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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Personal gripes as a Limbo player, is when another limbo uses Stasis you can't use your guns and either have to wait for them to turn it off or overload their stasis.


I like that they added a AoE to this ability but I wish they had kept the single target banish. I can only hope in the future that they add the single target back for the ability and maybe allow you to banish while in the rift and hold down the ability to do the AoE banish. I find it annoying that when I banish the sortie defense target that I may accidentally banish other enemies into the rift alongside him making the rift protect him pointless unless I use my stasis ability which will stop teammates who also happen to be in the rift from shooting.


I kind of wish that this didn't block other teammates from firing their weapons as I have been on the receiving end of this even as another limbo player as limbo. I think stasis should only affect your own weapons and incoming enemies into the rift. In tangent to the request for a single target banish again, I would then not have a problem with my own stasis overloading with projectiles that my teammates use because it only affects me and then I can control whether I wish for it to dispell or not.

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The best fix for Limbo would be to reduce the base range of Cataclysm. I run a setup with negative range and it's still great for just about everything. Allies don't have to go far to get out of it and "get moar kills". Right now maxed range setups cover way too much area. With max range and decent duration you don't need much else. There's no trade-off.

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On 2017-5-7 at 1:39 PM, JalakBali said:

So basically players can opt to be immune to any rift powers. This will not stop any whining whatsoever, since Limbo will just Cataclysm a group of enemies in Statis that he could freely stab at any time while the players outside of the rift can't do anything to them even if they're inside the range of Cataclysm. Since they're not in the rift. If what you're suggesting is they could use their guns even when Stasis is active then, holy crap, this is the most OP ability in the game as it's literally a hack to a make any enemy stop moving. Like a cheat code turning off enemy AI.

You mean like how Nezha's Divine Spears causes all enemies to stay absolutely still and open for being shot?  Or how about Excalibur's Radial Blind causing all enemies to stand still and stay open for being shot?  Or maybe Nidus's Larva pulling all enemies into a single location so you can shoot them?  Heck, how about Rhino's Rhino Stomp that levitates all enemies and opens them up for being shot at?  Let's not forget Vaubans Bastille levitating enemies so you can shoot at them, and Vortex doing the same as Nidus's Larvae, pulling them into a single spot so you can shoot at them?

Golly gee gosh, it'd sure be great if a warframe had the ability to make enemies completely/almost completely motionless so players can choose what weaponry they use to dispatch them instead of having 2 of the 3 parts of their arsenal disabled because someone in the party thought it was SOMEHOW beneficial to force players to use the weakest weapons they're carrying!


Plenty of Warframes can CC significantly better than Limbo's terribly designed and horribly executed Stasis can, and they can do it without screwing over the rest of the groups damage output.  No frame should have the ability to FORCE every other player to have to resort to melee in order to continue doing damage, because no other warframe in the game can FORCE any other warframe to do anything.  Limbo is not a team player, he is not a social butterfly, he's that guy you never want to invite to your birthday party because he'll eat all your birthday cake, break the T.V and then blame it on you claiming that you're a bad host.  Stasis is a negative effect on every player in the group, and needs to be changed so it can have a positive effect, because warframe abilities are meant to BUFF players, not DEBUFF.

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So, Limbo is in an odd spot.  On the one hand, yes, he has become a lot harder to kill, the Rift has been made more pliable, and Stasis is...Stasis.


On the other, he's somehkw managed to go from useless to downright harmful in unskilled hands, and even in skilled hands he can manage to be a pain to work with.  I'm not going to outright offer advice for all of his issues, but I'd like to address two.  Banish and Stasis.


Banish needs to have some sort of tap-hold mechanic for single targets or AoE Banishes, respectively.  Many a Limbo has inadvertantly Banished the guy they wanted, his buddies, thst one Loki standing five meters away, and his pet dog, too.  If the old targeting was unfeasible, the new targeting causes way too many lethal accidents.  So, instead, why not give players both options?


Secondly, Stasis.  I'm not asking for much here, just make it more obvious that Limbo has thrown down Stasis.  Maybe a UI indicator as a buff of sorts reading as 'Stasis' with a pause icon would do.  Anything better thsn fruitlessly wasting bullets until the realization kicks in.  Akso, if it isn't too much a hassle, maybe have killed enemies immediately disintegrate if they're in a Stasis-influenced Rift?


As always, let me know what you think!

Edited by Sintag
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10 minutes ago, Sintag said:

he's somehkw managed to go from useless to downright harmful in unskilled hands


I was one who wished he got a rework but not as it was done. In just a few days i became totally annoyed on having Limbos in my squad. I play Zephyr and i have the habit of dodging/rolling alot to move out of enemy sight or finding the best position to take advantage of PunchThrough so it really angers me when im attacking a group of mobs and a Limbo uses banish, i roll and get kicked from the rift and become unable to kill the mobs i was already working to take down. There was also a case in a Kuva Fortress Rescue mission during sorties where the Limbo cast banish next to me wile i was hacking the console and it got canceled, the mission failed because of those few seconds i lost.

Another problem is the Stasis skill. If it prevented mob projectiles from moving or allowed Limbo to stack his own shots i would be fine with it but forcing your whole team to Meleeing enemies down is really irritating. Its already enough frustration dealing with travel time weapons and now you cant shoot mobs in a large area because limbo rifted and stasised everything.

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I feel that Banish AoE was made indiscriminate in its targeting so that Limbo will eventually catch allies in the cast, along with some enemies now banished into the rift for them to fight with. However, rolling to unbanish is a thing, and getting back into the rift to deal with those enemies requires action from the Limbo player; the design flaw here is that Banish and Rift Surge's mass banishment make trolling your teammates with a sea of enemies invulnerable to gunfire a very easy thing to accomplish.

Also, Rift Walk's portal droppings can be very annoying with a Limbo that rolls a lot- not that I blame the player because Limbo's roll is tied to his ability to survive. All these things feel badly implemented, at least in the way they are executed, because of how easy it is for things to go wrong for teammates.

For the sanity of Limbo's teammates, the Rift should be more of a opt-in, opt-out process, rather than something jarringly thrown at non-Limbo players by Limbo when he feels like it. Since the devs introduced the idea of portals to the Rift, I think we can work with that in mind; it's easily visible to other players, is intuitive in its function (looks like a portal, acts like a portal, an entrance and exit, a doorway), and is interactive rather than reactive (requires input from other players to access, rather than suddenly slapped on them like Banish).

So to illustrate these changes, here's a short list for your consideration:

  • Remove the portal from Rift Walk. Limbo is no longer affected by rift portals.
  • Make Banish target enemies and friendly AI only. Limbo leaves a rift portal where he stands when he casts Banish; portal lasts indefinitely, and allies can touch it to banish themselves into the rift or exit the rift. Only 1 portal at a time, recasts will relocate the portal to Limbo's new location. Grants the same amount of duration of Banish to teammates as enemies.
  • Cataclysm also spawns a rift portal at its center. Same functions and limitations as Banish's rift portal, mainly used to grant allies a personal Banish buff so they can remain in the rift when walking out of Cataclysm. Portal stays put even after Cataclysm is collapsed.
  • Cataclysm collapse no longer removes friendly Limbo players from the rift.
    • Better yet if devs feel like it, Cataclysm collapse no longer removes any Limbo (even the casting player) from the rift.

I think playing with Limbo will feel a lot better when players can mostly decide for themselves which plane they want to be in. Of course Cataclysm will still force the rift for everything in its area, but I feel that's okay because everything can walk in and out to swap planes.

Edited by PsiWarp
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2 hours ago, Sintag said:

So, Limbo is in an odd spot.  On the one hand, yes, he has become a lot harder to kill, the Rift has been made more pliable, and Stasis is...Stasis.


On the other, he's somehkw managed to go from useless to downright harmful in unskilled hands, and even in skilled hands he can manage to be a pain to work with.  I'm not going to outright offer advice for all of his issues, but I'd like to address two.  Banish and Stasis.


Banish needs to have some sort of tap-hold mechanic for single targets or AoE Banishes, respectively.  Many a Limbo has inadvertantly Banished the guy they wanted, his buddies, thst one Loki standing five meters away, and his pet dog, too.  If the old targeting was unfeasible, the new targeting causes way too many lethal accidents.  So, instead, why not give players both options?


Secondly, Stasis.  I'm not asking for much here, just make it more obvious that Limbo has thrown down Stasis.  Maybe a UI indicator as a buff of sorts reading as 'Stasis' with a pause icon would do.  Anything better thsn fruitlessly wasting bullets until the realization kicks in.  Akso, if it isn't too much a hassle, maybe have killed enemies immediately disintegrate if they're in a Stasis-influenced Rift?


As always, let me know what you think!

I want many things for banish.

First i want to be able to see where are the banished targets, so no more the wave is finished but one idiot is at the objective banished and i dont know about it.

Second add in bigger effect for banished targets, its damn hard to see who i banished and if i change the energy color i will go blind thanks to cata effects.

Third add in a "projectile" effect to banish so i can see how it looks like and i can actually learn to only banish my targets and not everybody else around them.

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On 5/8/2017 at 2:02 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Affinity shares equally among all gear.

Only if someone else in the team, within range, killed the enemy. If you killed with a weapon, half affinity goes to that weapon, half goes to the warframe. None goes to your other gear. This is like, basic. But hey, don't take my word for it: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Affinity


On 5/8/2017 at 2:02 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Also we could argue on what happens if i for example brought a rank 0 tysis. The weakest secondary pistol in the whole game. How do you expect me to level it up if im stuck in a limbo stasis bubble?

Carefully aimed at the head of a frozen enemy, shoot a few rounds and wait for the stasis or cataclysm to end. If someone else killed them with melee or powers, you get a third of the exp on that weapon, assuming you brought all 3 weapons. Really, this question is the same as "how would I level my rank 0 Tysis in a team with an Ember with an Ignis?"


On 5/8/2017 at 2:02 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

The Rift Indifference buff i posted lets allies attack enemies on different planes at the cost they can shot back and makes players be able to shot targets normally at the cost of removing stasis and replacing it with a power strenght reliant slow, also it lets enemies shot back.

And you have not read my post either. If they're in Stasis, how are they supposed to shoot back? If you're free to shoot enemies in Stasis, it's the most OP power in the game.


9 hours ago, Konachibi said:

You mean like how Nezha's Divine Spears causes all enemies to stay absolutely still and open for being shot?  Or how about Excalibur's Radial Blind causing all enemies to stand still and stay open for being shot?  Or maybe Nidus's Larva pulling all enemies into a single location so you can shoot them?  Heck, how about Rhino's Rhino Stomp that levitates all enemies and opens them up for being shot at?  Let's not forget Vaubans Bastille levitating enemies so you can shoot at them, and Vortex doing the same as Nidus's Larvae, pulling them into a single spot so you can shoot at them?

I don't understand your post at all. You're complaining about Limbo's Stasis being bad while at the same time saying all these powers that you think are the same as Stasis.


All those powers paled in comparison to Stasis. Those powers only gave an effect to the enemy at the activation of the power. Any new enemies entering the scene are not affected. Stasis affects any enemy entering the field *while at the same time* keeping everyone inside the rift immune to harm. An equivalent to this is spamming Divine Spears/Stomp/Bastille while somehow also giving your teammates Hysteria, at no energy cost to them, as long as they stand within range. Is this the ideal set up? No, because it robs your team of their primary and secondary DPS. It's the price to pay for having an area where nothing can hurt you. It's the drawback. If you think this power is on the same level as the other CC powers, then it's pretty obvious you never played with a team coordinated game with a Stasis Limbo. It's OP as heck. It's like playing the game with the AI turned off. It's like I said, the big problem with Stasis is players like the other guy I was replying to who doesn't really understand how his powers work.

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I'm off for a month and come back to find my favorite character turned from master of the rift to 'why is he still in it'! He's clunky, buggy, and unbalanced. Gotta love that I can be infinately in the rift but why do I have to dodge now? It seems so arbitrary and clunky when I could have just pressed a single button before.

Banish is worthless now since I have to be in the same plane as my target, now. I can just use Cataclysm to get better results and I don't have to be out of the rift to use it. Banish was a good way to isolate and assassinate key/strong targets from the saftey of the rift and while it costs less energy Limbo was never want for energy when the rift speed regenerated it anyway.

And banish, oh my LAWD. Do you EVER want Limbo to be likeable? He's more trollable than ever now that he can freeze everyones bullets. And that's if it even works correctly! You use a gun like Sobek that doesn't show mid-air bullets it's fine, but use one that does and banish deactivates itself when there's too much in the air. I can't even empty my Twin-Grakatas before it shuts off! It's also broken since you can just melee them to death. My beginner friend could kill a lvl 65 Napalm with his glave since it's not like he's going to object. And thats if he even alive to begin with since it's nearly impossible to tell without turning it off. It's buggy with cataclysm when I turn it off and they're still in the rift!

And Rift Surge is broken now. Did you know that the mod Rift Torrent stacks not only by 30% for everyone in the rift, but also by how many Rift Surges are active? I can get an average of 600% damage increase with this! Pair this with Banish and I can just swing my Atterax with Berserker and mow everything over! And I don't understand why they made it to where they get put back it the rift when they leave it. When I turn off Cataclysm I want them OUT OF THE RIFT! I don't want to fight my own system! I can't even just Banish them out of it since, again, you have to be in the same plane to do it! I'd have to dodge into the rift, Banish them out, and then dodge out of the rift again. 

The only good thing is Cataclysm. Allowing me and co. to pick up items is great, but now I wonder why I can't activate consoles or air supplies now. It made sense before when I couldn't interact with anything, but now it's just annoying.

I hate this new Limbo. He used to have ultimate controls of who was and wasn't in the rift. Now he has a useless ability (Banish), two bugged and unbalanced (Rift Surge and Stasis), and disapointment. Each Warframe should make you feel fluid and in control. I'm finding it real hard to see myself still playing this game in a week or two. Which sucks cause I love this game but the Warframe I put so much effort in is now broken and unfun to play.

Please bring back Limbo...

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Having rift shift on roll means you don't need to have an entire ability dedicated to it, or have a clunky second activation on another ability. It's pretty awkward and takes some training out, but it's better than needing an entire ability for it.

Banish is not worthless just because you have to be in the same plane. A little clunky yes, but not worthless. That is an extreme exaggeration.

Stasis is annoying. I won't deny that it is an annoying ability to deal with. However, it also completely stops every enemy in the rift, and the only detriment it has to allies is getting in the way and stopping their bullets. Used properly, it is insanely useful.

Once you get used to it, new Limbo is way better than old Limbo. And he's not overpowered.

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Banish is worthless because it's a weak Cataclysm and needs to be in the same plane. Being in the rift gives you so much energy over time that with proper management you will alway have enough energy for Cataclysm. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't Banish multiple targets and thus, was different. If you had the enegy management, when would you ever use Banish over Cataclysm?

Edited by (PS4)Muadika
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

Banish is worthless because it's a weak Cataclysm and needs to be in the same plane. Being in the rift gives you so much energy over time that with proper management you will alway have enough energy for Cataclysm. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't Banish multiple targets and thus, was different. If you had the enegy management, when would you ever use Banish over Cataclysm?

when i want to take that healer into the rift and make everyother unit squishy again

if u bring all of them in it can give them super armor again

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I guess you wasn't up to date with the devsteams because you would have known limbo was getting a rework ages ago.

Stasis gives limbo a new form of CC which is something he lacked. Cataclysm before the rework didn't really do much to enemies since they could easiily walk in and out of it completely unphased.


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As a Limbo player (since U15), I think the new dash feature is really good because you don't have to sacrifice an ability slot for Rift Walk (yes, I know it's annoying to dash when you want to hack something) and useful as it is basically a straight upgrade from our rolls.

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1 hour ago, JalakBali said:

I don't understand your post at all. You're complaining about Limbo's Stasis being bad while at the same time saying all these powers that you think are the same as Stasis.


All those powers paled in comparison to Stasis. Those powers only gave an effect to the enemy at the activation of the power. Any new enemies entering the scene are not affected. Stasis affects any enemy entering the field *while at the same time* keeping everyone inside the rift immune to harm. An equivalent to this is spamming Divine Spears/Stomp/Bastille while somehow also giving your teammates Hysteria, at no energy cost to them, as long as they stand within range. Is this the ideal set up? No, because it robs your team of their primary and secondary DPS. It's the price to pay for having an area where nothing can hurt you. It's the drawback. If you think this power is on the same level as the other CC powers, then it's pretty obvious you never played with a team coordinated game with a Stasis Limbo. It's OP as heck. It's like playing the game with the AI turned off. It's like I said, the big problem with Stasis is players like the other guy I was replying to who doesn't really understand how his powers work.

Let me spell it out for you.  A max range Nezha with some duration and strength with a safeguard augment, a build that's very easy to put together, can CC an entire room of enemies, make all the team bulletproof and allow them to freely run around and kill off enemies using their guns.  That's just an example, but many many many frames can do CC significantly better without debuffing the entire party.  Not only that, but even when you look at meta melee weapons like Nikana Prime, War, Venka Prime, Galantine Prime and their damage output, a Tenora, soma Prime, Tonkor, Simulor, Zarr, Opticor, Euphona Prime, Pandero, Aklex Prime, Akstilleto Prime, Boltor Prime, Twin Grakata, Rakta Cernos, Braton Prime, Hema, Dex Sybaris, heck, even a Grinlok, can more efficiently kill more enemies in a shorter amount of time that even the top melee weapons can.  Limbo takes away your maximum damage potential for a gain that other Warframes can give with none of the drawbacks of Stasis.  Stasis is not OP, it's irritating, and so long as it is the way it is, I'm going to do public matches armed with the Staticor, 'cos I can turn off Stasis with it with only 4 shots and prevent Limbo from screwing up everyone elses fun.

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Just throwing this in as well, you can still enter the rift with one button.  Literally if you're not moving and hit shift (and even if you are moving but you were pissy about it being one button) it'll just do the dodge and you're in the rift, done.  As far as the stasis deactivating, yes, that's on purpose.  The stronger/more projectiles your weapon has, the quicker it deactivates.  I don't really understand the gripe with the rest of it.  "Agh!  My Limbo now does considerable damage and isn't just some S#&$lord I only use to banish rescue targets!"

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1 hour ago, JalakBali said:

Only if someone else in the team, within range, killed the enemy. If you killed with a weapon, half affinity goes to that weapon, half goes to the warframe. None goes to your other gear. This is like, basic. But hey, don't take my word for it: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Affinity

Theres a missing word in my previous statement.

Bonus affinity is shared among all gear equally.

If i earned 3000 total affinity in a mission that means a weapon what i dont even used will gain 1000 affinity if i brought a frame and 2 weapons only.

I dont have time nor the patience to actively use trash gear just so it can level up faster.

1 hour ago, JalakBali said:

Carefully aimed at the head of a frozen enemy, shoot a few rounds and wait for the stasis or cataclysm to end. If someone else killed them with melee or powers, you get a third of the exp on that weapon, assuming you brought all 3 weapons. Really, this question is the same as "how would I level my rank 0 Tysis in a team with an Ember with an Ignis?"

Tysis is soo damn weak it cant kill +lv 30 infested chargers (possible exragation) With an ember i atlest have chance to kill something since the number of flaming enemies got nerfed. Limbo outright denies that.

The bullet stop effect needs to go as it distrupt co-op.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

I'm off for a month and come back to find my favorite character turned from master of the rift to 'why is he still in it'! He's clunky, buggy, and unbalanced. Gotta love that I can be infinately in the rift but why do I have to dodge now? It seems so arbitrary and clunky when I could have just pressed a single button before.

You only press one button to roll. And, unless you're using a custom button set, it should be noted that you didn't even press a button, you swiped or pressed two buttons at the same time. 


1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:


Banish is worthless now since I have to be in the same plane as my target, now. I can just use Cataclysm to get better results and I don't have to be out of the rift to use it. Banish was a good way to isolate and assassinate key/strong targets from the saftey of the rift and while it costs less energy Limbo was never want for energy when the rift speed regenerated it anyway.


Except Banish is better now since you don't have to keep selecting each individual target and wasting the same energy cost. You can be less accurate, more energy efficient, and in general more effective in actual gameplay standards. 


1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

And banish, oh my LAWD. Do you EVER want Limbo to be likeable? He's more trollable than ever now that he can freeze everyones bullets. And that's if it even works correctly! You use a gun like Sobek that doesn't show mid-air bullets it's fine, but use one that does and banish deactivates itself when there's too much in the air. I can't even empty my Twin-Grakatas before it shuts off! It's also broken since you can just melee them to death. My beginner friend could kill a lvl 65 Napalm with his glave since it's not like he's going to object. And thats if he even alive to begin with since it's nearly impossible to tell without turning it off. It's buggy with cataclysm when I turn it off and they're still in the rift!


Actually, that's entirely incorrect. Hitscan weapons also affect the projectile limit. As such, that's why your Twin Grakatas also lower your ability to keep up stasis. It''s quite possible to tell how your allies are doing if you have your screen and display settings put up correctly. There's also two menu options to help with that so I don't know what the problem could possibly be. It's more like you have a problem with your friend not being high enough level than Limbo having a real problem. 

The rest is just nonsense, as those aren't actual issues with Cataclysm -- except in rare occasions -- but rather your inability to identify targets. 

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Personally, i really like Limbo now. Before the rework i thought he was literally THE worst Warframe. Before his problems for other players far outweighted his benefits.


Now? He's good!

1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

Gotta love that I can be infinately in the rift but why do I have to dodge now? It seems so arbitrary and clunky when I could have just pressed a single button before.

I'd like to see your grades in math. Getting into the rift still requires only one button, it just went from "2" to "shift"...


1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

Banish is worthless now since I have to be in the same plane as my target, now. I can just use Cataclysm to get better results and I don't have to be out of the rift to use it. Banish was a good way to isolate and assassinate key/strong targets from the saftey of the rift and while it costs less energy Limbo was never want for energy when the rift speed regenerated it anyway.

This one is arguable.

Personally i like it. It's saver since you are guaranteed that targets now always are put onto the plane that you are not on.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

And banish, oh my LAWD. Do you EVER want Limbo to be likeable? He's more trollable than ever now that he can freeze everyones bullets.

I think you are talking about Stasis and yes, if you are using only ranged weapons, it can get in the way, yes, HHOOWWEEVVEERR, this is not the case when using melee weapons!

And if you are not packing a good melee weapons, when you are literally choosing to now use options the game gives you, then it's your own fault. A good example for this is the Battle Field series, if you decide yourself, that you are using only Infantry and ignoring any vehicles, it is again, your own fault.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Muadika said:

And Rift Surge is broken now. (...) And I don't understand why they made it to where they get put back it the rift when they leave it. When I turn off Cataclysm I want them OUT OF THE RIFT! I don't want to fight my own system!

If Rift Sourge is getting in the way, don't use it, maybe? That's the difference between learning to use an ability and just mashing every button there is...

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I'm gonna give you some points from a Limbo main mate:
- You still go in and out of the rift with a single button
- banish has been, and always will be, inferior to Cataclysm. While yes its annoying you can't do it through the rift anymore, it was still relatively pointless doing sp
- Stasis is now Limbos best ability. People LIKE the time freeze, as it STOPS THE ENEMIES KILLING YOU!
- Stasis also allows you and your allies to set up deathtraps for the enemies, focussing down a single target and then releasing all bullets to watch it die in agony
- Stasis is not bugged. It has a limit to how many things it can hold, and when that limit is reached, it releases. Do your research
- With Rift Torrent... why are you complaining that you can gain an incredible damage boost? That makes no sense whatsoever
- You're also moaning about people STAYING in the rift. Oh no, you have to dodge to get in, banish and dodge to get back out. Oh NOOOOOO. The dodge takes less than a second to complete, and keeps you mobile.

None of his abilities are bugged, but yes, Stasis and Cataclysm are a TAD unbalanced. There's not much of a way around it with the way there are designed.
How about, instead of whining and moaning, play test, do research, ask players and find out how Limbo is useful.
I've taken the new Limbo through every mission type, soloing defences, assassinations, heck, even wrecking the STALKER!

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52 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

xcept Banish is better now since you don't have to keep selecting each individual target and wasting the same energy cost. You can be less accurate, more energy efficient, and in general more effective in actual gameplay standards.

Yes, thank god now limbos are able to save their teammates from their incoming death by banishing them and every enemy in range. 

16 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

I'm gonna give you some points from a Limbo main mate:
- You still go in and out of the rift with a single button
- banish has been, and always will be, inferior to Cataclysm. While yes its annoying you can't do it through the rift anymore, it was still relatively pointless doing sp

And now thanks to the aoe effect its damn hard to use it properly.
- Stasis is now Limbos best ability. People LIKE the time freeze, as it STOPS THE ENEMIES KILLING YOU!

And stops allies from killing them too.
- Stasis also allows you and your allies to set up deathtraps for the enemies, focussing down a single target and then releasing all bullets to watch it die in agony

Yes all i want to see in a lv50 infesed map is a bunch of stasised chargers what would otherwise have died much faster.
- Stasis is not bugged. It has a limit to how many things it can hold, and when that limit is reached, it releases. Do your research

You need to do some research. Stasis has 300 bullet limit, but 8 pox projectiles can break it and lets not forget that stasis makes all beam weapons unusable.
- With Rift Torrent... why are you complaining that you can gain an incredible damage boost? That makes no sense whatsoever

- You're also moaning about people STAYING in the rift. Oh no, you have to dodge to get in, banish and dodge to get back out. Oh NOOOOOO. The dodge takes less than a second to complete, and keeps you mobile. If we cancel the cata we want everybody out of it. It makes no sense that cata kicks out limbo while others stay in.

None of his abilities are bugged, but yes, Stasis and Cataclysm are a TAD unbalanced. There's not much of a way around it with the way there are designed.
How about, instead of whining and moaning, play test, do research, ask players and find out how Limbo is useful.

Sure limbo is useful as a mobile resurrecter, or a solo player or in a premade group where everybody know what it needs to be done and how.
I've taken the new Limbo through every mission type, soloing defences, assassinations, heck, even wrecking the STALKER!

A basic corpus tech is more dangerous than the Stalker.

The new limbo is nothing more than an annoyance in pug runs and because of his clunky design even in premades he can cause problems.

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11 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Yes, thank god now limbos are able to save their teammates from their incoming death by banishing them and every enemy in range. 

The new limbo is nothing more than an annoyance in pug runs and because of his clunky design even in premades he can cause problems.

- Again, banish has always been inferior, so being able to use it properly means nothing

- Stasis does NOT stop you or allies killing enemies. Abilities work, melee works. You can kill enemies while they can't kill you.

- Yes, you do want those chargers frozen, because if they could have died faster, they would of, and wouldn't have needed to be frozen like that.

- I do not need to do my research. As I've mentioned, stasis unlocks when it reaches its maximum limit. If you're firing 8 Pox darts (which have a slow fire rate anyway), you arn't taking into account any bullets the enemy may have fired when they were frozen (especially in the case of the Corpus who use slower moving projectiles), any bullets from sentinels, and from allies. THEY ALL ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT.
E.g. take a Sentinel with the Deth Machine Rifle, and stasis goes down very fast.

- When Cataclysm goes down, it does not keep enemies in the rift. If Cataclysm is gone, its gone, thats it. What keeps them in the rift is if you've decided to use Rift Surge. THEN they will all count as being banished. Solution, play Limbo as intended. Fight IN THE RIFT. He manipulates the rift plane to his advantage, and if you're choosing to fight on the material plane, then you're better off taking a different frame.

- If players in your party are complaining about cataclysm and stasis, then they don't know limbos strengths.

- Lastly, go 1v1 the stalker solo with Limbo. Now go 1v1 a Corpus Tech with Limbo. You'll find the Tech is a HELL of a lot easier than the Stalker.

Edited by Stormandreas
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8 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Yes, thank god now limbos are able to save their teammates from their incoming death by banishing them and every enemy in range. 

The new limbo is nothing more than an annoyance in pug runs and because of his clunky design even in premades he can cause problems.

I'm guessing that's sarcasm. 

I have to sarcastically ask why, if you were a true Limbo user, not use Stasis before banishing them to save your teammate? 

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Yeah, they munged him up pretty severely. Nothing is going to change, though, so you just have to get used to the New Limbo (also, questioning the addition of a free fifth power -- i.e., Rift Dash -- is very unpopular here, so...don't question it. Just take it on faith that it is For The Best). 

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