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Coming June 16: Devstream #94!


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Hello Tenno!
Devstream 94 is being postponed until next Friday, June 16th. A reminder that this will be the last Devstream until July 8th when we reappear for TennoLive 2017! This thread will be locked for now and another will be posted next week to house more of your questions.
Due to this sudden postponing, we will still run the Gift of the Lotus alert at 3 p.m. ET today.
Thanks for understanding and we will see you back on the couch next week!



TennoCon 2017 arrives in a month– and that means we will use every hour before TennoCon’s arrival to prepare! Devstream #94 will be our last Devstream until July 8th when we reappear for TennoLive 2017!

Who: Rebecca, Steve, Sheldon, Scott, and Geoff!

What:  Sworn to secrecy to preserve the excitement for TennoLive, we bring some teases this week as well as some usual Dev Build antics. Lurking on the calendar is Harrow’s release, and we’ll cover the contents of that update! As always we’ll get some Q&A in, so post your questions below! 

Prizes? There will be prizes! Oberon Prime Access will be given out to a lucky viewer as well as 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where: www.twitch.tv/warframe

When: 2 p.m ET on June 16th (convert here: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/) !   

Edited by [DE]Megan
Devstream postponed
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The way you chose to handle draining player resource bloat has been rather unfortunate in the past, as seemingly random weapons requiring 100 times as many resources than every other weapon around them. To address this issue more fairly and efficiently in the future, I'd like to point out a thread I've made very recently about turning every item players can get more than one of into a crafting resource, introducing blueprints for consumables in the game that don't just require 4 specific resources but 4 of a certain category of resources. That way you encourage players to drain what they have most of on an individual bases without punishing certain groups that haven't amassed stockpiles of very specific resource.

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Hello DE members, love the game I have a few questions I've wanted to ask.

  1. Is it possible to have an option to choose select the focus school with want to use for a mission from the arsenal menu instead of going all the way to the operator or have them assigned to the loadout slot? . 
  2. Since Kubrows and Kavats can move around the ship, when will Sentinels be able to do the same?.
  3. Since the Stalker got an upgrade any chance that the Zanuka and G3 will also get an upgrade?
  4. Some time Steve spoke about expanding on the Infested room/helminth and the cyst. I was wondering if that is still incoming?
Edited by (PS4)OmniKaiser
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any ETA on the next prime unvaulting? can we know who it is and what accessories it'll bring? speaking of accessories, is it possible now to have a separate accessory pack? 

also thank you guys for you hard work

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Hello DE Developers, My Questions are :

1. I just wondering, do you have any plan to introduce passive abilities for Companions? It really helpful to have extra boost from our companions.(take Pokémon Passive Abilities as Inspiration).

2. I really want you to consider to tweak/change Vex Armor and Elemental Ward as Toggleable Ability like Oberon Renewal or Equinox Pacify & Provoke, It really helpful for Chroma user so they didn't mash 2 & 3 all the time for Buffs.

3. Any plan to Rework Chroma Spectral Scream? the Ability doesn't synergy with others Chroma Abilities.

4. Make Universal Vacuum for all Companions, and make it toggleable via Gameplay menu for players who doesn't want it.

5. Any chance that DE will Implement a Bird Companions? I really Like the Bird animation preview from last Devstream :D

6. Do you have a Plan for Helminth Charger Status Chance Buff? 5% status chance doesn't help much to proc the Toxin status and I really like to suggest that Helminth Charger get a Custom Sound Pack, since currently they use Kubrow Sound, it ruin the Helminth Charger aesthetic feeling/value.

I'm so sorry with my Grammar, English not my Native Language.

Thanks @[DE]Rebecca for Picking one of my Question for Last Devstream, I'm so HAPPY for it.

Edited by Blood_Poppy
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Hello Steve and Scott, I hope you are in a great mood today, because I will have to try your patience. I asked these questions last devstream already and I would still appreciate an answer.

Could you please implement universal Vacuum? You said over various devstreams that your team has different opinions about this matter. Some think that having to pick up loot is diversifying the gamaplay, others say that giving any companion Vacuum would make them too similar. I have to strongly disagree. Whether or not you believe that Vacuum is just a feature that diversifies gameplay or companions, most players wont agree with you. They see Vacuum as an integral mechanic of Warframe and I am certain that the statistics support this claim. I predict that very most players will have Vacuum equipped and that Kavats or Kubrows are being used significantly less, not to mention that most of them will only be used to level them.

You could, for example, tie Vacuum innate to the Warframes to the Exilus Slot. Players would have to unlock it with an Exilus Adapter, which would make sure new players don't have immediate access to it, give a reason to farm Simaris standing and quite possibly bolster sales of Exilus Adapters themselves. Energy Conversion, if that is of concern, could be changed to be able to hold multiple charges, as one would pick up Energy Orbs more frequently. Or you could give players the control over what items they want to be "vacuumed".

So let me ask you, why can't you see that your design of Vacuum is not matching up with the players vision of it? Why do Kubrows and Kavats have to be sidelined?


The other question I'd like to ask is if you could rethink your design philosophy when creating or reworking Warframes? Currently, you mostly seem to design or rework Warframes based on the premise to make them balanced and to not make them increasing the powercreep by making sure they don't overshoot other Warframes. Sadly, the downside so far has been that many new and most reworked Warframes as of late are not feeling fun to play.

Oberon is the latest example of this. I'm sure that he is balanced if it comes to your metrics, but it doesn't feel like he was able to push into the "frequently used" category, neither does it feel particular exciting to play him. He is ok, but he's missing something that can catch my interest. As such, I sadly have to consider him as a failed rework, not because he's too bad to play, but rather because Oberon isn't standing out in any way.

As such I would like to ask you if you could change your design philosophy from creating something balanced, to creating something fun, or captivating, and worry about the balance later. Find one thing for each Warframe that will be their gimmick, like Titania's Razorwing, or something they will be the best at and make sure that each ability feels rewarding to use.


Additionally to the questions I asked last devstream already, I'd like to pick up the recent fuzz about many different abilities being tied to the players FPS. In my opinion, this is an unacceptable design flaw and should be rectified as soon as possible, as well as any abilities or mechanics associated with those flaws normalized, such as the MR24 test. I think that Warframe in general would benefit immensely from sidelining the production of new content, focussing on bugfixes, QoL improvements and the overall abalance.

Edited by KaeseSchnitte
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Will you consider updating the Relic systems (the interface on the ship) to filter and/or indicate if a Relic is Vaulted or not? This would be a great QoL feature as the amount of Relics is increasing. Its really tedious checking that you don't use Vaulted Relics when just randomly farming Prime parts etc.

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All I want to ask is... Are you guys aware that we still have only ONE Archwing Prime item? Would you guys consider an alternative way outside of Prime Access to obtain more (also this way we leave the Access program free to keep giving us standard weapons and items).

Also, I is dee eee underscore Steve who used to stream on sundays ever coming back to his normal schedule? :P

I hope that cinematic quest with ballas and Umbra is finally revealed there at TennoCon. So much teasing!

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    1. Would it be possible to use a skin to customize a sword and shield's sword keeping the shield from the stock appearance or the shield from a sword and shield skin? I'd love it if I could use the Frysta sword skin on a sword and shield weapon.
    2. Like the DotD Silva & Aegis skin, would it be possible to apply a sigil or emblem to a sword and shield weapon?
    3. Would it be possible to apply sigils and emblems to our Archwings? Instead of front and back, sigils could be top of left and right wings.
    4. Original shoulder armor option on the rest of the primes that have shoulder armor? Primes of Banshee, Oberon, etc?  (Thanks for getting Volt!)
    5. No shoulder armor option for every original and Prime frame with shoulder armor? Or do they need a deluxe skin first?
        a. Original Oberon has had this since Feyarch
        b. Frost Prime has it as of Harka
        c. but NOT Banshee Prime with Soprano

6. Can there be a chance after an Earth mission for the rodent shown in Devstream 93 to hitchhike its way onto your orbiter and run around, make noises, get chased, played with, or eaten by your pet, and have ordis complain about it? Could remove or prevent rodent infestation with a crafted trap or something.
    7. Will ancient and scorpion hooks ever be fixed? Currently they pull off a lot of impossible things. Hitting targets behind them, behind solid cover, targets that change direction after the throw animation, and can throw hooks at Tenno they have never been aware of while they are blinded.


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Can we have Cernos Prime have a primary fire one arrow alt fire spread arrow? Please?

and can we have a little QoL for Mesa's 1. Can you make it so it charges passively, that way its always ready togo? Please?

Also how about a "glaive marking system" like Ash's Blade storm?

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Can we ever see sigils get a second color option instead of using our warframes color? Also will we ever see the grand master sigil get set back to how it use to be where you could color it a solid color instead of having the gold that overpowers what ever color you set it to. Finally do you think we could ever see a beam type weapon that is basically a high powered water jet like the ones used to cut steal I think it would fit the grineer as something salvaged from building ships.

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Question #1:
Status update about "100 rooms limit". Will you increase it? Let us know if there is any issues with this limit.
Will be there new Dojo's rooms and statues/decorations what you guys teased sometime ago?

Question #2:
Do you remebmer Loki?
What about rework him?

Most of his abilities already useless, or not strong enough comparing with other frames. For example only one way to use Decoy it's for teleportation. Disarm opponents is okay, but not enogh, cause they die in next second anyway. So what for? Rare situations - defend teammates while they busy or afk. Transposition? Good for Spy mission, but that all. 

Edited by Atilla
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When can we see the Nightmare Jordas Verdict talked about almost 2 years ago on a devstream after JV released? I remember Scott mentioning they would fix the JV bugs before a nightmare version would release at that time, but now the raid does not have many bugs left. It would be really awesome to see a NM JV release.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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Any hints on possible hydroid rework/adjustments?

When will the pistol changes/buffs/adjustments come to live build?

Any news on the new comic you teased couple streams ago?

Where is Steve Prime?

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1. How often will rivens dispositings be updated?

2. How far has the rework focus system been done? and previously in older devstream you spoke that a re-spec would be implemented when the revised focus system is implemented. is still on board or will it not happen this time round?

3. What are the future plans for new captura releases? will they be released with syndicates, or will there be other ways of obtaining them?

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