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Plains of Eidolon


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Just now, (PS4)DBR87 said:

I was really confused by that scene of them cutting meat off of what looked like a Orokin wall. I still am confused by it. You guys saying the Orokin Towers are made of flesh?

brains more specifically

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On 7/8/2017 at 4:51 PM, BaronKreight said:

Don't get your hopes up just yet. This is DE after all. How many features did they introduce only to leave them half finished and broken? How about archwing? How about focus system? Player ships?


You expect them to make a Skyrim in what like a few months? This is going to be a huge level with the same stuff you've already seen. Transition from archwing into not-archwing - we've seen this already. This is a cool feature but it has been more than a year since they introduced it in Tubes update.


What are you going to do in that huge open space? You expect to do quests like in skyrim? Dón't think so. It's gonna be another grind for that other stuff - weapons and S#&$. Basically it's going to be an empty space with enemis to shoot.


And that huge monster at the end. Remember Golem? Multi stage challenging battle my &#!. I remember that boss guy saying "These sentinels... They are gonna be a challenge... Good luck killing them..." Aha. Same S#&$.


Don't get your hopes up kiddos. It's gonna take at least a year before this content becomes good.

Skeptism is fair, but DESteve went to great pains to point out how the demo was in engine, in real time. That the team had slaved away for months, while not really slowing down production, to produce an open world, with arch wings, with kiajus! All things we have seen before, sure. Some even in Warframe, sure, but all that and more have been things I and many others have been asking for. They are tried and true MMO staples, and it is the best platform to breathe life and purpose i.e. Immersion into the games. That is the phase Warframe is in. maturing the game world, setting and lore, so we have context and drive, to go with our great systems, mechanics and core feed back loops. 

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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1 hour ago, iMalicious said:

the way I'm seeing it, Planes of Eidolon will be more END GAME especially at night time, so I don't see this affecting other missions because those missions are basically just the start of the game where as Planes of Eidolon is where you will be for End Game all the time. I don't think I'm ever going to leave the place, name my own weapons and get a challenge during the night where things become hectic.

Well,what you say I've there is what I fear. Alot of people will stay in that map xD . And will not play let's say Mars.

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1 hour ago, DonGheddo said:

This TennoLive had the best reveals u ever did.... as a guy who hasn't really played since long time... been remember since 2014.... this made me want to play the damn game again...


It was amaizing, and that trailer at the end was a perfect way to end the stream



hopefully it wont take that long to actually come out...

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It looks awesome. Lots of questions we'll have to wait to get answers too though...

Warframe power ranges seem like they may be a bit lacking in this new larger world in some cases? Group buffs that aren't affinity range currently in particular might need some range buffs.

Will the new crafting system(s) create enough new trade potential to the point that an AH/tradepost will no longer be viewed as a contentious/evil addition? 

Assuming the outside part is instanced and not like a real MMO open world deal where random people are walking around, that seems to mean they have added the ability to sort of phase you into your own instance without a loading screen as you walk from the relay area to the open world area. Will that same tech be applied to older areas in some way IE: you pick a mission and instead of going to a load screen you instead could now just walk over to a door in your ship that opens and you just walk out into the mission (and then possibly a similar exit at the end)... Or maybe they wouldn't do that if old missions are still P2P hosted while the instances of this new place are on DE hosted servers (or are they still P2P hosted?) ????

Also, if you are in solo mode are these new areas potentially hosted on your own PC and can still be paused and what not? 

If snipers and bows become more attractive now that we have much larger areas, will you have to then travel a great distance to pick up your loot?

I'm not sure if they were attacking in Arch mode in the demo or if it was just a form of travel? If you can attack with them it would seem like Titania would lose what little niche she has (buff Titania regardless!). 

I wonder if this will be accompanied by a major balance pass for all frames since it will likely attract a lot of new players and the major lack of balance has probably been a major turnoff.

I was thinking Destiny 2 on PC (and Anthem) might be a big hit for Warframe, but this has a ton of potential... Can't wait to see where it goes. 

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1 hour ago, --RNGesus-PRIME-- said:

So watching tenno con live I became so damn hyped for this coming update. However. I can't overlook the fact that I have to express one particular concern I have. Performance. While I do not want DE to roll back what they are showing at Tenno con for the sake of the players with high-end PCs. Rather I would love to see some more graphical related options in the settings tied to foliage (leaves, grass, bushes etc). The reason I say this is because I have heard from a few people in my clan are having issues with the updated earth tile set in the performance department. And let's face it. If they struggle on the earth tileset I pray for their sake on the open world tileset showed at Tenno con Giving the option to tone down the foliage would a-tune to even the Tenno with lower end PC's just like they did with us for the God ray's when the war within came out. I hope DE reply and/or consider implementing such settings options for us lower end PC players to this thread seeing as this is a huge concern and I would love to support the devs on this update.

I can run max settings right now on the 64bit mod and get 100+ fps, but as soon as I join a squad, for some reason, my fps drops down into the 50's or 40's. I don't know what it is, but DE SERIOUSLY needs to look at that. Cause if an open world has more than 8 players in a world, then my fps is going to die. I think it may be my CPU that's bottlenecking me....

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21 minutes ago, Altheus-Prototype said:

Open world ????

Did DE thought about players PC that have low-medium spec ? They can played Warframe that the character run in limited or closed area all the time

If the game change to open world , most of player would can't continue play the game.

Making assumptions about how well unreleased content will run and how it's implemented.... Seems legit

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Just now, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

^There's always that guy. This is probably the biggest and greatest reveal in Warframe. Steve himself said he wants Warframe to go into the open world direction. So, if you don't like it, then find another game. Currently, it's very repetitive. This change is incredible. I'm sorry you can't see it this way

There's also always the people like you; the newcomers who've played maybe about half as long as I; you're sucked into the game, just like I was. And then, when I voice my concerns, I get stoned, just as I stoned those who voiced their concerns before me. Don't you get it? I Want, so badly Want, to just be excited about this, but I can't, because I think ahead, and I realize I've walked this path before. Not just once or twice, but possibly a dozen times.

You know why there's always been the person like me? Why, even if I do leave, inevitably more will just keep bringing this issue up? It's because it's a real, tangible issue, and DE are not infallible people, in fact their track records of games and production values speak that they are very fallible, so the capability for there to be fundamental issues with the game they're making is possible, and is extremely likely, especially considering the consistency by which the same complaints always crop up.

If you can be happy for the game just because it's fun, then do so without complaining that I provide feedback to the effect of making the game appeal more to me, because let me remind you that while you'd be happy in whatever state the game is in, I, and players like me who appreciate solid game-design over flashy gimmicks or hyped-up, over the top demonstrations, will only be satisfied when the game features satisfactory game-design.

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What would this mean to the procedural map generate mission that we currently have? 2 system exist together or would it be replaced entirely? What would this mean to the star chart?


Systems working side by side. I see no reason why this would take over the game and make it a lesser game in a way. what is interesting is how they are going to balance it out. like how much time per play session do they expect you to be in that location. But only time will tell on how they handle that. It wont remove the main content that is in the game now though.

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You successfully managed to retain that attraction which was created when Second Dream was first launched which evidently created the addiction to the game - congratulations, you have managed to pull it off again. You did a good job keeping it under wraps, you managed to steer the game into a new direction - a much needed change right enough but yeah.. ehm.. that's all.

I'm somewhat lost for words, such a dire shift in the game's direction was unexpected yet pleasantly surprising, i don't know what else to say.

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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I am so grateful for open world. Partly because I love open world, but also the buddy I game with the most hasn't played warframe as much these days, and has said open world is the only thing that would get him playing again. 

Well... it's finally coming. I am very, very excited. 

literally the same thing with me dude. Same thing exactly. Very excited cause I hope this will get my mate to no-life warframe again. I need someone to no-life it with me, cause without someone there with me, the game has been getting a bit stale. But THIS, HOLY SH!T. This is amazing.

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12 minutes ago, Krion112 said:

There's also always the people like you; the newcomers who've played maybe about half as long as I; you're sucked into the game, just like I was. And then, when I voice my concerns, I get stoned, just as I stoned those who voiced their concerns before me. Don't you get it? I Want, so badly Want, to just be excited about this, but I can't, because I think ahead, and I realize I've walked this path before. Not just once or twice, but possibly a dozen times.

You know why there's always been the person like me? Why, even if I do leave, inevitably more will just keep bringing this issue up? It's because it's a real, tangible issue, and DE are not infallible people, in fact their track records of games and production values speak that they are very fallible, so the capability for there to be fundamental issues with the game they're making is possible, and is extremely likely, especially considering the consistency by which the same complaints always crop up.

If you can be happy for the game just because it's fun, then do so without complaining that I provide feedback to the effect of making the game appeal more to me, because let me remind you that while you'd be happy in whatever state the game is in, I, and players like me who appreciate solid game-design over flashy gimmicks or hyped-up, over the top demonstrations, will only be satisfied when the game features satisfactory game-design.

I've been playing for years. I'm not a newcomer. Senior member of the official Wiki, as a matter of fact.

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(Might as well change the title to, "Plains of Eidolon questions")

Just about every major update...or even normal updates these days are game-changing. Just look at the throwing weapon system. Sure it's a rehash from Dark Sector but still.

Warframe is likely to never leave beta and sure as heck wont have a price tag. It seems that DE is content with the low barrier for entry and most of the game is already designed around FTP mechanics.

I'm excited for the new update, but I share your worries. The only thing we can do is wait, ask our questions and walk away.


My question is...does is the crafted weapon a single weapon that has ton of variations as in... Ah show me your "Ostron" melee. Or will they be a  new weapons (each having their own MR) when you craft them.

Will it move to primaries/secondaries as well?

Will they only be usable in this mode?

What will it do to the value to other melee weapons (something you name and make personally will have higher attachment and possible efficiency than anything pre-made potentially).


Will we eventually just see mission types spontaneously added to the open world?

Will we see archwing integrated (something I've been hoping for...for a very long time now) into normal gameplay as well?

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This confirms my theory, that the Orokin were very good at biotech, to the point where they impregnated their buildings and ships with living tissue / neural fibers to help control various systems. The way I see it, they set up the basic frame of their towers, clad them in sealed cladding, and then triggered tissue growth within the walls.Once the living tissue had finished expanding, the Orokin would them implant tech into the tissue to allow for manipulation of the biotech systems. in addition to serving as a neural network for relaying information, the organic tissue would also process and probably recycle any waste and provide natural insulation to the denizens of the Towers.



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