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[Spoiler] Dev Workshop: New Mods Part 2!


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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Yup! We want to get it better set up on Rifles first before we expand, which is why they have had such a limited release so far.

I don't want an expansion of Riven mods. I think the whole mod system and mods, power creep, damage, enemy scaling, and weapons in general need to be looked at. Those are the real underlying issues. I look at Riven mods and I see a band-aid solution that introduces further unnecessary systems clutter.

Edited by (PS4)Romulus93
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32 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

Also, may I recommend you guys seriously consider a PTR? Stupid situations like this happen when you dont thoroughly test your ideas or even worse, and more likely what is happening, have someone that doesn't understand the game testing your ideas.

They're called Design Council.


As you may have noticed, their opinions hardly matter or are considerably warped before ever entering the game. Alternatively, they do nothing.

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35 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

This still doesnt change the fact that this is pointless extra work that can be fixed by tuning the base stats and MR requirements of a weapon and/or giving the weapon useful and interesting alternate functions and/or allowing us to use resources to upgrade weapon stats of low MR/bad weapons. These mod's don't do anything interesting or have new effects. They just have a chance to compact several existing mods into an RNG bundle that just happens to have a lower overall point cost. So its nothing more than good old power creep.

The 15 riven capacity cap needs to go as well 

This, most people dont use a whole bunch of the weapons becasue their base stats are so poor and youd have to throw in a tonne of forma to make them usfull. A lot of players don't want that extra grind. Just updating the stars ect of the unloved weapons would be a less grindy rng fix

Edited by morningstar999
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Some good changes, but there are still problems since these mods are still RNG heavy.

My suggestions are:

- Give Teshin a weekly mission like Maroo with Ayatans, giving at least on mod per week without depending on RNG will take a lot of pressure from this system. OR let Syndicates sell Riven mods for 125k Standing.

- Remove useless stats from them. - Damage and - Multishot remove makes the entire mod useless. Zoom is also another useless stat.

- Remove sentinel weapons from the pool, noone will be happy from doing a mission only to get a Stinger or Laser Rifle mod.

- Give stats like Damage, Crit Chance or Crit Damage priority to weaker weapons and 'quality of life' stats like Reload Speed, Status Duration and Flight Speed priority to the strongest weapons.

- Remove stats that weapons cant get, like Crit status on the Miter/Panthera on IPS damage on Elemental weapons

- Give a fixed Kuva cost from rerolling or let us reroll it for credits.

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1 hour ago, Machine_Head said:

excellent im looking forward to these changes but will you enable another way for riven mods to be obtained outside sorties.

as some of us (myself included) cant get a good team for sorties



Sometimes you don't even NEED a team for sorties. They're not that difficult. Unless of course.... you're a Loki player...

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

You will only have to Unveil a Riven Mod one time: on first discovery.
- When Cycling a Riven with Kuva, you can now choose to "Accept" or "Decline" a Cycle result.
- Kuva Cycling costs have been reduced significantly.

100% thank you

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Kuva, syndicate rep, oxium, argon crystals, ferrite, detonite injectors, detonite ampules, neural sensors, alloy plate, credits, circuits, control modules, cryotic, morphics, neurodes, gallium, nano spores, orokin cell, plastids, polymer bundles, rubedo, salvage, tellurium, nav coordinates, Lephantis nav coordinates, Mutalist Alad V coordinates, and void relics are the resources/currency we have to farm and keep track of. Coupled with RNG I think we're reaching critical mass of just how much stuff is in this game and unnecessarily so. It's rather difficult to try and help my friends who are thoroughly confused as new players. Too much system clutter!

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The problem is that riven mods are a completely &#!-backwards way of going about DE's stated intent: Encouraging players to make use of more weapons.

They put that possibility behind an RNG/resource grind/plat/MR wall, when the most sensible way to go about improving weapon balance, and players' desire to use more of them, would be to fix the weapons' base stats.

That would have the major benefit of making a greater selection of weapons desirable,  not just to endgame players who have the patience to gather multiple good riven mods, but every player in the game, without making them wait to receive that benefit.

Before riven mods, the choice of weapons was a confusing mess of very few good choices, in a sea of junk.

After riven mods, it remains exactly the same, until you are high enough level to do sorties, at which point you eventually get a few less junk weapons, at the cost of having to wade through a sea of junk riven mods, to find the few that are good.

DE are trying to fix one broken system by adding an equally broken one on top of it.

It would seem that with all the calls for 'endgame, endgame, endgame',  they have forgotten how to get the players to stick around to endgame:  Fix everything.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Some of this Dev Workshop will be a continuation from Part 1 (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/719453-spoiler-dev-workshop-new-mods/), but the rest will cover some more clear changes coming to Riven Mods.

Part 1 Primer: Riven Disposition.
You may recall we talked about 'Riven Disposition' on Monday. Here's the repeated information in a nutshell: 

- 'Riven Disposition' is the way in which power level of Mods is attuned to the weapon it is generated for. Mastery Rank and Stats will factor into this attunement, so you can expect to see more powerful Rivens for less used weapons and vice versa.
- This modification will also affect existing Riven Mods to reflect our desire to give new life to ‘discarded’ weapons in a unique way, and not increase the power of the top tier ones.
- Prepare to see a difference in stats of existing Riven Mods in an upcoming hotfix.


This is great news guys! I just hope you also will tweak it so we cant get an IPS of weapon that does not even have it.. for example I kept getting +puncture damage on my Zarr which does not even deal puncture damage~ etc.

But I'm glad to see you guys are taking this to a right direction though! Keep it up~

Edited by Jester.
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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

'Riven Disposition' is the way in which power level of Mods is attuned to the weapon it is generated for. Mastery Rank and Stats will factor into this attunement, so you can expect to see more powerful Rivens for less used weapons and vice versa.

If your confident that this will fix Riven mods only being used on meta weapons, why can't players choose the weapon the Riven mod attunes to.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Riven Mods now have more information available after they have been Cycled and Unveiled so more can be deduced at a glance. This includes Mastery Rank and Item compatibility, as well as how many Cycles have occurred of a given Riven.     

Have to make it fair for the guys trading thousands of Platinum.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Tweaked and removed some of the more frustrating challenges for Riven Unveiling. 

This is great.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

You will only have to Unveil a Riven Mod one time: on first discovery.

This is also great.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

When Cycling a Riven with Kuva, you can now choose to "Accept" or "Decline" a Cycle result.

Will declining a cycle result still cost Kuva? Will declining a cycle result still make the Kuva cost go up for the next cycle?

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Kuva Cycling costs have been reduced significantly.

Significantly is a strong term, the cost now is more reasonable at best.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Accessing Kuva Siphons is being experimented with to not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity (like Fomorians and Negators) with a possible cooldown. To be determined!

Making Kuva like Alertanium (sorry, Nitain) is a Terrible decision, FORCING players to log in at certain times instead of when they want to play is an express ticket to burnout.

1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

RNG Mods in Warframe!?
We should certainly take some time to speak to the doom that RNG Mods being a sign of nefarious dealings. While it may pre-date many accounts, Warframe already had RNG Mods in the game. In fact RNG Mods used to be the only type of Mod you could find for Upgrading your gear. We switched to a static Mod system in Update 7, and now 12 Major Updates later we are revisiting the concept with completely different intentions: an End-Game option rather than the only path. 

With the threats of removing mandatory mods and a mysterious "Damage 3.0" system happening the Riven mod system really, REALLY appears to be a beta test, the old RNG mod system was terrible for game balance and was removed for a reason, and it should really stay gone.  


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4 minutes ago, Nekrosmas said:

So... of all the tens thousands Kuva I farmed for re-rolling..... Will I get at least SOME sort of refund??????

It's the price you pay for being an early adopter. Not trying to be mean. Just stating a universal truth. :D

Edited by DatDarkOne
edited for clarification
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still very in support of the idea of being able to Transmute 4 Riven Mods into a guaranteed fresh 5th one.

and it is still a monumental mistake to make Players choose between the Overpowered Weapons and the not so much ones.
the Overpowered ones will win. if you want variety don't force Players to make that choice.

it would be nice if the Riven Challenge popup would show on the 'Pause Menu' like the existing Challenge System things do.
for the exact same reason, to see the progress of it and to remember what it is.

uh, when Riven Mods are linked in Chat, the popup doesn't seem to show if the Mod has been re-rolled. it shows current Level, but not that.

2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity

with a possible cooldown.

why not both?
proximity increasing Encounters sounds cool but i don't see why we'd need to scuttle the random Encounters we have already in set locations.

they go together well. spikes of high Encounter here and there, and always available Encounters as well.


is a Cooldown of any sort really necessary? if the Fortress is in proximity of a Planet for a few hours at a time, and then meanders its way around to another Planet, i don't think you need a Cooldown of some sort then.

(is this Post also saying when you re-roll you won't need to Unveil again? why? it makes sense to have to do that, and the Player completing these minor challenges is giving them something legitimate to do. i don't recommend removing something that legitimately is giving Players something out of the ordinary to do in order to reduce monotony in the long run. the effort is better spent on increasing the number of types of Challenges over time. the more the better)
and i'm sure you all know that being able to lock stats or whatever basically means every Riven Mod will have Multi-shot Damage and Crit. i don't think i need to say anything about how poor that would end up going.


- - - - - - - - - -

2 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

uhm... if "cant go over level 160" is useless. then yes.

Shotguns out DPS Assault Rifles at range (defeating the reason for Assault Rifles to exist), compete with Sniper Rifles at range(defeating the... you get the point), out DPS DMR's at range, and ofcourse now we have not only excellent an Status performance option but another that take take advantage of cheesing with Slash Status.

'i can use this other thing and it works' doesn't change that Shotguns deal enough Damage to compete with or outperform other Archetypes of Weapons they aren't even supposed to be directly comparable to.
which then means those Archetypes are questionable to exist because Weapons that aren't supposed to be good at what they do, do what they're supposed to do, but also other things at an excellent level.

2 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

your mistaking lots of pointless grind for content again. please, please stop this.

31 flavors of Powercreep with infinite gear ladder isn't Content.
so then i guess nothing is Content.

1 hour ago, DarkOvion said:

there isn't an end game, just more grind. That is your 'reward' for getting to MR21/22.

just as your reward for reaching Endgame in... every big online game ever made - is more of the same.
spend start to finish climbing a gear ladder, and once you get to the top there is another ladder. this is every other persistent Online game you've played. period.

31 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I think the best Riven mods should be 10 rank mods. Give us a reason to need Endo and credits. 

i think the reason why they're 9 Rank Mods instead of 11 Rank and therefore don't cost that much to Upgrade, is because of the acquisition method.

Edited by taiiat
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5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

It's the price you pay for being an early adopter. Not trying to be mean. Just stating a universal truth. :D

This whole game is an early adoption risk. Perhaps it'd be better if we all waited until it was out of beta.

Edited by (PS4)Romulus93
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6 minutes ago, Nekrosmas said:

So... of all the tens thousands Kuva I farmed for re-rolling..... Will I get at least SOME sort of refund??????

new system's are always subject to change once they come in contact with the player base as there are a variety of things that players dio that just cant be tested in the studio.

a common thing is for prices of materials to fluctuate and change so the kuva you spent was part of the reason for the change. if you had looked on the forums you would have seen all of the complaints and maybe you would have been prepared for the inevitable changes.

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