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Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.0.4


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3 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed Harrow’s front cloth clipping through his legs during his Agile animation.

Cool! Now do it to oberon feyarch.

Status update; I STILL can't equip oberon's default shoulderpads on oberon prime... only the prime shoulderpads. My feyarch oberon just doesn't look the same without those shoulderpads...

Otherwise, good round of fixes. :thumbup:

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2 hours ago, PurpleNyxPrime said:

No. Remove the cap.

You now get more duration per shields and the cap increased from 60 to 120. At this point the cap of 2 minuites is acceptable and is far higher than most support skills.

This is where i can see Scott saying "give them an inch they ask for a mile"

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48 minutes ago, BladeRambler said:

Also tried against level 120 gunner in Simulacrum: none of my Opticor shots were registering at all. Not going to even try to take it into missions now. I like the changes that U21 brought to the Opticor, just wondering how many patches it will take to get it actually working as intended.

From what I've seen it sounds like there might actually be an issue with punch through more than the opticor specifically. 

I put shred (fire rate + punch through) onto the scourge and watched as the energy wave passed right through and no damage was being done to enemies, I've also seen my shred enabled soma prime appear to do no damage when hitting a target it would normally damage prior to the u21 updates....


edit: actually hit boxes seem a little off in general on enemies too.

Edited by LSG501
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ehh miters augment is broken no effect on nullifiers bubbles and the blades stick to the bubble without doing any damage. 

Also opticor can no shoot out from frosts globe nor can it damage nullifiers bubble.

For some reason hitboxes work on infested but not on corpus and grineer

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2 minutes ago, trythisboy12 said:




you will only get a riven if you purchased harrow with plat BEFORE doing the quest... you do not get a riven mod if all you have done is the quest.

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2 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

lol DE caved on penance there is no reason to have a 2min lifesteal. people are lazy. nice touch on thurible though will be using natural talent for sure now.

This, and those lazy people won't even play him in the end.

Those saltmasters were already here saying "lelel full HS gameplay is BS", and thx to them we lost the most interesting ability he had in early concepts... (His 1 was made to put mobs inline so you can chain headshots)

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