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Weapons which even Riven mods can't save.


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13 minutes ago, FeralCreator said:

You can use that cernos mod on the cernos prime/rakta. The same goes for things like the latron, where a riven mod will work on all three variants. The disposition might change on whatever verison you're using, though.

what do you mean about disposition?

4 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

The do. I find it strange that it doesnt work on the Mutalist, maybe its because of the cloud it makes?

oh well since 3 people are now confirming this I guess the wiki is just wrong.

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10 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

Rakta and the prime version are up/sidegrade versions while the Mutalist is a "different" version.

This, mutalist verions are considered different because they change the weapon in a way that isn't a sidegrade or something, Similar to the Quanta and Mutalist Quanta, they are the same weapon, but the mutalist fires infested projectiles as opposed to a beam.



I don't think the Hind or Kraken will ever see the light of power, even with riven mods.

Edited by (XB1)calvina
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2 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

The second being the Paracyst, and it's low overall stats and near to useless secondary fire. It does have a decent status chance but its extremely low base damage of 25 is hard to overcome. 

Excuse me, but the Paracyst's Grapple has a DoT that can apply status. It's pretty much for any enemy you don't want to deal with at the moment.


Besides, I got a +109.5% multishot + 85.5% fire rate mod for my Paracyst, so it does even MORE damage, even MORE DPS, and deals a metric F-load of status effects :P

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4 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

Panthera and Miter.

Nuff said.

As was posted before....


PlvsnYc.png + latest?cb=20141024153334

If a weapon can have a successful synergy in a Loadout... then arguably it has been "saved". Having a niche use still means it has a use. Covert Legality Dagger Fatal teleport Ash is a non-Riven example.

The Miter was really held back by its low charge rate. Despite what the Wikia says, Heavy Caliber has no noticeable downside on the first shot, so you can stack on some damage. Even with Mutli-shot, if you're shooting into a Magnetize the off-angle blades will still make it in.

Now where we'll really start seeing issues is when DE rolls the Secondaries. There are some secondaries (Latos) that are so far behind where the Power has Creeped, we may see some truly ineffectual Rivens.

The other issue is some weapons really need specific stats to help them, and the current Riven system really doesn't support working towards those.

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Tiberon has good base damage, but that's it. Not a ton to work with there, which is a shame because I love the Tiberon and bought a Tiberon Riven for a cheap price. I may just have to hold onto it until the next Prime access. 

I'm having trouble making the Grinlok good, too. I don't even know what stats to roll since it feels mediocre with anything I put on even at 5 forma.

Buzlok is similar to Tiberon.

Stradavar has been mentioned.  

Hind is pretty garbage too, but maybe a status build could work. 

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5 hours ago, SugarShow said:

flux riffle


5 hours ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

Flux rifle 

I dunno what these two are talkin about x3.

I have a Flux Rifle with a Riven and I can take it to sortie and kill with it just fine. most of the time I even get the highest headshot count if im with a team.

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See now I just feel bad because the first riven I got from TWW was a tonkor one that allows me to redcrit with the damn thing. Though if it makes anyone feel better I can't seem to get any more rivens from sorties so I'm still sitting on one.

11 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

ill trade for any riven, no matter how ridiculous the challenge

If only sorties weren't screwing me in the riven department.

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12 hours ago, Frenrihr89 said:

well i have tried very good rivens on stradavar, no matter how good its your riven, its just the weapon that it sucks, unless u want to use it against mid-low level enemies.. there's a lot of weapons that need love/buffs, i have high hopes for stradavar getting a prime version in the future at least...

wwhat are you guys modding for?

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If someday riven come to the melee then I can suggest / mention the plasma Sword. It's existence hurt my Eyes and not only stat wise but design wise. That weapon need a rework badly but overall the older weapons needs their tweaks. Hope DE will realise they can't leave it untouched the old stuff no matter if have rivens there or nor. Time to put more effort there guys.

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I'm quite enjoying my Stradavar with a Riven mod. It is quite Sortie worthy.

And I'm constantly switching fireing modes, depending on whether I feel like to aiming or not.

Even though its auto mode is not a Riven'ed Grakata, it still allowa to mow down the large hordes of enemies, that I otherwise would not have time to take out individually.

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Categorically there are weapons which have problems that Riven's just don't address at all.  No matter how strong the riven is it won't solve the underlying issue.  For Example:


  1. Multishot is niche, so wasted stat really
  2. Crit is low enough that crit stats are mediocre
  3. Status is low enough that status stats are mediocre
  4. Really only benefits from
    1. +damage (lessened by competition with other damage mods such as serration +heavy calibur)
    2. Magazine size (not our ideal stat for weapons)
    3. Reload speed (again not an ideal stat players like)
    4. Flight speed (again not an ideal stat players like)
  5. Any and all bonuses to damage only compound the problem with penta, you blow yourself up with it.

So while a riven can definitely benefit a weapon like the penta most the useful stats are either 'mediocre' for it or purely 'utility' in nature (less reloading, faster reloading, faster travel speed on grenades).

But the Riven will never fix the fact that if you detonate a grenade too close, you'll kill yourself.  In order for Rivens to have a significant impact on weapons like the Penta, they need utility stats specific to those weapons that would lessen their downsides.  For the Penta it'd be something like 'Self damage Area -xx%' or something like that.

Or for another example Torid; '+3.0m base range of effect'

^It kills me that a gas proc on a Torid cloud covers a larger area than the torid cloud that procs it.

Edited by zehne
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The Paracyst is actually an amazing Status weapon. This is mainly due to you being able to fire it ten times faster due to it's firing mechanic being able to be bypassed by firing in a certain span of time, along with the hook proccing whatever Status you have on it three times upon hitting an enemy. Typically, I run Corrosive and Blast, yet if everyone has Corrosive Projection, I just run with Viral.

It's base damage sucks, yet since you can strip an enemy's Armor in a decent amount of time, you can throw in a Status Damage Mod and Heavy Caliber to give it some extra oomph. Honestly, I've run with it in Sorties and Endurance runs from time to time, along with my Sicarus Prime, and have found it to work just fine.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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23 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

Riven mods were given to us as a buff to older and weaker weapons while giving a small benefit to already powerful meta weapons. But what are some weapons which you think still simply can't make the cut (meaning sortie viable) due to their extremely lackluster stats?

For me, the Stradavar with its two firing modes, one being a worse version of most other auto-rifles and the other mode being a worse version of the Latron/Sybaris series. Put two cruddy weapons together and we get the Stradavar, which is for some reason locked at MR8. The issue with this weapon is that it's mechanically pointless.There's very little incentive to swap between the two modes when one is overall superior, unlike the recently released Zarr which both modes fit different situations.  

The second being the Paracyst, and it's low overall stats and near to useless secondary fire. It does have a decent status chance but its extremely low base damage of 25 is hard to overcome. 

What are your guys' thoughts on this? Are there any weapons which need a straight up buff instead of a Riven? 


With the responses here, I think I should elaborate that what I find bad about these weapons aren't just their stats, rather the mechanics which come with them. 

For example, the Paracyst has a close to useless single target grapple hook which is most situations don't benefit you in any way. The Stradavar has two completely different modes which one is more beneficial to use than the other.

From the comments below, I see more mechanically flawed weapons (eg. Snipers, depending on your taste) and the Miter/Panthera which has somewhat unreliable saws and mechanics which are niche at best. 


woa, woa, woa, woa. I have a riven mod for stradavar that makes it insanely powerful. It can melt level 145's ez pz.

Also, I have a riven mod for paracyst that makes it extremely powerful. i've brought it multiple times into sorties and reked face.

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I got a Hind mod which gave me 206% crit chance + 171% crit damage, so I decided to put some forma on that forgotten weapon (in my case). 4 forma, and after level 60 enemies, the struggle begins. not viable even with a 25% crit chance in total and a 5.9x crit dmg (of course I'm exceptuating corrosive projection or armor stripping techniques; if that was the case, a slash weapon will always be viable)


I'm looking forward to see a future 'Hind wraith version, with a bit of love

Edited by Z_Caronte_Z
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