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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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9 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

we're receiving the exact same model as seen in the teaser.

Unless the teaser is showing a specific character who is the prime. And all players after are not prime. I wouldn't go on hacked models either as I've played as the ivory statue skin Excalibur because of the unintended release of the alabaster skin only used for the statues for a short time.

Edited by Firetempest
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3 hours ago, Firetempest said:

Unless the teaser is showing a specific character who is the prime. And all players after are not prime. I wouldn't go on hacked models either as I've played as the ivory statue skin Excalibur because of the unintended release alabaster skin only used for the statues for a short time.


I'm just confused now. The teaser showed the model. Why exactly would they change it on release, let alone reveal it if it wasn't what they planned?

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1 minute ago, LazerSkink said:


I'm just confused now. The teaser showed the model. Why exactly would they change it on release, let alone reveal it if it wasn't what they planned?

I'm just saying it could be teasing the character relating to the story, not the final reward. Because global made a big stink about any hint of any original founder gear ending up on any china site. I doubt some china founders would want us having their founder gear. Tit for tat.

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3 hours ago, Firetempest said:

I'm just saying it could be teasing the character relating to the story, not the final reward

Which would be bogus, in my opinion at least. People have wanted the exact frame since it was discovered, and making it a plain NPC out of reach from the arsenal would just be disappointing. There's no point in teasing a frame if the frame is never going to be made available.

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Hi everyone :)

soo I had this idea in my head for while what DE released umbra on console as an exclusive perhaps for the first week just because excalibur prime was a PC exclusive and we console didn't receive the chance of getting it and it would be lovely that we console try it first ik it's impossible because DE always put the update first on PC to fix the bugs etc then release the update on console and ik that your thinking that I'm just making console players look they didn't feel appreciate it which is not we have our wonderful exclusives packs for example excalibur obsidian skin and other wonderful cosmetics but all what I'm just saying is an idea but what do u think of it is it good or bad ? or am I just saying that just to get umbra very fast ? Lol ;)

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Things can't fail on Console. They're not allowed too.

More or less, when things get moved to Console DE has to be D*MN SURE it won't bug or crash the game, if I remember correctly. There's a chance they'll put Umbra in, and everyone who buys him with plat will suddenly have their ships turned blue. Pure blue. And they won't be able to change it. Who knows. This is why they release on PC (Beta Build) first, cause it's easier to implement emergency and Hot Fixes in case anything goes wrong after release.


Edit: We may be the "First Serve" crowd, but at the same time we have to put up with scares sometimes like "Help! Half my Rivens have disappeared!" "Can't move when I spawn into Kuva Missions and get Afk'd" "Etc."

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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Just now, Tangent-Valley said:

Things can't fail on Console. They're not allowed too.

More or less, when things get moved to Console DE has to be D*MN SURE it won't bug or crash the game, if I remember correctly. There's a chance they'll put Umbra in, and everyone who buys him with plat will suddenly have their ships turned blue. Pure blue. And they won't be able to change it. Who knows. This is why they release on PC (Beta Build) first, cause it's easier to implement emergency and Hot Fixes in case anything goes wrong after release.

Yep ^

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2 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Things can't fail on Console. They're not allowed too.

More or less, when things get moved to Console DE has to be D*MN SURE it won't bug or crash the game, if I remember correctly. There's a chance they'll put Umbra in, and everyone who buys him with plat will suddenly have their ships turned blue. Pure blue. And they won't be able to change it. Who knows. This is why they release on PC (Beta Build) first, cause it's easier to implement emergency and Hot Fixes in case anything goes wrong after release.

Ik but would have DE be more careful if they release it on console ? Or are they really 100% it will be an epic failure if they release it on console first?

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Time aside, the cert process costs money, so DE packs updates instead of releasing them weekly more or less.

That's why, Prime Access aside because they wait on certification builds to be published before rotating the program, stuff always comes first on PC. So yeah, we'll just have to wait for the turn there.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Hi everyone :)

soo I had this idea in my head for while what DE released umbra on console as an exclusive perhaps for the first week just because excalibur prime was a PC exclusive and we console didn't receive the chance of getting it and it would be lovely that we console try it first ik it's impossible because DE always put the update first on PC to fix the bugs etc then release the update on console and ik that your thinking that I'm just making console players look they didn't feel appreciate it which is not we have our wonderful exclusives packs for example excalibur obsidian skin and other wonderful cosmetics but all what I'm just saying is an idea but what do u think of it is it good or bad ? or am I just saying that just to get umbra very fast ? Lol ;)


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9 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Ik but would have DE be more careful if they release it on console ? Or are they really 100% it will be an epic failure if they release it on console first?

DE is unfortunately a small Development team, meaning they don't have the resources to Large Scale test updates before they release. Pretty much, everyone who plays on PC has signed up to be their large scale testers when they agreed to play the game. PC gets things first, but we also get the laggy, broken, pre-buffed/nerfed and graphical error things too. Console doesn't have to deal with this as much thanks to feedback and bug collection from the PC's side.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Ik but would have DE be more careful if they release it on console ? Or are they really 100% it will be an epic failure if they release it on console first?

First, there is no reason for DE to release ANYTHING on console first when they have THOUSANDS of willing beta testers on PC. Skins are easy. Skins just overlay on existing assets so there is miniscule chances a skin will bug out. If Umbra is a separate frame all together they will want to give Umbra Excal a balance pass and bug pass before releasing it to every platform. It has been rare but I am sure there has been cases where a Warframe caused a glitch and if said Warframe was only on Console they would have to let the glitch play out until they can send Sony/Microsoft another build through cert.

Secondly, I am against time exclusive or exclusives in general. Most gamers are insecure children when it comes to "exclusives" and what not. I will say that fully realizing that I consider myself a gamer. As such, it's really petty to get jealous or envious over digital goods and cosmetics exclusive to one platform or another. There are more important things in life. Not having Excalibur Prime in no way alters my enjoyment playing this game and not being first to play Excalibur Umbra is not going to change that. I much rather Excalibur Umbra come to console in top shape than childishly bragging about being the "first to have it" or something. I am glad Oberon's rework hit PC first and went to many balance passes and buffs because if he would have came to console during his first rework iteration a lot more people would have been ticked.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

First, there is no reason for DE to release ANYTHING on console first when they have THOUSANDS of willing beta testers on PC. Skins are easy. Skins just overlay on existing assets so there is miniscule chances a skin will bug out. If Umbra is a separate frame all together they will want to give Umbra Excal a balance pass and bug pass before releasing it to every platform. It has been rare but I am sure there has been cases where a Warframe caused a glitch and if said Warframe was only on Console they would have to let the glitch play out until they can send Sony/Microsoft another build through cert.

Secondly, I am against time exclusive or exclusives in general. Most gamers are insecure children when it comes to "exclusives" and what not. I will say that fully realizing that I consider myself a gamer. As such, it's really petty to get jealous or envious over digital goods and cosmetics exclusive to one platform or another. There are more important things in life. Not having Excalibur Prime in no way alters my enjoyment playing this game and not being first to play Excalibur Umbra is not going to change that. I much rather Excalibur Umbra come to console in top shape than childishly bragging about being the "first to have it" or something. I am glad Oberon's rework hit PC first and went to many balance passes and buffs because if he would have came to console during his first rework iteration a lot more people would have been ticked.

Thx for your opinion ^^

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Hi everyone :)

soo I had this idea in my head for while what DE released umbra on console as an exclusive perhaps for the first week just because excalibur prime was a PC exclusive

No, first off excalibur prime was not a pc exclusive, it was a founder exclusive which while on pc was only to 'investors' in the game, as far as I'm aware outside of tennogen (which is technically steam stuff) pc's don't actually have any exclusive gear unlike ps4/xbox. 

Second pc players are the beta testers (wouldn't say we're all willing.... we don't get a choice), we get to put up with the bugs so you don't have to so umbra should come to us first like everything else as a 'reward' for putting up with the bugs.

Edited by LSG501
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22 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Ik but would have DE be more careful if they release it on console ? Or are they really 100% it will be an epic failure if they release it on console first?

Think you for your original thoughts and feedback but sometimes no matter how thoroughly you test things (especially on games) it won't be 100%, you smash one roach and "OHGOODNESS WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM!?!" Five more peep from the shadows. (the Shadows of Umbra)

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1 hour ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

Hi everyone :)

soo I had this idea in my head for while what DE released umbra on console as an exclusive perhaps for the first week just because excalibur prime was a PC exclusive and we console didn't receive the chance of getting it and it would be lovely that we console try it first ik it's impossible because DE always put the update first on PC to fix the bugs etc then release the update on console and ik that your thinking that I'm just making console players look they didn't feel appreciate it which is not we have our wonderful exclusives packs for example excalibur obsidian skin and other wonderful cosmetics but all what I'm just saying is an idea but what do u think of it is it good or bad ? or am I just saying that just to get umbra very fast ? Lol ;)


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