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Cycron feedback


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With the base fire rate and reload of this thing you end up shooting for 4 secs and then needing to wait 5 secs for the thing to reload.This is frankly stupid why was it even necessary for this weapon to have unlimited ammo?Did anyone complain about constantly running out of ammo with secondaries.Either make its magazine like 200 and cut the reload to 2 secs or just get rid of the infinite ammo thing entirely

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The 5 seconds is a bit excessive. I would support lowering the "reload time" (charge delay) to 3 seconds (2 with Quickdraw, if you want it).

But that's it. It has pretty reasonable burst damage and 2 guaranteed status procs on every enemy you touch with it, for just 3 mods.

Edited by Momaw
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Don't have the weapon yet but so far it looks like Riven should be cheap and I'll replace my Spectra because of looks and no need to for ammo.


The fire to reload ratio reminds me of AkBronco Prime....shoot for under a sec and then reload for for over 2secs. 

AkBronco Prime base stats in 10secs you are reloading for 6.9secs and only shot for 2.1secs

Compared to Cycron in 10 secs you recharge for 5-6 seconds (I'm hearing it is a 5sec delay before it actually recharges), but get 4secs of continuous fire.

I'm surprised DE would repeat that type of shoot to reload ratio given how much of the player base hates long downtimes in regards to shooting.

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Based on how the lex prime is mr 0 and the zhuge is mr0 im led to believe this weapon is mr 9 because of its looks. Fashionframe is endgame so endgame needs endgame looks. Dps and damage doesnt matter when you arent shooting enemies with the thing. 

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Instead of having a 5 second timer before the weapon can even start recharging its battery, make it a constant recharge rate, that can be improved with reload mods. Dump enough reload speed and negative fire rate into it, and you'll be able to shoot all day every day. I like the gimmick of Battery weapons, But I really don't want to use a weapon, that spends more time reloading that it does shooting.

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Battery Weapons, in reality piratical purpose. You don't see wide area of knowledge.

Yes, in this case, Cycron need faster fire rate and since it electric spark? Maybe like 300 capacity? (You ask how? We are not talking about modern day AA or AAA batteries). 

P.S. Unless Cycron Riven is Strong, I don't see much of a help, but for experimental weapon, and not pratical. Just think tasers weaponry at this rate.

Yes, this would probably be Volt's sidearm, now I should craft it when possible, maybe.


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The Cycron would be an awesome fun secondary if DE gave the weapon a innate Speed Holster on any weapon switches to or from the Cycron. Also this is obviously a beam weapon so why wont it let you use Ruinous Extension? What the Hek is up with that!

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The recharge rate would be fine if DE gave the weapon a innate Speed Holster on any weapon switches to or from the Cycron. Also this is obviously a beam weapon so why wont it let you use Ruinous Extension? What the Hek is up with that!

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The Cycron's reload mechanic encourages a bad triggerfinger.

Well, wether you spend 1 ammo or 20 ammo, you still have to wait 5 seconds for it to start recharging. And when it does, it reloads the whole mag in about 1 second.
Thus, it encourages to empty the entire thing every time you use it.

If it was to be the opposite, meaning; having little to no delay, but a rather slow recharge (think 0,2sec delay, and then 5 ammo/sec), it would encourage to be used with a careful triggerfinger, like using it in bursts, and to let its innate heat-proc do some of the killing too. With only that change, I think it'd be a very viable gun.

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I don't know if DE releases bad weapons on purpose or just send them out to see how players react to the weapons first before making changes. But I see how DE is trying to release a new way to make weapons and how they perform but this was just done wrong. Unlimited ammo but a long 5 second reload. I have an alternate solution. 

Give the Cycron it's own icon to replace the ammo number. Instead of a long reload recharge. Give it the ability to overheat. When firing. The icon will change colors with red indicating it will overheat. If it overheats. There will be a semi short delay before the weapon will cool off. Ammo increasing mods will extend how long before the weapon will overheat. The weapon will immediately cool off if it's not in the red. So it could be everlasting if you use it wisely.

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7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

I don't know if DE releases bad weapons on purpose or just send them out to see how players react to the weapons first before making changes. But I see how DE is trying to release a new way to make weapons and how they perform but this was just done wrong. Unlimited ammo but a long 5 second reload. I have an alternate solution. 

Give the Cycron it's own icon to replace the ammo number. Instead of a long reload recharge. Give it the ability to overheat. When firing. The icon will change colors with red indicating it will overheat. If it overheats. There will be a semi short delay before the weapon will cool off. Ammo increasing mods will extend how long before the weapon will overheat. The weapon will immediately cool off if it's not in the red. So it could be everlasting if you use it wisely.

They will not change the weapon, they will just release a similar weapon with more decent stats in the near future. Thats how DE do it for an eternity now. They invent a new weapon type and release a weapon for it that sucks. Then they release a better version once they figured out how the weapon type performes.

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1 hour ago, CrudShuzKong said:

They invent a new weapon type and release a weapon for it that sucks. Then they release a better version once they figured out how the weapon type performes.

Are you sure ?
Destreza, Mios, Simulor, Redeemer, Sonicor, Javlok and many others...

Compared to most of recent new weapon, the Cycron is a scrap. I dont already have it so, I can't really judge but having infinite ammo at the cost of a 20 bullet magazine and 5 seconds reload is pretty bad in a game where you never run out of ammos.

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No DE just discriminates against laser weapons because reasons and continuous trigger mechanics.


See: Convectrix, Glaxion, Flux Rifle, Spectra, post-nerf Synoid Gammacor & Gammacor.


I mean, the reason atomos doesn't suck is the chaining mechanic but against a single target it doesn't output that much. Quanta and Quanta Vandals have high base damage and high ammo efficiency which make them a lot more worth using even if we don't talk about the secondary fire which people usually spam instead.

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On 27/04/2017 at 1:44 AM, FelanGrey said:

With magazine size of 20 rounds and fire rate 5 rounds/sec you'll spend all ammo for 4 seconds and after that you have to reload 6 sec (it start to restore ammo after 5 sec, and to fully restore it need ~1 more sec) - not really comfortable for playing. And it have limited range of fire.
Yep, you can use mods to increase reload speed (with Stunning speed and Quickdraw it would be 2,7sec) but you'll loose in damage that isn't to height for high level mobs.
Too much negative stats for new feature of regenerating ammo.
Maybe better to increase magazine capacity or reload speed?

I'd prefer an increase in magazine capacity. Tried the weapon, reminded me of the syn gammacor before the nerf. I'd say 60-100 would be a nice base capacity.

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On 4/28/2017 at 0:32 AM, -NvO-Venom said:

it's actually very powerful.... mr9 is generous.

Sorry but what?
Its sustained dps is less than the spectra.
Further it has the longest reload out of any weapon in the entire game.

So lets list the good things:
-It reloads while holstered.

Now lets list the bad things:
-Horrible sustained DPS (123 base sustained DPS, even the spectra has a 140 sustained DPS)
-Very short range at 20 meters
-Continuous fire weapon so has all of the critical and status issues with that
-You spend only 40% of the time firing, the other 60% is spent reloading (that is unacceptable for an MR9 weapon)
-Slowest reload in the entire game.  The only other gun with a 5 second reload is the Strun Wraith, but that reloads 1 shell at a time so you can start firing again after only 1 or 2 seconds instead of waiting the full 5.

This gun would be bad for MR4.  At MR4 you have access to the Atomos which blows this gun out of the water on every single account.  Better sustained DPS, more damage due to its chaining, better status.
There is literally zero reason to use the cycron when you have the atomos.

The cycron flat out sucks.
It is not a powerful weapon by any means and pretty much any pistol can outdo it.

Hek, it barely has a better sustained DPS than the lato.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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its to bad that the cycron didn't have an alt fire some what like the Stradavar or the zarr switching between 2 modes like the default is a beam like it now and the alt fire you can switch to (like the Stradavar or the zarr again) where you can shoot projectiles well the beam would be stronger than the projectile its self due to the lack of range of the beam it self

Edited by junkbot2014
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This weapon is really neat and I like what it is going for, but I think in it's current state, it's too clunky to actually use.

1. The Clip is too small: The 20 clip size is simply too unrealistic to function, running down a hallway while shooting a handful of guys will empty the clip quickly, often before the enemies are all dead. This leads to the issue of having to wait 5 seconds before the reload even starts, this feels incredibly punishing and bad for the player, and almost sends the message of, "Don't shoot at enemies a lot or else you have to wait." No other weapons has this issue, even weapons with long reload times at least have a reasonable clip to work with. I would suggest a clip around 60.

2. No Ammo Interaction: Ammo drops have no use for this weapon, even if you mod for it. Ammo mutation specifically is what I am referring to. This could be a cool interaction and allow for a interesting solution to this weapons ammo problem.

3. The Recharge time is too long: This problem is very much tied to the clip problem. Running out of ammo is absolutely crippling, and because of no ammo interaction whatsoever, the 5 second recharge time is simply devastating. I would suggest a base reload time around 2.5 to 3 seconds. It's a bit on the long side, but it's a much more realistic "long" reload time. Or possibly having the ammo recharge start the moment you stop shooting, but start it slow, and have it ramp up over time. This would allow large clips to be able to refill in a reasonable time, while avoiding "infinite ammo" which I'm suspecting was feared.

4. In it's current state, MR9 is an outrageous requirement: With little more to elaborate on, this weapon's performance simply does not warrant it's MR requirement.

Overall: I love the ideas in this weapon, but I feel that these issues must be addressed or it will simply disappear into nothingness.

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I gotta say, that I really enjoy the concept of this weapon. Like many have stated already, the clip size feels a bit small. Maybe boost to 30 or 40 and lower the reload time just a hair? It does pack a pretty big wallop against high level infested when modded for flat fire damage, so it does have a lot of potential. I'd also like to see ruinous extension be a usable mod on this gun to help overcome the short beam range. I have found that using melee in between reloads does help offset the slow reload, so perhaps its concept was the first of many for the melee/pistol dual wield system that's planned. I plan to sink a few forma into this baby and see how far it takes me.

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This thing is painfully bad. I have no idea if the designer believed that a poorly implemented ammo regen would compensate for how all around terrible it is, but it doesn't.

I feel bad for people that platted up for this. 

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