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Ok, who else is done with kuva?


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I don't mean using rivens.  I mean farming kuva to "rank" rivens.

Let's look at the real cost. Once you get to level 10, it's 3500 kuva per roll.  Per random roll.  Nothing guaranteed.  A slight chance for the riven to get better and a huge chance for it to be worse.

What's the cost?  3500 kuva.  That's six regular kuva missions.  SIX.  Figuring a kuva mission is six minutes at the absolutely shortest, it means to roll ONE riven is over 35 minutes of playtime just for ONE random roll.  Buying a booster, because you're stupid if you don't, a player is looking at a minimum of 15 minutes and if the missions aren't capture or rescue, then probably closer to 10 minutes or longer per mission.  Doing a super kuva mission makes things somewhat better, but it's still a super mission plus two others so it's 20 minutes.  WITH A BOOSTER.

For me, this substantial investment of time for a pure random roll just isn't worth the investment.  I've got the rivens I want.  I've got them at the stats I'm relatively happy with.  No more kuva farming for me.


Anyone else think the kuva costs are onerous as well? 


A quick comment. Many people are replying that the kuva missions aren't that bad.  They're right.  Those missions aren't that bad.  I solo all of the them to get through them as fast as possible.

It's not the individual missions.  It's that it takes a minimum of 20 to 25 minutes for a single random roll after level 10.  That is just too much time to invest for a single crappy random roll.

Edited by Troll_Logic
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It is tedious especially if you're trying to roll a riven that won't end up actually ruining the weapon like getting -damage and +zoom at the same time :P sadly inefficient rolls happen far too often.

Have a clanmate who has several rivens rolled over 60 times and he didn't find any of the rolls good, NOT GOD, just not even that good.

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1 minute ago, Acersecomic said:

It is tedious especially if you're trying to roll a riven that won't end up actually ruining the weapon like getting -damage and +zoom at the same time :P sadly inefficient rolls happen far too often.

Have a clanmate who has several rivens rolled over 60 times and he didn't find any of the rolls good, NOT GOD, just not even that good.

pssst - crit dmg on vulkar wraith does what banshee used to be able to do with sonar ;)

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I've been trying to get a "perfect" Dera mod since they came out. The best one I have also has -damage to Grineer, so it's pretty much a mini Grustrag bolt.

Not trying to get something fantastic, I ended up with great ones for the Opticor and Spectra. But the Dera is still my favorite laser cannon and I want one for it too...

I don't mind farming, it's just getting so monotone doing it so much. I wish there was another way, like a Kuva fortress long survival or something of the sort. To switch it up a little.

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I don't care about Riven mods. I don't care about Kuva.

I farmed it a bit when TWW striked, then I understood the Riven were not really interesting in any way... And Kuva farming is by far the worst Warframe experience I've had so far.

I rerolled one Lanka Riven 4 or 5 times and crafted the Zarr and Roggas, then I never went to farm Kuva again. I think I'll never have the Kesheg.

I only use Riven if they're for an interesting weapon and if I am lucky enough to have a good roll on unveiling (I was lucky yesterday with a Gorgon Riven).

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I dont care about rivens as well. I tried to make AkLex riven, then I realised that with primed pistol gambit and target cracker it does enough damage for armored sortie 3 and utility properties like reload speed are not worth 18 mod capacity. Also, nobody buys them if they are for less popular weapons (like AkZani or Mutalist Cernos, even if they have good stats).

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would you rather the cost go up forever like it used to? be glad DE capped it.

side note, i tend to stop around the 8th roll. if i havent gotten something decent by then, i melt it for endo and move to another riven

Edited by Moysa
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I am still not able to do kuva farming because none of the major quest finished by me and not really bother me because I like the more casual way. Farming for a random stuff is just boring and non inspiring. There could be some different mods as rewards for nightmare missions that is doable for me. Rivens not bad things but pretty much not for me.

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3 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

I don't think the grind is the problem here. But rather how extremely boring and frustrating kuva missions are. You suffer through them and not enjoy them.

Indeed. That, and the process of rolling the Rivens itself: no sense of progress - either strike out on a really good roll, or settle for a semi decent one. It's why I have a limit to how many rolls I should do per day.

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Yeah you missed the release chance of crazy farm.

3,500 Kuva is painful, but it a tough grind. The point of doing the same short mission for 600 does sound easier.

Kuva and Riven are good as they are, though can change direction.

Pain for me is [Orvius] 4,000 Kuva?

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2 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

Buying a booster, because you're stupid if you don't,

bit harsh, but I do agree that getting Kuva can be a bit on the repetitive side. I got a booster from logging in yesterday and the Fortress was near Jupiter, so I decided to do a few runs. my experience with Riven rolls is quite mixed: got amazing rolls for my Dual Cestra and Tetra, but my best Rivens are ones I traded for.  since then though, it's been mostly downhill.

1 hour ago, StealthDragoon said:

inb4 the next "Sibear" that requires 60k kuva to craft and 250k for clan research

don't give them ideas.. while it's easier to farm than Kuva, I'm expecting a 70k Synthula requirement any day now...

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5 hours ago, RobWasHere said:

Also, nobody buys them if they are for less popular weapons (like AkZani or Mutalist Cernos, even if they have good stats).

Just a quick comment, if you get an AkZani Riven, you should keep it... The Codex states so clearly that they are Mirage's favorite that it's very likely we will have an AkZani Prime with her...

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Another issue is most of the time when I'm available, the kuva fortress is always on ceres, and on ceres and some grineer galleon missions. The siphon machines are on an alternate branch and you have to go and search for them instead of it being on the linear path from start to extraction. So it wastes more time in the long run because I have to go search for the machine.

So it gets super frustrating to have to spend another 5 some minutes I could've been in another mission and getting to the kuva siphon machine already instead of spending the time looking for it when the mission objective has long since been completed.

Edited by Cmdr-A
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I wouldn't mind the kuva costs if there was another way to get kuva beyond the siphons

the siphons are buggy as all hell on a good number of tiles, sucks finishing the mission, spending 10 minutes or so finding the siphon only for it be bugged either by disappearing, not spawning any kuva, kuva getting trapped in an unknown wall, having the siphon suck sucking and in one direction forever

and while I don't like the concept of rivens, I do use a good amount of them to try and fix some old favorites (trying for reload speed on the rubico)

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Kuva farming isnt that all bad.


It's more of the Rivens they're meant for , especially when you're trying to get nice or 'God Tier' stats for the unlocked ones , especially for the ones that aren't popular. AKZani / Pantera / AKBronco / Tysis / Flux Rifle / etc.  If anything I have noticed , people ONLY want the Meta Rivens , if it's not Meta then they won't buy it.


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6 hours ago, Ksaero said:

Never been obsessed with power creep, the game doesn't require maximizing for any content anyways.

This. Rivens are entirely unnecessary. If I truly want to use a weapon that just can't cut it for level 200+ enemies, I'll just go do one of the dozens upon dozens of starchart missions, fissures, alerts, invasions, syndicate missions, or even sorties where that weapon is more than fine, and resources/relics are resources/relics no matter what the level of the enemies is.

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Got my 48 Rivens to where I want them to be. Now i just do Kuva floods when they arent Mobile Defense. Sitting at about 200k Kuva saving for melee weapons whenever they come out. I don't do too much kuva grinding but by doing the flood whenever I'm on (an hour or two in the evening on weekdays and a bit more on the weekends) i get a healthy dose of kuva farming without actually burning myself out too much.

Also i got a triple charm Kuva flood yesterday (20k kuva) that felt really good.

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Honestly, you don't need Riven Mods to be successfull at high level missions. When the Riven Mods came out I was like "Oh cool a gambling system which doesn't fix anything.... yey" and I still don't farm any Kuva to get these "Godlike 2k plat mods" which may slightly increase my weapons DPS. Using a good Melee weapon with Naramon is enough to master EVERY CONTENT in the game so far. You simply don't need Rivens, because there are always better and easier to acquire alternatives.

Imo Kuva farming is just way to boring and repetitive and somehow not really connected to the main game yet, like Archwing is neither. DE just needs to give us other ways to obtain certain amounts of Kuva, like endless missions (Surv, Def, Interception or Excavation), without being forced to play the same boring mission over and over again.

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