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Coming June 16: Devstream #94!


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Here are my suggestions :

- Forma revamp : How are we suppose to adapt our build (after a warframe change, new mods, new auras, rivens, etc) with more and more expensive mods who obliges us to forma all our warframe /weapon slot ?

See some suggestions here:


Or on the Forum :

 - Getting Void trace...in the void !!

- Remove the common mods reward from endless missions (defence/exca/etc) to only have relics.

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Hey DE Crew! My question for this week is for Scott. On multiple DevStreams after reworks like Saryn and recently Oberon, you said you were going to let each of those frames "marinate" for a while. Beyond Oberon which recently got tweak, none of the other frames that you said were marinating seemed to get a second pass. Do you have plans to return to Saryn, Mag, Volt, Valkyr, and other marinated frames soon?

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Is there a chance that we could see a return of the old system for getting Prime parts, while keeping the new?

I know there are plenty of players like myself, who preferred the old system, if only for the endless runs.
However, there are also plenty of new players who enjoy the new system. So would it be possible to simply have the old system back in place solely for the Void?

I could see the benefits of this including that New players would have incentive to go to the Void, since there really is none otherwise, and Old players would have their preferred system of choice, as well as giving them a reason to seek out Primed Warframes for their passive, rather than just for the Mastery points.

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Do you have any plans or would you consider adding more channeling weapons abilities (Like exalted blade, Primal fury, etc) to existing warframes in the form of augments?? these abilities are really fun but very few exist, if new ones are added to the game they would bring life and a fun option for certain warframes , Flame polearm for nezha, ice long axe for frost and a lightning hammer for volt are a few examples.

And on the same topic, what are the plans for the augment mods slot?? or at least to be able to put augments in the exilus slot, since personally when this slot was introduced, my first thought was that of a space for augments in our builds.

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34 minutes ago, bloodworm12 said:

Q: Can we get unlockable extra slot just for auguments? This could really improve ours builds. Sometimes it's so hard to sacrifice a mod just for ability augumentation and they just lie unused on our ship.


And multiple augments for the same abilities so as we can vary the fun :)

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Just wondering if we could have all our companions free roam the ship? At this point in the games life it's unnecessary to have to pay 10k every time I want to swap from kavat to kavat, kavat to kubrow, vice-versa or kubrow to kubrow. Just in that example, excluding the last switch, I would have had to have spent 30k credits. Including the last switch I would have had to have spent a total 50k credits. That is the equivalent of one to two Sortie mission credit rewards.

The current system for companions already has the structure to make it viable from a player stand-point as an upgraded incubator has the following effects:

Reduces daily DNA degradation from 10% to 5%

Six-Pack of DNA Stabilizers last for 48 days

Costs 75k Credits

Companions are placed into stasis if they become mortally ill

While I understand that this may make things cramped and messy inside the ship, an easy solution is to have the companions free roam inside operator's room and have only the active companion follow you throughout the rest of the ship.

Can we also get Focus added to the arsenal as a loadout selection? I find that, again, at this point in the games life it's unnecessary to have continuously swap at the operators room. We can add and replace lens in the arsenal, so why not just let us select and save our preferred Focus into our arsenal loadouts?

Edited by TheSilverians
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Q1: ever considered giving orokin ciphers other uses than to craft mirage's quest? It feels like a wasted oportunity, how about using ciphers to reroll the weapon restriction on riven mods, or how about making them a component to craft mod containers, something that can contain different mods of the same polarity and retains all the  stats only using one mod slot (which imo would partially solve the mandatory mods for weapons problem allowing better tailored builds)

Q2: Kubrow/Kavat mixed races will it ever be a thing ? i.e.  a mix breed between a sahasa and  a chesa kubrow

Q3: we can hold up to 20 kavat codes (2 kavat incuvations) but why only 1 kubrow egg?

Q4: Universal fetch or vacuum for companions and chesa precepts rework? (I'd recomend to get extra loot from high priority corpses and when disarming a target getting extra loot from it such as the stealing feature on ivara's prowl)

Q5: Companion commands will they be a thing in the future?

Q6: Any QoL changes on Arsenal for swiftly changing between  configs and primary focus school?

Q7: will you ever revisit atlas as you did with oberon? It just needs a bit of synergy to work better 

Q8: any news about focus rework?

Q9: recolorable  vandal/wraith items? Pretty please?

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43 minutes ago, Huanthus said:

Q1: ever considered giving orokin ciphers other uses than to craft mirage's quest? It feels like a wasted oportunity, how about using ciphers to reroll the weapon restriction on riven mods, or how about making them a component to craft mod containers, something that can contain different mods of the same polarity and retains all the  stats only using one mod slot (which imo would partially solve the mandatory mods for weapons problem allowing better tailored builds)

Q2: Kubrow/Kavat mixed races will it ever be a thing ? i.e.  a mix breed between a sahasa and  a chesa kubrow

Q3: we can hold up to 20 kavat codes (2 kavat incuvations) but why only 1 kubrow egg?

Q4: Universal fetch or vacuum for companions and chesa precepts rework? (I'd recomend to get extra loot from high priority corpses and when disarming a target getting extra loot from it such as the stealing feature on ivara's prowl)

Q5: Companion commands will they be a thing in the future?

Q6: Any QoL changes on Arsenal for swiftly changing between  configs and primary focus school?

Q7: will you ever revisit atlas as you did with oberon? It just needs a bit of synergy to work better 

Q8: any news about focus rework?

Q9: recolorable  vandal/wraith items? Pretty please?

Q8 won't be answered, well not a satisfiable one atleast,  i guarantee that.

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Any possibility of ever having augment slots? Even possibly getting multiple augments for the same ability allowing us to customize our warframe's abilities even further (having different options for various alterations of abilities). There are plenty of augments that go unused because they aren't worth replaceing for other mods. Oh how I wish for the day I can equip all 4 ability augments without destroying my builds.

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Hello guys!

I wanted to make some questions

  • Augment Slot: Since you make recently four juicy mods, it can be possible add an AUGMENT SLOT for the warfames? I'm a player who love play longs survivors and have a little extra slot would not make me sad about it!
  • Augment Mods: There will be a review for the olds mods? There's frames who dosen't calculate it to build it on their frame, I know it's an optional idea put on it, but it won't be bad gave a revamp
  • Symaris Shop : I've notice that on the Symaris Shop there isn't the "Relic Pack" option, why he dosen't have it while even the Conclave does have it? Make it viable there too please
  • Long Runs Reward : There's two sides of players, who play short runs and who play long runs, the LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG runners can they have a little gratification with the rewards? I mean more chance to drop relics, or other stuffs I dunno
  • MOAR FASHION FRAME : Since you did it to divide the syandana colors from the rest of the attachments, can you please make it for the helmet too? PLEASE. 
Edited by AndrewScreamSoul
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For warframe and my general opinion of DE, is that if something on warframe broken, at least i know that it will only get better.

Warframe has changed a lot over the years as a result, what are your (DE) views on how the game "farm" should be handled? What are your opinions on how it is now?

On the same train of thought, new resources were introduced to the game, some served a more obvious roll of slowing down player progress, in order to keep the (i assume) veteran player base interested and active. But these often fire-back, as they either pile up on these resources eventually, adapt or simply give up and don't bother with that content anymore. 

To an extent, i feel like there is less focus on new toys (weapons) and more on QoL changes and whatnot, which is amazing. But what changes do you guys plan to make, in content that we can do over and over? Maybe Pimp my ship spin off on warframe? Since you can never get enough furniture. 

And that's all. A big thank you, for all of what you've done so far.

Edited by Noabettiet
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Hello DE,


I am pretty sure this idea in the vault along with Excalibur Prime but has anyone at DE thought about the idea of making Excalibur Umbra a co-founder item. My idea was maybe Excal Umra and maybe umbra prime accessories along with it. I've been thinking about this since the Umbra was born. I would love to be a co-founder.



PS4 Tenno


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Hello DE,


I am pretty sure this idea in the vault along with Excalibur Prime but has anyone at DE thought about the idea of making Excalibur Umbra a co-founder item. My idea was maybe Excal Umra and maybe umbra prime accessories along with it. I've been thinking about this since the Umbra was born. I would love to be a co-founder.



PS4 Tenno


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