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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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11 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

The term "space ninjas" became obsolete the moment Titania, Octavia, Nidus, and Harrow showed up. Probably way before.

But other than that, yes, I do agree that there should be some way that Hydroid can replenish energy efficiently. I was thinking that the Kraken that spawns during his 4 would consume enemies killed in the Swarm and replenish 5 energy each to Hydroid. Or something.

Zen, the Intergalactic Ninja. His melee weapon even sorta looks like a Prova!

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Hydroid-Tempest Barrage

Tempest Barrage damage should scale to the enemy’s level.  The higher the enemy level, the more damage Tempest barrage deals’. Tempest barrage will target enemies that are in its area of attack, knocking any and all enemies down that are hit by the attack.  When Tempest Barrage is cast from Undertow, shots from Barrage will hit enemies cot in Undertow, dealing additional damage to enemies.


o   Removing the chargeability from Tempest Barrage

The removal of Tempest Barrage chargeability will maintain the fast paced gameplay.  Therefore, Tempest Barrage would be an instant attack.  So Hydroid could assist, allies in a moment’s notice.  As not every ability needs to be a press hold, and release.

o   Augment mod- Tempest barrage

Should be changed, to allow the stripping of armour and shield.  Also removing enemy’s abilities once they are hit by the attack.


Hydroids-Tidal Surge

Tidal Surge should become a press and release ability.  This way the moment you release it Hydride will come to a complete stop.  The longer you hold it the larger the wave becomes (effectively, the size of the wave is also affected by strength mods).  The wave should also be able to turn at an acute angle, while maintaining its forward momentum.  Energy cost, drains 2 energy every 4 seconds.



Enemies that are cot in Undertow.  Should remain in Undertow while it moves, unless they are killed.  Also Undertow should not drain additional energy while moving and Undertow speed should be increased by 25% or 45%.

After casting Undertow Hydroid can now leave Undertow.  Undertow will remain, for an added duration of 20 seconds.  And so that the game feel does not become an ocean, only 3 puddles can exist at any time.  While attempting to cast a fourth Undertow before the duration has ended, on the first Undertow.  If the duration has not ended the first one will dry up.  Undertow duration, isn’t affected by duration mods.

Casting an ability from Undertow should give a damage buff to all abilities.

While in Undertow Hydride will regenerate a percentage of Health and Shields.


Hydroid-Release the Kraken

The tentacles should ensnare enemies.  Holding an enemy in a single position, as it's grip the enemy is crushed to death.  Enemies killed by tentacles should have a 25% chance to drop energy.

Tentacles won't flail around in any random Direction.  In fact, if a tentacle is not within range of an enemy.  The tentacle will move closer to reach the enemy.  Once a tentacle has gripped an enemy, it will no longer move until the enemy is dead.  The tentacles are able to move, but they don't have unlimited range.  They are only able to move within the initial cast area.

For scaling the “Kraken” become stronger with every enemy, killed in its grasp.  This mean once an enemy is held by the Kraken regardless of how it dies, the “Kraken” still becomes’ stronger.  “Kraken” will remember the amount of enemies it has grip, even after the duration runs out.  So it's damage will continuously scale with each enemy it grips.

Unless they were cast on top of Undertow, in which case the tentacles will remain stationary.  Even after hydride comes out of Undertow.  They shall remain stationary, until their duration runs out, or Hydroid recast the ability.  Should Hydroid move as Undertow after casting the tentacles, they will follow him.

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18 minutes ago, HawkFang022 said:

o   Removing the chargeability from Tempest Barrage

The removal of Tempest Barrage chargeability will maintain the fast paced gameplay.  Therefore, Tempest Barrage would be an instant attack.  So Hydroid could assist, allies in a moment’s notice.  As not every ability needs to be a press hold, and release.

I fail to see the point in this change. You already can tap to use Tempest Barrage, the hold is optional, and very few abilities are hold and release.

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Keep in mind, Hydroid was made back when stealth was still somewhat a factor people wanted to play with.  Back before we had one-shot cross map shotguns.  I think that's more why people hate Hydroid now, they've gotten so spoiled with being able to do everything all at once all the time from anywhere that they forget things like your environment and weapon choice used to actually matter.

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Been checking out Youtube vids regarding Hydroid's rework and most seem to be hate towards his third ability Undertow

Mainly the fact that it's a slow boring ability for a fast paced game
Some want the ability removed others want to keep it

Why not merge it with Tentacle Swarm?
Instead of the tentacles flailing the enemy around, have them pull the enemy into itself  whilst keeping Undertow's mechanics for enemies pulled into it. That way it can still use Pilfering Swarm as well as allies attacking the puddle for more damage

Then have a brand new third ability that would work well in fast paced combat, like, just at the top of my head..
Hydroid's body turns into liquid similar to the Tentacle's water like texture making him invulnerable for the duration, but is unable to deal damage. A percentage of damage received from projectile or melee attacks in this state provides something for any allies that is also hit by the attack, like energy from melee hits, ammo conversion from the projectiles. And have the augment Curative Undertow also heal from received attacks. He can also use his other abilities in this state. Making him some kind of moving cover that other players can attack from....Or whatever... Just a different ability instead of a stationary puddle

Edited by SpadaNgDios
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hydroid idea #1

roll all of the augments into the base ability, the augments dont really do anything super powerful in the first place, so rolling them into the base abilities is only going to make him better, and it would make him not just a damage frame but he would become another support. The only thing is that i would take the damage of all of his abilities and split the damage between impact and corrosive with a status chance that can be increased up to 100% with power strength. Wasting a mods slot for any of his augments as they stand now is not worth it, he needs newer better augments. If Nekros can have innate loot manipulation, why cant hydroid?


allow hydroid out of his puddle. this is a real no brainier, allow hydroid to get out of his puddle. allow him to use his 3 to sink down into the puddle and then he can do all that he can as it stands now, then jump out leaving the puddle behind with all the enemies in it, and after he leaves it he can lay down up to 3 more so a total of 4. this would start a timer that would simultaneously count down and shrink the range (letting enemies escape if they are alive still) until the duration runs out and disappears. at any point hydroid can slide or crouch on the puddle to sink below the surface and refresh the timer and range while it drains energy like it normally does resuming the countdown when he leaves the puddle again. also allow allies to slide and crouch into the puddles as well, but they are not allowed to refresh the range and duration of the shrinking puddle.


give hydroid a counter system like nidus, so for enemies that his abilities kill, he gets a portion of a counter, something like 12 per full counter point or something, that increase the damage and add a critical chance to all of his abilities(plus a critical damage of course). At 5 counters he can gain some energy replenishment, at 10 he can get a leviathan pet that drags enemies into his puddles automatically (so its not just cosmetic), at 15 he could get an energy reduction to all of his abilities so he is more effective. Something along those lines.


change his bloody passive, make him more piratey and have enemies drop more credits, or enemies hit by his abilities get inflicted with a debuff, or make the passive he has now actually spawn tentacles 100% of the time, as it stands now hydroids passive is BS RNG, and we already have rng in the rops in the enemies in the riven stats, dont make warframes have rng in their abilities, it makes them instantly weaker becasue of it, and cheapens them and makes you look like total Aholes

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I must be the odd one, I find Undertow to be a funny and effective ability and I enjoy it.  Everyone talking about how "Slow, and Boring" they think it is and how it "Doesn't fit" seem to just want Hydroid to have some Exalted ability that turns him into a glorified cannon (We have the Zarr for that)  Undertow is a good escape, a good lock, a good instant panic stun, and now a good damaging tool if you know how to use Hydroid.  Taking away undertow is like taking a few slices out of who Hydroid is, it wont totally wreck the image of the frame but it will lessen who he is as a whole.

Other Slow "Stationary" abilities are...

"Snowglobe" - Frost

Requires players to be inside it to be defended by it, and it isn't mobile.

"Magnitize" - Mag

Can be used like Snowglobe and doesn't move.

"Tectonics" - Atlas

Creates a wall of unmoving stone.

"Soundquake" - Banshee

Actually locks banshee down, yes she does damage, yes she can lock down the map but that shouldn't be the standard (and that's also with her augment)

"Ravenous" - Nidus

Doesn't move with Nidus, and requires you to be on it to benefit from the healing.

"Absorb" - Nyx

Locks Nyx in place (or with augment relegates her to walking menacingly unless you are very creative).


So... Hydroid's ability Undertow isn't any different from those in the long run.  You may try and argue semantics but if you give Hydroid enough range and utilize his 1 you can speed up the damage.  While being able to damage then you can drag enemies in by left-clicking them, and you can lock down an area, you can quick-CC an area forcing enemies to be knocked down at which you can easily head-shot them while they struggle to rise.  If a Bombard is shooting you...  Even if you dislike using the ability for a long period of time you don't need to.  A lot of people complain about Bombards, right?  What about Kela's Rocket barrage? Hydroid has a response, Undertow and wait for the danger to pass.  People popularly give this ability a pass, call it a joke, and think that a funny and functional ability should be replaced really don't understand the ability at hand because they look at it like... ... I'mma puddle, im too good for this, when they don't look at all the Pros, instead of just the cons.  Quick Tl;Dr Pro/Con list


+Damage (For now), that team-mates can aid in.

+Locking down a point (You don't need max range either, set down in a area and you can drag enemies in if you position yourself right)

+Panic button (See a bombard rocket coming your way from a level 100+ Corrupted?  Melt yourself before you wrek yourself :P)

+Panic CC (Need to quickly CC enemies without charge time?  Double Tap undertow and now the enemies that were shooting at you are now on the ground)



-Stationary (People can use Tidal surge to move quickly, or they can adjust their position without having to recast which is awesome!)

-"Apparently Boring to some(?)" (I personally don't think so, and it isn't an abberation in the game as I have explained above.)

Edited by achromos
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His passive needs to be changed to some thing more useful for a caster like him. Maybe increases energy and credits drop chances or something?

Tempest Barrage still needs even more obvious area indicator. It's still pretty hard to see where it will hit especially on Earth with a low-end laptop. Just make it a ring or something. A bit more damage and also I'd suggest for the charged ones to either:

  • Decrease the barrage range to allow for more accurate aim
  • Decrease the interval between each shot 

Also I think we need better visuals for each explosion to match the explosion range. I mean, my 7m-big explosions look like it's only 3m or something.

TIdal Surge really needs to drag enemies along when used during Undertow. Energy cost can be lower as well.

Undertow is fine. I think it's a kind of fun thing to use when you want to quickly clear mobs and be stealthy at the same time. Movespeed can be upped for more usability I guess. Still sad that the finisher damage is gone though.

And finally, at least more damage for Tentacle Swarm please, if you are not going to completely rework this thing or add Pilfering Swarm to it.

Edited by pea14733
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About charging abilities:

Tempest Barrage needs to fully charge ~2.5 sec, with Natural Talent ~2 sec.
Tentacle Swarm needs to fully charge ~3.3 sec, with Natural Talent ~2,4 sec.

This is really slow and make him less mobile and agile (especially Tentacle Swarm because it prevents you from shooting when you're charging it, but it looks like One-handed action by animation), so to charge his abilities he needs to sit in the puddle. Many of my friends doesn't like it, even with all benefits that gives synergy with Undertow.
Good that now we had charging sound, but with all noise in the mission it still hard to know about charging progress, so you just sit and wait when will it finally be charged.

I sugest to:

  • Decrease charging time to 1.8 sec for Tempest Barrage and 2.5 sec for Tentacle Swarm without Natural Talent.

  • Create visual indicator for charging like this (could match Hydroids energy color) charge.gif

About Undertow:

First of all - synergy with Tidal Surge. Like with Excalibur (Exalted Blade's built-in Radial Blind (triggered by performing a spin attack) drains 25 energy per use (half the cost of a normal Radial Blind)) it should drain 25 energy per use while you're using Undertow, because you're surges forward only half of the normal distance and Enemies have to be pulled with you.

For now it have to great damage, almost like Limbos Cataclysm before it last change.It's fun but imbalance, would be great something between of how it was in Update 21.4.0 and now. Maybe slightly decrease % of the target's max Health for damage. But it should deal enough damage because it has reduced range and need more energy (to grab enemies and move).


Also want to thank you DE for:

  • Hydroid’s base Energy has been increased from 150 to 188 (at Rank 30).
  • Tentacle Swarm’s tentacles now move at a slower rate when enemies are captured in their grasp to improve issues with hard to shoot flailing enemies.

This are really great changes!

Edited by FelanGrey
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I thoroughly enjoy the rework. To be honest, it's enough of an upgrade to bring him into the fold with most of the other Frames. Also, I simply don't find his unintentional Undertow damage buff to be a problem for gameplay. I know it's one of the highest damaging abilities in game, and that it was kind of unintentional, but even with his recent Def buff he simply won't survive a mission with lvl 100 enemies for very long (grant you I usually end up going solo, so maybe i'm not getting the full scope on that point as it affects the rest of the community) so I don't think it's too much, personally. However, i know that you guys are taking a look at it, and just wanted to give a little bit of feedback. I certainly don't think that re-balancing the damage would upset too many people (it certainly won't stop me from playing) and again I'm not entirely tapped into the community as a whole so I have no idea how others are taking it, but it definitely seems like you guys are doing a phenomenal job so far. Keep it up DE, you guys are amazing. Thank you as always. 

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2 hours ago, achromos said:

-"Apparently Boring to some(?)" (I personally don't think so, and it isn't an abberation in the game as I have explained above.)

Apples and oranges. With the exception of Nyx's Absorb and Banshee's Soundquake, all of the abilities you mentioned don't make the frame stationary. Absorb is a god awful ability without the augment that let's you move. And Soundquake IS a boring ability. 

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[][][][][] Is the megathread still valid? I mean, we got 21.5 which is a whole another talk from his initial post-reword state [][][][][][][][]

So, we got hydroid buffed and it looks like developers don't to leave out their ""masterful"" """design""" of a very stationary frame with slightly chaotic abilities. I like that they increased his CC potential and added some charge mechanics that, IMO, work pretty well. But here comes an entire different talk that consists of two points:

1. "Tentacle swarm is useless and other frames do same but REEEEEEE" <- An entirely invalid point that clearly shows that soemone hasn't really played hydroid. It does have an entirely different feelint to it and as a CC move, is something you target over enemies rather than the area. But vauban players can't be satisfied.

2. "We don't like puddle at all and DE enforcing puddle gameplay makes him boring" <- Of course you don't.

So let's spice things up shall we?

I don't want to change much mechanics in the core but I want to add some forced synergies to him to provide additional effects to make him less, you know, boring. Same was done with oberon and I don't think oberon is working too well like this but oh well. So we should aim to make puddle less boring and I have a couple cards to play, let's see:

1. We could force synergy puddle with tentacle swarm. When cast from puddle, tentacles spawn only in particular pattern within range of undertow, and hydroid can emerge with 50% evasion (additive with agility drift) and slightly slower movement speed, however, carry over tentacle swarm as tentacles focused around him in a circular pattern. This is also where you want to charge this ability as more tentacles in a circle provide you more protection. Tentacles will move with hydroid, but hydroid can't jump, however his Tidal surge has lower energy cost as in that state hydroid is still half submerged. (Ah yes, I want tidal surge cost less when undertowed) Ditch the kraken, honestly, I don't think we need that extra vanity at all.

2. Buff the puddle more, and lose a lot of value of prime access because nobody wants to play him anymore.

3. There was this proposition where enemies are held in a box of bullS#&amp;&#036; when hydroid submerges enemies with undertow, but it's kinda a thing alread since you can already make your gun aoe murderer with hydroid undertowing them. It's there because I appreciate the effort.

4. While undertowed, tidal surge could act entirely differently. You can jump kinda using it, eh. Try make it work on uneven surfaces and it (the puddle) could even become an interesting stealthy ability as well as granting nice movement through quicky boxes and vents and whatnot. But it can also become a bugfest.

I think I need your ideas in here to deliver a compiled message, or this could be merged with deprecated megathread, DE style.

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Here are what appear to be bugs, but I'm not entirely sure...

1) Undertow allows certain enemies to stand up in Undertow and escape its effects even when they're standing in the middle of the puddle including damage, specifically Ancient Healers and Ancient Distuptors (and their eximus counterparts). Oddly, Coruputed Ancients stay in the puddle. The other Infested enemy types also stay in the puddle.

I have not tested against other enemy types yet... will probably do that this weekend.

2) The eximus versions of Ancient Healers and Disruptors are able to deplete player energy while they are submerged in the puddle. The energy drain is not a single amount, but rather it seems to increase the energy per second cost of Undertow by a factor of 3x to  5x, maybe greater. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, however since Ancient's energy drain is an ability that they activate and need to hit the player to have an effect, I figure this is a bug. World or story-wise, if the energy drain was an aura that was always on then it might make more sense. Otherwise, enemies should not be able to attack while submerged in Undertow.

3) A green, pulsating outline appears on ancients submerged in Undertow, but only 1 or 2 out of the group. Again, this only occurs for ancients.

Enhancement request...

Unless the other players have read the forum, there is no way for them to know that they can damage the enemies submerged in Undertow... so they don't. Moreover, even if they do know to attack the puddle, they don't know if the enemies are alive or dead because the damage numbers popping out of the puddle are hard to see... they blend in with the puddle's color and are very, very tiny. 

What would be cool and also very useful is for players to be able to see faded, dark, wavy, prone versions of the enemies submerged in Undertow... as if you were looking down at people swimming under water in a lake or ocean. This would show that enemies were in the puddle and give players something to shoot and be very obvious... even if the damage is distributed throughout the whole pool. 

Also, is it a bug that enemies are not dragged along with Undertown when Tidal Surge is used to move the puddle?

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20 hours ago, Mudfam said:

Did you even read my OP or other posts? I created this thread, my suggestion was all about mobility. I'm just not interested in waiting around in a puddle, and you come along telling me about how many seconds I need to stay in a puddle to kill something. I'm just not interested, get it? I don't know how else to say it lol. I want to do parkour and shoot stuff, I thought Hydroid with some changes could enhance that playstyle rather than work against it.

At this point I don't even know what it is you disagree with, or whether you completely ignored or just misinterpreted what I said. Whatever it is you disagree with, I don't see why you should resort to trying to insult me. I didn't pay attention to your earlier comments because it was just so much repetitive angry blah blah that didn't have any bearing on what I was trying to talk about. Yet here you still are still tryng to insult me for things that have absolutely zero to do with my actual posts.

Why are you making this personal? I never attempted to insult you. Only called what I saw. Offense can never be given. Only taken. 

It just seems you want Hydroid to have what he already has, is the thing.

You want him faster in Undertow? He can move fast. With both tidal surge, which can easily be aimed, and he can also roll or jump out if it is necessary. He can capture people along the way, capture people at a range, and even laying down artillery and tentacles while in it. Is it just the base speed? Or do you just not like it because you cant do the bullet jump animation out of it, even though you can do it the instant you jump out?

You want more damage for Undertow? Have you not tried his rework, or the subsequent buff? I mean, 25k damage per second on Undertow vs Armored units over lvl 140 seems like enough damage to me. 

I guess what I am disagreeing with here is the notion of you, apparently a non Hydroid player, thinking Hydroid would be better if he were like the other frames that you could select if you wanted to. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Fenrushak said:

Why are you making this personal? I never attempted to insult you. Only called what I saw. Offense can never be given. Only taken. 

It just seems you want Hydroid to have what he already has, is the thing.

You want him faster in Undertow? He can move fast. With both tidal surge, which can easily be aimed, and he can also roll or jump out if it is necessary. He can capture people along the way, capture people at a range, and even laying down artillery and tentacles while in it. Is it just the base speed? Or do you just not like it because you cant do the bullet jump animation out of it, even though you can do it the instant you jump out?

You want more damage for Undertow? Have you not tried his rework, or the subsequent buff? I mean, 25k damage per second on Undertow vs Armored units over lvl 140 seems like enough damage to me. 

I guess what I am disagreeing with here is the notion of you, apparently a non Hydroid player, thinking Hydroid would be better if he were like the other frames that you could select if you wanted to. 

Please, your last posts have been mostly attacks on me, jumping to wholly unreasonable and clearly nonsense conclusions about my ability, my preference, my state of mind, my mentality etc. etc.

I've already said what I'd like, multiple times now. It's not what you seem to think I want, maybe we're just not understanding eachother, and we got sidetracked into pointless arguments about things that have nothing to do with it.

And now you're saying I want Hydroid to be like other frames. Where's that coming from? You see, that's again not based on anything I said, it's just a blanket attempt to undermine me or my argument rather than an actual response to it.

Undertow is indeed very powerful right now (and seems may get nerfed, though I don't think it needs it) and Hydroid is overall a very effective frame. For me the gameplay is just not fun or dynamic enough. You don't agree or care, that's fine. It's a matter of opinion or preference, we can leave it there.

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Okay, so as the title says, I have some suggestions on how hydroid could be changed so that he could be a very, very good warfarme that would fit with the meta. I should also state that these changes will change hydroid into more of the stealing theme.

Lets start with the base stuff:

Health: Before: 300 | After: 500

Shields: Before: 375 | After: 625

Energy : 188 (No changes!)

Passive: Before: Every slam attack has a chance to spawn tentacles | After: Abilites apply a energy steal affect that will stack up to 4 per hit (+1 for each ability cast), and doubles drop chances.



Tempest Barrage:

Before:  Hydroid marks a targeted location for orbital bombardment over unrestricted range, calling forth an artillery barrage-like salvo of water missiles from above to strike the marked area. 

After: Instead of having the augment, make it be with the ability so that it could be useful without wasting a slot on hydroid.

Also applies scaling (1 enemy hit increases the total damage by %20, and also increases the size of the missiles by %5 with no limit).

Missiles shot changes to 10

Base damage (The first missile shot) is now 500 Impact damage.

Augment: Allow tempest barrage to shoot 20 missiles instead of 10.


Tidal Surge:

Before: Hydroid transforms into liquid and surges forward as a wave of water. While traveling in waveform, Hydroid becomes completely invulnerable to damage, as his speed increases to 30 meters over a duration of 1 second. 


Ability instead of costing 50, costs only 15 now to cast,

Can go up walls.

No longer pulls enemies with him.

Augment: Leave behind a trail of water that will drag enemies in and steal %10/20/30 health that is divided among allies in %10/20/30 damage, and will throw them out afterwards leaving them open for finishers for 3/6/9 seconds.



Before: Hydroid submerges into a pool of water with a 4 meters radius, becoming invulnerable to damage and untargetable by enemies. Enemies that wander onto the pool sink and disappear from sight, become suspended in a knockdown state, and drown taking 25 base Impact damage per second: drowning enemies also receive 2% of their maximum health as Impact damage which continuously stack every second while enemies remain submerged. 

 New Name: Kraken Raid


Ability Cost: | 50 |

Duration: | 15/30/45 | 20/40/50 |


Hydroid summons 2 krakens,

The first kraken summoned will follow Hydroid around, and will grab an enemy to steal %3/6/12 of their health per second and divide it evenly to teammates and yourself, in a radius of 20/30/50 meters, and after the first kraken steals %50 of an enemies health, the duration counter restarts to 20/40/50 and will summon in the second Kraken. The second kraken will steal 5/10/20 energy per second, and will apply a elemental effect that will allow allies to deal %40 more damage to that enemy. Range is the same as the first Kraken.

Augment: Summon a third kraken (spawns in with the third one) that will follow Hydroid around, giving allies a %15/30/60 increase in their total damage, in a 10/20/30 meter range 


Tentacle Swarm:

Hydroid summons a creature from the deep, causing 10 Tentacles to emerge from all surfaces within a marked location 5 meters in radius, cast over unrestricted range. Tentacles prioritize spawning beneath enemies inside the radius, with each tentacle capturing their initial targets or throwing them upward, dealing a maximum of 300 Magnetic damage upon emerging, on first contact with enemies, and when submerging as the ability expires after 20 seconds; captured enemies are incapacitated in a ragdoll state and stay attached to the flailing tentacles, while dealt 200 Finisher damage per second


15 tentacles instead of 10 tentacles:

Magnetic damage changed to Impact damage

Damage scales by %10 each second, and %30 for each enemy caught in. Will stack up to a maximum of %600 (with 1800 damage max with no mods) 


Please leave feedback in the replies, and tell me what you think of these changes. Too powerful? Too weak? Let me know!

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5 hours ago, pavlo555 said:

it looks like developers don't to leave out their ""masterful"" """design""" of a very stationary frame with slightly chaotic abilities.

Simply put, they didn't want to replace any of Hydroids abilities, because that would be going against the group of players who already liked Hydroid and how he operated. It would be pretty uncool of DE to take away from the original Hydroid fans to gamble on maybe pleasing players who didn't like Hydroid in the first place. Hydroid worked fine thematically, he just needed a bit more efficacy, interactivity and scaling, all of which have been addressed.

5 hours ago, pavlo555 said:

But vauban players can't be satisfied.

It's a good thing they have Vauban, then. With Vau's powers, you have harder and faster CC, but basically zero damage. Hydroid offers a mix of somewhat lighter CC and a bit more damage. Personally, I like Hydroid specifically because his CC is a little wacky. It keeps things interesting. And in missions where I'd prefer some more precise lockdown CC, I can always take Vauban. But Hydroid shouldn't be Vauban, because we already have a Warframe who does exactly what Vauban does.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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It's nice that we get to see the hydra that Hydroid's namesake is for now, poking his head out of the ground for a brief moment.

But what if we could play as the Kraken? Swap Undertow and the Tentacle Swarm, and make the 4th ability a channel to become the Kraken. Increase the speed vastly from normal Undertow, make it channelable like Exalted Blade.

Imagine the Hydra dipping in and out of the water like a snake as it moves, pulling enemies with it like Undertow, causing Undertow's damage. It'd cost a little more to maintain than Undertow currently, but casting other abilities during this form would be cheaper.


What do you think? This idea comes from a friend of mine, Screwsy.

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Posting feedback with regards to the latest changes:

  • Undertow is ok as it is. I know you are discussing on reverting the change but it is still highly situational and awkward to pull off as it is that it's not really overpowered in fact it's only just decent in normal gameplay. Tweaking the scaling in anyway will take it back to the AFK crowd control meta that Hydroid was good at, which was fine but I'd assume that AFKing is something you want to avoid at all costs yes?
  • His passive still hasn't seen any love. Let's face it, you can pretty much say that he does not even have one since in general not many people actively ground slam. What I propose is the Plunderer passive: A built in Master Thief and bonus loot, "Hydroid has a 20% chance to open locked lockers and all enemies killed by Hydroid have a 20% chance to drop loot twice". Something along these lines would fit his pirate theme much better. 
  • This being said, one has no more need to keep the Pilfering Swarm augment. So for this I propose Ravaging Swarm: "The swarm's head gains the abilities Howl and Savagery while also being affected by companion/sentinel mods. This might also be a fruitful inclusion to the game for when and if someday you revisit Atlas's Rumblers or any other AI based ability.
    • The stats on both Savagery and Howl are both affected by power strength, range, and duration.
    • The allowed companion/sentinel mods are Bite, Maul, Coolant Leak, Animal Instinct (would stack further on the companion's range), Shield Charger, Medi-ray, Sense Danger, Swipe, Sharpened Claws, Teritorial Agression, Shelter, Sanctuary, Scavenge, and other similar mods that we may get in the future. This way, having a pet gives you a more aggressive kraken and having a sentinel will yield a more utility-based kraken. The mods still apply even if the companion dies mid-battle.
    • The base stats of the kraken would be 30 slash damage and 100 cold damage, 15% critical chance and 2.5x critical multiplier, and 20% status chance. Apart from maybe the base damage, these stats not affected by power strength.
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