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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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Please don't freak out on this and idk how far off I am to what might actually happen in the future when ever Umbra comes out. 

The hypothesis is related to when our Operators get possessed. After playing Harrow's quest, I'm starting to wonder if what we're being possessed by is some manifestation created by the void that turns out to be a shadow of ourselves. Due to the fact that Umbra means shadow/darkness, maybe this shadow version of our Operators is the key to letting us control Umbra warframes in the future. 

Edited by KisaPrime
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6 minutes ago, KisaPrime said:

Please don't freak out on this and idk how far off I am to what might actually happen in the future when ever Umbra comes out. 

The thought I just came up with is related to when our Operators get possessed. After playing Harrow's quest, I'm starting to wonder if what we're being possessed by is some manifestation created by the void that turns out to be a shadow of ourselves. Due to the fact that Umbra means shadow/darkness, maybe this shadow version of our Operators is the key to letting us use Umbra warframes in the future. 

It's a possibility.
But we're so far from any definitive answers that I doubt it will work that way.

A nice thought however. Shadow Operators... hmm, sounds neat.

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1 hour ago, FlawedLegacy said:

anyone thinkin with the recent quest

um SPOILERS below just in case.



that the umbra frames might either repress the void or enhance it?

or that the umbra warframes were used by those controlled/who listened to the 'void entity/man in the wall?'

something to think about i guess.





and megathread has spoiler tags so its fine, but using spoiler button helps :3 

just to get us all on same page ill use dks 

Part 1



Part 2:







Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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CoH has peaked my interest in Stalker and this thing we learned about fractured transference (which Rells was the same as Stalker they go black exhuming black smoke with the orange energy) seems like Stalker might be in the same boat, lost his body and is trapped in the Excal frame due to overexposure to the void for not going into cryosleep like the other Tenno, Umbras might just be Tenno that lost their physical bodies but decided to stick around. I remember te acolytes called stalker undreaming  as well mmmm.

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5 hours ago, Caim31 said:

CoH has peaked my interest in Stalker and this thing we learned about fractured transference (which Rells was the same as Stalker they go black exhuming black smoke with the orange energy) seems like Stalker might be in the same boat, lost his body and is trapped in the Excal frame due to overexposure to the void for not going into cryosleep like the other Tenno, Umbras might just be Tenno that lost their physical bodies but decided to stick around. I remember te acolytes called stalker undreaming  as well mmmm.

The eerie whispers do remind me of Stalker.

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5 hours ago, Caim31 said:

CoH has peaked my interest in Stalker and this thing we learned about fractured transference (which Rells was the same as Stalker they go black exhuming black smoke with the orange energy) seems like Stalker might be in the same boat, lost his body and is trapped in the Excal frame due to overexposure to the void for not going into cryosleep like the other Tenno, Umbras might just be Tenno that lost their physical bodies but decided to stick around. I remember te acolytes called stalker undreaming  as well mmmm.

I think Umbra will be Warframes corrupted, and possibly possessed, by a Tenno's negative emotions that have been manifested by the Man In The Wall. I think it is also possible that all of the Acolytes belong to Stalker's Tenno. Each Acolyte is named after an emotion, and with what we saw in Chains of Harrow, It may even be possible that the Tenno's fractured mind is possessing the rest of their Warframes.

That line about Stalker being undreaming:

"The Shadow is pure, undreaming, untainted."


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11 hours ago, Caim31 said:

CoH has peaked my interest in Stalker and this thing we learned about fractured transference (which Rells was the same as Stalker they go black exhuming black smoke with the orange energy) seems like Stalker might be in the same boat, lost his body and is trapped in the Excal frame due to overexposure to the void for not going into cryosleep like the other Tenno, Umbras might just be Tenno that lost their physical bodies but decided to stick around. I remember te acolytes called stalker undreaming  as well mmmm.

emptydevil explained this well original  when we talked on this in discussions in thread 1 



Standard Transference

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this system is best displayed in the movie "avatar"  featuring similar surrogate body manipulation

 with this we can still access the original body and even control the warframe while awake (second dream operator is awake/aware and controls frame from orbiter) 

now let us reflect on a subject of the how an autonomous warframe would be possible

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body


though with new developments @EmptyDevil 

do you think now that it has a more variables due to this new insight? 

such as fragmented and/or corrupt transference , weve seen with static transference our warframes lose health  when our operator gets to injured 

some interesting ideas there nonetheless 

5 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

I think Umbra will be Warframes corrupted, and possibly possessed, by a Tenno's negative emotions that have been manifested by the Man In The Wall. I think it is also possible that all of the Acolytes belong to Stalker's Tenno. Each Acolyte is named after an emotion, and with what we saw in Chains of Harrow, It may even be possible that the Tenno's fractured mind is possessing the rest of their Warframes.

That line about Stalker being undreaming:

"The Shadow is pure, undreaming, untainted."


that makes sense, and  brings to my mind the ending of TWW were our eyes change and so does our voice, is that then the scratch on the surface of our manifested negative side? 

though  this has me thinking in terms of signal processing , simple ex

say we as the operator are wave 1 

wave 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

then the negative emotion manifest is wave 2 

wave 2 vvvvvvvvvv

wave 2 is opposite of wave one in all respects 

standard primes and even vanillas which are derived from the primes -light- , take a standard wave 1 to use transference 

dark frames: (shadow/umbras/acolytes)  utilize the negative wave form only wave 2 , and as we are "sane?" tenno , we cannot generate the wave 2 normally, the manifested negative is our loophole so to speak to access this frame type 

 we could in theory control , absorb, or manipulate the manifested  negatives to then utilize it specifically to tame control these dark frames by then being able to emit the wave 2 signal type

as it seems possible that the orokin used methods unknown to do this to these manifests and use them in create stalker and acolytes types , so then a method of doing this must exist that we ourselves could employ 

Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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38 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Ahaa ok so what now? 🤔

DE made their own website with the drop tables (link in this forum post)

and we know umbra is in the game files and the game has a few security issues

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On June 29, 2017 at 0:24 AM, arch111 said:

You know how Steve said Umbra may be limited in number?

I just had a thought about why Frost was suddenly given away free today.

If Frost Umbra is in the plans, they may want a good number to have the Prime before that happens.

Just thinking marketing strategies and such.

I posted a thread on this just recently.  Making an Umbra may require a Prime.  The quest will reward a BUILT Excaliber Umbra because Excal Prime is a Founder exclusive and Non-founders can't get him and Founders won't sacrifice their single Excal Prime.

Twitch-Frost-Prime might be a tip-off, and it would make Unvaulted Frame Packs more enticing.

Just speculation on the business model at this point.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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A few things though. Harrow was Rells warframe,  his vessel right.

He was in that and chained in place by the Red Vail. The reason for this was to keep the "Man" on the other side of rift.

Did he fight him? Did he trap him inside? 

So his body died but he remained awake in his warframe.

The question I have is, at what point did Rell get that Warframe? I don't understand when he began that vigil.

He did not go into second dream then and not in Cryo. So he was kept "alive" by moving permanenty into that Warframe? As it was destroyed, he was set free.

The creepy entity though,  he tried to posess the Operator. He failed and tried to kill instead.

So ... did it posess the crew of the Zariman? If so, then was there a second entity that gave the children their powers?

What do this all mean now? It feels like the warframes have something to do with the entity. At the same time Helminth is afraid of the void demon, and ONLY the demon.

I can't even think where this is going. 


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28 minutes ago, arch111 said:

A few things though. Harrow was Rells warframe,  his vessel right.

He was in that and chained in place by the Red Vail. The reason for this was to keep the "Man" on the other side of rift.

Did he fight him? Did he trap him inside? 

So his body died but he remained awake in his warframe.

The question I have is, at what point did Rell get that Warframe? I don't understand when he began that vigil.

He did not go into second dream then and not in Cryo. So he was kept "alive" by moving permanenty into that Warframe? As it was destroyed, he was set free.

The creepy entity though,  he tried to posess the Operator. He failed and tried to kill instead.

So ... did it posess the crew of the Zariman? If so, then was there a second entity that gave the children their powers?

What do this all mean now? It feels like the warframes have something to do with the entity. At the same time Helminth is afraid of the void demon, and ONLY the demon.

I can't even think where this is going. 


I've expressed that I think the strongest Tenno take an infested template and mold it to their personal expression of powers and personality...and need the Void to do it. 

Each Warframe you use had an original Tenno.


Long story short?

You need the Void and endgame is your own personal, customized Warframe.   In terms of actual technological capability, it might involve a "mix'N'match" system as seen in relays...

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I've expressed that I think the strongest Tenno take an infested template and mold it to their personal expression of powers and personality...and need the Void to do it. 

Each Warframe you use had an original Tenno.


Long story short?

You need the Void and endgame is your own personal, customized Warframe.   In terms of actual technological capability, it might involve a "mix'N'match" system as seen in relays...

So, I really quite like this idea even as I think that it will never, ever happen in a million years.


Please elaborate on how you would see such a system working!

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I've expressed that I think the strongest Tenno take an infested template and mold it to their personal expression of powers and personality...and need the Void to do it. 

Each Warframe you use had an original Tenno.


Long story short?

You need the Void and endgame is your own personal, customized Warframe.   In terms of actual technological capability, it might involve a "mix'N'match" system as seen in relays...

I hope for:

Focus/Alignement that work with synnergy with both Tenno and Warfame.

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18 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

So, I really quite like this idea even as I think that it will never, ever happen in a million years.


Please elaborate on how you would see such a system working!

Well as far as I'm aware originaly warframe abilities were treated as mods which you could equip on any frame, they were nothing more than different models at that point to put it that way.(wasn't a WF player back then)

So they could potentialy reuse that system to make it work in that instance only that the "unique" frame would have special slots to equip these abilities.And I guess to unlock ability mods to equip you would first have to master the frame from which they originate.

However some abilities would be restricted as they are too unique on the frame they originate on.(in a sense that they are part of the frames design).

The only problem I see here would be the model of the frame itself.I guess they could give a few model options to select from but then again may be still a bit too limited.The only way I can see things expand would be via Tennogen.


But yeah thats just may take on it on how it could work.

Edited by (PS4)reddragonhrcro
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That's actually not quite true. Abilities were mods, but they were hard locked to their specific frame, you couldn't mix and match, and frames always had different non-ability stats.


Basically, you could remove one ability and install an extra mod card in its place is all.

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2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

So, I really quite like this idea even as I think that it will never, ever happen in a million years.


Please elaborate on how you would see such a system working!

 personalized  frames would be nice, but i cant see it happening , it would be a very complex system to not only make, but hard on a server set to handle 

though i hold a concept of sentient involvement, along with this new info on the man in the wall 

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8 minutes ago, Ninjadeath721 said:

what exactly am I watching for?

i'm guessing it's when Mogamu says "Where is umbra? Where the heck is umbra?" could be wrong though

Edited by Zortyx
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