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This Game is Boring


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17 hours ago, Iccotak said:


Uh, you do realize that his post was rather fine, right? @D20's rule's aren't a hard ruleset on threads: they're there to advise people on how to make a thread that will actually get the proper responses. Considering this thread did that, and remained fairly civil, I don't see the problem.

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Yea, you are right, this game is so boring and repetitive and grindy, and often I don't know what to do when logged in.. But, somehow, this is the only one game I playing regularly almost a year! I had sank so many hours to this game that it scares me! And still every word that you wrote is truth.

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16 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

I'm dismissing a faction that never offers any criticism and is just attacking personally anyone who disagrees with the "everything is fine, DE are great, you go play other games" position.. Ofc I would dismiss something like that - there's no thought behind that kind of behaviour. No argument either. It's just toxic people being toxic.

But assuming someone is in that faction and dismissing them just because they disagree is a very, very easy way to shut down discussion without having to actually participate in a discussion, which is something I've notice you do a couple times, is arguably worse than being part of that faction, because it gives the impression that no matter how well-written and sensible an argument may be, it will not be read or responded to just because one disagrees with it. 

It's fine to dismiss the people who are actually sitting around with their fingers in their ears screaming "ALL IS HAPPY ALL IS GOOD" and the opposite, it's far from fine to assume everyone is part of either faction.

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31 minutes ago, Atekron said:

Yea, you are right, this game is so boring and repetitive and grindy, and often I don't know what to do when logged in.. But, somehow, this is the only one game I playing regularly almost a year! I had sank so many hours to this game that it scares me! And still every word that you wrote is truth.

This is the worst game that I'm absolutely in love with....I don't get it myself. My poor son, HATES this game because I play it so much compared to my other games. He's always asking me to play something else. He says "dad you play the same mission over and over and over" I've been playing for about 2-3 years. 

It's like WF isn't just a game anymore, it's a hobby unto itself. 

As much as I like this game, I can't wait until I'm bored with it.

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I tend to be in the same boat as the OP I log in take a look around maybe play a exterminate then log off, but for me it's the why are we doing what we are doing are we the good guys or the bad guys, are there any results for killing every enemy on the ship, did we capture the ship? In a way I feel every battle we do is like that movie Sahara with Humphrey Bogart. A tank crew after a defeat retreats and picks up a few soldiers and try to make their way back to their lines when they find a waterhole. They encounter a small scout troop and capture them and find out a battalion is on the way. They decide with their eight soldiers and tank to stay and delay and defend the waterhole. It's a great movie with a good ending but they are so far removed from the main war, did delaying that battalion have any significant effect, we are never told and that is what Warframe feels like to me. I want to do a exterminate on a ship kill everyone and actually capture the ship and have a prize crew come on board and take it to a friendly port. Things like that would make it more fun and actually give me a purpose for playing the game other than just mindless slaughter, not that mindless slaughter can be fun when the mood strikes you:)  

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2 hours ago, Lanieu said:

I'd really love a hardcore mode...

Nothing is nerfed, just enemies do a lot of damage and have normal health (not artificial tank health). They also don't act like fools and swarm you when they're ranged units. They'd set up a frontline and remain in cover.  (No stupid nullifiers or Ancient Healer auras though - those are artificial too)


I do miss closed beta warframe (even if it was light on content - now the content in this game is just a cluster-f, workshop included.)

How is this any different though? You one shot enemies, enemies one shot you. That does not leave much room for Gameplay especially because in a mode like that CC will be so mandatory that enemies will basically have no AI at all,just be meats sacks to shoot at. 


For there to be "Gameplay" there needs to be an interaction between the player and the enemy. There are multiple ways to go about it, on the most simple side would be to make enemies more tank but deal less damage. On the other end is reworking enemy AI so that enemies cooperate in a way that makes a group of enemies much more dangerous than the sum of their parts. 


The game is "boring" for a lot of people because it is basically just skeet shooting. Wait, bad analogy, you have to actually hit a moving target for that. People talk like bullet sponges are inherently so bad that if enemies can't be one shot it is bad game design, I feel like we as a community have lost touch of what a bullet sponge is. Go watch The Division gameplay, those are bullet sponges. Then go watch some Destiny Gameplay, those are enemies who have a "fair" TTK that allows for a dance between player and enemy, while still allowing the player to feel like a God. (I would argue Warframe would have a slightly faster TTK for enemies than that though). 

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

This is the worst game that I'm absolutely in love with....I don't get it myself. My poor son, HATES this game because I play it so much compared to my other games. He's always asking me to play something else. He says "dad you play the same mission over and over and over" I've been playing for about 2-3 years. 

It's like WF isn't just a game anymore, it's a hobby unto itself. 

As much as I like this game, I can't wait until I'm bored with it.

Same XD giphy.gif

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The thing is, that's every game that is endless/not story based. World of Warcraft is just press tab and use the same abilities in succession, all the FPS are shoot and shoot in different zones.

Once you get used to a game you start to see patterns, even in black dessert once you've seen all the powers everything goes back to a basic grind in a grassy landscape.

TL:DR, It's not the game, it's the player. Take a break go play something else.

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6 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 Sometimes people say things for the sake of saying things. Doesn't mean they convey a message or reason in what they say. They just feel an obligation to say something - and say it without really thinking their points through or having any points of value in the first place. My "Oh, please," - was exactly about that. When people try to engage in a meaningless conversation about definitions and particularities, it's annoying and pointless, and usually derails any real conversations that could be taking place instead. No problem, I'm not without this sin myself. 

So, in short, you post for the sake of posting and you make hasty decisions on someone's stance based off of one or a handful of posts in one thread.



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3 minutes ago, Pendragon1951 said:

So anybody see the Warframe clone, "Anthem", looks pretty sweet:)?

Looks like there's a lot more to its story and environment than there is to Warframe. And it's open world, meaning there are more things to do in the game world than there are in Warframe.

I don't want Warframe to be open world, with a massive game environment, but I would like to see more open tilesets (instead of the enclosed, maze-like design DE goes with all the time) and roaming NPCs to deal with. I'd also like to see multi-objective missions (at least three main objectives) with optional, randomly-generated side objectives (between three and six, for a total of up to nine objectives) for all existing mission types. For one kind of end-game, I'd like to see a multi-objective mission that has additional, randomly-generated, recurring side missions (also multi-objective).

Also, this game looks more like an attempt to be competition for Destiny than anything. I don't think Warframe even compares to Destiny or this game because the scope of Warframe's story and gameplay is so limited compared to either.

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Heh... Good to see people talked about sunk cost and skinner box trap in recent replies lol.

Someone might still think warframe is still in "widening" phase, well it's been in bloated phase for a year IMO, just as OP said many things converge into few paths that's why new stuffs are like crossmatched old stuffs which result in redundancies. I understand it's free to play that's why polishing gameplay and difficulty sound like working for free for devs but a game with weak groundwork in balance usually collapses upon itself along with too much accretion. 

Edited by Volinus7
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15 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:


Heh... Good to see people talked about sunk cost and skinner box trap in recent replies lol.

Someone might still think warframe is still in "widening" phase, well it's been in bloated phase for a year IMO.

Great read. Thanks for sharing! I definitely see similarities to Warframe.

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27 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

How is this any different though? You one shot enemies, enemies one shot you. That does not leave much room for Gameplay especially because in a mode like that CC will be so mandatory that enemies will basically have no AI at all,just be meats sacks to shoot at. 


For there to be "Gameplay" there needs to be an interaction between the player and the enemy. There are multiple ways to go about it, on the most simple side would be to make enemies more tank but deal less damage. On the other end is reworking enemy AI so that enemies cooperate in a way that makes a group of enemies much more dangerous than the sum of their parts. 


The game is "boring" for a lot of people because it is basically just skeet shooting. Wait, bad analogy, you have to actually hit a moving target for that. People talk like bullet sponges are inherently so bad that if enemies can't be one shot it is bad game design, I feel like we as a community have lost touch of what a bullet sponge is. Go watch The Division gameplay, those are bullet sponges. Then go watch some Destiny Gameplay, those are enemies who have a "fair" TTK that allows for a dance between player and enemy, while still allowing the player to feel like a God. (I would argue Warframe would have a slightly faster TTK for enemies than that though). 

Enemies one shot me? Not currently.

Having to go methodical and slow in a hardcore mode would be fun, to me. There was some Corpus weekend event ages ago where the enemy had HIGH damage but normal health. I still haven't found what it was called.  I actually had to stay in cover instead of flubber-ing all over the place and shooting them carelessly.


And when enemy damage becomes such a danger in the current game, they are unrealistically tanky.

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No game or activity can coddle the human mind forever, I'd agree that the gameplay feels different to veterans but that's due to us being so jaded and experienced with it. After some time, nostalgia would be another factor of viewing the 'new' negatively. A game can't match your interests forever, have a break, don't stagnate on one activity for too long. There are hundreds of games out there worth your time, and when the moment is right, you can return to Warframe with fresh eyes. 

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I feel that DE should revisit systems and add new content to them while they rework them a bit.

For instance, the Syndicates. They could add in some new mission types that fit some of the syndicate that serve as the main source for rep besides generic missions with emblems scattered about. Meanwhile they could also go and change the syndicate UI when you are talking to the members so that it is more like when you are talking with Darvo.

People would probably like that, want Steel Meridian/Perrin Sequence rep? Go join a  Steel Meridian/Perrin Sequence team on their deployment to a colony in need and fight alongside them and their forces. Infested Invasion version being you are helping seal off gates in the path of the infested while Meridian/Sequence forces are evacuating the civilians.

Suda rep? Agree to take a special Suda sentinel with you on a mission to recover a Orokin data vault in the derelicts.

Red Veil can have you go Assassinate lesser characters, such as Nef Anyo Brokers or Rathuum Executioners.

New Loka could have you go on missions to protect sections of the forest.

Arbiters of Hexis/Red Veil could have you go do a trial by fire, where you fight in an arena against endless waves of enemies.


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1 hour ago, Lanieu said:

Enemies one shot me? Not currently.

Having to go methodical and slow in a hardcore mode would be fun, to me. There was some Corpus weekend event ages ago where the enemy had HIGH damage but normal health. I still haven't found what it was called.  I actually had to stay in cover instead of flubber-ing all over the place and shooting them carelessly.


And when enemy damage becomes such a danger in the current game, they are unrealistically tanky.

I miss the Nightwatch grineer. I was very disappointed they weren't in the Kuva tileset or part of Second Dream.

I remember them being balanced well. They hit hard, but didn't have ridiculous armor. 

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10 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

The movement animations aren't motion-captured. Who cares about idle animations? They don't affect gameplay at all. I want motion-captured and IK-based movement animations. They have a fancy motion-capture studio now. I'd like to see it used for more than just idle animations and useless cinematic trailers.


I hope that you realize that to have movement and weapon attack animations be completely motion captured requires a person that can actually do those actions.  In most cases It's easier and/or cheaper to use just IK (Inverse kinematics) to animate (like they have been doing) while using a video reference like from a movie.  

I'm not saying that it wouldn't be cool to have.  But why go through so much effort for so little gain over what we already have animation wise.  :D

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I miss the Nightwatch grineer. I was very disappointed they weren't in the Kuva tileset or part of Second Dream.

I remember them being balanced well. They hit hard, but didn't have ridiculous armor. 

Yeah I remember even further back when level ~30 Corpus at Pluto were so difficult and so scary ~4 years ago.  Now Pluto only gets difficult from Bursa spam - even then, I'd like to see Bursas as a defensive unit that holds its ground at a chokepoint with soldiers behind it for protection. Instead, Bursas just bum rush you at a weirdly fast speed.

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1 hour ago, DatDarkOne said:

I hope that you realize that to have movement and weapon attack animations be completely motion captured requires a person that can actually do those actions.  In most cases It's easier and/or cheaper to use just IK (Inverse kinematics) to animate (like they have been doing) while using a video reference like from a movie.  

I'm not saying that it wouldn't be cool to have.  But why go through so much effort for so little gain over what we already have animation wise.  :D

Never said weapon attack animations. Movement animations aren't the same thing. And I mean movement animations as in the walking, running, and sprinting animations. I'm not talking about parkour animations. Motion-capturing walking, running, and sprinting animations is entirely doable by DE's animation team. You're wrong if you think that isn't doable.

Also, if you actually believe that Warframe's current movement animations are sufficient, then you obviously haven't played a lot of games that have motion-captured movement (again, walking, running, sprinting) animations. Warframe's animations are clunky and robotic. Motion-captured movement animations result in gameplay movement that is much smoother.

Not only that, but if Warframe's weapon attack animations were actually in keeping with what people could actually do, what would be the problem with that? We'd have weapon attack animations that made sense, were natural, and also resulted in smoother gameplay. I don't see why that would be a problem.

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3 hours ago, Pendragon1951 said:

So anybody see the Warframe clone, "Anthem", looks pretty sweet:)?

Anthem looks nothing like Warframe, sorry I just don't see it
One has open world environments and is a complete product.
the other one has been in BETA hell for the past 4 years

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10 minutes ago, Iccotak said:

Anthem looks nothing like Warframe, sorry I just don't see it
One has open world environments and is a complete product.
the other one has been in BETA hell for the past 4 years

Exactly. Anthem isn't like Warframe at all. Warframe is an inferior product from a technical standpoint, imo. Anthem (and everyone else recognizes this) is a Destiny copy, not a Warframe copy. It is targeting the Destiny player base (which is not the same as the Warframe player base).

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