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Why am I being punished


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Me and 5 other friends started playing warframe some time ago. And we got hooked, me more than the others probably as I was the one who decided to make our clan. Can't remember the first name but it wasn't nice enough since warframe became a daily deal for us so we had it changed to 'DRAGONKILLER FROM FOREST' and had it's logo made. We like silly names.




So we started building the clan from nothing, one month the first friend left the game. We had a good rotation on who would donate formas as they were rare in the beginning, but that quickly became my job alone as I played far more than the others. I didn't mind, I enjoyed watching the small room become another with elevators and decorating them properly.


We also had the room options display showing messages about one another so it became just like a daily run of hieracon to check all the panels if there's something about you there. And if it was you'd remove it and change it to something else. Small things but it made the clan more than just a place where to research stuff, get the blueprint and never set foot in it again.

One after another stopped playing due to the grind until I was the alone member. We'll they are still in the clan but 450+ days of not being online, they could as well not be. The clan is pretty much complete, there is a few rooms I wanted to add as the obstacle course and dueling room but there's no point to it being alone. The second floor is only for reactors and the smaller rooms in a straight line in order to get the biggest clan hall.

And now to where I am being punished, I am being punished for being inside this clan, I am being punished for building something for me and my friends. I am being punished for not leaving, everything I've contributed to this clan, in decorations, room buildings, researching and to some extent, memories, for another clan where I have done absolutely nothing, for the sole reason that it'll make future events less of a pain.

Or I can just throw this clan away with everything as already said above, and by doing it, receive a 100% flat decrease in grind.





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The best things to do, is if you're mates arn't wanting to play again, and you don't intend on leaving everything you've made (I'm in the same boat man), then make some mates on warframe. Invite people into the clan, and try and expand :D

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You've brought this upon yourself, if I'm to be entirely honest. I'm currently in the same position, starting a clan for my friends and none of them play anymore. 

Rationally, I'd leave and go back to the clan I was in before, one of -- if not the -- top clans in the game. But, illogically, I stay and keep building the clans so that if they one day come back and want to try some of the new stuff, I hath provideth. 


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there is no good answer. the community really lacks empathy towards this sort of thing, they'll just tell you to screw your friends over and get in your own clan.

blame the toxic clan atmosphere that emerged from the hema garbage.

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You are not being "punished" and I have idea what you are actually complaining about. Just get a family member to start a new Warframe account, pass control of the clan over to them, and then join another "social" clan to spend some time there.

Everything you build stays intact, and you can pick it up later.

You have not "lost" anything, and the fact you are the only one playing is down to the fact you have not made any attempt to recruit anyone else.

I'm doing exactly the same thing, and solo expanding is part of the fun. If you are not having fun, just try another angle.

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Clan system was designed to capitalize the effects of vacant seats. It doesn't care about your friendship or how much effort you put in. It makes people play more and people who cannot make others play more play even more for each vacant spot.


My advice 

If you think it's unacceptable, you should follow your friends and quit warframe. Btw it's not your fault that you are addicted to warframe because this game was designed to be a skinner box filled with sunk cost fallacy to being with. 

Edited by Volinus7
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Just go without the stuff until you can rebuild the clan, and get in on whatever the next event is. 

Disclaimer: I built a solo clan, mostly for the research, and I just had to accept that I wasn't what DE is imagining (whether what their imagining is a good idea is a different argument). I don't even bother trying clan events. Your case is a bit different, but the end result appears to be the same. 

I mean, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.


Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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1 minute ago, 3goats said:

there is no good answer. the community really lacks empathy towards this sort of thing, they'll just tell you to screw your friends over and get in your own clan.

blame the toxic clan atmosphere that emerged from the hema garbage.

It's certainly true that some members of the community are less than sympathetic to solo clans for reasons I can't fathom...but there is actually a good/easy answer.

Rewards should be based entirely on personal goals, not clan goals. For the Ambulas event, this means EVERYONE should need 200 Animo to unlock Hades, not an overly grindy 400 like the OP (and myself will) and not a stupidly easy 40 like a member of a full/active ghost clan. Clan participation should be limited to leader boards and trophies. Yes, a solo member of a ghost clan may have a tough time getting the silver or gold trophy, that seems entirely fair provided that missing out on XP for clan passives doesn't end up a game changer (i.e. reduce time to revive clannies == no big loss if solo).

From I developer standpoint, I just don't get why DE always seems to choose the most complicated implementation. Warframe is getting pretty big/complex...and the game is buggy enough already, when the fair solution that doesn't affect their bottom line is also the simplest one it's silly not to go that route. Think of what the code looks like for deciding whether Hades is unlocked for a player now, vs. the simple player has collected 200 Animo check that is currently only done for those not in a clan.

My story isn't too dissimilar to the OP's, I just want to know, what's it's going to be DE? Death by a thousand cuts, or should I just pull the band-aid off now and stop supporting your wonderful game?

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400 Nav Beacons isn't even grindy over the course of a week. You can get 88 or so per run in Outer Terminus with a sub-par farming group. (No Nekros, No frost. We did it with three people. A good mag, an excellent Equinox, and a newer Ash frame)

My own ghost clan has about three active members. Of the three of us, I'm the only one who has completed the starmap and feels comfortable doing endless runs. Frankly, I don't expect them to be capable to contribute much to the clan yet (though I appreciate when they do), the entire point of our clan is so that our more established members can help out newer members and, as a team, we can dig into clan research.

If that means I need to do multiple 35-40 wave survivals in outer terminus solo or in pugs and then partially carry them through getting the base 40 beacons they need for the boss fight, so be it.

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Seriously, your friendship doesn't end if you kick them from the clan or leave it yourself to join another one. They don't play the game anymore. If they return, you can manage to be in the same clan again. What's the problem, what keeps you there, in a dead clan with no one to play with? You don't live with corpses of your relatives when they die, you bury them and just move on, the same thing happens here when your friends stop playing.

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A lot of people are questioning why DE is going the route that they are with respect to solo clans. I don't know the answer but if the riven mod slot limit is anything to go by,  one man clans are eating up database space.  There seems to be a lot of them too given how many posts I've seen since the event started. 

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1 minute ago, TaylorsContraction said:

A lot of people are questioning why DE is going the route that they are with respect to solo clans. I don't know the answer but if the riven mod slot limit is anything to go by,  one man clans are eating up database space.  There seems to be a lot of them too given how many posts I've seen since the event started. 

I think it's not the database space, I think it's part of preparing clans for the upcoming changes, like DE wants the clans to kinda "crystalize" before the clan operations hit the fan, they just do it in kinda strange way.

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I feel you man. I started a clan with just my friend about two and a half years ago and he stopped playing nearly as much as I did. The only solution imo though is to find yourself some more dudes, getting going as a ghost clan is super tough I know (I've been there) but super worth it in the end. We're now a successful Mountain Clan with an awesome community.

If you're looking for a few active members to fill you up to max Ghost Clan size I might be able to help you out, would be a crime to see such a nice dojo go to waste. Drop me a reply or a PM if you're interested.

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Well I can't say I know how you feel, my clan stays pretty active since we all live near each others to boost up the ones lacking motivation...

Though, our little Ghost clan is a member of an Alliance from which we haven't seen a single member since... 2 years ? Maybe something like that... So yes it doesn't affect us the same way you are, but I think I might have a grasp at that feeling of loneliness you are talking about.

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I was in my own 1 man clan, all research, colors, rooms, decor, even had a emblem I was sitting on waiting to pull the trigger on and upload.  Then along came the Pacifism Defect, which pretty much screwed me over in more ways than one.

After it ended it was clear that solo clan wasn't going to work anymore, and seeing the upcoming kingpin system from the devstream just told me I needed to adapt, so I dumped my hard work and joined a friend's clan.  So far it has been better.

Since you are probably in a position to add/remove people, you can either prune and regrow, or leave and find another to fit your needs.  Just got to fix your problem before the next event comes along.

Edited by ZinGrin
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In my clan, any member, for as close friend as it is that reaches 90 days without logging in, i boot them out. If they start playing again and want, later they can join again.

Since DE decided to make Clans matter to these recent events i had to start kicking people out more often to keep the Tier down.

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1 hour ago, haloamted said:

Me and 5 other friends started playing warframe some time ago. And we got hooked, me more than the others probably as I was the one who decided to make our clan. Can't remember the first name but it wasn't nice enough since warframe became a daily deal for us so we had it changed to 'DRAGONKILLER FROM FOREST' and had it's logo made. We like silly names.




So we started building the clan from nothing, one month the first friend left the game. We had a good rotation on who would donate formas as they were rare in the beginning, but that quickly became my job alone as I played far more than the others. I didn't mind, I enjoyed watching the small room become another with elevators and decorating them properly.


We also had the room options display showing messages about one another so it became just like a daily run of hieracon to check all the panels if there's something about you there. And if it was you'd remove it and change it to something else. Small things but it made the clan more than just a place where to research stuff, get the blueprint and never set foot in it again.

One after another stopped playing due to the grind until I was the alone member. We'll they are still in the clan but 450+ days of not being online, they could as well not be. The clan is pretty much complete, there is a few rooms I wanted to add as the obstacle course and dueling room but there's no point to it being alone. The second floor is only for reactors and the smaller rooms in a straight line in order to get the biggest clan hall.

And now to where I am being punished, I am being punished for being inside this clan, I am being punished for building something for me and my friends. I am being punished for not leaving, everything I've contributed to this clan, in decorations, room buildings, researching and to some extent, memories, for another clan where I have done absolutely nothing, for the sole reason that it'll make future events less of a pain.

Or I can just throw this clan away with everything as already said above, and by doing it, receive a 100% flat decrease in grind.





I know and feel your pain hehe. Almost four years ago I had four floors and all research complete in my dojo before I decided to recruit and share what I had unlocked. I wanted a community clan where everyone was equal with no rules or requirements and for awhile it worked. We had almost three hundred members before slowly dying out late 2015. Now we are a shadow clan and are around 17 or 18 members. Im not sure how many because we had three new recruits (who joined before this event) leave in the past two days...grrr. I would join a active clan if I could disband my clan and get back all the resources I put into it but I guess it's just easier for DE to do it this way.

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I was invited to my first Clan when I started playing about a year and a half ago. It was a Ghost Clan but I ended up doing almost everything: I was the only one opening new research and building new rooms. It got to a point (I think it was after the Javlok) that I just had to leave. Someone decided to destroy decorations and rooms and got tired of carrying the entire Clan solo with the Warlord not helping, not present, and managing close to nothing... I was a General, but I had enough.

I'm in a new Clan this year and everything was ok: research labs were complete and the Dojo looks great. I had tonnes of resources so I helped complete the entire Dojo's 3th floor (5 rooms, pretty much solo)... but them came the Hema. The Clan's Chief made a message that anyone who doesn't login in 30 days will be banned, but he hasn't been there in over 70 days. Because it is a Storm Clan we either cut 20~30 people to decrease clan level and make it easier to so researches, or just leave it as is. Now, every research asks for more and more resources and here I am, pratically solo again, trying to get pollymers to end the Tenora and NPC consumables research (over 300k required)... It is ridiculous.

I know this may sound a bit dictatoresh, but I think there should be a tax for Clan members: 10% of what you get (resources/credits) goes to the clan, that's it. #Imbeingpunishedtoo

Edited by (PS4)leonidasx666
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I recently had to clean out our inactives from the clan.  It really sucked, having known them for years both in and out of the game, but at an average of being gone for a year and a half, we had to accept that these people simply were not coming back.

They were removed from the clan and I sent a clan invite to them, so they have the option of rejoining if they ever decided to come back.  

You aren't being punished by DE.  You're punishing yourself for holding onto dead accounts.  Remove them, resend clan invites and move on.

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