results.
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8 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

Pretty much. I think people are making up the supposed legal agreement of the founder's pack because the idea of it not really being theirs makes them feel vulnerable. DE made a promise and that is all it is from my understanding. They do not ever intend to break the promise, but if they wanted to, they could release the founder's items without legal repercussions i believe -- doing so would just look really bad on them.

You may be right but you have been here long enough to have seen this stated as fact every single time founders is brought up and it's never challenged.

the fact that it's only being challenged now that DE are in a bind is rather telling tbh and almost as interesting as the rest of the mess.

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8 hours ago, lceman2232 said:

So, can someone please paraphrase this in the best way possible? 

DE releases SotR build to Changyou

That update contains Nikana Prime and Spira Prime which are founder exclusives on chinaframe

S#&$storm ensues, chinaframe community blaming DE while we blame Changyou

Changyou then releases Lato Prime to make up for it

... which is done without DE's consent.

even more S#&$storm ensues

32 minutes ago, ZeroGenmu said:

Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT, did I just read that they sold Primed Streamline? does that mean the legend is true... that maybe one day we'll get Primed Streamline on global build :O

To put it simply the Changyou devs doesn't care about balance. They're pretty much a separate game now.

To put it into perspective, our Wukong has a capped range on Primal Rage. Chinaframe Wukong doesn't. You know the big room in the Void tileset with the giant tree in the middle of it? They can clear that room with one slide attack.

So no, we probably won't get Primed Streamline anytime soon. Besides if I recall correctly P. Streamline was sold as a pack. As in it costs real money to get. I really hope DE never stoop that low.

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10 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

I keep hearing horror stories of Chinese business doing and behaving like this. Like they can enforce rules that benefit them but as soon as they feel the least bit constrained. LOL whatchagonna do? We have largest market in the world. Suck it.'


And I feel mildly racist for even typing that, but that's how it feels. They just take and take and take from the rest of the world then when people come to call you get the middle finger.


Am I wrong in thinking this?

Yeah hearing the same, nothing against the Chinese but when it comes to stuff like this they have zero respect, they don't care about TM at all and will do all kinds of stuff with that is considered illegal by the rest of the world.

13 hours ago, Heckzu said:

According to https://warframe.com/news/account-migration:

- Your PC account will remain unaffected and unchanged after migration.
- All PC Exclusive items and gear will remain exclusive to the PC and will NOT migrate to the PS4.

Which means their founder items are still on their PC account, so they were able to keep their stuff, it's just not accessable on the PS4 version.

I wasn't talking about the items on PC but on console, I know they still have it on their PC accounts, was just saying that them not having it on console sucks.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

I wasn't talking about the items on PC but on console, I know they still have it on their PC accounts, was just saying that them not having it on console sucks.

I see it as keeping an even playing field. No one on console has the items, regardless of prior status.

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Well this is a joke...

Know what will also be a joke? If this, and the Skana Prime (clearly going to appear...) has better stats than what we have for ours at the moment.

42 minutes ago, siralextraffo said:

Well, if this ends up being true and unavoidable, I at least hope it'll be the first step towards the global re-release of founders' items. 

There, I said it. 

No thanks :/

Edited by Naith
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13 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

The one thing I really wonder about is 'now what?' DE probably can't do anything s it's like one division pointing the finger at the other. Oh sure there will be grumblings, a formal complaint filed. However it'll be that one super dorky guy in a sitcom nobody has any respect going 'THERE! I'VE DONE IT! I'VE FILED A COMPLAINT.'

Nobody will care, period.

Chinaframe franky has always struck me as its own beast. So I have to wonder, can DE be compelled legally to provide builds for them?

Seeing as DE is owned by another Chinese company I guess it would be up to them if the Devs could withhold builds but I doubt the owners would allow it, they are currently earning on 2 fronts.

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In my opinion, things are not resolved when you solve retaliate.

This is not a fight for who wins, it should be seen as "who loses out." As mentioned above, it is not fair to be launched a unique item of founder - which were players who helped at the beginning of the game. I know that many people are upset with the situation, but what fits us now is to wait for a more solid position. It's no use grumbling about "not fair - I also want" because it is not that, as mentioned just above, "players who became founder were in the right place at the right time to have the opportunity to buy the package" Just like any package prime access, you chose or not to buy. What is being discussed here is not that, but the fact that a unique item have been "violated", in my opinion

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Guys, the reward is changed to Reaper Prime, so the Founder issue is resolved.


But AFAIK Reaper Prime came with Frost Prime, which is another exclusives(cash only) for Chinaframe. Looks like they adding more trouble.

Edited by LogaMC1995
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