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Coming Soon: Devstream #96!


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3 hours ago, Bl4zko said:

- Looking currently at your foundry, at the moment we have a counter of how many forma we have on each equipement, would it be possible to also have a way to see if that equipment has an orokin catalyst or reactor on it? This would also be cool to have in the Inventory, especially because if we have 2 of the same weapon and we want to sell one for example, it's impossible to tell which has forma/potato and which doesn't.


Great idea

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Some side questions.

1. While it seems you are taking big steps in terms of lore with Plains of Eidolon, will that also including expanding the presentation of the Tenno as a faction?

Currently we only have a kind of tunnel vision when it comes to the Tenno, since all we can see is "The hero" from the quests, Ordis and our mission givers. In terms of story we have very little info on how Tenno interact, are organized or even if they are all on the same page.

1.2. Are permanent Tenno NPCs (as in actual Ten Zero kids) possible or will the Lotus remain the only leader character for them in foreseable future?

1.3. During the cinematic quests, the "Hero" Tenno is having quite an impact on the Warframe universe. Will we ever learn how the "common" Tenno experienced these events like The Second Dream or The War Within?

2. After Plains of Eidolon or maybe even before it. Are there currently any plans for new Tilset for old planets like Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Sedna or Pluto?

3. Are all normal Orokin Towers made of artifical flesh like the one in Plains of Eidolon, or is that a unique one for it?

4. While exotic or weird weapons are always welcome. Are there any more old fashioned or archaic weapons (ranged or melee) that you would still like to bring into the game eventualy?

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Devstream #96 Questions
During the gameplay of open world, we saw this giant enemy, when night fell. How are we going to face this enemy, is it going to have weakpoints like in the fight against Lephantis (which is my favorite boss in Warframe), is it going to have invulnerability phases, or are we going to have to brute force this boss?
How will melee rivens work on these new melee weapons that we will be able make, will there not be any?

At Tennocon I was overjoyed of all the things I saw, though I didn't go, I still enjoyed watching.

Edited by -Ayon-
No reason ;)
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Can Bronco Prime see an increase to status? 22% seems rather odd number and makes it fall short of any other secondary shotgun i've tested so far even with a godlike damage / status riven (which, on itself, failed to help it reach 100% status)

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Will we be able to hide other (non-squad) players in Cetus? I don't really want every quest-giving NPC to be constantly surrounded by 1000 warframes like Baro is, ruining the immersion of the market. I'm a solo player and would prefer to enjoy these things alone. The tech is clearly already there to hide other players, as seen in Palladino's room in the Iron Wake, where other players (despite existing there) cannot be seen by you. I'd also of course love a feature like this for relays as well, and aside from immersion reasons, I'm sure this would also help out a lot of people who have difficult with performance or loading times in these hub areas.

Edited by SasoDuck
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With Umbra coming, I can only expect that more Umbra frames will be on the way...

1.) If we're getting Umbra versions of the current frames, are they all coming at once?

2.) If all Umbra frames aren't all coming at once, will there be an "Umbra Access" similar to Prime Access?

3.) Assuming that all frames will, indeed, have an Umbra form, and that they won't all be available right away, will newer frames have access to their Umbras earlier than their Primes? Frames like Ivara, Wukong, and Titania already have to wait a long time for their Primes, they shouldn't have to wait for their Umbra form while they already have a long time to be primed

4.) Will there be frames that ONLY have an Umbra form?



Aside from Umbra...Will we be getting new Sentient weapons any time soon?

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Ooooh, I always learn SO MUCH, from a live DEvstream. - DEvstream? No no no, that sounds... too mundane. This stream will be... enlightening. A QUIZSTREAM!



Will there be Public Matchmaking for Plains of Eidolon, or will it be private all the time, like Derelicts?

Will old resources serve any purpose in Cetus? I know you guys want to move past players having all the necessary resources immediately when launching new items (Mirage, Javlok, Hema, Argon Crystal and Nitain Extract all enforce this) and I support new resources in the form of gathered materials.

How will gathering new resources and materials in a squad work? Marking something is useful in normal missions, but seeing my friend 2km away marking a resource is... not so helpful.

Will we be able to use our Titan/Distilling Extractors to any effect in Plains of Eidolon?

Will we be able to check our inventory in the field in Plains of Eidolon? While we don't need to know how many Latron Prime Stocks we have on Sorties, going on a gathering run in the Plains would involve too much note-taking, memory or guesswork without a way to track crafting materials.

Will there be a reason to or not to stay together when farming? My friends and I tend to explore our own paths until an objective requires all of our collective attention. (Boss fight hype!)

Will we get to see any Syndicate quests or interactions in Cetus or the Plains of Eidolon?

Will there be any friendly (not just non-hostile!) NPCs in the Plains of Eidolon? Getting quests in Cetus is cool, but randomly generated tasks in the Plains with minor rewards would be more functional, as I would imagine there's more fun to be had AWAY from town, rather than near it. Adventuring away from the gates should be rewarding, interactive and fun!

On the topic of Friendly units and quests, will the Morality System see a use in the Plains of Eidolon update?

Will many quests be repeatable? Please, I'd like to have repeatable quests that DO NOT have daily lockout timers. An hour or two cooldown for a quest should be plenty. Being a Veteran player with all available equipment maxed means I have little direction when I play.

Will trading be available to players in Cetus? If any of the new resources or materials can be traded, it would be better to localize trade than bogging down Trade Chat, or relying on third party sites like warframe.market to make frequent trades.

Will we be able to do Foundry crafting in Cetus? Going back to the ship to craft Fishing Spears and Archwing deployables could be quite tedious.

Will there be any exchangeable rare items akin to Ayatans and Syndicate Medallions in the Plains? Checking obscure locations for something rare would add to the adventure aspect of the massive Landscape. (Not just Scan-and-Dones like Cephalon Fragments and Kurias!)

Will we have any reason (outside quests) to raid Grineer outposts/fortifications?

Will there be any reason to use Stealth in the Plains of Eidolon?

We saw Archwings being used with normal weapons, (Love it!) but will there be a way to use normal Archwing Weapons higher into the Atmosphere, far enough to be ineffectual to units on the ground?

We saw Grineer leaving the Plains on a dropship looking vehicle. Can we sabotage these vehicles before nighttime, or destroy them to leave a group of Grineer stranded to fight the Sentients in a panic? I think it would add to the ambience of the Plains.

Will there be a tribute to Founders in Cetus, like there are in Relays? Or perhaps an easter egg/shrine discoverable in the Plains?

Is there anything more you can tell us about the Eidolon boss?

If Plains of Eidolon is still a ways away from release, can we get a sort of 'Progress Report' forum thread that details current issues, bugs and features that still need to be addressed?





Earth is the first planet players play on, and so Plains of Eidolon is sort of Yin-and-Yang, trying to balance New Player Daytime, while also being the first Landscape and trying to appeal to Veteran player's Nighttime. This is a difficult balance, but necessary. Will future planet's Landscapes, such as Pluto or even as early as Mars or Ceres, be more difficult, catered to Veteran players?

After the work that has gone into Plains of Eidolon, do you think it will be easier, by comparison, to make future Landscapes?

Most planets are currently run by the Grineer, while the Corpus mostly control Gas Giants, and the infested seem to only hold Eris. Will there be another shift to the Starchart, or will these factions have much fewer Landscapes?




Care to tell us anything about the Set Mods? We've only seen Augur Message, but it's stirred quite the debate.

Will Rivens still only be available from Sorties in the forseeable future?

Where would you say Trials lie on the Development/Bugfixing Radar? On that same note, will Arcanes always remain Trials Exclusive?

When can we expect to see the next line of Warframe Ability Augments?

Edited by Aceofgods
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3 hours ago, Andrew-1224 said:

Can you revisit the login reward system please? The time gate is especially harsh for new players. 


I suggest to combine OLD and NEW log-in systems: if you log in every day - you will get days counted, stacked. Means that if you, let's say, logging 5 days in a row - you'll receive a 5 days per day instead of 1. And if you miss a day, then your stack will be nullified.

Dunno if I explained it clearly, but I hope so.

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This is probably asked but if this update is good and you guys plan on making more would it be possible to make Tenno vehicles to use besides the archwings as a way for people to have more variety on transportation and customization for said vehicles?


i hope the PoE is a success this game has been really fun and I can't wait to see what else is in store for the future 

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Volt and Mag, any plans to boost them to excalibur level or are they staying the same?

Also, related to that, there are a lot of new players coming in, how about a bit of new player experience? new players are ever so confused when they find out they have to look everything up in the wiki....

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Hello guys! Can't wait for plains of eidolon! I'm so hyped ^^

I have a question, will we be able to obtain Lato and Braton Vandal again? 

Have a nice day and thanks for all the amazing work! :D

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Hey great work at tennocon, got a bunch of questions for you guys:

Q1: ever considered giving orokin ciphers other uses than to craft mirage's quest? On a recent patch after obtaining the quest on the junctures it will make the quest active so It feels like a wasted oportunity for that resource, how about using ciphers to reroll the weapon restriction on riven mods, or how about making them a component to craft mod containers, something that can contain different mods of the same polarity and retains all the  stats only using one mod slot (which imo would partially solve the mandatory mods for weapons problem allowing better tailored builds)


Q2: Kubrow/Kavat mixed races will it ever be a thing ? i.e.  a mix breed between a sahasa and  a chesa kubrow

Q3: we can hold up to 20 kavat codes (2 kavat incuvations) but why only 1 kubrow egg?

Q4: Universal fetch or vacuum for companions and chesa precepts rework? (I'd recomend to get extra loot from high priority corpses and when disarming a target getting extra loot from it such as the stealing feature on ivara's prowl)

Q5: Companion commands will they be a thing in the future?

Q6: Any QoL changes on Arsenal for swiftly changing between  configs and primary focus school? Also with the  ever growing number of warframes and weapons having only 20+ slots for loadouts seem to be obsolete now will we be able to purchase more loadout slots on the future?

Q7: will you ever revisit atlas as you did with oberon? It just needs a bit of synergy to work better 

Q8: any news about focus rework?

Q9: recolorable  vandal/wraith items? Pretty please?

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